UK: Jihadists who plotted to blow up shopping center had been granted permission to work as security guards

Why not? To disallow them would have been "Islamophobic." "Manchester terror suspects cleared to work as guards," by David Leppard for The Sunday Times, December 13:

Ten members of a suspected Islamist terror cell, said by MI5 to be plotting to blow up a shopping centre and a nightclub in Manchester, had been granted permission by the Home Office to work as security guards in Britain.

The Pakistani students -- who were never charged for lack of evidence -- were arrested over an alleged plot to bomb Britain last Easter. Police believed they had conducted "hostile reconnaissance" of the Arndale and Trafford shopping centres and the Birdcage nightclub.

It has now emerged that in the months before the alleged plot, the men were given licences to work as security guards by the Security Industry Authority (SIA), a Home Office body that regulates the private security industry.

They all passed a vetting programme designed to bar criminals and undesirables from taking up sensitive security posts protecting airports, ports and Whitehall buildings from terrorist attack. When arrested, two of the students were working for a cargo firm which had access to secure areas at Manchester airport....

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You couldn't make this nonsense up AND have people believe it.

Absurd, suicidal, idiotic pandering to a group that bring nothing to the free world.

If the United Kingdom returns New Labour back to power next year, it truly deserves whatever happens to it. It is rather like giving registered sex offenders janitorial positions at a public school.

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