Palestinian children's TV show: Suicide bomber "has become a role model for any Palestinian girl who harbors the spirit of self-sacrifice, national sentiment, and love of death for the sake of Allah and in defense of the homeland"

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain..." -- Qur'an 9:111

But deep down, they really, really want peace! "Sheik Tells Children the Story of Palestinian Female Suicide Bomber Wafa Idris, Concluding: Allah Willing, We Will All Become Like Wafa Idris," from MEMRI TV, December 1 (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Following are excerpts from a TV children's show, in which children learn about Palestinian suicide bomber Wafa Idris. The show aired on Al-Quds TV on December 1, 2009.

TV Host: There used to be a girl, who was a student at medical school. She lived in a refugee camp called Al-Am'ari. the Al-Am'ari camp, my dear children, is located near the city of Ramallah in occupied Palestine.


[Wafa Idris] went to the commander of the resistance, and asked to carry out a martyrdom operation. What, a girl carrying out a martyrdom operation?! She said: I want to carry out a martyrdom operation, just like any young man in the resistance. Obviously, the commander hesitated at first, because this was the first time such a thing happened. Since the beginning of the Intifada, no Palestinian girl had carried out a martyrdom operation. But Wafa insisted, until she managed to convince the commander that the Zionists would not pay attention to a girl. Usually, they only inspect the young men. So the commander agreed. In light of her determination, courage, and persistence - he agreed.


Second boy: Wasn't Wafa afraid among the occupiers? Didn't she hesitate?

TV Host: Of course not. She wasn't afraid, and she did not hesitate, because she placed Allah between her eyes and in her heart. She would always remember Allah and would crush her fear. If fear wanted to come near her calm and peaceful heart, she would get ready to enter Paradise, knowing that she would be among the living, who are sustained [by God]. Who are they? The martyrs.


Wafa fulfilled her wish by successfully carrying out her martyrdom operation. The result was that she killed an Israeli soldier and wounded about a hundred. Why was Wafa martyred? So that the flower of the homeland would not wither.


Third boy: When was she martyred?

TV Host: Wafa Idris was martyred on Sunday, January 27, 2002. She has become a role model for any Palestinian girl who harbors the spirit of self-sacrifice, national sentiment, and love of death for the sake of Allah and in defense of the homeland.

Young girl: I want to become a doctor like Wafa, so that I can help the wounded.

TV Host: Allah willing, we will all become like Wafa Idris. We will treat the wounded, and Allah will grant us martyrdom.

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Click on this Wafa. What she has to say about Islam is far more interesting than Wafa Idris any day.

..and we ban old Bugs Bunny cartoons. Those poor kids.
A tune for them..One day hopefully they'll slap them back.
Totally f**ed up Greedy Selfish "parents and teachers"..

All alone, or in two's,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.

[Wafa Idris] went to the commander of the resistance, and asked to carry out a martyrdom operation. What, a girl carrying out a martyrdom operation?! She said: I want to carry out a martyrdom operation, just like any young man in the resistance.

Who says that there's sexism in Islam? It's feminism, Muslim-style! sarc/off


If fear wanted to come near her calm and peaceful heart...

See—Islam *is* the religion of peace-the peace in the hearts of homicide-bombers, that is. sarc/off


Young girl: I want to become a doctor like Wafa, so that I can help the wounded.

TV Host: Allah willing, we will all become like Wafa Idris. We will treat the wounded, and Allah will grant us martyrdom.

Well, this young girl entirely missed the point of this hideous story. Wafa Idris never helped the wounded—she *wounded* people—over one hundred of them—in addition to the man she killed.

She never graduated from medical school, and never treated anyone. Instead of this, she became a murderer.

I'm sure that some other women have actually graduated from this medical school, and are indeed helping people—but they are not considered role models by "Palestinian" children's TV—only the murderous Wafa Idris, and not her fellow medical students.

Just what I was thinking. To think, Bugs Bunny, RoadRunner and Tweety Bird are "too violent" according to the weak-kneed, family-values, gotta-protect-the-kiddies-from-bad-stuff types ... I wonder what they would think if they saw some of the examples from Palestinian "children's shows" that I've seen from Palestinian Media Watch? I wonder if you could even get them to watch these things and see?

And they complained about Sesame Street's "One of these things is not like the other" bits, because it taught "discrimination"?

The Bugs Bunny cartoon with the Aborigine ("Nature Boy", dunno what the short was called) is racist?

Canadian law says that networks (don't think this applies to cable, but I'm not sure) can't show anything "violent" except for news and hockey before 9 PM. What would the media censors have to say about Pali kiddie TV?

Hell, they even bitched and whined over Joe Camel.

