Premature detonation in Gaza: One jihadist killed, three wounded

Whoops. No virgins for you, pal. "One Palestinian killed, three wounded in Gaza explosion," from Deutsche Presse Agentur, November 30 (thanks to Weasel Zippers):

Gaza - One Palestinian militant was killed and three were wounded Monday night in a mysterious explosion in a car that drove west of Gaza city, eyewitnesses and medics said.

The witnesses said that four militants were riding in a minibus in Shatti refugee camp west of Gaza City when the explosion wrecked the bus.

Sources said that the dead militant was a member of Islamic Jihad (Holy War) and that the minibus was full of explosives which detonated due to technical problem

Gaza emergency chief Mo'aweya Hassanein confirmed the casualties, adding that the four were taken to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

The witnesses said that the minibus was driving near the mosque of Ibad el Rahma in the refugee camp, not far from the house of prime minister of the de facto Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, Ismail Haneyeh....

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"Silence! I keel you!"

"Silence! I keel you!" -Akmad the dead terrorist

Oh, a work accident.

"....the minibus was full of explosives which detonated due to technical problem"

Islamic operator headspace....

The Lord works in many mysterious ways!~

So, there is a God after all!

What was the reason for the explosives in the minivan??? Were they done shopping for the holidays?

Oh, Foolster41, I LOVE Jeff Dunham! THANKS for reminding me to look him up on YouTube...

I'm too ignorant to know the language of the subtitles but apparently, we aren't the only ones who enjoy Jeff and dear little "Ahhhkkhmed". What FUN! Three cheers for derisive laughter...

The news blurb Robert shared with us reminds me of the news stories about a "drug deal gone wrong"...


This is very sad in a couple of ways: First the mini-bus wasn't carrying enough explosives, and second, there were empty seats on that bus.

I hope they shouted Allahu Akbar before they blew up. For it would be the one time they would be correct! God is indeed great, but only if he/she continues to blow Jihadis up without harm to innocents.

'Technical problems'...
'Applied stupidity'...a 'Palestinian' 'militants' specialty...
Islamic Jihaders have obviously been reading the Quranic manual...The Quran is chuck full of 'technical problems'...

Oops, the religion of peace is at it again.

Oops I did it again
Blew up my friends
When will it end?

Just riding a bus
What's the big fuss?
Might happen to us

There goes the gang
Guess we won't hang
We all died in a bang

We're not that innocent!

It seems to me that the three who were only wounded have dishonored their families by failing to get themselves killed, and so should be "honor-killed" by their relatives. I wonder if they will be.

"... a mysterious explosion ..."

Sorry. Am I missing something? Four mentally ill arabs driving a clapped out minibus packed with explosives on some of the worst roads in the world. What do you expect?

Cool now I know how to write "bastard" in Polish

That WAS their holiday shopping.

Anyway, too bad they didn't reach Haneyeh's house before the bomb went off.

He'll probably still get his virgins because his intentions were "good".

Wait a minute! The US government is focused on Gobal warming as the biggest threat to mankind. But I have a question. What is killing people today? Global warming? Islamic terrorists? Gee, I'm thoroughly confused.

This is terribly tragic.

Such an awful waste.

That was a perfectly good minibus.

Tanstaafl Spiers,


I like this version:

Oops, I meant Spears.

Yeah, Premature detonation is what killed Dunham's Achmed, isn't it?


Hamas forgot to make an added statement, "There was an Israeli jet flying over at the time of the explosion."
No virgins means in hell fire!!

This tragedy is purely the fault of the merciless occupiers of The Paleostinan Kingdom. Young bomb-makers should be afforded proper training and a safe environment in which to practice their vocation.

Someone call the U. N., quick!

I'm not sure that Robert is right about no virgins for the dead militants. Does virgin-reward depend on success of the venture or only on making the decision to give one's life for Islam, or on any other details? Possibly there is, or will be a point system, where complete success merits all 72 virgins; accidental death brought about after intent is established, procuring of the materials, etc., ought to count for something, at least by current Western public school grading standards. Of course we must not apply Western standards to this alien situation.

This is a deep question for the scholars at Al-Azhar University to debate.

"Hamas forgot to make an added statement, "There was an Israeli jet flying over at the time of the explosion."

Actually....we use drones and cell-phone towers on the periphery of the Strip to 'check the phone system".

You may have to answer to my fan club.

The mention of an Israel jet as the probable cause is obligatory for the family to receive their martyrs check from the Saudis.

"Possibly there is, or will be a point system, where complete success merits all 72 virgins; accidental death brought about after intent is established, procuring of the materials, etc., ought to count for something,"

No virgins, but they'll get a Ewe for Effort.

"...get a Ewe..."
In human it is called pedophile.
Ewe, what do you call it? beastophile???

Bestiality - the rape of an animal.

Like most other things we consider to be heinous crimes, it seems to be allowable in Islam - as long as you immediately kill your victim after your deed is finished, and sell the meat out-of-town.

The reason civilized countries declare this illegal is not so much that's it's gross, but because an animal is philosophically considered to be the same "incapable of giving consent" class as underage children and the mentally challenged.

