Suspect in attempted bombing of Detroit flight had visa to attend "religious ceremony"

This is potentially significant, due to the highly plausible double meaning of the "ceremony" as an act of jihad, as well as for jihadists' common habit of referring to an upcoming attack as a "wedding." At the very least, it would behoove authorities to ask for more details before granting a visa, and restrict the interval for which it is valid.

"Man Attempts to Set Off Explosives on Detroit-Bound Airplane," by Richard Esposito and Scott Mayerowitz for ABC News, December 25:

[...] The suspect was identified as Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, who according to federal documents is an engineering student at University College of London.
He was flying from Nigeria to the United States for a religious ceremony, according to his entry visa, which was issued June 16, 2008 and was good until June 12, 2010.
The government had no immediate plans after the incident to raise the threat level, a federal government source said.
The suspect had been in a law enforcement-intelligence database but was not on the government's no-fly list, according to a law enforcement official. [...]
The suspect told authorities that he had explosive powder taped to his leg and used a syringe of chemicals to mix with the powder that was to cause explosion. This is of concert because it is a method of mixing that is consistent with terror techniques. [...]

UPDATE, 8:47pm PST: ABC News has since revised their report from religious "ceremony" to "seminar." In any event, the fact remains that the visa was strikingly generous, and authorities did not ask enough questions about the "religious" nature of the suspect's trip.

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I had not heard of this before:

"as well as for jihadists' common habit of referring to an upcoming attack as a "wedding."

I'm willing to wager that Osama will do absolutely nothing in response to this terrorist attack, just as he did absolutely nothing in response to the last one (Fort Hood). Anyone care to wager? Anyone? Anyone?

In fact, the only result of this attack will be that the major media organizations will all give CAIR and ISNA a platform to proclaim how peaceful Islam is.

Oops. Freudian slip. I meant "Obama," not "Osama."

Sounds like another Richard Reid incident---once again the people on the plane have only the incompetence of the terrorist to thank for having escaped with their lives.

The argument for women in combat roles.


Wrong side :)

The suspect is an engineering student. So here we have yet another Muslim engineering student, joining those virtually numberless Muslims who are/were also engineering students, or already employed as engineers (or computer scientists, etc. - remember "Mike" Habash, and think of Yasser Arafat, archterrorist, with his background in civil or mechanical engineering, and Sami al-Arian, and countless others, most receiving their degrees from infidel universities), all of whom, despite their hefty salaries and comfortable lives, have chosen Islam and "martyrdom" as mujaheddin, abandoning engineering altogether, except perhaps in the manufacture of explosives, missiles, or other types of weaponry, including chemical and biological weaponry. Some of these engineers and computer scientists, such as al-Arian, do not actively seek death, but serve instead as propagandists and enablers of those who do actively engage in qitaal, or open warfare, in the cause of jihad.
All of this, of course, renders preposterous the assumption that those who chose the path of Islamic "martyrdom" do so because they are impoverished and illiterate.
I wait in vain for infidel governments in the technologically developed world to finally get a clue, and take appropriate action.

A 2 year VISA for a "religious ceremony"?

The suspect is an engineering student. So here we have yet another Muslim engineering student, joining those virtually numberless Muslims who are/were also engineering students, or already employed as engineers (or computer scientists, etc. - remember "Mike" Hawash, and think of Yasser Arafat, archterrorist, with his background in civil or mechanical engineering, and Sami al-Arian, and countless others, most receiving their degrees from infidel universities), all of whom, despite their hefty salaries and comfortable lives, have chosen Islam and "martyrdom" as mujaheddin, abandoning engineering altogether, except perhaps in the manufacture of explosives, missiles, or other types of weaponry, including chemical and biological weaponry. Some of these engineers and computer scientists, such as al-Arian, do not actively seek death, but serve instead as propagandists and enablers of those who do actively engage in qitaal, or open warfare, in the cause of jihad.
All of this, of course, renders preposterous the assumption that those who chose the path of Islamic "martyrdom" do so because they are impoverished and illiterate.
I wait in vain for infidel governments in the technologically developed world to finally get a clue, and take appropriate action.

A 2 year VISA for a "religious ceremony"?

Just what I was thinking, anonamustafa. The visa office should have asked just what "ceremony" that was. Even Lent is only 6 weeks, and Ramadan a month.

