Egypt State Security intensifies intimidation of Coptic Christians, arresting over 100 without charge

"Arrests of Copts after every sedition is the usual scenario as a pressure card in the hands of State Security to force the church and Copts to accept 'reconciliation', in which Coptic victims give up all criminal and civil charges against the perpetrators."

"Over 100 Coptic Christian Teenagers Arrested in Egypt," by Mary Abdelmassih for AINA, January 13:

Egypt (AINA) -- Egyptian State Security has intensified its intimidation of the Coptic Church and Christians in Nag Hammadi, and neighboring Bahgoura, by carrying out random arrests of Christian youth. The campaign against Christians started on Friday January 7, 2010 and is continuing; multiple members of families have been arrested without warrants. Most arrests are being carried at dawn. More than one hundred Christian youth have been arrested without charge.

Arrests of Copts after every sedition is the usual scenario as a pressure card in the hands of State Security to force the church and Copts to accept "reconciliation", in which Coptic victims give up all criminal and civil charges against the perpetrators. Because of the reaction in Egypt and worldwide to the shootings and the role of the State Security, Bishop Kyrollos was asked issue statements downplaying the negligence of State Security. It is believed the arrests of the Coptic youth is a pressure tactic to force him to recant his accusations....

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Mr. Obama, how is your stretched out hand of respect and tolerance to the great religion and the whole Muslim world working out for you? I see nothing but accelerated persecution, hate and murder coming from the great coreligionists, unless it's my lyin' eyes again.

Islam would collapse without fear and intimidation.
Isn't YouTube's Father Botros a Copt?
Isn't Father Botros Public Enemy #1 in Islam?

Muslim men will kill to prevent Muslim women from reading this

Punishing the victims.

When a woman is raped, in dar al Islam, *she* is blamed for the crime and, often, murdered as 'punishment' - either by a member of her own family (father, brother, cousin, uncle; and any one of these may himself have committed the rape, all too often) or by a howling male mob throwing rocks; or if she is lucky, she may be 'only' imprisoned (like in Pakistan) or flogged.

Likewise: howling Muslim mobs attack Coptic Christians; Muslim drive-by assassins murder Copts outside church on Coptic Christmas day; and what happens? The Muslim authorities *arrest the Copts*.

From the article: "Arrests of Copts after every sedition is the usual scenario as a pressure card in the hands of State Security to force the church and Copts to accept "reconciliation", in which Coptic victims give up all criminal and civil charges against the perpetrators."

The absolute vileness of the behaviour that Islam produces, whereby the evil get off scot-free - are praised and exonerated - while their victims are blamed and *punished* for what the evil have done to them, boggles the mind.

It is like looking through a trapdoor into the pits of Hell.

It's time for the Copts to think about emigrating en mass. There is no security for non-Muslims to live and worship in Darul Islam.

Is there a way to monetarily support the Coptics?

Paging all jihadwatchers who may be resident in, or visiting, the city of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: today (January 14 Australian time) there will be a protest march organised by Copts, in Melbourne, concluding outside the Egyptian consulate, to protest against Muslim persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt.

Excerpt (date of story is Jan 13 2010 Australian time)

"He (a Muslim from Egypt who converted to Coptic Christianity and was forced to flee Egypt, settling in Australia) will be one of 12,000 expected to march to the Egyptian consulate in the city [i.e. Melbourne] tomorrow to protest over the killing of six Coptic Orthodox Christians in a drive-by shooting in Egypt last month.

The protest would call on the Australian Government to break its silence on the attacks on Copts in Egypt which has drawn wide condemnation round the world, including from the Pope."

If you're in Melbourne you *have* to be there, if at all possible. All Australian Christians should welcome and embrace these people who have suffered so much, and speak up for them and with them.

According to this article

the Melbourne march will begin from the Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne.

"A specially-organised liturgy and demonstration is to start on 14 January at St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne, Australia's second largest city, process to the Egyptian consulate and then on to offices of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs".

There will also be a protest march today 14 January in Sydney, NSW, that Sydneysider jihadwatchers can attend if at all possible.

See this article (by an Aussie Copt, I suspect) that appeared in the Melbourne Age:

"Two rallies in support of Coptic Christians in Egypt will be held in Sydney and Melbourne today.

"Melbourne's Coptic community will march to the Egyptian consulate in the city,

"while in Sydney, supporters are to gather St James Station end of Hyde Park (corner St James and Macquarie streets) at 11am for a noon start."

Be there, O Melbourne and Sydney jihadwatchers, or be square! Even if you can't be there for the whole of it, the timing of the Sydney march at least is such that anyone whose workplace is in the CBD should be able to join in at least part of the march during their lunch hour.

Here's a rather nice little piece that shows how Copts have been flourishing and putting down roots in the land Down Under.

I have been trying to find out the exact time for the service at the Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne, which will precede the protest march on behalf of the Copts, to the Egyptian consulate in Melbourne and then to the Dept of Foreign Affairs, but so far have had no luck.

'PG' - are you reading this? Can you help?

It's 9.32 AM Eastern Aussie summer time, so there are still a couple of hours (at the time I am writing this) for central Melbourne Aussie jihadwatchers (or non-Aussies who just *happen* to be in Melbourne this morning, 14 January) reading this to find out about the protest and get their tails down there pronto, even if they get there after it's started.

We'll be attending the rally in SYdney on TUesday 19th January starting at 11am for 12pm start, rallying corner of St James St and Macquwarie strrets -- the St James station end of Hyde park. Should I carry a rose between my teeth so that any other JWers who might attend can identify us?

