Churchill on mad Hitler: Is he going to blow up the world or not?
Jihad calls by Kad-hafi and Ah-mad-inejad condemned at the UN

Comments by David G. Littman, NGO Representative to the United Nations in Geneva: Association for World Education (AWE) and the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) :

The following joint statement was drafted & delivered by DGL for WUPJ on 16 March:

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United Nations Human Rights Council -13th session (1-26 March 2010)
Statement by David G. Littman - Tuesday (am) 16 March 2010 (22nd meeting)
President (Chair): Ambassador Alex Van Meeuwen (Belgium)
Item 4: Human Rights situations that require the Council's attention

Sir, there is a serious human rights principle that requires the Council's urgent attention now.

We would remind all delegates of that fateful period of appeasement in the 1930s when the League of Nations closed down soon after the new grandiose Palais des Nations had opened. While fear stalked the streets of Europe, on the stage of history, a mad leader (Führer) was allowed to run amok.

One man was not blinded by duplicity or fear and he spoke out for freedom at that moment of truth. In a 28 June 1939 speech [Carlton Club, London], Winston Churchill used a metaphoric image that is pertinent today when related to a controversial president who constantly reiterates - while seeking nuclear power - that another Member State should be "wiped off the map". And there is another OIC leader-for-life who has called for our host country to be split into pieces - and then went further with a ghoulish call for a Jihad against Switzerland - and all this in defiance of the UN Charter - article 2:4

All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state or in any manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Who knows how many demented Jihadist bombers might be tempted by these religious-sounding calls to seek 'martyrdom' - and an irresistible heavenly reward - by trying to blow up the UN corridors of power. Churchill's words on Hitler relate to this mania which requires the Council's urgent attention:

Is he going to blow up the world or not? The world is a very heavy thing to blow up! An extraordinary man at a pinnacle of power may create a great explosion, and yet the civilised world may remain unshaken. The enormous fragments and splinters may clatter down upon his own head and destroy him...but the world will go on.

As threats against Member States are also an attack on the human right to life, the Human Rights Council has a sacred duty to condemn such unacceptable calls to Jihad, which are in total violation of the Purposes of the UN Charter and of the International Bill of Human Rights. They should be severely reprimanded by this Council and by other UN bodies and persons.

Silence here & now would make of us all the accomplices of terrorism and tyranny.

Thank you Mr President.

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There are many parallels between the "gathering storm" of Nazism in the 1930's, and the "gathering storm" of Mohammedanism in the early 21st century, ideologically speaking.

However, demographically speaking, there are many, many, many (etc) more Mohammedans than there ever were Nazis. As we all know, the Mohammedans are using their polygamous and child brides over-breeding as a weapon. The population-explosion weapon:

“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.”

– Houari (Mohamed) Boumedienne, President of Algeria, 1965 – 1978, in a 1974 speech at the UN

Which is happening right now. What are we going to do about it?

"Silence here & now would make of us all the accomplices of terrorism and tyranny."

I must agree with Mr Spencer - Our continued silence is tacit approval of this intolerable threat to the live of millions of innocent people.

The word innocent is key here. Muslims have a very twisted view of non-Muslim innocence.

I fear Mr Obama would abandon Israel in a war with Iran, and support our enemies instead of our allies.

A disaster of Biblical proportions has befallen the American public due to an incessant string of lies from the MSM.

Time is growing short if we are to save our Republic.

...Silence here & now would make of us all the accomplices of terrorism and tyranny...

Silence is golden...But the value is determined by it's controller...Controlled silence is the absence of free speech...One of Islams goals is to control the silence of kufr, especially kufr who know too much...

...the Human Rights Council has a sacred duty to condemn such unacceptable calls to Jihad...

Are there any acceptable calls to jihad? Would the Human Rights Council give its approval to an acceptable jihad? And who decides what is acceptable jihad and what is not?

Shhh...They didn't want me to bring that up...

So, then the brave and valiant UNHRC President jumped up, strongly denounced the calls for genocidal jihad, the jihadis were defeated, and they all lived happily ever after.

David G. Littman is a fantastic writer, and a indefatigable foe of jihad, but he may as well stand on the podium and blow air with a bellows at the microphone for all the good it will do in the unhallowed halls of the UN.

G*d bless him, and G*d bless us.

Silence here & now would make of us all the accomplices of terrorism and tyranny.

Or Islam. Or Islamism. Or whatever in the hell they're calling it today.


Like Hitler, islam will finally push it too far. Recall the appeasement & defeatism extant before WWII, including the isolationist movement in our own country. But coming to blows with Germany was inevitable, the Pearl Harbor attack notwithstanding. In the event, Hitler, in his hubris, sealed his own fate; Barbarossa was the beginning of the end for him and his "religion."

Reminiscent of Hitler, muslims today are cocky and impatient. They will make one attack, one demand, too many. They will finally cross the line & see the civilized world arrayed against them. God (the real one) only knows what it'll take; will it be the tide turning slowly against them or a conflagration? Probably elements of both.

Like their isolationist forebears, today's Dhimmis won't fight until punched directly in the mouth. Count on the compulsive muslims
to throw that punch. And, like HItler before them, to go down to ultimate defeat and the rebuke of history...


If we have the time, Sir, if we have the time...

لن استسلم


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