How many minutes into President Obama's speech will he:

- warn against a backlash
- praise Muslims for their wonderful contributions to America and the world
- pledge renewed cooperation with the Muslim world

All I can say is, thank God the terrorist did not succeed.

And I'm sick to death of Islam.

Yet another reason to use dogs to screen passengers on public conveyances. Those who don't like it can stay home or walk/swim to their destination.

Let's hope Vancouver is paying close attention to this incident. There are some pretty odd aspects to this event, so I'm thinking it was just a dry run for a future event. Since the guy was able to board the plane with dangerous substances, I'd say it was a pretty successful dry run, too.

I imagine the references to "weddings" might refer to the act which promises the criminal 72 virgins. Iraqi homicide bombers would sometimes dress in their best clothes (wedding clothes) because they believed they were about to meet their virgins in person.

Nuclear engineering know-how as well as all the technology which islam has turned against us, has been knowledge provided to muslims by the Wests learning institutions.
Our very own National Security has been placed at enormous risk by the immigration and behavior of these enemies of America who ALL happen to be muslim.
I know this, JW participants know this, every person that I
know in my family, neighborhood, or that I meet who is at least minimally informed knows this. When the PC levee breaks in this country and someone who is not deeply sympathetic towards islam once again leads this country,the great wall of denial and fear will tumble down unleashing a a great and thunderous torrent of pent up indignation which will untie us all so that we can begin to fight and extinguish this islamic malaice which all of us cannot tolerate any longer.

"Al Qaeda operatives have frequently used references to weddings to disguise planned terror attacks...."

Al Qaeda and the multi-tentacular Hydra of Islamic terrorism that is much broader throughout the world than Al Qaeda have doubtlessly also attacked actual weddings.

Also, there may be theological significance to this, when you consider:

1) the suicide-homicide martyrs are, through their attack, going to be united by Allah with their virgin girls for eternal sex

2) the Arabic word for marriage, nikah, simply means sex in the crudest sense of the literal F word.

Thus these mass-murderous and fanatically suicidal attacks are literally "weddings" in the sense that they are liturgical enactments of the final realization of the divine promise of sex in the most exalted existential state known to Muslims -- in Paradise.

There are some pretty odd aspects to this event, so I'm thinking it was just a dry run for a future event. Annie said above

Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing....

Maybe in the future the authorities could extract the database information BEFORE the passenger boards the aircraft so that they can examine him more closely. It's great to use high-tech techniques when you actually make use of them.
And did he specify the acual "religious ceremony" in detail? If so, maybe check if it actually will take place, assuming he didn't put down "meet 72 virgins".
Instead of any of the above targeting, I'm sure the rest of us will pay in increased delays when flying.

Has he been mirandized yet, to save his case from being thrown out? By Eric Holder himself? BTW, has anybody been held accountable yet for the TSA publishing it's security tactics on the web? Will anybody ask Farooq-whatever if he and his crew learned something useful from the TSA manual posting? He's a non-uniformed enemy combatant, right? Will he get anything but a tongue lashing to find out what he knows, who he knows, and where did he learn it? There were 273 inquiring minds-co/travelers on that Delta flight who'd like to know

simple solution:

isolate the jihadist, preferably in flight

tell steven seagal stand-in and kurt russell stand-in (who are down the hall from Biden, eating pizza), to activate the soon-to-become-mandatory-adjoining-F117a-stealth-fighter-option that resides on the White House server.

Steve and Kurt stand-ins flip a coin to find out who has to play "Mr. Outside Both Planes." Loser is forbidden to do simulated comedy roles for two full years from point of simulated death.

Call to Obama, requesting permission to run "Executive Decision" simulation.

Obama is not reachable, possibly looking at bikinis while Michelle is in ladies room.

Biden, as second in command, promptly and forcefully commands, "Run the simulations! Full speed ahead!"

Government computer is a Dell.

Secret Service guys were playing on computer while Biden opened a gift wrapped box of ties, (Joe now owns 1,400 pairs of ties.)

Computer quickly displays the "Blue Screen of Death."

Secret service guys forgot to install latest CIA security software.

Geek, who delivered pizza from Biden's favorite pizzeria, steps in.

Geek calls a buddy in India who quickly tells him what to do.

Geek yells out, "What???? I have to do a partition?, you have to be kidding me!"

