"I didn't hesitate. I just jumped."

Jasper Schuringa explains how he subdued Islamic jihadist Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab on a flight to Detroit yesterday. "Terror hero: I didn't hesitate," by Tom Liddy for the New York Post, December 26 (thanks to James):

A Dutch airline passenger told The Post how he leapt into action when an alleged Muslim terrorist tried to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner packed with 300 people just moments before landing.

Chaos erupted as alleged terrorist Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, 23, tried to set off a sophisticated explosive device strapped to his body.

"Suddenly, we hear a bang. It sounded like a firecracker went off," said Jasper Schuringa, a film director who was traveling to the US to visit friends.

"When [it] went off, everybody panicked ... Then someone screamed, 'Fire! Fire!'"

Schuringa, sitting in seat 20J, in the right-most section of the Airbus 330, looked to his left. "I saw smoke rising from a seat ... I didn't hesitate. I just jumped," he said....

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Typical Islamophobic response!

Couldn't this guy see that sweet Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab
was baking Christmas cookies with his concealed Easy-Bake oven?!

Hey!Wait a second...

Abdul Mutallab.....hmmm..
A-bdul M-utallab....

Couldn't be our AM...

Happy Holidays!!

The sad fact of the matter is that regular people are going to have to rely more and more on themselves to stop acts of jihad as our governments refuse to take the proper steps to address the threat. It was regular Americans (not the gutless politicians or feminized military leadership) that stopped the fourth hijacked plane on 9/11 and that stopped the British Muslim jihadist Richard Reid from detonating his shoe bomb.

In more sane times this Nigerian Muslim savage would have never been allowed into a Western country, but the liberal barbarians that lord over us have decided to open our borders to the masses of the third world (especially the Muslim world) so that they may come and destroy our civilization.

So much hate from Americans. This Probably-Is-Not-A-Muslim man was undoubtedly an innocent misunderstander of flight regulations just trying to light a cigarette after such a long flight. Without provocation racist KKK-sympathizers try to lynch the poor man. Show some love, folks...


Once again a "follower of allah" and member of the "religion of peace", most likely a peaceful misunderstander of islam has allegedly attempted to blow up 300 infidel kafirs on board an airliner by taking one small suicidal step for islam, and one giant leap for the cause of "jihad", but, was thwarted by none other than a brave angel and Dutchman Jasper Schuringa, the likes of another great Dutchman and the apostle of democracy and free speech, Theo Van Gogh, who will never ever be forgotten.

Merry Christmas !

How did this Islamic terrorist get a bomb strapped to his body onto an airplane? Hopefully the Dutch investigators at Schipol show as much initiative as Jasper.

I agree totally with 3 out of 3 responses above. Good posts y'all!

They'll have to make an example of the Dutch passenger who 'didn't hesitate,' who 'acted,' who most of all didn't think. Lawsuits, criminal charges, condemnation as 'Islamophobe,' bans on international travel, etc. This guy's life must be made a living hell so that next time, people will 'think' before acting, and having thought, will not act.

Our Islam-defending friends on the Left will ignore this 'incident' (this attempt at striking terror into the hearts of the unbelievers through mass-murder and destruction of infrastructure) -- that is, if they cannot discredit it somehow. Anybody wanna bet? Probably not!

Schuringa should be on the next international anti-dhimmi award list...

For that matter, why was he on an international terror watchlist and able to get on two airplanes?

In a word, political correctness. And seeing as how political correctness is a key pillar of the new, secular, multicultural, leftist 'faith,' I have every confidence that your question will be avoided at all costs and nothing will be done about it.

I applaud how the passengers responded to the situation. If they had also beat the crap out of the moron, I would have absolutely no problem with it!

I applaud how the passengers responded to the situation. If they had also beat the crap out of the moron, I would have absolutely no problem with it!

Why are we letting ANY Muslims into the US in the first place? What will it take for our leaders to get the message: they want to KILL US!

9/11 didn't sink in. WHAT WILL?

Please, before anyone points to the many "peaceful" Muslims in the US, please let us know what THEY are doing to fight this jihad, except whine about being 'profiled'. The jihadists couldn't carry on without the tacit support of the many Muslims who keep their own noses clean but who still support the jihadists' ultimate goal and who turn a blind eye to what is going on in their own mosques.

Islam is more a cult than it is a religion.People should stop referring to Islam as on of the three great world religions.This is a death cult.
Whom are Muslims and their backers going to blame now;the CIA,Zionists,India?And the talk of not killing fellow Muslims.There were Muslims on board.Muslims should be seeking to join a peaceful religion.If there is a hell a depicted in religion,it will be full of Muslims.

Only a Dutchman would jump on a guy with a flaming crotch and without thinking or hesitation reach into the guy's trousers to quench the fire with his hands...

