Army ignored warning signs from Fort Hood jihadist because it "valued the diversity of having a Muslim psychiatrist"

And all it cost was thirteen dead. Ain't multiculturalism grand? "Ft. Hood suspect was Army dilemma: His extreme views possibly overlooked in favor of diversity," by Bryan Bender for the Boston Globe, February 22 (thanks to Block Ness):

WASHINGTON - Army superiors were warned about the radicalization of Major Nidal Malik Hasan years before he allegedly massacred 13 soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, but did not act in part because they valued the rare diversity of having a Muslim psychiatrist, military investigators wrote in previously undisclosed reports.

An obvious "problem child'' spouting extremist views, Hasan made numerous statements that were not protected by the First Amendment and were grounds for discharge by violating his military oath, investigators found.

Examples of Hasan's radical behavior have previously been disclosed in press accounts based on interviews with unnamed Army officials, including his defense of suicide bombings and assertions that Islamic law took priority over his allegiance to the United States.

But the Pentagon's careful documentation of individual episodes dating back to 2005 and the subsequent inaction of his superiors have not been made public before.

The Globe was permitted to review the Army's more complete findings on the condition that it not name supervisory officers who did not act, some of whom are facing possible disciplinary action.

In searching for explanations for why superiors did not move to revoke Hasan's security clearances or expel him from the Army, the report portrays colleagues and superiors as possibly reluctant to lose one of the Army's few Muslim mental health specialists.

The report concludes that because the Army had attracted only one Muslim psychiatrist in addition to Hasan since 2001, "it is possible some were afraid'' of losing such diversity "and thus were willing to overlook Hasan's deficiencies as an officer.''

"Several of his supervisors explicitly mentioned Hasan's potential to inform our understanding of Islamic culture and how it relates to the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan,'' the investigators found.

In one classroom incident not previously described by the Army - which parallels another episode around the same time that has received press attention - Hasan gave a presentation in August 2007 titled "Is the War on Terrorism a War on Islam: An Islamic Perspective.''

But the presentation was "shut down'' by the instructor because Hasan appeared to be defending terrorism. Witnesses told investigators that Hasan became visibly upset as a result.

"The students reported his statements to superior officers, who took no action on the basis that Major Hasan's statements were protected by the First Amendment,'' the investigation found. "They did not counsel Hasan and consider administrative action, even though not all protected speech is compatible with continued military service.''

It added: "Soldiers have rights under the First Amendment, but they are not the same rights as civilians. . . . [T]hese statements violated the Army . . . standard to hold a security clearance.''...

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"In searching for explanations for why superiors did not move to revoke Hasan's security clearances or expel him from the Army, the report portrays colleagues and superiors as possibly reluctant to lose one of the Army's few Muslim mental health specialists.

Muslim and mental health just don't go together. It's a joke. A tragic joke.

Mr. Smith, Dr. Bin Laden is ready to see you.

Political Correctness kills. I wonder if there is any way for the parents and relatives of the deceased to bring a civil action against the army brass who did nothing.

Hi Robert and all of you Jihadwatch followers, as I promised last week, here is the second article of "blogging the Qur'an" translated in French. You can find it here
Also I have started to publish a fantastic translation of "the Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam" with some chapters already available, you can find it here

Bonjour à Robert et à vous tous lecteurs de Jihadwatch, comme promis la semaine dernière, voici le deuxième article dans la série "bloguer le Coran", traduction en français de la série "blogging the Qur'an" écrite par Robert Spencer.Vous pouvez le trouver ici
J'ai aussi commencé à publier des traductions d'un livre de Robert Spencer, "le guide politiquement incorrect de l'Islam", vous pouvez déjà trouver quelques chapitres en français ici

Once again, feel free to share the news using social networks buttons available on my blog to educate as many people as you can on Islam, especially the french speakers. I will publish another one next week,in the meantime, enjoy!

Antoine Martin

Several of his supervisors explicitly mentioned Hasan's potential to inform our understanding of Islamic culture...

Well, he certainly got that job done.

*** 8:7 ***

So now what?

What a great diversity prize their Muslim psychiatrist turned out to be. Anyone with an ounce of sense would have gotten rid of this miscreant early on or would never have hired him.

We need to attract more intelligent people into the military. Diversity is fine, BUT ONLY IF THEY ARE ON OUR SIDE!!

The superior officers who kept this terrorist-supporting psychiatrist on base should be court-martialed. They are responsible for the deaths of those 13 soldiers just as surely as if they had done nothing about a rabid dog on base. The signs were obvious. This guy was practically foaming at the mouth.

The Globe was permitted to review the Army's more complete findings on the condition that it not name supervisory officers who did not act, some of whom are facing possible disciplinary action.