Geek's buddy is not kidding, and has to fend off wife, who is trying to hand feed him his tenth piece of fruitcake.

Geek, follows Indian buddy's advice to the letter, and says, "Mr. Vice President, it's all set, sir, just hit "Enter".

Biden engulfs current piece of pizza, and hits "Enter."

Joe offers Geek a second slice of pizza, and quickly asks if anybody figured out the lock on the presidential refrigerator.

Geek makes an attempt and fails.

The planet is saved, as Joe mutters under his breath, "Damn, you mean I have to send the Geek out to get a couple of six packs of Beck's?"

The Geek quickly says, "OK, Mr. Vice President, I will do this, but it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg."

Family values wrote:

Sounds like another Richard Reid incident---once again the people on the plane have only the incompetence of the terrorist to thank for having escaped with their lives.

Actually, Family Values, I think this is like the Richard Reid incident for a rather more heartening reason—according to FOX News, when the would-be Jihad terrorist began acting suspiciously, he was tackled and restrained by his fellow passengers.

His would-be victims fought back–and survived, and captured the Jihadist—these guys are heroes!


Thank you for manning the posts, even on Christmas Day. I want you to know how much we JihadWatch readers respect the tireless work you, and Robert Spencer, and Hugh Fitzgerald, and the rest of the JW board do. year in and year out.

Merry Christmas!

I would like to second your remarks, gravenimage. Marisol does a yeoman's job, as do all at the JW board. Merry Christmas to you by the way.

"The suspect had been in a law enforcement-intelligence database but was not on the government's no-fly list, according to a law enforcement official. [...]"

and: "The suspect was on a U.S. government watch list of people with suspected terrorist ties."

So he should have been searched before boarding, but of course that would be "profiling", and we can't have that, can we? Much better to put 200+ people in danger of being murdered.
Instead, Fox News is reporting that all passengers everywhere can expect longer security delays, and should arrive even earlier before their flights.
The end-point will be to have all passengers enter changing-rooms before flights, strip off their clothes, and don one-piece throwaway plastic coveralls for the flight, and put all their clothes in a bag, to be searched by "security" before the flight and reclaimed at the destination. During the flight, passengers will be hand-cuffed to their seats, and will need to call an attendant to release them when they need to use the restroom. And everybody will go along with this, because the alternative is the dreaded "racist"
"profiling". Welcome to the future.

Thank you again, and as always, Miss Marisol.

Yes, Marisol,

Merry Christmas to you!

Anybody who celebrates absolutely any other holiday, or no holiday at all, AND to boot, has ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE OF HUMOR WHATSOEVER ...

I can only say this, "Cheer up!"

You could be stuck trying to get this kind of weather news:

A Merry Christmas to you, too, Wellington!

One can fly with muslims but not safely. Statistically, they are a factor..a little like using a poorly maintained aircraft. We maintain aircraft. we don't allow compressed air bottles in bagage..what are we to do about flying with these dangerous, demented people?

Yet more blowback from trying to co-exist with that deplorable gutter religion.

I'm always amused at the apologists with how they try to spin Islamic attacks. Listed below are are the threads from the Miami Herald I posted earlier, which I expect to be deleted soon:

MiamiInfidel wrote on 12/25/2009 08:26:55 PM:

Yet more blowback from trying to co-exist with that deplorable gutter religion.

bigdog214 wrote on 12/25/2009 11:43:12 PM:
Replying to MiamiInfidel (12/25/2009 08:26:55 PM):
"Yet more blowback from trying to co-exist with that deplorable gutter religion.":

Way to paint everyone with a broad brush! Is Christianity a gutter religion becasue of the actions of abortion clinic bombers and people like Timothy McVeigh who committed the Oklahoma City bombing? We need to understand that the people committing these actions are the fanatical minority, not the majority. Pew Research did an excellent study on Muslim's in America - you would be well served to read it.

Replying to bigdog214 (12/25/2009 11:43:12 PM):
"Way to paint everyone with a broad brush! Is Christianity a gutter religion becasue of the actions of abortion clinic bombers and people like Timothy McVeigh who committed the Oklahoma City bombing? We need to understand that the people committing these actions are the fanatical minority, not the...":

When Christians start flying planes into buildings, I'll take this argument seriously. In the meantime, you're dumb, naive, and ignorant. Typical apologist.

