Ready for the soccer jihad?


The images comes from Internet Haganah (thanks to Sr. Soph). It appears that this is some kind of World Cup soccer ball, with the flags of the various participating nations -- including Saudi Arabia.

So what? Well, as you can see, the Saudi flag prominently features the Shahada, the Islamic profession of faith: "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."

And...people are going to kick that?

This one could rival the Cartoon Jihad. But of course, it is never possible to guess about what will be chosen as the next pretext to stoke the sense of grievance and rage that the jihadists need to garner support and recruits.

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I am no fan of soccer but I would like to KICK that ball as far as I can while wearing cowboy boots.

Won't the soccer world cup balls only have flags on it of the countries that are actually playing in it? I see at least Israel (wow next to the SA's flag) and N. Ireland on the ball. They not playing. Maybe it's a special edition.

I meant countries playing in the FINALS.

"...And...people are going to kick that?.."

Right! I'll kick THAT s*# from here to Bagdad and back, anytime!

Also take note that Saudi flag is situated right beside Israeli and Danish flags. That sure is blasphemy in the highest order.

Today's news from Afghanistan confirms that any trivial irrational pretext will do to spark another orgy of self-righteous blood letting.

"US crash sparks Afghanistan riot

The crowd turned on the US convoy after the crash
Riots have broken out in the Afghan capital, Kabul, after at least seven people were killed in an accident involving a US military convoy.
A BBC correspondent says gunfire can be heard from many parts of the city, including from near the US embassy.

Police said the convoy collided with a rush-hour traffic jam.

The incident sparked angry scenes in which crowds shouting anti-US slogans began throwing stones and burning cars, police said."

Of course since this report is from the execrable BBC there is not even the slightest hint that such a reaction may be just a tiny tad unreasonable. As a Brit I am ashamed of them. Do you guys realise that any Brit who owns a TV must pay the the dumb dhimmi BBC's fascist poll tax on pain of prosecution? Whatever happened to "No Taxation Without Representation"? When will our leaders realise that it's time to stop helping these psycho primitives and get tough.

PS, I'm new here but you'll be hearing from me here in Eurabia often.
Great site, you're doing sterling work guys.

As an aside:

German Hotel Removes Alcohol, Porn for Saudi Team

Should we kick it or is it enough that the Saudi flag is next to Denmark's Cross and Israel's Star of David?

I would like to kick it hard and far also!
Personally I think the saudi team will be p***ed off not getting any porn!We all know they love the stuff!

Someone downunder has just released a non-alcoholic pink bubbly, and guess what the biggest market is? Yep,,the Middle east and that doesn't mean Israel!

And check the name of it? Do you think the woman was planning her market or is that too cynical?
I am sure she will do well with this!


For those of you in the States who know nothing about the beautiful game (your only national crime in my eyes), be aware that the Saudi's are unlikely to win even one game. Neither Jihad nor Allah will help on the footie field. You need skill and intelligence to win games. The total humiliation of the Saudi team is to be anticipated with glee and will demonstrate their inferiority in everything but barbarism.

Seriously though, football (NOT soccer) is the world's game. When are you Yanks going to join us? It would be politically smart and would help your image in the world.

GOD BLESS AMERICA. Where would us Europeans be without you? ( Answer: even deeper in doggy-doo than we are now).

seanb: Yes, I've heard of taxation without representation--I think that's why there was an American Revolution. I think you're stuck on the wrong side of the pond. ;-)

Seriously though, it's good to hear that there are still some Britons with backbone. Thank you!

Some more thoughts on the ball:

-maybe the Jihadis will like it--the Saudi sword is pointed toward the Israeli flag.

-hey, is that another Star of David on the N. Ireland flag? It's yellow no less. It may be too much for our Muslim friends to be between TWO Jewish stars and a Danish Cross.

-Wait! Is that a "nipple" on the Nippon flag? And is that another "nipple on the opposite side (you know, the valve thingie)? Nudity? Jewish Stars? A Christian Cross? Blasphemous!! The soccer/football headquarters building and stadia better be well protected from the mobs ("Muslims offended because") and their pieceful protests.

-is it made from pigskin?

Heads will roll!