You gotta respect that Dutch liberalism. I can't picture an anally retentive Yank doing that :-)

Did all of you notice the news stories said, "a Nigerian man . . .". How politically correct!

I immediately thought to myself, "A f___ing Muslim did it." You need to have you edit ears and mind on when you hear or read the news these days.

Wonder what the new dances we will have to do to get on a plane after this? Roll up our pant legs . . . drop our draws . . . don't look like a mooslim? No wait that last one won't be PC.

How about a passport from any you-know-who countries or anyone looking middle eastern. They will get extra special attention, including cavity searches. And burkes are not allowed.

I will say I am damn glad they got him before any real harm. It does show the level of sophistication and intelligence we are dealing with. I think the shoe bomber was about the same speed.

All of these, or rather most of these idiots can barely say their name or board a plane. That is one favor for our side.

The passengers should have never panicked. Panic can be the terrorist's best friend. It is the rescuer's worst enemy. The element of surprise and panic can cause victory for terrorists. They can learn from the passenger's reaction for future attacks. The 9-11 hijackers learned from the Air France hijacking that happened on Christmas 1994. What did they learn? Hijack the aircraft while it is in flight. I am appalled that this incident happened.

In the future when the West will have regained its sanity -- probably no less than 50 years from now -- Muslims will be globally segregated from non-Muslims, forced to live in their own Dar-al-Jahannam (roughly comprising the lands they conquered in the distant past, from Indonesia to Morocco, but excluding lands they had been clear through to the 21st century trying to recapture: southern Philippines, southern Thailand, and parts of the Horn of Africa as well as northern Nigeria (and of course they will have been ejected entirely from India, and one exception will be made to the above rule: Turkey will be restored to the West, to be christened The Republic of Byzantium, evacuated of all its Muslims and populated with Unbelievers who need, or want, to immigrate there and start a new life, with priority to Armenians and Greeks).

As part of this global segregation, Muslims will also be forced to maintain their own airlines and airplanes (if they can continue to do this without Infidel assistance). Of course, in that case, part of our maintenance of the Iron Veil around the Muslim world would include the shooting down with missiles, without warning, of any Muslim airplane that ventures out of its designated airspace.

Ah, it's nice to dream on the day after Christmas!

Show some love, folks.

Nothing says lovin' like a pathetic jihadi wanna be setting his crotch on fire in order to get to those 72 virgins. Who cares if he kills a bunch of folks on their way to Christmas dinner, right?

The Next Sound You Hear will be abject stupidity.

Yes, they should have waited for the rescuers. If you see someone being mugged or attacked, on a street corner, do you simply walk away and think to yourself that someone else should take care of things? Or, in this case, you do not know if this gentleman might have gotten his device to properly go off on a second try and blown a hole out of the side fo the fuselage Your rescuers would have been picking your body parts out of the debris in a field after the crash. You really should remember one thing. Terrorists depend upon passengers acting like sheep being led to the slaughter. If you wish to cower and cry in your seat, that is up to you. Stay out of the way of those who wish to do something.

Yes, most people would not consider the crotch grabbing the central part of the story. But, I guess it was the part that got you excited. I hope you did not make too much of mess. Is Dutch liberalism about homo-erotic fan

Well maybe, maybe, one day the meaning of the phrase "Dutch courage" is going to change!
And yes, I am a Dutchman too.
Just finished a book on Islamophobia (Islamophobia? A sober answer - in Dutch) soon to be published.

My husband just said he would have put the jihadist's crotch fire out with a kick from his 13 shoes and put all of his 275 pounds of weight in back of it!!

I think the jihadist is getting some "tender loving" hospital care in Dearbornistan right now. YUK!

Somebody has said he was on his way to a religious conference.... HA! Guess he thought he would be with the 72 raisins right now in "conference".

Hope he burned off his pee pee at the VERY least!!

Yes that was a mean comment... TOUGH.

Miss Sewsalot,

I believe your husbands prescription would be the correct one and I would laud him as a hero for that great act of courage, especially since he would be preventing the proliferation of any possible future jihadi's from Umar's pee pee.

"Mr. Sewsalot, stomping out jihad, one pee pee at a time."

; )

We have a formidable "army" now....WE the passengers! One lasting lesson we learned from 9/11.
The planes are OURS, and terrorists know that.
I'm not the strongest but I would fight like a wildcat if I happened to be on a plane with them.
And so would all of you!

Just as these passengers did.

For Mijnheer Schuringa:

Wilhelmus van Nassouwe
Ben Eck van Duytschen Bloet.
Den Vaderlandt getrouwe...

Everyone: In case we're in the same situation, bring some pork snacks on board. If someone stomps out a burning jihadi mid-flight, stuff the jihadi with pork.