Agreed. Dogs. Lots of dogs.

Well-trained dogs, as a matter of course, in airports and major railway and bus hubs.

Dogs giving passengers and crew - and cleaners, and baggage handlers, and janitors - the old once-over.

(Actually, well-trained sniffer pigs would also be worth a try; because if anyone claims to be desperately allergic to dogs, well then, they get sniffed by the pig).

I've sometimes thought that a well-trained dog - or, again, pig, they're as smart as dogs and capable of being trained to do similar things - should be on board every long-haul flight, as backup for the air marshals.

Our non-Muslim soldiers, police and security guards should have dogs, big black dogs, along *every* time they have to deal with Mohammedans.

Those dogs should go with the cops *right into* the mosques, the Islamic schools, and the to-be-officially-searched Mohammedan residences or estates, and Mohammedan complaints about that should be resolutely ignored.

Churches, synagogues and temples in localities in the UK and Europe and Australia and Canada and elsewhere that have been encroached upon by Mohammedans, should invest in good guard-dogs. (Of course, what needs to happen is for the Mohammedan influx to be stopped altogether, and then reversed, but until that happens, I think dogs could do a lot to help Infidels manage the problem).

I think when the Israeli soldiers went into the booby-trapped labyrinth that was Gaza City, besides the UAV guardian angels hovering overhead (many of them operated by women) pretty much every unit had their accompanying K-9.

Maybe at some point someone high up in the chain of command will figure out that Islamic ecumenical conditions are right for religiously prescribed applications of violence upon non-believers. Then someone might figure out that once these conditions are met, it isn't so easy to just turn them on and off. Then perhaps someone will review history, and evaluate the periods of Islamic expansionism. If they do that, and review recent history, they may conclude that what we had is the end of colonialism, and then the end of the Soviet Union, thus an end to the foreign administration of Islamic lands. We are seeing a desire in the Islamic world towards Islamic sharia in the administration of their affairs. This is in effect part of the dream to bring the Islamic world to its "rightful" position on the globe in regards to military and scientific power, but not within a western context, but rather within a purely Islamic context. The problem is that due to the influx of European ideas regarding nationalism, this new Caliphate will be nearly impossible to reestablish. So, what you have is many disparate groups forming with a common goal, but no real central authority. We'll call this "al'Queda", and we fight this with the "war on terror".

The reality is that the conditions have been met, the Islam of 100 years ago is gone. We have entered a new era. Without a strong central authority there will be chaos, and quite literally every single devout Muslim must now be considered a possible threat. A military threat. The presence of 10's of millions of Muslims in the west exacerbate this reality exponentially. The fight is within our own societies first, then abroad ... this is the only way we can come out of this on top.

Here's an account of this episode that appeared in Australian news (I saw it there before I hopped on over here to check out the coverage and discussion).

According to one passenger: "And one guy put a lock on his head and dragged him to the front, his pants down - I heard the pants were on fire."

It seems we now have a whole new meaning for the traditional chant, "Liar, liar, pants on fire".

The University College London website says - DISCOVER UCL RADICALLY DIFFERENT

What am I supposed to be looking at,smithers?

I'm not sure, irony?

Pretty amazing huh? I would like to see the person or persons who authorized such an extendecd visa questioned. This is pretty bizarre. I wonder if there was collusion.

Thank you for what you are doing today and all year long. I hope you are successful with your pest removal efforts as well.

Someone commented :

"The suspect was on a U.S. government watch list of people with suspected terrorist ties."
So he should have been searched before boarding

In my opinion, if he was on a U.S. government watch list , he should never have been allowed to live in any non-muslim country , never mind board plane

Funny, I must have slipped because I READ Obama when it said Osama...:)

Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab

Now with a name like that, why on earth would anyone suspect he is a Muslim? He could be a Baptist for all we know.


Choppie - you from Hastings? The nickname has an interesting history....

I'd just like to join all the people thanking Marisol for manning the site, and also to thank all concerned with creating, running and responding to it (even the taqiyya-mongers are good live-fire practice). Vsechno nejlepsi for the New Year.

Nice that someone on board the plane had the nous/training to immobilise the scumbag before he achieved his 'consummation devoutly to be wished' marriage. I suppose it's a vain hope that the airline put secuity on board.

