Hamas-linked CAIR defends Muslim thugs who shouted down Israeli ambassador

Posted by Robert on February 17, 2010 10:48 AM

Islamic Supremacist Chutzpah Alert: CAIR, [1] the thuggish enemy of the freedom of speech, claims the freedom of speech as a defense for the Muslim thugs who disrupted a talk at UC-Irvine by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren.

The freedom of speech is the freedom to state one's point of view without fear of government reprisal. The freedom of speech is not the freedom to bully, intimidate, shout someone down. These "students" could have asked Oren questions during the question period if they had wanted to exercise their freedom of speech, or staged their own event. All they really wanted to do was keep him from exercising his freedom of speech.

And parenthetically, the schoolmarmish professor who cries "Shame on you!" to these thugs is simply embarrassing. He doesn't even realize that these Islamic supremacists cannot be shamed by him. He doesn't even realize that they aren't even playing the game he thinks they're playing, and they certainly aren't playing the game he himself is playing.

"Islamic group defends student protest: District attorney should drop charges against 11 students because the incident took place on campus, says CAIR," by Tom Ragan for the [2] Daily Pilot, February 16 (thanks to Twostellas):

A pro-Islamic group is urging UC Irvine to drop disciplinary actions against a group of students who were arrested after protesting the Israeli ambassador's presence on campus by intermittently interrupting him during a speech last week.

In all, 11 students, many of whom yelled and screamed in protest, were detained and cited by campus police for causing a ruckus during Ambassador Michael Oren's speech. Their tones at times reached fever pitch, according to scenes from the event that were captured in a video posted on YouTube.

Oren was trying to speak about diplomatic relations between Israel and the United States, but was interrupted so often that he had a hard time delivering his message, UCI officials said.

The matter has been forwarded to the Orange County district attorney for possible criminal prosecution, but a decision won't be made until later this week because the office has not yet received the complaint, said Susan Schroeder, spokeswoman for the D.A.'s office.

But the D.A.'s office should drop the charges because the incident occurred on campus, said the Anaheim office of a pro-Islamic group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

"We feel this is a campus event. It was noncriminal, nonviolent and nonthreatening," said Hussam Ayloush, executive director of CAIR's Greater Los Angeles Area office. "Off-campus police should not be involved in such matters. The D.A.'s office shouldn't be involved in such matters. It was just a bunch of students who spoke out at a student event."

If the campus decides to pursue disciplinary action, then it would only be perceived as "selective enforcement," Ayloush said, adding that the campus probably does not want to be viewed in such a light.

"We strongly see the protest as a matter of free speech, regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees," he said. "Students complain all the time, they interrupt all the time, or they boo people all the time. This is nothing new. People have yelled to me, 'Go home, you terrorist,' and I take it. I don't complain."...

[3] Liar!

Article printed from Jihad Watch: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/02/hamas-linked-cair-defends-muslim-thugs-who-shouted-down-israeli-ambassador.html

URLs in this post:
[1] http://www.jihadwatch.org/2009/07/brave-sir-ahmed-ran-away-hamas-linked-cair-op-passed-up-a-chance-to-be-on-ala-panel-and-now-crows-ab.html
[2] http://www.dailypilot.com/articles/2010/02/17/education/dpt-protest021710.txt
[3] http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/02/the-chilling-effect-on-free-speech-of-islamic-supremacist-lawfare-legislation.html