An article that was posted here at jihadwatch, two years ago (originally from Michelle Malkin's column)


Dear Muslim Terrorist {tr: Jihad - dda} Plotter/Planner/Funder/Enabler/Apologist,

You do not know me. But I am on the lookout for you.

You are my enemy. And I am yours.
I am John Doe.

*I am traveling on your plane* {my emphasis - dda}.

I am riding on your train. I am at your bus stop. I am on your street. I am in your subway car. I am on your lift.
I am your neighbor. I am your customer. I am your classmate. I am your boss.
I am John Doe.

I will never forget the example of the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 who refused to sit back on 9/11 and let themselves be murdered in the name of Islam without a fight.

I will never forget the passengers and crew members who tackled al Qaeda shoe-bomber Richard Reid on American Airlines Flight 63 before he had a chance to blow up the plane over the Atlantic Ocean.

I will never forget the alertness of actor James Woods, who notified a stewardess that several Arab men sitting in his first-class cabin on an August 2001 flight were behaving strangely. The men turned out to be 9/11 hijackers on a test run.

I will act when homeland security officials ask me to "report suspicious activity."
I will embrace my local police department's admonition: "If you see something, say something."
I am John Doe.
I will protest your Jew-hating, America-bashing "scholars."
I will petition against your hate-mongering mosque leaders.
I will raise my voice against your subjugation of women and religious minorities.
I will challenge your attempts to indoctrinate my children in our schools.
I will combat your violent propaganda on the Internet.
I am John Doe.
I will support law enforcement initiatives to spy on your operatives, cut off your funding and disrupt your murderous conspiracies.
I will oppose all attempts to undermine our borders and immigration laws.
I will resist the imposition of sharia principles and sharia law in my taxi cab, my restaurant, my community pool, the halls of Congress, our national monuments, the radio and television airwaves, and all public spaces.
I will not be censored in the name of tolerance.
I will not be cowed by your Beltway lobbying groups in moderates' clothing. I will not cringe when you shriek about "profiling" or "Islamophobia."
I will put my family's safety above sensitivity. I will put my country above multiculturalism.
I will not submit to your will. I WILL NOT SURRENDER. I will not be intimidated.
I am John Doe.
Posted by Robert at March 28, 2007 11:12 AM

If Richard Reid was the shoe bomber, then UFAM will be known as the ball bomber. Ha Ha, burned your ba**s!

Schuringa is a Hero.

It is a beautiful dream, Hesperado. I'm having it myself, right now. I especially like the part about Turkey/Byzantium.

Miss Sewsalot,

I believe your husbands prescription would be the correct one and I would laud him as a hero for that great act of courage, especially since he would be preventing the proliferation of any possible future jihadi's from Umar's pee pee.

"Mr. Sewsalot, stomping out jihad, one pee pee at a time."

; )

Mr. Jasper Schuringa is a magnificent hero to all America and ought be feted and honored as such. In particular, the current occupant of the White House owes Mr. Schuringa, big time. Without the "Flying" Dutchman, Obamite would be sweeping up the debris of the second (or is it the third) jihad terrorist attack on U.S. soil within his first year of office.

Shall we all hold our breath, waiting for the Denier in Chief to honor this hero? Oh yes, let's. I just love watching my skin turn blue.

Here's a video of Jasper Schuringa. He's so laid back. I love this guy.


Muslim cowards, watch and learn what a real man is all about.

Y'know, the Dutch are waking up. First Pym Fortuyn, martyr of the Resistance; then Theo Van Gogh, martyr of the Resistance; then Geert Wilders; and now this perfectly ordinary Dutchman rises to the occasion.

We seem to be seeing the stepping forward of what one thoughtful blogger has called 'the remnant' (click on the link and scroll down - the whole thing is quite well written and thought-provoking, but the best bit is headlined 'The Remnant')


Some of our modern western storytellers know this without knowing that they know. The two most popular epic fantasies of the past fifty years - J R R Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' and Rowlings' seven Harry Potter books - are basically about Remnant.

I'd like to point out that if a CHRISTIAN man did something threatening to a large group of Muslims, he would likely be pulled limb-from-limb. The police would beat him senseless if he survived the crowd. He would be publically humiliated and degraded.

Jasper, who is probably either secular or Christian, only used enough force to restrain the man. He clearly, in his interview, felt some pity for the fellow, even refusing to talk much about the Nigerian's terror after capture. This is the clear difference between Christianity (or the liberal culture that Christianity fostered) and Islam. While part of me wishes that the Nigerian was killed (or hurt badly) by the passengers, the Gospel tells me that is the evil part of me. Islam promotes the darkness (some dare call it sin) of violence, retaliation and aggression in the human heart.