Ad: travelling with risk-factors, i.e. Moslems. I remember the glee on the part of a group of backpack-toting Pakis when a London bus emptied as soon as they got on (this was only a week after the London Transport bombings) - heads you win.... Trouble is, if you choose not to travel with Moslems, you can't get on public transport in any major city in Britainistan.

There was an American Government adviser on terrorism who had a muslim sounding name speaking on BBC Radio 4 News this morning. He said this was the thirteenth serious attempt by alqueda to destroy a plane in the US this year.

This was news to us on this side of the pond can anyone list the other twelve? Or have they managed to keep them quiet to avoid offending the VMOPM (vast majority of peaceful muslims)

Personally, I once considered Islam as one the Great Religions. Besides this fact is the fact that I believe in religious tolerance AS LONG AS the "religion" in question DOES NOT coerce me. Or harm me or behead me, etc.

Therefore, as far as I am concerned, islam (not Islam) is a dangerous cult. Moreover it is an intolerant cult which we have nicely tolerated based on my former thinking above.

We have tolerated it. We have aided it when others would not (Bosnia, anyone?).

All for nothing and worse.

Unless we want to head Eurabia`s way, we had better move quickly to monitor any muslim we deem necessary. Monitor all mosques. The latter can be accomplished by the local communities using a form of community watch. It must now be done.

Reality. No more no less.

islam has already proven itself unworthy of our Liberty and Freedom. I recommend close surveillance by local groups and I want local authorities AND the FBI to participate.

This is no time to be stressing diversity unto our own deaths.

That is illogical and simply stupid.

If islam learns how to behave, then I will call it Islam again.

But I doubt it will behave for a long long time.

Until then it must be monitored, observed, profiled, and suppressed, if necessary. And I believe we need no more proof that it is now necessary. More proof is just more dead and injured innocents.

How is it not terrorism when a Muslim kills 13 at Ft. Hood, Texas, but it is terrorism if a Muslim tries to blow up a plane?? Stupid damn PC Liberals..................
It's time to wake up, America!

How is it not terrorism when a Muslim kills 13 at Ft. Hood, Texas, but it is terrorism if a Muslim tries to blow up a plane?? Stupid damn PC Liberals..................
It's time to wake up, America!

The problem is the ideology of hate. It breeds individuals who act on it.

We can only counter these threats by speaking out against it.

The apologists will claim yet again that this was not a Muslim...but a radical-Muslim. Tell me, when do Muslims become radical so we may defend ourselves?

Islam itself along with all of the inane rituals including the never-ending repetitive daily public prayer rituals is itself a sort of never-ending religious ceremony the purpose of which is the destruction of non-Muslim societies.

I'm glad I don't fly...I flap my wings a lot, but never actually take off...
It's obvious that better security is needed...One of these dry runs will be for real...

No Brede, I am not from Hastings, but I would love to hear the story. :) Actually, I have an electric wheelchair(more like a scooter), that I use outside, and I named her choppie after the American motorcycle bikes they build on American Chopper. :)

And, I would like to add my name to the list thanking Marisol for watching out for us.

My mother-board died a few weeks ago, and I am just now able to get back thanks to my wonderful and computer magical husband, and I am glad to be back. I am an American living in Sweden, and I don't care how much my husband denies it, the news here is censored for the poor sensitive lefties that cannot handle the REAL news! I have a lot to catch up on!!

All of that monitoring and defending from attacks and cleaning up after attacks will still ruin life in America as time and resources are diverted from other more normal crimes and problems. The only option if America is to remain anything remotely close to a free and healthy society is to exclude Islam from the protections of the first amendment. It will be very difficult to accomplish this politically but it has to happen, there is no other way.

Meet the hero

From the article:

"Minuten voor de landing zag Schuringa, een 32-jarige ondernemer uit Amsterdam, dat een Nigeriaan plotseling opstond en iets aanstak. De Hollander twijfelde geen moment en dook in een soort blinde woede boven op de terrorist. Daarbij klom hij over andere, bange passagiers heen om op de terrorist af te kunnen stormen.

Daarna hield Jasper Schuringa de verdachte in een stalen houdgreep tot na de landing. Bij zijn heldenactie verbrandde Schuringa zijn handen, scheurde kleding en raakte zijn schoenen kwijt."