The same Army that made reporting on a muslim career suicide is now going to end the careers of those officers anyway? Great, let's line up the goats! However, will this punitive action change anything? Sure, but for the worse. Soldiers will simply deny knowing or suspecting anything was amiss when the next muslim in uniform decides to murder infidel soldiers.

Nobody, but nobody is going to flush their career down the toilet when the military's policy for reporting jihadist behavior is "Damned if you do, damned if you don't". It will be "See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil". Everyone will dummy up and all but guarantee the next avoidable tragedy.

Great job guys. Way to apply those "lessons learned".

"Several of his supervisors explicitly mentioned Hasan's potential to inform our understanding of Islamic culture and how it relates to the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

And so he did, as APF observes above, and in spades. The article mentions that Hasan was only one of two Muslim psychiatrists in the Army. I wonder where the second one is? And will one of the conclusions of the Army's investigation be that it needs to expand its recruitment of Muslim psychiatrists?

I think that in the interests of both diversity and of winning Muslim minds and hearts in this country, there should be a special program for the training of Muslim pilots who will then be given a fast-track in the Air Force, and rapidly promoted, and commercial airlines will be required to hire a certain ever-enlarging quota of Muslim pilots. What better way to show that we have full faith in our Muslim co-citizens, then in entrusting them with our lives, on our planes? And if, now and again, a plane goes astray, or perhaps there is an inadvertent attack by a Muslim pilot who simply had a raptus, nothing that anyone could have foreseen, it could happen to anyone, why keep harping on his being a Muslim?

And just think of the benefits we Infidels will no doubt derive from this increase in Muslim trust because we show we trust Muslims. It will be even better, far better, than in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Pakistan, or all over the Arab lands, where we are trying so very hard to win or buy or rent friends. What better way than showing we don't fear Islam or worry about Islam at all, and are willing to bet our lives on it, that's how much trust we put in Muslims, confounding the naysayers on both sides.

Well, I don't have to tell you how truly amazing the results will be.

So, the brass wanted to preserve the illusion
that they'd found ONE muslim, their "trophy muslim," who was patriotic and professional, working with our troops, helping to defend the country. Somehow they not only forgot to consider the potential price but ignored mounting evidence that their "pet muslim" was left-laning on the Jihad Highway. Hence, thirteen bullet-riddled bodies and that of an unborn child are added to "Diversity's" roll of victims.

On its face, diversity seems a noble enough pursuit. The concept that folks from other cultures could add depth and breadth to our own, could increase tolerance and understanding, could be an asset to our society; these seem noble goals. But enter...ISLAM! Muslims, as a group, possess none of the these attributes! They're destoyers of culture, the antithesis of tolerance, the bane of society. Their contributions are all negative, all destructive, all exclusionary and hate-filled. They can take the highest-flying ideals of free and generous people and turn them to rubble and spilled blood.

Diversity, as an end to itself, is not worth ONE SINGLE life! It is a shattered illusion as long as muslims are falsely included in the equation. It has already caused more pain and suffering than it's worth. To pursue it further at this time is tantamount to suicide.

Islam ruins everything it touches...

Is it really the Army or is it the civilians running the Army the ultimate problem?

Does anyone really believe it is the Army proper who came up with the crazy rules of engagement currently in force in Afcrapistain?

Does anyone who has read Military History know of any Battle, Campaign, War, conflict where the non-combatants could roam the area of direct conflict and expect, by some unknown right, complete immunity????

Should we start sending Spouses and Dependents along with the Troops and see if the enemy respects their "rights".

Offering safe passage to non combatants is one thing. We offered plenty of notice we were coming. That should have been the end of the matter. Not this B.S. where every death toll just happens to have "civilians" in the mix we can morn over, and apologize for, with the Press more than willing to trumpet the "mistake".

We need to learn how the Pakistani's do things. You hardly ever hear about any "civilians" dieing when they conduct operations. Doesn't seem to matter how high the death count is either.

Can you imagine how they manage to do it? we have the best trained troops, the best applied technology, the smartest most accurate weapon systems, and we are even known to watch the enemy for hours before using any of it. Not to mention an OK from who knows how many "higher ups" before pulling the trigger. Yet those pesky "civilians" still manage to get into harms way for us to feel sorry for.

Yet the Pakistanis use General area bombardment, drop dumb bombs, toss Mortar rounds. They even managed to get close to 2 million to hit the road out of Dodge on one occasion.

So, just what is it that they know that we have such a hard time figuring out?

We have a War College for crying out loud! Are the Civilians dumming down this institution just like they have with the bulk of the rest of the Education system in the Country?


