"Soldier of Islam" guilty in Seattle jihad murders

Yet another Misunderstander of Islam. "Haq convicted on all counts in Jewish Federation shootings," by Jennifer Sullivan and Steve Miletich for the Seattle Times, December 15 (thanks to all who sent this in):

A King County jury this morning found Naveed Haq guilty of eight counts, including aggravated first-degree murder, in the 2006 shootings at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. The murder verdict carries an automatic life sentence for Haq.

The jury also found Haq guilty of five counts of attempted first-degree murder, one count of unlawful imprisonment and one count of malicious harassment, the state's hate-crime law....

Haq opened fire in the federation offices on July 28, 2006, killing employee Pamela Waechter, 58, and wounding Cheryl Stumbo, Carol Goldman, Dayna Klein, Christina Rexroad and Layla Bush...

The focus of the second trial was Haq's mental state at the time of the attack. The defense did not dispute that Haq carried out the shootings, but argued that he was legally insane at the time.

Haq pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, and the defense produced several mental-health experts who testified that he was mentally ill. Defense attorneys had asked that Haq be sent to a state mental hospital rather than prison.

Prosecutors agreed that Haq has a mental illness, but contended that he was sane when he entered the federation and opened fire.

"He wanted to kill these women," Senior Deputy Prosecutor Erin Ehlert told the jury during her closing argument on Thursday. "He knew exactly what his intent was when he walked in there. He planned this."

Prosecutors also introduced as evidence audio recordings from 10 phone calls Haq placed to his family after his arrest. In the calls, recorded by the King County Jail, Haq told his mother he was "a soldier of Islam."...

The recordings were not introduced during Haq's first trial.

Why not?

On the 911 tape, which the prosecution played for jurors on Oct. 21, the opening day of the trial, Haq said he was tired of the world ignoring the Muslim point of view.

"I don't care if I die," Haq said to the dispatcher. "This is just to make a point."

Point taken.

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"I don't care if I die," Haq said to the dispatcher.

Islam: The cult of the walking dead.

Oh, my, here's that "fairness" and "inclusiveness" stuff again.

Why should ANY thinking person, or sane society, NOT "ignore the Muslim point of view"? What is it about their point of view that should even be considered (beyond understanding why they love to kill so much)?

As a matter of fact, why do they even want or need us to "include" them and their point of view in our societies? Do they care about OUR point of view?

Of what possible benefit would including the "Muslim pov" be for us?

Geez from reading the article the fact that his intended victims were Jews seemed but a distant fact. Did Naveed just luck out in his chosen place of murder?

*** 4:44 ***

Have you not considered those to whom a portion of the Book has been given? They traffic in error and desire that you should go astray. But Allah has full knowledge of your enemies. Of the Jews there are those who displace words from their (right) places, saying, "We hear and we disobey" with a twist of their tongues they slander Faith. Allah has cursed them for disbelief.

*** 2:96 ***

We will not remove a Jew from the punishment. They know the shameful thing that awaits them.

Maybe Mr. Haq has forgotten about the Jews, maybe not, but for his part Allah definitely has not forgotten.

"'I don't care if I die,' Haq said to the dispatcher. 'This is just to make a point.'"

What he should have said was, "I don't care if I kill."

Haq pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. Oh, the old Islam defense.

I see that this "Soldier of Islam" was convicted of "malicious harassment", the local hate crime law. It's good to see that this law is applied to Muslims as perpetrators, not just "victims of hate crime".

When will we get a conviction for Major Hasan, the "Soldier of Allah" in Fort Hood, Texas? Hasan thinks that he is a victim of hate crime. He is still alive to make that claim.

Haq said he was tired of the world ignoring the Muslim point of view.

And I'm tired of islam trying to impose its will on the world.

Can we please just get on with the clash of civilizations and be done with it?

"I don't care if I die," Haq said to the dispatcher.
Well then, I guess we agree then. As a local resident and a human being I hope this bastard gets the death penalty.

And we'll all be paying how much per year to keep this POS alive in jail?

I was once asked by a foreign cab driver whether Americans liked murderers, based on the way we seem to collect them and keep them alive in jails like some weird sort of pets.

Apart from that, this guy was by his own declaration a foreign combatant on US soil.

The BEST he deserves is a firing squad.

Although I'd personally rather see some cruel or unusual punishment.

This jury is better than the one that acquitted Haq on most counts in the 1st trial.
I wonder if they have learned from recent events: first, Ft. Hood, then 2 unprovoked shooting murders of cops closer to home, in Seattle area, not by Muslims, but still, acquitting any shooters invites more shootings. As history consistently shows, whenever Jews are not safe, no one is safe. What starts with the Jews does not end with the Jews.

Ruslan Tokhchukov, EnragedSince1999.

Life in prison is too good for this Islamic killer.
The cost for such incarceration should be billed
to CAIR, MB, MSA, Etc. as they, no doubt silently
support such islamic bravery. At least Haq got convicted.
A death by dogs and pigs would be fitting for the
scum bag Muslim. Deport all of them now, and shut down
ALL immigration from all Islamic coutries. The first
one to go should be the mullah obamaham.

Life in prison is too good for this Islamic killer.
The cost for such incarceration should be billed
to CAIR, MB, MSA, Etc. as they, no doubt silently
support such islamic bravery. At least Haq got convicted.
A death by dogs and pigs would be fitting for the
scum bag Muslim. Deport all of them now, and shut down
ALL immigration from all Islamic coutries. The first
one to go should be the mullah obamaham.

On the 911 tape, which the prosecution played for jurors on Oct. 21, the opening day of the trial, Haq said he was tired of the world ignoring the Muslim point of view.

"I don't care if I die," Haq said to the dispatcher. "This is just to make a point."

Most would disagree with Mr. Haq. The Muslim point of view and their taught ideology with respect to infidels, especially the Jews as evidenced in this case and as evidenced elsewhere, the Chabad House (also known as Nariman House) which was attacked with military assault weapons is crystal clear. Six of the Chabad occupants, including Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka, who was five months pregnant, were brutally tortured and killed during the November 2008 Mumbai attacks by Pakistani Islamists. Their two year old son Moshe survived the attack after being rescued by his Indian nanny, Sandra Samuel. This despicable horrific event was directed in real time from Pakistan (our ally and beneficiary of tens of billions in unaccounted for foreign aid on the backs of US taxpayers, courtesy of Biden, Kerry, Obama) by the terrorist handlers, as evidenced by the intercepted, translated satellite communication seen here on Dan Reeds documentary Dispatches:

WARNING: Material is Graphic!

So brutal were the murders in the Jewish house of worship and residence, that a trained medical doctor and coroner who is used to examining bomb victims had not seen anything like this ever in his career, his testimony.
"I really don't want to think about it, please" upon questions from the media.

Mr. Haq, I think "the point of view" is quite clear.

GOD bless peace upon all who perished in the Mumbai massacre.

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