Minutes before landing (Jasper) Schuringa, a 32 year old businessman from Amsterdam, saw a Nigerian suddenly standing up and lighting something. The Dutchman didn't hesitate for one moment and dove in blind anger on top of the terrorist. [...] Then Jasper Schuringa held the suspect in an iron grip 'til after touchdown. Because of his heroic action Schuringa burnt his hands, ripped his clothing and lost his shoes."

Nice ironic detail: his company in Amsterdam is called "Go with the Flow". ;-)

Kind regs from Amsterdam forever city of Theo van Gogh,

"The only option if America is to remain anything remotely close to a free and healthy society is to exclude Islam from the protections of the first amendment. It will be very difficult to accomplish this politically but it has to happen, there is no other way."

Public Law #------:
"Whereas the cult known as Islam has shown itself to be a danger to Americans' lives, limbs, and property, its promulgation, preaching, and practice are prohibited in all states, territories, and possessions of the United States of America. This legislation is not subject to court review."
passed by the House of Representatives, Jan. 2, 2010
passed by the Senate, Jan. 3, 2010
signed into law by the President, Jan. 4, 2010

that's all it takes; but, as you say, difficult

But let us not jump the gun about assuming this man's motivations (that would be Islamophobic after all)*. He could merely have been upset about the inflight movie. Ben Stiller movies can do that to people.

* Yes, I am being sarcastic here. This man is clearly a pious Muslim who sees waging jihad against the West (especially America) as an Islamic obligation.

"The apologists will claim yet again that this was not a Muslim...but a radical-Muslim."

Not always. Sometimes, they're "fundamentalist" Moslems, sometime "fanatical" ones, sometimes "strict, traditionalist" ones; sometimes they're "poor", sometimes "uneducated", sometimes just "bored", and sometimes "just joking"; but they're ALWAYS only a "tiny minority" of the great ROP.

Thanks for the info, Marisol.

The more I learn about this ideology, the more it horrifies me. Murder people and kill yourself and then your family has a party to celebrate it all? What sort of people THINK like this, you know?

Politically America is going to have to first acknowledge the political aspect of Islam. It will be easier to remove first amendment rights from the political aspects of Islam than from Islam entirely. Then, to the extent that someone wants to say they are a Muslim, they could do that, sort of like the way people will say they are Buddhist or other eastern religions but they are very superficial and it is really just a phase they are going through in college or something, but as soon as anyone talks about sharia or anything remotely approaching special rights or privileges that is considered political Islam and it is restricted.

Curious questions????
Does everybody get the same 72 virgins?
Does allah continually restore the virginity of the 72?
Do women martyrs get virgin men?

I've officially stopped giving a rat’s arse about offending anyone.

Are we all paranoid ?

As a nation, we have every reason to be that way.

We either start profiling or civilians will start dying like fields of flowers in a flood.

Take your pick, because the current administration WANTS their crisis too good to waste. They crave it. They need it.

Kenny Solomon
DC Works For Us
South Florida is on the wall.
Try and knock us off.

Just saw a crawler on tv news " congress to investigate terrorist attack." Now that should get us to the bottom of this situation.....not.

You mention Bosnia, rather Republika Srpska since its independence. It is interesting how in retrospect many of us are thinking of reviewing this little bit of history.

The history, of course, is still in the making over there. Bosnian Serbs are in a similar situation as the Israelis. They are non-Muslims who still retain the ability to militarily resist Islamization. The only way to do it is to maintain your culture through .... like Michael Savage puts it, borders, language, culture. Western interests have been trying to integrate Bosnian Serbs into a Bosnian Muslim majority, which Serbs have been resisting by hook and crook in an elaborate chess game. Dayton was up several months ago, the Bosnian central government was supposed to be integrated by now, but it isn't, and the divisions within the state more or less remain intact since the war.

In essence I support any non-Islamic entity that would and will resist Islamization, and therefore the destruction of their society. Bosnian Serbs deserve our respect, and support, no less than Israel does ... or any other non-Muslim entity who struggles against Islamic aggression.

Oh almost forgot, I write about a bit of the history over there on my blog, and have collected a few articles on the subject.

It reads from the bottom up ... cheapie blog format.

It does not surprise me that the individual was not further questioned. We have put offending people of the Islamic faith above national security. It is quite striking that Obama called this a terrorist attack, but not the terrorist incident at Fort Hood. Even though these muslims had the same jihadi intent to "kill the infidels wherever ye find them." The same Yemeni connections. Hmm does anybody see a pattern here?