Give me Joe Camel over homicidal bunnies and bees any day.

If memory serves, Wafa became a martyr because she was incapable of having children and so had no marriage prospects. Without the ability to have children, she was damaged goods and undesirable as a wife.
No doubt there are many young women in the same straits. Some of them don't know that they are infertile....yet and that they are worse than useless to their male overlords except as murderers.

Just for the record, it is very unlikely that anyone associated with traditional "family-values" had anything to do with banning cartoons. That is the work of do-gooder liberal twits not family values conservatives. These are the same pathetic fools who get dodge ball banned in schools or get keeping score outlawed in child sports.

"She has become a role model for any Palestinian girl who harbors the spirit of self-sacrifice, national sentiment, and love of death for the sake of Allah and in defense of the homeland."

Only the "Palestinians" would teach their children to love death. Child abuse, in its vilest form. Inhuman.

Realize this God has a special place reserved in hell for these pathetic examples of humanity.

Mar 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

مارس 9:42 ولأن كل واحدة من هذه الإساءة القليل منها التي تؤمن لي ، فمن الافضل له ان حكم الاعدام شنقا نفذ حجر الرحى حول عنقه ، وأنه كان يلقى في البحر.

"Canadian law says that networks (don't think this applies to cable, but I'm not sure) can't show anything 'violent' except for news and hockey before 9 PM."

That looks like bigotry to me. The Canadian Hate Crime Commission (or whatever its exact title) should be after the networks. They're forcing little Moslem kids to stay up late at night in order to see their favorite shows. The poor little tykes are missing their sleep, and probably not doing well in school as a result. The Canadian branch of CAIR should be filing charges against the networks and the Canadian TV regulators.

OT - but, I'm curious as to what JW'ers think of this article concerning a bike lane closed in the Jewish section of Brooklyn:

Hey Darcy,

Bitchin' for nuthin'..They're not going to stop bikers period,but yes, I'm taken aback by their out-SPOKE-en audacity to try to stop them. By doing so they just made it worse for themselves.They can move can't they? London perhaps? The noive..At least it's a polite protest,and funny at the same time. Between girls in shorts and ugly muslim suicide bombers,not such a tough choice here.

You mean an un-indicted co-conspirator CAIR Canadian cell CAN-CAIR,CAIRCAN,NAIRCAIR affiliate?
Ask Richard Warman..He hasn't lost a case.

HUH, with the infamous Jews involved you'd think they could come up with something more sinister than being offended by girls in shorts, and a bike lane?

Like maybe a plot to eat little kids. Or perhaps sending hidden messages in cell phones, causing Muslim men to become impotent, in a plot to commit genocide. You know something creative.

On topic though, I've been thinking what it must be like to live on the edge of western civilization neighboring the Islamic world. Facing the constant threat of jihad violence, in a cycle of retribution. How this looks to western eyes, safely sheltered by distance, and demographics from the Islamic propensity for violence in the way of Allah. A land where there is violence in perpetuity until you are either conquered, subjugated or killed. I was thinking how callous we are in our wrong minded efforts at arbitration. If it isn't possible to make peace with Muslims, and the end result is what you see in Iraq in regards to the genocide of Christians there, and all over the Islamic world with subjugation as second class citizens, or outright genocide ... what choice do free people have other than ethnic cleansing, in the long run to protect their freedoms, and the peaceful existence of their future generations? I know it is a horribly ugly thing to say, but in lieu of perpetual warfare, there will either be ethnic cleansing on our part, or subjugation at some point for our children. The only other thing we can do is re-write history, establish a full and free public discourse on the traditions of Islamic supremacy, and the scriptural motives behind jihad violence. Perhaps this is the only way to stop this cycle of violence, otherwise I fear there are only 2 outcomes. Ethnic cleansing on our part, or facing subjugation, and perpetual jihad violence.

Look at Iraq the Muslims are ethnically cleansing the Christians, but not because they are a threat to their peace and prosperity, but because they are seen as sub-human. You can see this process of genocide in Bangladesh, E Timor, and Sudan as well recently. For the most part once the non-Muslims are put down, the other non-Muslims will just look away, on the fence today. Essentially non-Muslims on the edge are all alone, if they are defeated there will be no help from the west, only subjugation and or genocide from their Muslim conquerors. This is what you saw in Kosovo, someone was going to get ethnically cleansed, either the Muslims, or the non-Muslims ... we all know how this has ended, the non-Muslim Serbs in Kosovo have been destroyed right under our noses, just like in Iraq. In Bosnia the Serbs I think knew this well, this cycle with the Muslims, they didn't commit genocide, but they did move the Muslim population out, and the Muslims vice versa equally with the Serbian population. The Muslim enclaves in Serbian Bosnia were basically harboring terrorists like Oric who were using U.N. Safe zones to launch attacks on Serbian civilians, so eventually the Muslim population had to be relocated, or the Serbs would have had to deal with this violence within their borders in perpetuity.