Rally at the St James station end of Hyde Park, corner St James st and Macquaries st at 11am for 12pm next Tuesday 19th January if you're anywhere near Sydey. We'll be there. Should I carry a red rose between my teeth so as to be identifiable to other JWs?

Rally at the St James station end of Hyde Park, corner St James st and Macquaries st at 11am for 12pm next Tuesday 19th January if you're anywhere near Sydey. We'll be there. Should I carry a red rose between my teeth so as to be identifiable to other JWs?

Rally at the St James station end of Hyde Park, corner St James st and Macquaries st at 11am for 12pm next Tuesday 19th January if you're anywhere near Sydey. We'll be there. Should I carry a red rose between my teeth so as to be identifiable to other JWs?

Oooops. So sorry folks -- but maybe it bears repeating...

Bless you, bless you, bless you, 'jewcat'! Mee-ow! Carry a white rose - as a nod to Pax Europa and the famous White Rose society who protested against the Nazis.

I can't be there - I live just too far away - but I will skip lunch today and spend the hour, instead, praying for the Copts and their supporters in Australia and beyond, and for a LARGE turnout for both marches.

Those of us who cannot attend such protests can - whether we are praying believers in a non-Muslim faith, or whether we are sceptics - *also* devote an hour or so at midday, today, to writing letters to our Foreign Ministers and shadow Foreign Ministers, or the equivalent, in whatever as-yet-free non-Muslim country we reside, drawing their attention to the gross human rights abuses being perpetrated in Egypt by Muslims against Copts (and also by Muslims in other Muslim-dominated countries, against non-Muslims of all descriptions) and urging them to
1. publicly challenge and criticise the rulers of said Muslim countries, re. acquiescence in, or active encouragement of, those abuses
2. halt intergovernmental aid aka jizya, to those countries (would we have given 'aid' to Mao's China, or to Stalin's Russia, or to Nazi Germany in the late 1930s?)
3. halt all *Muslim* immigration to our countries, from those countries
4. make it easier and quicker for desperate *non-Muslims* from those countries, to find asylum in *our* countries (NO Muslims should have any access to or control over any part of that process, please!).

I still remember a friend of mine who lived in Sydney, telling me about her neighbours, both from Bangladesh: one Muslim family on one side of her house, one Hindu family in the house on the other side. The Hindu family, she observed, as she got to know them, were *terrified* of the Muslim family and wanted nothing to do with them. I pointed out to my friend that the Hindu family would have fled Bangladesh to Australia because of having been abused by Muslims, and that it must have been horrible for them to discover that their persecutors were securely entrenched in Australia as well; that *nowhere* was safe. Copts and Assyrian Christians in Australia must feel the same way that Hindu Bengali family felt, when they see the aggressive Mohammedan colonies expanding and flexing their muscles, all over Sydney and Melbourne.

A huge turnout to these pro-Copt demonstrations in Sydney and in Melbourne, not just by Copts but by a massive mixed crowd of Christian and non-Christian non-Muslim Aussies of all descriptions, would send a powerful message both to our politicians *and* to the Mohammedans.

Thanks for your blessings, DDA, plus offers of prayerful support --and the white rose is very appropriate!
A Coptic woman I know fled to Australia and to her horror, found that Muslims were settling here. She said, 'we fled them because of the terror and now we find Australia welcoming them in!'

You know what really gives me the creeps about this story?

It reminds me of what the Muslim authorities did, all over Muslim Turkey, just before the jihad genocide of the Armenian Christians was unleashed in full force.

The *men* of fighting age, especially the *young men*, of the community were by various means, including trickery as well as outright violent seizure, rounded up and taken away. After that, the mass murders, or ritual sacrifices to 'allah', of old men and of the defenceless women and children of the Armenians, began in earnest.

The Muslims in Egypt today, just like the Muslims in Turkey did in 1915, are deliberately and systematically targeting, and removing from the Coptic community, those who might fight to defend that community, when the violent Muslim mass-murderers start their dirty work.

Dda: Sorry, I could not get back to the computer yesterday. The demonstration was very well-attended and there were banners galore. We went from St Paul's to the Egyptian Embassy and thence to Parliament House. I wish I could say there were many people apart from Copts, but maybe next time. In any case, the Copts were grateful for the support we few gave them. Altogether, quite an impact was made in the city with lots of people coming up to ask what it was about. (It is amazing how little people know about the world, still.)
Watch the news tonight; hopefully there will be something about it.


How many people do you think *were* there (in the march)?

And were there many people in the service at St Paul's?

I'm glad that it raised some awareness among ordinary Aussies in the Melbourne CBD.

In that regard, even a few well-informed jihadwatchers with a pocketful of fliers about dhimmitude (referring people, perhaps, to Bat Yeor's and Mark Durie's websites, and to jihadwatch, for further info.) could have a wide impact.

Like you say: next time.

I am sure there *will* be a next time. There *must* be a next time, both in Sydney and in Melbourne.

dda: The Age said 6,000. I don't know; certainly quite a few thousand. I didn't know about the service first, unfortunately, but in any case would have been very late ad trams were diverted and I had to walk a long way.
A female Muslim tourist stopped and asked someone to take a photo of her in front of the demonstration at Parliament House. I was hoping she would ask me what it was about so I could brightly say,"Oh, Islamic supremacism, torture, we're concentrating on Egypt..." or something.

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