Obama Administration in wonderland: Hamas calls for new intifada, Clinton says Israel must prove its commitment to peace

Posted by Robert on March 16, 2010 5:46 PM

[1] Hamas calls for a new intifada and the Obama team [2] continues to act as if Israel were the obstacle to peace.

What planet are these people on?

(Planet jihad, apparently.)

"Clinton: Israel must prove commitment to peace," by Matthew Lee for [3] Associated Press, March 16 (thanks to Mark):

WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday said Israel must prove it is committed to the Mideast peace process with actions. But she brushed aside suggestions that relations with the main U.S. ally in the Mideast are in crisis over Israeli plans to build new Jewish housing in east Jerusalem.

Clinton said Israel must back up verbal pledges to talk peace with the Palestinians and improve an atmosphere poisoned by last week's housing announcement if stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are to be relaunched. She stressed that the U.S. remains committed to Israel's security despite current tensions.

Resolving what has become the most serious spat between the two countries in decades has become a top priority for the Obama administration as it strives to restart the moribund peace process with indirect, shuttle diplomacy by special Mideast envoy George Mitchell. Yet Clinton made clear that Israeli steps were needed first.

"We are engaged in very active consultations with the Israelis over steps that we think would demonstrate the requisite commitment to the process," Clinton said....

Do the Palestinians have to abandon jihad? End the genocidal children's shows? Stop teaching Jew-hatred? Nope. None of the above. They don't have to do anything at all.

Article printed from Jihad Watch: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/03/obama-administration-in-wonderland-hamas-calls-for-new-intifada-clinton-says-israel-must-prove-its-c.html

URLs in this post:
[1] http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Mideast-Conflict/ss/events/wl/080601mideast
[2] http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/03/geller-obama-libels-israel-mainstream-media-lies-and-snores-on.html
[3] http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100316/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_clinton_mideast