It's lucky that soccer boots are generally made of kangaroo hide. (Not lucky for the roos, obviously.) Imagine if they were made of pigskin - the horror of a porcine boot coming into contact with a Saudi flag. Of course, in the old days, the ball would have been a leather casing around a pig's bladder.

Ahh yes, another reason for 'provocations' (as mentioned in another thread here):

Soccer moms without Burkhas.

Perpster, given the US of A's new immigration laws (or lack thereof) I may well soon be joining you as an illegal, I hear there are lots of perks to be had.
Only kidding, my duty is here and I'm very very afraid. Still, there is no true courage without fear and these days you need bottle (English for cojones) just to speak out. I for one will NOT be silenced.

seanb: The Magna Carta pre-dates the US Declaration of Independence AND the US Constitution. You have my support in your exercise of your right to speak out. Just keep an eye on your 6; you seem to be in hostile territory. God Speed.


About the question about when the USA is going to join the rest of the world in world football or what the USA calls soccer, the good news is that there is a team on its way to Germany to play next month against the Czech Republic. Played and won in my hometown's State university's college football stadium against the Latvian team. The former beat the latter. Go team USA and beat the Czechs, Saudis, and others over in Germany!

Could it be this soccer ball came out with the national flags setup as a way for the west to kick the radical jihadis around and an angry backlash against them for the angry temper tantrum over the Danish cartoons.

perpster. Don't worry about us mate, we Brits haven't forgotten how to street fight. In fact most of our young people do it every Saturday night, just for fun. We'll still be here standing shoulder to shoulder with you when the shit hits the fan.


Thank-you for your greeting and support to the USA on this special holiday called Memorial Day. :-)

Iran has conducted research into nuclear fusion, an Iranian nuclear official was reported as saying Monday by state television.

It was the first time the country declared such a development. ..................Mahmoud is a nut!........Iran can't harm us....again and again I hear this......As I look thru my history book...I see they said this about Hitler also.....What a nut he danger..Just like Mahmoud....Lets just go back to Sleep...all is well.

bigcatgirl, I know you have a team in the World Cup, but when are the people of the States going to show some interest? I'd love to see you beat the Saudi's. Good luck to you from one ally to another.
But when you do crash out I hope you'll be supporting us.
Here's how it's done: ENGER-LAND ENGER-LAND!

I think the football in question is one of 30,000 handed out by a German bank to their young savers. When informed of its blasphemous gaffe, the bank apologised unreservedly to the local islamic community.

Several of the German blogs carried this a couple of weeks ago.

As one of them, Gudrun Eussner, says at the end of her posting about it:
"This is psychological warfare against us... They're taking away our elan, our creativity, our optimism, our friendliness, they threaten us, they incite the muslims against us, they are finishing us off to the extent that we can't catch our breath anymore, and then they triumphantly occupy the space we, totally enervated, surrender. They don't even need to send suicide bombers or hijack planes and fly them into skyscrapers, we'll go willingly."

Robert I doubt this is a World Cup soccer ball as Israel did not qualify. Must have been photo shopped. And what's with the idea of a Saudi Flag anyway? Isn't that abit infidelistic?

Oh yes...the Saudi participation in the soccer World Cup means lots of pitfalls to those who use the event for advertising.

A small savings bank in a small town decided to distribute 30.000 tiny soccer balls (similar to the above picture... with the Saudi flag and all that "Allahilallahballaballa"-stuff on it) as freebies to their children costumers. You guess what happened? The savings banks deeply apologized to local Muslims and asserted, that this mistake just happened out of ignorance and that they had not at all intended to insult Islam deliberately. The local "moderate" Muslims mercifully accepted the apology (WOW!) and now hope that people will perhaps just paint over the Saudi flag on their children's soccer ball.

I didn't find a translation of this episode. But I found a translation of another:

It is so ridiulous!

Yes, William, that is strange, maybe photoshopped as you say.
I couldn't see an Israeli flag in the German ball.
Thanks for pointing that out, because on first glance it looked the same to me as the German one. But the German blasphemous football story is certainly true.

what the USA calls soccer

The name is in common use here, too, bigcatgirl13106. Actually, I think it is English public school slang - words ending "-er" often are. It's a corruption of "association", as in "association football", I believe. Obviously, since there are different codes of football, it's necessary to distinguish them except when it's obvious from the context.