(If it were a matter of species differences, Mr Spock would likely not have been allowable on 1960s television, or acceptable to the audience, as the product of a human and a non-human; in this case, both are perfectly mentally competent, and have an idea of what they were getting into .. even though if Vulcans were real, many might find mating with them a rather unpleasant or even disgusting idea. Various other sci-fi worlds also include the idea of humans getting it on with SAPIENT alien species, and no one blinks an eyeball. Of course, these weak sci-fis assume that said aliens look enough like ourselves to be palatable enough to consider as partners - no Wookies or lizard-men ... unless you count Klingons as a sort of lizard-men).

Islam doesn't care about consent. Any female or non-Muslim exists to satisfy ANY urge a Muslim might have. This is why we often hear of them raping their non-Muslim male prisoners. This is why they defend grown men marrying children. And this is why they have rules on what to do after one rapes an animal.

may many more such accidents happen to the pure.

That's not important, Don't be distracted or sidetracked!
Here's what is important.


Obama and his advisers (er master plumbers--leak? What leak?) have decided to schedule the Afghanistan nationally televised address directly opposite the annual kickoff of the Christmas season, the airing of A Charlie Brown Christmas.

With this move Obama has removed all doubt that he indeed is a Closet Muslim and could not have been born in the United States. What true patriotic American could wage jihad on Christmas, Children, and the beloved American iconic Peanuts characters in their message of peace, goodwill to all. All this to announce his err, carefully considered year long decision to send 30,000 (3/4s of the requested amount) troops to Afghanistan in about his millionth televised press conflagration. (Poll, what poll, dither, what dither?)

As Lucy would say....

Merry Christmas to all from the Reaper!

Update: Like Coptic Christians in the Middle East, Charlie Brown has had to relocate to another day and time. I wonder if they had to leave behind their possessions including their Christmas tree.

Tell Lucy and Peppermint Patty to put on their Burkas! Grab my AK-47 for the news crew reaction shot! Allllllaaaaahhhh Akkkkbbbbaaaaaarrrrrr!

Is it wrong to just love these stories? I am sorry but every time I hear of one of these instances where a bomb-laden Jihadi blows himself up accidentally I really am elated and filled with happiness. That they then find themselves in Hell facing the reality that Islam was false is not something I feel joy about, it would have been better that they left Islam and found salvation in Christ, but that is what it is. It is just downright excellent when these sick freaks blow themselves up before having a chance to hurt any innocent infidels.

Another one that I thought was excellent though it wasn't a self-explosion was when an Israeli helicopter hit the founder of Hamas in his wheelchair with a direct hit. At the time I heard that all that was left was his head which really seemed funny but looking up the story today it said merely that his body was badly mangled. Either way he richly deserved that fate and like the self-exploders was no doubt shocked to find out where he ended up in the next life. Good riddance.

I'd say the timing of that is deliberate. He would have to understand that this is a classic Christmas show, enjoyed even by adults, year after year, because it's become a part of North American Christmas tradition (I don't know if it's shown overseas or not.) It just happens to be a tradition he DOES have the power to step on.

At least the network rescheduled - not a total win for this idiot - but it sure says something to me. And that something is "How dare these kids, a dog and a bird celebrate Christmas? Kill the dog, eat the bird, and make them celebrate Ramadan instead!"

Just for you GANG,

Type:- ' Palestinian work accidents ' on Goggle and see what you will find...


It's those damn Jews, again.

This is what the 'inshallah' mentality produces.

From John Roy Carlson, 'Cairo to Damascus', chapter X, 'gun-running', pp. 183-184, a description of a journey with a lot of Arab Muslims on a petrol-soaked truck, from Jerusalem to Beersheba (they were heading for Cairo).

"It was no joy ride. The distance from Jerusalem to Cairo was about 300 miles...

"Our transportation on the first leg of our journey was a hired open truck with rickety sidings, filled with ten large drums of gasoline and six crates of oranges which Faris proposed to sell in Beersheba to get additional money for guns.

"*All the drums leaked* {my emphasis - dda} and the floor of the truck was already drenched when I clambered on board. I didn't think gas-soaked oranges would taste good, but it was none of my business...My job was to sit in the back and watch the drums."

"...our truck made a frenzied dash, madly careening and zigzagging from one side of the road to the other, to spoil the aim of sharpshooters. The drums slammed and bounced together with a frightful racket, causing them to leak all the more...".

"We stopped to pick up hitch-hikers. Later on, we picked up more, ragged ruffians all. Now I had the added responsibility of keeping Arabs from pilfering oranges...

"Suddenly I caught one of them {the people they had taken on board -- dda} *smoking a cigarette, seated atop the leaking gasoline drums* {my emphasis - dda}.

"He had smoked it more than halfway before I saw what he was doing. If I were an Arab, I'd have struck him.

"I grabbed the cigarette out of his mouth and tossed it into the road.
"Ahbal! Ahbal! Fool!" I yelled over and over. The moron shrugged his shoulders".

"We passed Bethlehem and neared Kibbutz Kfar Etzion with about twenty gas-splattered hitch-hikers perched like buzzards all over the truck. That it [the truck] held together was a tribute to the genius of its American maker."

Well: there you have it. Leaky petrol drums and someone sits down on top of one and lights a cigarette...had Carlson (a non-Muslim with commonsense) not been on board, the smoker might not have been stopped, and then...puff, puff, BOOOM.

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