Your quote here is very accurate:

"Diversity, as an end to itself, is not worth ONE SINGLE life! It is a shattered illusion as long as muslims are falsely included in the equation. It has already caused more pain and suffering than it's worth. To pursue it further at this time is tantamount to suicide.

"Islam ruins everything it touches... "


That quote put me in mind of something I read earlier today on Sultan Knish's blog:

"The idea of Islam co-existing with a diversity of religions and beliefs is a bit of paradoxical stupidity. Islam was created precisely to supplant a diversity of religions and beliefs by people who wanted to find unity through one supreme system. The rise of Islamism in the West cannot be negated by multiculturalism-- ITS POPULARITY IS A REACTION TO MULTICULTURALISM. The Muslim who finds himself having to deal with Christians, Jews, Sikhs and Hindus on a daily basis, who has to navigate a complex and often contradictory system of social rules and codes naturally longs for stability and simplicity, and he finds it in the most radical interpretations of Islam.

"The Islamists have a simple set of rules for how Muslims and non-Muslims must behave, for how women must act and how men should act. The Muslim professional in the West who must deal with clashing and contrasting obligations, who must try to understand what it is to be a Doctor and a Briton, who must choose between political parties and interact with people whose ideas repel him in a professional context will inevitably be drawn to Islam as the solution and the unifying principle in all these conflicts. This great diverse society so beloved by the left is exactly what drives him to the mosque and to the bomb, in the name of simplifying all this mad cacophony until all the damned infidels bow their heads to the infinite justice and wisdom of Islam.

"The final benefit of Islam of course is that it makes the Muslim in the West immediately superior to the Westerners. The Muslim Doctor is not only immediately better than his Western colleagues for being a Muslim, but even the lowest doletaker is better than all the infidels. And better than his Muslim brothers who have compromised their religion by becoming too British. He finds a new solidarity and self-esteem by plotting to overthrow and conquer this nation of infidels. And meanwhile back in Saudi Arabia or Iran, the same chaotic cluster of families and clans finances the Islamists, in order to keep their dangerous ideas away from their own throats while using them as a weapon against the West, watch and laugh."


Wow, that's a further paradox I hadn't considered--that "multiculturalism" incites the bad guys to become even MORE islamic! It makes sense, though, that infidels are all infidels after all--and the taste of many flavors of infidels only further sours their already-dysfunctional palates.

Muslims (and their facilitators) are surely willing to ride the "diversity" horse hard when it serves their ends (I'm thinking of CAIR here, for instance). But it should be no surprise that they would hijack any concept or ideal, no matter how intrinsically noble, to further their agenda of domination. (They've surely showcased their talent for hijacking!)

Isn't it interesting that the left-leaning "diversity-first" folks don't see that they're nothing more than convenient tools & potential victims? They're infidels, too! They will be used & discarded when no longer needed. And they may be a full head shorter at the end of their shelf-life!


Oh and Yankel...

I've been laughing out loud all day from:

"Mr. Smith, Dr. Bin Laden is ready to see you."

I'm still laughing so hard I can hardly type this!

Our own demise! It is amazing to see the amount of money, time and energy is spent on the Muslim and Islamic world. What a waste of resources to a barbaric and ungrateful Ummah.

Diversity! That's like a school district's arguing that hiring someone who has blue skin adds to their diversity even though signs keep pouring in that the person is a pedophile or a serial murderer. Seriousely, what good is this diversity if all the signs are there that it comes in an explosive package?

Flowerknife wrote:

"We have a War College for crying out loud! Are the Civilians dumming down this institution just like they have with the bulk of the rest of the Education system in the Country?"

Actually, yes. I'll dig out one of the books on Islam produced by a professor at that military institution. I'ts not very thoughtful.

Institutional Diversity (the big "D") is fool's gold, and those who seek it are on a fool's errand.

Maybe I should start writing fortune cookies...

The military is STILL bending over backwards for diversity.

Are Major Nidal Malik Hasan's actions not Treason? We are at war. He committed an act for the enemy against us. That is clearly treason. And we're pussyfooting around it.

This seems to be one area in which the military is still a bunch of prancing pansies.


This entire experience makes me wonder how many Muslim personnel Hasan helped avoid appropriate disciplinary action by lying about them in his official reports. There are probably other Muslims in the Army saying the same stuff he did, they get referred to him for counseling because he's Muslim, he spends hours "counseling" them how to better infiltrate the infidel Army by shutting up and being patient, then writes a report proclaiming them "cured". Their commanding officers are none the wiser, because their subordinate isn't talking about their true beliefs anymore.

Excllent point, aynrandgirl.

A Muslim psychiatist ! You have got to be having a laff. Whatever next. These people are complete morons. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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