If you've read the book, you'll recall Tom Brown gets ticked off as a new arrival at Rugby School for saying that he likes "football", since to the Rugby School boys that's a kids game, not the way they play football. I guess the BBC has popularized "football" as an exclusive term for "association football", but you do still hear the term "soccer" used over here.

Afghans Riot After Deadly Accident
Traffic accident involving U.S. troops sparkes a riot in Kabul, U.S. and Afghan forces fire on protesters, about five killed, 60 injured.................Karzai having tea with a Demon.....


Welcome, you'll find many other Brits here as well as a lot of other nationalities. Robert's message really is going global.


Gotta go to work now. It's been a pleasure meeting you all and thanks to those of you who have welcomed me.
Love to you all.

seanb - welcome - your not the famous actor are you ? anyway its good to have another brit - spread the good word - fight the good fight and your comment about street fighting is exactly what gives me hope - the F**** efet lefty elite in britain will sell us out but the blokes on the street will never stand for it!

Oops, forgot to wave to Sean and now he's gone.

BTW, is anyone going to explain the meaning of "bottle"? Or is that unsuitable for a family site (not that that would stop Interested)?

Here's a start for those who like linguistic puzzles.

Cockney rhyming slang: bottle-and-glass.

GREETINGS! right, the biggest football tournament the world has ever seen is about to kick off in germany! Get yer beer and barbies ready... c'mon the scots! oops i forgot,were noo playing!.I shall lend my support to the "ENGLISH" and there merry band of "lager louts".A wee birdie tells me "IRANS THUG IN CHIEF" is planning to visit germany to see his team!,what if...his plane developed mechanical troubles en-route??...George w,an opportunity not to be missed!...wink wink. ps The iranian team have been offered a million dollars each to win,and a date with the hangman if they will.Brasil for the cup!...cheers scotsguy

cant remember the exact derivation but "bottle" means to have courage - especially, but not exclusively of the street fighting type - its a word you hear a lot of in the uk - as in " lost yer bottle hav ye then mate?!!"

Like an spaniard I want that Spain wins.

Bottle and glass rhymes with arse. The phrase is a reference to the "bring me my brown trousers" type idea.

USA...are part of the world cup of football too! cmon you yanks,spread the word! get behind your team!,this tournament is watched by billions worldwide. go yanks..goooooo

Even if the Israeli flag was Photshopped, I still get a "kick" (get it?) about the 6-pointed star on the Ulster flag being next to the SA flag, and the Danish flag ABOVE the SA flag!

hope this site is not going to de-generate into a football fan site - I personally could not give a flying f*** about the world cup or football in general! opium for the masses - a bit like Islam!

As The Sand Blows
Apparently the latest news from the Kingdom in the Sand – is that Saudi Arabia is moving into the field – no! no! not the oil field – but the field of engineering. Yes folks, engineering and hopes one day to produce products in Saudi Arabia that will rival German engineering.

Ok, one could image how this came about. They all sat down and had a talk with the clerics and the clerics looked in the Koran and permission was then awarded.

In the interview there were some children [boys, I mean] competing in a youth engineering event - the first of its kind in SA - with Lego robotics [yes - Buy Danish], where one of the overseers of the children was a woman, without her head covered and wearing a T-shirt! The prize for the lucky winner was a trip to Germany to see the soccer. When the young woman was asked if she would be going to Germany, she replied rather quickly, “No, I am getting married” [proud first-one-of-four wives!] and now as a part of a growing harem, will continue her career, only with the permission granted to her by her husband.
[We all know she would never have been allowed to go on the trip]

One of the top aerospace engineers was educated in the US. But to produce homegrown engineers, they would have to reduce the amount of hours spent of learning Koran.

I suppose, besides being called dumb – the Saudis have clued on to the fact that the rest of the modern world is looking to get off the oil, so they are preparing for their futures in a new 20 year engineering initiative plan, where the Saudi people are to become the country’s greatest assets.

