Modern, moderate Morocco expels five Christian evangelists

Moral equivalence alert: when was the last time a Muslim preacher was expelled from a Western country for proselytizing? "Morocco: Five Foreign Evangelists Expelled," from ANSAmed, December 29 (thanks to Insubria):

(ANSAmed) - RABAT, DECEMBER 29 - Five Evangelist foreigners (two South Africans, two Swiss and one Guatemalan) have been expelled from Morocco accused of "unauthorised gathering and evangelist proselytism". Twelve Moroccans who were taking part in the meeting were arrested and eventually released after being questioned. The order of expulsion was issued by the Prefecture of Oujda (in the country's north-east). Last March, fiver missionaries (four Spaniards and one German) were expelled accused of "gathering with Moroccan citizens living abroad for the purpose of proselytism".(ANSAmed)
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The liberal mindset is that Christian proselytizing in Muslim countries is an un-necessary "provocation". It jives with the broader concept of the "noble savage" (as well as psychological dhimmitude).

My own feeling is that - though I'm no longer a practicing Christian - voluntary conversion of Muslims to Christianity or any other belief system is an indispensable facet for defeating Islam's predatory designs on planet earth.

If that had happened in Erdoganistan, I'd expect the minaret-bayonet squealing pig that occupies that country's premiership would have squeaked that Christian proselytism was a "crime against humanity."

Morocco is an intolerant Islamic state.

E.g., this is how the Moroccan government interferes in the lives of people in the Netherlands:

"Netherlands: Moroccan babies get only names approved by Morocco"

Reciprocity, reciprocity, reciprocity ...

If the nations of the west do not establish a policy of reciprocity, we have no excuse to complain.

In london we have muslim preachers on the high street advertising their views. Morocco should be taken to the international court or UN for not upholding the principal of freedom of religion.

Its this double standards of the Muslims that is most abhorrent. They have a long way to go before they begin to respect other cultures.

And there is not as much as a peep of a complaint even at the janitorial level of the State Dept, forget the upper crust!


When you elect leaders who are diplomatic whores who don't think twice to "prostitute" (sell out) for votes, you will always be sold down the river. Its not hard to understand. Their objectives are far aligned with their aspirations and careers, not your values!
They want to bask in political correctness, not raise dander of the muslim vote bank. If you don't like it, tough sh*t, as far as the policy makers are concerned. This was evident, when it took GW Bush, a hawk, months to launch an attack after 9/11/2001, a terrorist attack that slaughtered 3,000 Americans and others, and cost us hundreds of bilions.

And there is not as much as a peep of a complaint even at the janitorial level of the State Dept, forget the upper crust!


When you elect leaders who are diplomatic whores who don't think twice to "prostitute" (sell out) for votes, you will always be sold down the river. Its not hard to understand. Their objectives are far aligned with their aspirations and careers, not your values!
They want to bask in political correctness, not raise dander of the muslim vote bank. If you don't like it, tough sh*t, as far as the policy makers are concerned. This was evident, when it took GW Bush, a hawk, months to launch an attack after 9/11/2001, a terrorist attack that slaughtered 3,000 Americans and others, and cost us hundreds of billions.

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