On another note...I am starting to REALLY LOVE the DUTCH! Jasper just wanted to finish the interview so he could have his vacation. What a guy! Holland is truly Vienna, or maybe even Wallachia.

Robert, thanks for the Malkin reprint.

Hesperado, I'm dreaming your dream. Except I want it ALL back. Every inch of land that Islam took by force from Christian and Jewish civilization. I won't be satisfied until Christians and Jews are free from Sharia in all of the Middle East and Western Asia.

Muslims, we wish you no harm. Carry your Korans, pray five times a day, avoid pork and alcohol. But we will not give an INCH of our liberty to your religion. We are onto your plans. We will not allow you to abuse women, even your own daughters and wives, and will aggressively pursue their safety if they are in danger. Sharia is unwelcome here in the United States and we have hope that your world is becoming much less accomodating in parts of Europe. We have seen what kind of citizens you are in Europe and we're not willing for you to TAKE anything here.

The resistance is growing, in hearts and minds and resolve...

I'd like to point out that if a CHRISTIAN man did something threatening to a large group of Muslims, he would likely be pulled limb-from-limb. The police would beat him senseless if he survived the crowd. He would be publically humiliated and degraded.

Jasper, who is probably either secular or Christian, only used enough force to restrain the man. He clearly, in his interview, felt some pity for the fellow, even refusing to talk much about the Nigerian's terror after capture. This is the clear difference between Christianity (or the liberal culture that Christianity fostered) and Islam. While part of me wishes that the Nigerian was killed (or hurt badly) by the passengers, the Gospel tells me that is the evil part of me. Islam promotes the darkness (some dare call it sin) of violence, retaliation and aggression in the human heart.

On another note...I am starting to REALLY LOVE the DUTCH! Jasper just wanted to finish the interview so he could have his vacation. What a guy! Holland is truly Vienna, or maybe even Wallachia.

Robert, thanks for the Malkin reprint.

Hesperado, I'm dreaming your dream. Except I want it ALL back. Every inch of land that Islam took by force from Christian and Jewish civilization. I won't be satisfied until Christians and Jews are free from Sharia in all of the Middle East and Western Asia.

Muslims, we wish you no harm. Carry your Korans, pray five times a day, avoid pork and alcohol. But we will not give an INCH of our liberty to your religion. We are onto your plans. We will not allow you to abuse women, even your own daughters and wives, and will aggressively pursue their safety if they are in danger. Sharia is unwelcome here in the United States and we have hope that your world is becoming much less accomodating in parts of Europe. We have seen what kind of citizens you are in Europe and we're not willing for you to TAKE anything here.

The resistance is growing, in hearts and minds and resolve...

Turkey/Byzantium could have been like that had the British and French not stopped the Russians from destroying the Ottoman Empire during the Greek War for Independence back in the 1820s.

Instead of inconveniencing the travelling public with a higher level of airport security, how about just targeting Muslims for intensive searches. That way the rest of us can go about our business reasonably safely while the community, who preach hate and export terrorism, bear the burden they have bought on themselves by harboring jihadists in their midst.


Just read that thing about the Remnant. Lets just say it made alot of sense to me, even before i heard of it. Perhaps im part of that 1 in a 1000 ;-)

Hesperado, I pray for the same dream everyday. Asia Minor will one day be returned to the Greeks, Assyrians and Armenians. Unfortunately we have many dhimimis in the US State Dept, etc that work against this tirelessly.

Joseph and Hesperado: There aren't enough Greeks and Armenians to repopulate Anatolia. I'll do one better:

O God our Father, you are the eternal father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who was originally the second person of the blessed Trinity, and who took our flesh, dwelt among us, wrought atonement on the cross on our behalf, and was raised from the dead for our justification.
Forgive us the ease whereby we fall into hatred for our neighbors of varying faiths and ethnicities. Forgive us the tepidity of our witness by word and deed.
We pray, O Lord, for the Turkic peoples ranging from the Balkans to the northwestern parts of China--one group of our neighbors--who have so long been strangers to the Gospel of grace. May your Gospel and Holy Spirit enlighten them, turning them from falsehood to your saving truth. We thank you that already some of these nations have turned to you in a manner that neither we nor those who would keep them in spiritual slavery dared to expect. May this small trickle turn into a torrent. May the lands where your servants Paul, Simon Peter, and John labored once again honor Messiah's name to the praise of your glorious grace.
And we pray this for all nations.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Thanks for such a powerful prayer. We need to pray and cry out to our Lord to deliver us from this evil.

Also, I am much concerned about the way our country is moving. I will not surrender to Islam, nor do I intend to surrender to the Marxists in the W.H.

I have no health insurance, nor do I wish to be forced to purchase it. I rely upon good health practices, and the power of prayer...and fellow Christian friends who have more resources than us.

We need to repent, repent, repent, and pray for America.

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