The reality is that the sandy Kingdom has something like 50% unemployment and this doesn’t include the women [do they really have women over there?], with foreigners doing most of the high skilled work. I predict that, old habits will die hard, and this new engineering initiative will be run primarily by a foreign work force.

The Israelis have more scientific breakthroughs than the whole of that Middle Eastern region put together and they want to destroy this country. And to even imagine that they could compete with Germany ingenuity, must mean that they are prepared to do some 'real' work, sometime in the near future.

And the point of a game where you purposely don't use your hands is?

Was 'football" [soccer] invented by Muslim thieves/amputees?

(As polo originally started as an Afghan 'sport' that used the heads of the vanquished as the bouncing 'ball'?)

I noticed the Shahada is right next door to the Israeli Star of David.

So much for the theory that soccer balls are made by twelve year-old Pakistani kids.

If a country has a symbolic flag, that is fine. But religious, totalitarian TEXT on a flag with a SWORD depicted nevertheless, should be banned. I once worked at a place here in the U.S. where flags from around the world were on display as I was sitting at lunch with a Muslim. He said, that's our flag and it says "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger." It's the only flag that says something like that I believe. World Flags. Islam is a pretty crafty psychologically manipulative politically charged totalitarian entity wouldn't you say? The Saudi Arabia flag is simply religious text and a sword. How revealing. Saudi Arabia, our "ally."

Notice how the Saudi practitioners of The Religion of Peace cheerfully display a friendly sword of peace on their flag.

German Hotel Removes Alcohol, Porn for Saudi Team

Posted by: PRCS at May 29, 2006 08:01 AM

Why? So they can sneak off to brothels, casinos, and bars and partake of Western decadence anonymously, being the pious hypocrites that they are.

Cartoons, t-shirts, books, ice cream and now socker balls.

Maybe if all modern items were destroyed and men lived in caves and tents again, allah would not be insulted, but someone would use a stick to doodle in the sand and it would be an insult to allah.

This reminds me of my sons when they were toddlers yelling and screaming about he did this and he did that and he did everything just because they could, but they grew out of it.

There is a lack of maturing in islam that goes back 1,400 years and islam steadfastly refuses to mature.

How sad.

Concerning the young Saudi kickers and how the German hotel "greets" them, there are 2 possibilities:

1. The Saudi kickers are "good" Muslims, who don't want to drink alcohol, don't want to watch erotic movies on TV and so on.

2. Nature is nature and Saudi kickers are - deep in their minds - just nothing else than fun-loving young men, who may have looked forward to escape for a few weeks from a life full of interdiction.

If (1) is true: There is no need to remove anything. Good Muslims will voluntarily do without all that "infidels'" stuff, won't they?

If (2) is true: There is a assumed dissent between normal young Arab men and the religious leaders, the religion police. And unfortunately the hotel doesn't side with the (perhaps) freedom-loving kickers but with the religious police of their home country. Shame on them!

Pity the poor Muslim who may, for some reason, wish to express an intense dislike of Saudi, Iraq , Iran or any other country which has the word allah emblazoned on its flag. Making his point by trampling one of these national symbols into the dust, or setting fire to it in public, must be a definite no-no.

If they crap beside the toilet-bowl instead of into it the Germans will certainly become very politically 'incorrect'.

Knowing the Saudi-swine will do just that, I am looking forward to the reports....

The US should keep playing American football, baseball, basketball and other domestic sports - we shouldn't dilute their appeal with other non American sports, like soccer. Leave that to the rest of the world. Why join?

And I'd flip the flag question around - why denigrade Israel, Japan, Denmark, Northern Ireland (isn't there a cross of St. Patrick - a red diagonal cross on a white background, which explains the difference between the original Union Flag and the current Union Jack?), and Italy? Couldn't they have surrounded it with fellow Islamic countries, like Tunisia and Iran? Okay, I see, only 3 Islamic countries in that whole list of 32.

Related topic - for those like McCain who are trying to get Iran kicked off (no pun intended) the world cup for its nuclear activities, yeah, anything to avoid that inevitable confrontation.

What I want to know is - Will the saudi players playing in shorts? Or in sacks made by some tent maker.

If you thought months of "cartoon rage" were bad...