We can't expect the Israelis to give up their freedom either, by integrating a large Islamic population. At least not until the Muslims reform their faith.

In the end I fear there will be ethnic cleansing in Europe, whether or not it will be orderly, or restive, I'm not sure. Since governments are not working on actual free speech, but rather suppressing it, it seems we are actually hindering the debate necessary to defuse the situation to create a new historical model, which is what we need. I personally think we will have to see very rapid changes in the Middle East in regards to how they treat religious minorities as second class citizens, then we can have real substantive discussions about integrating large amounts of Muslims into our societies, otherwise ... it will be subjugation for us, or ethnic cleansing for them. One or the other. I say grab a Jew, grab a Serb and hug them .... and apologize, in the end we need to recognize their humanity, and restraint they have shown ... because in both cases it could be way way more than what we have seen in regards to the population control and shifting which is their only real choice in order to maintain their freedom ... horrible but true, and not their fault. What are free people to do in the face of such an imperialist ideology?

Historical note ... the crusades started on European soil, if non-Muslims in the Middle East can't be free under Islamic rule, well then perhaps they will need freeing, after our problems have been taken care of, since we'll have learned a proper perspective. We are on the edge now.

It must be h-e-double-hockey-sticks for an entire mass of people to wake up on the wrong side of the bed day after day after day after day.

Maybe they should try a hot choccy before hittin' the rack..... possibly even invest in one of those new physionomic mattresses or something.


Kenny Solomon
Senior Expediter
The 72 Virgins Club Travel Agency
Offices throughout America in all 57 states.

in warm weather too.. Here Ken..Not funny,but news nonetheless..Merry Christmas!

it's the ' my dear children ' that makes me want to be sick

'The sun sets in a muddy spring'...
Brainwashers should use water...using dirt just muddies things up...But muddied headed thinkers is what Islam needs, so that's what Islam produces. Mahoundians who think clearly soon apostate...The Palestinian brain washers, are using an amplified method of mudology...'Getting them while they are young'...and 'trusting', is happening in America as well with the perverted 'Safety Czar' pushing sex perversion classes for US school children...The cause may be different, but using mud to muddy up the thinking of children, only has one 'take unfair advantage' of them, for Allah, or some other 'cause'...This is evil creating human robots...Adult submitters to Allah have given up their free will by agreement...but children don't make those kind of agreements, so 'free will' has to be stolen, and beat out of them...
Once 'free will' has been eliminated, the children will do most anything asked of them by Allah, and will be happy to do it...

My stars. What's a Yemeni parent to do ?

You raise a terrorist.... er,...... child, yeah, that's it, a child..... You raise a child from birth, put them through the roughest training short of BUD/S...... um,......... I meant school....... right...... You put them through school, arrange a marriage even though the kid hates the waste of carbon you picked and traded for with five chickens and your "special" (very receptive) goat....... er,...... dang it...... you make sure your child's choice for a spouse is one of the truly good people on the planet......... and what happens ? At the wedding, you can't open fire to celebrate ? Plus, the government wants you to give them your weapons to boot?

All I can say is, I can't think of much right now because I'm too busy cleaning my own 'toys' just in case.

Just in case what ?

Just in case the few of us who've been shouting from the rooftops (for at least two, maybe three years) have been right all along about the Totalitarian Statists in our own government and what my friend from upstate (NW Florida) found is just the tip of the iceberg.

What did your friend find out ?

He found out that people like us are being tracked - officially and with a total disregard for whatever is left of The Constitution, Bill Of Rights and individual/group liberties and freedoms.

Oh, c'mon now Kenny...... You're off your chum.

Really ? You think so, eh ?..... then read this from my friend over at RedState - I even commented there too.......


Talk soon and thanks for the link St. Patrick !

Cheers from South Flori-duh.


Where is 60 Minutes, 20/20, and Jeraldo?

It is activities such as these to incite and preach violence and suicide to children that the United Nations and its biggest donors should have been cracking down on with impunity for decades. But instead the beacon of freedom (USA)coddles the Palestinians and gives them financial aid. Worse still, we never seriously engage the Saudis, I guess oil is thicker than blood.

The United Nations Children's Fund rings hollow because they choose to be impotent when it comes to protecting children. Just another failed giant bureaucracy sucking up billions.

It's sick and getting sicker out their.

Just further proof that Islam makes you really crazy!

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