Indonesia: Mob of 1000 Muslims storms a church under construction

The 7th-century Pact of Umar forbade the construction of new churches or repair of existing ones. The pact is in the spirit of Qur'an 9:29, which commands that non-Muslims "feel themselves subdued" -- a fundamental reason why incidents such as this are neither new nor isolated.

"A thousand Islamic extremists, including women and children, storm a Church near Jakarta," by Mathias Hariyadi for AsiaNews, December 18:

Jakarta (AsiaNews) - Last night a crowd of angry Muslims, including women and children, attacked the Church of Saint Albert, in Bekasi Regency, about 30 kilometres east of Jakarta. The situation is now under control but the local Catholic community is afraid of an escalation before Christmas.
Kurniadi is a member of the committee charged with the church's construction. He told AsiaNews, "Suddenly, a bunch of bikers arrived in the area where the church stands." They had banners and kerosene tanks. "We don't know why we were attacked," he said.
Kristina Maria Renteana, who was present when the Church was attacked, said, "The mob had about a thousand people," not only men, but "women and children" as well.
Running around in cars and motorbikes is a tradition for Indonesian Muslims during "national celebrations."
Last night was the first day of the Islamic New Year, the start of the month of Muharram. Local sources told AsiaNews, on condition of anonymity, that the "crowd was made of people from Tarumajaya and Babelan", two villages in North Bekasi where Islamic extremists are a majority.
Saint Albert's Church, a chapel that is part of Saint Arnold' Church in Bekasi, was not yet finished. Started on 11 May 2008, it had the required building permit for places of worship and was 80 per cent complete. Workers had finished the walls and the roof. Only ceramic floor tiles had to be laid.
Although not yet finished, it was set to host Christmas Mass for the local Christian community.
Now it is damaged but police and government authorities have urged the parish priest, Fr Joseph Jagadwa, to go ahead with the Mass anyway.
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I'm conflicted about Jihad Watch.

On one hand, it's a source of information that never seems to make it into the mainstream news media.

On the other hand, it can suck the heart out of you to realize the extent to which Christians around the world are in danger from Islamic fanatics. I am in awe of these Christians for persisting, when the alternative is so much easier. I doubt that I would have their courage.

Another datum out of thousands over the years to show that ordinary grass-roots Muslims concretizing their Islam constitute the primary problem.

To put it more succinctly for those with less attention span: Muslims are the problem, not Islam.

Less simplistically: Islam is the blueprint: Without people actualizing that blueprint, the blueprint by itself remains harmless.

To understand the etiology here, let us refresh our memory of causation with Aristotle's four aitia. Remember: all four need to be present for a thing or process to exist. I will list the four out of order to illustrate a point sometimes lost on some people in the still inchoate anti-Islam movement (some of those people enjoying high and illustrious and influential positions), putting #3 last as the cause most often neglected in terms of importance.

1. Material cause: “that from which, present in it, a thing comes to be … e.g., the bronze and silver, and their genera, are causes of the statue and the bowl.”

Islam in its blueprint: Koran and Sunnah (and the equivalent of the Sunnah in Shia Islam).

2. Formal cause: “the form, i.e., the pattern … the form is the account of the essence … and the parts of the account.”

Islam in its blueprint: Koran and Sunnah (and the equivalent of the Sunnah in Shia Islam).

4. Final cause: “something’s end (telos)—i.e., what it is for—is its cause, as health is of walking.”

Islam in its blueprint: Koran and Sunnah (and the equivalent of the Sunnah in Shia Islam).

3. Efficient cause: “the source of the primary principle of change or stability,” e.g., the man who gives advice, the father (of the child). “The producer is a cause of the product, and the initiator of the change is a cause of what is changed.”

Muslims, putting Islam into actual practice -- in this case, out of thousands we could adduce over the years, the decades, the fucking centuries: "Mob of 1000 Muslims storms a church under construction".

Another datum out of thousands over the years to show that ordinary grass-roots Muslims concretizing their Islam constitute the primary problem.

To put it more succinctly for those with less attention span: Muslims are the problem, not Islam.

Less simplistically: Islam is the blueprint: Without people actualizing that blueprint, the blueprint by itself remains harmless.

To understand the etiology here, let us refresh our memory of causation with Aristotle's four aitia. Remember: all four need to be present for a thing or process to exist. I will list the four out of order to illustrate a point sometimes lost on some people in the still inchoate anti-Islam movement (some of those people enjoying high and illustrious and influential positions), putting #3 last as the cause most often neglected in terms of importance.