He has been on the US watch list for 2 years, and was never put on the no-fly list. It was said that even though he was on the watch list, it did not constitute putting him on the no-fly list. Much like our 19 9/11 hijackers where many of them overstayed their visas, were on terrorist watch lists, but were still allowed to fly.

Much like Nidal Hasan who had sparked the curiosity of his peers which the FBI "investigated" Hasan, said there was not enough "evidence" to warrant any further investigation of Hasan. We would rather not offend, than to protect 13 or even 200 innocent lives.

It is a classic case of PC at its best. The airports have ramped up security, but just wait, the complaints will fly and the ACLU will forget about this incident and say we are "profiling" and file a suit. Lest we forget about the 200+ people that would have been killed had it not been for the brave passengers on that flight.

Remember, Atta packed a "wedding" suit on American Airlines flight 11 before he hijacked the plane to slam it into the 1st wtc building. They use the word "wedding" for their terrorist plots. It is the wedding they believe they will have in their islamic paradise.

It is just like Saudi Arabia, they have no problem getting a visa to the United States. Our government seems to have a "cordial" relationship with Saudi Arabia, even though evidence shows that Saudi Arabia funds radical islam with its petro dollars. But, America still has not cut ties with Saudi Arabia, much like it has not cut ties with Pakistan whom we have seen there the intelligence service imbedded with Taliban sympathizers and Taliban insurgents.

Yeah, lets just throw more money at the Pakistani government. Nothing like sleeping with the enemy, same with Saudi Arabia.

I am sure CAIR and ISNA will play this down and call us Islamaphobes. I am sure CAIR and ISNA will defend Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab and say he is not a terrorist. Instead of condemning terrorism that CAIR says they are against, they will make excuses as usual to downplay this threat and continue to "show" how muslims are more scrutinized at airports.

The truth is like dirt, you can sweep it under the rug but it is still there.

"Blessed are the idiots for even they can be forgiven."

I am the truthsayer and I approve of this message.

IIRC, one of those "Ask The Imam" type of websites said that female martyrs get the same husband they had while alive. Supposedly he will suddenly be able to please her.

I suppose this explains why female martyrs are still quite rare. The women simply don't want to have to put up with the same, whining, abusive ass-hat of a muslim man for all eternity.

My thanks to the first and later passengers who were proactive in this situation. Maybe the combined factors of this mooselimb being a blundering idiot and the courage of these passengers is a spiritual sign that we are being given a window of opportunity now to stop all of this. I think that Westerners have had their fill of this barbaric nonsense.
In the American northern Midwestern university that I attend, 90% of the instructors in the Engineering Dept are mid-eastern, including the Dean of Students. I agree with the idea that this jihad is very state-of-the-art, high-tech and sophisticated among those mooselimbs who can think beyond the daily basics of life. My impression is that these more intellectual types are like the portions of other organized crime organizations who assume the more cerebral roles and functions. These brainy thugs operate differently from their more "fundamental" brethren, but the goal is the same.

"Does allah continually restore the virginity of the 72?"

I've heard that allah, the great, does. (In fact, my take on this is that these pathetic ladies have "hydra hymans", that is, they grow back after they've been broken.) What else would you expect from a belief-system that caters to the most illogical and irrational base desires of its followers?
I also think that the the primary emotion behind all of this sub-human behavior is jealousy and envy. I think that beneath their piousness and religiosity that there is an enormous resentment towards Westerners because we have advanced throughout the centuries and they have not. The only effort on their part to "get with the program" seems to be the disproportionate amount of their ilk in the science and technology fields, at western universities and in employment. The motivating factor, in my opinion, is really not to evolve into more a forward-thinking breed of humanoids, but to expedite medieval barbarism via science.

Re: the virgins in Islamic paradise: don't forget, they are likely girls, not women -- i.e., by killing (and dying) in the path of Allah, Muslim men are promised eternal sex with underage girls. If that isn't bad enough, let us not forget the "pearly boys" whose sexual role certain hadiths and tafsirs apparently "flesh out" in explicit detail.

Anyone who still believes Islam is not Satanic needs to have their head examined. And that, unfortunately, seems to include some luminaries in the still inchoate Anti-Islam Movement.

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