1. Material cause: “that from which, present in it, a thing comes to be … e.g., the bronze and silver, and their genera, are causes of the statue and the bowl.”

Islam in its blueprint: Koran and Sunnah (and the equivalent of the Sunnah in Shia Islam).

2. Formal cause: “the form, i.e., the pattern … the form is the account of the essence … and the parts of the account.”

Islam in its blueprint: Koran and Sunnah (and the equivalent of the Sunnah in Shia Islam).

4. Final cause: “something’s end (telos)—i.e., what it is for—is its cause, as health is of walking.”

Islam in its blueprint: Koran and Sunnah (and the equivalent of the Sunnah in Shia Islam).

3. Efficient cause: “the source of the primary principle of change or stability,” e.g., the man who gives advice, the father (of the child). “The producer is a cause of the product, and the initiator of the change is a cause of what is changed.”

Muslims, putting Islam into actual practice -- in this case, out of thousands we could adduce over the years, the decades, the fucking centuries: "Mob of 1000 Muslims storms a church under construction".

Linda F,

We all one time or another feel just as you do...that the preponderance of bad news here at JW is absolutely depressing. But it boils down to one thing: Would you rather not know? Is ignorance bliss? Is it really true that 'what you don't know can't hurt you'?

Deep down, I'm certain you know the answer to these questions.

In the end, we have a moral responsibility NOT to avert our eyes the way so many do. Even if you feel helpless in doing anything about it, the responsibility to inform yourself is paramount. What you do after that is up to you.

As for myself, I've ceaselessly tried to educate my extended family and friends over the years. Many of them are liberals, willfully blind over a plethora of issues, but practically all of them have - as a result of my entreaties - shed their illusions about Islam.

Now it is damaged but police and government authorities have urged the parish priest, Fr Joseph Jagadwa, to go ahead with the Mass anyway.

As the meme replicates...
Uh huh...A set up maybe? Next attack will be 10,000...
Job security for the cops...There will be a lot of Christians to subdue and arrest...

Muslims in many countries will violently oppose and physically attact construction of new non-Muslim churches and at the same time vehemently oppose the ban of construction of new minarets in foreign countries..

The Muslims are engaging in a religious war...and I don't care what anyone says about it....

By coincidence, the news (letter to NYTimes) also brings this:
December 19, 2009
A Swiss Ban on Minarets

To the Editor:

Re “Europe’s Minaret Moment,” by Ross Douthat (column, Dec. 7): We, part of the Geneva human rights community, are particularly embarrassed by Switzerland’s vote to ban minarets and will work energetically toward its speedy repeal.

Paradoxically, the most intolerant Islamists are likely to be strengthened by this act of bigotry, not weakened. Acts of intolerance by Western countries provide justification for banning religious freedom in Muslim countries.

These efforts have found expression at the United Nations Human Rights Council, where an Algerian-headed committee is advocating changes to an international covenant on discrimination to grant Islamic governments free rein to silence dissenters in the name of a supposed human right against “defamation of religion.” But questioning or criticism of Islamic orthodoxies by individuals — religious dissenters, human rights activists or journalists — is protected speech, and an essential part of religious and political freedom.

What a pity that Switzerland’s minaret folly — which, at the least, discourages religious expression by individuals — may end up hurting non-Muslim minorities in the Mideast as well as liberal Muslims. The overt banning of Muslim structures by a government is wrongful discrimination. Hillel C. Neuer

Executive Director, U.N. Watch

Geneva, Dec. 11, 2009

which leads us to suspect

a) we can blame the Swiss for this


b) Mr. Executive Director, U.N. Watch, is not aware of the ancient Islamic tradition of banning the building of new places of, or repair of non-Islamic worship structures


c) both a) and b): yes, religious intolerance is a foundation of Islam AND today's Muslims will use the Swiss ban on minarets as carte blanche for je ne sais quoi, tout de suite if not sooner.

What do they say that "The family that riots together......"? Maybe Moslems just like to riot. Maybe it is in their genes.

Be conflicted with the mainstream news that thinks they should censor any news from the 'religion of peace'. They are the ones I question and don't watch anymore because of their biases not only in this area but in the political arena too. Even Fox news is being bought up by Saudis and are controlled by MPAC too.


What was Omar's rationale to prohibit the buidling of new churches or fixing old ones?
Could you dedicate a post on the subject since it's so fundamental



I think that the Muslims peoples are not doing the correct thing because at the end the consequences of this incident will effect the complete Islamic religion and the muslim people who were not involved in this incident.It is also showing that how Christian people are insecure in Indonesia.

Portable Storage,

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