CAIR spokesman refuses to denounce Hamas, Hizballah as terrorist groups


Or more precisely, he readily acknowledges that the State Department calls them terrorist groups. But does he agree? No telling.

Charles Johnson at LGF has video of Arsalan Iftikhar, who once canceled an appearance on a radio show rather than debate me, dancing repeatedly around the question on the Cavuto show. The intrepid Joe Kaufman of CAIR Watch, meanwhile, tells the truth and for his pains get ad hominem attacks. What a surprise.

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What CAIR says directly relates to What CAIR doesn't say....Omission can be related to admission....Kinda like when a politician is asked a question required a specific answer (i.e. a yes or no), and the politian response goes immediately into an attack on an opponent. The question is never answered, leaving inquiring minds to ponder just what is the answer. People who do their homework usually already know the answer before the question is even raised.


"Or more precisely, he readily acknowledges that the State Department calls them terrorist groups. But does he agree? No telling."

WE, who do our homework, know the answer...

anyone except anything different????????????

CAIR and ACLU are mirror images of each other....

Joe Kaufman hardly got a word in edge-wise, having to spend the majority of the time addressing false accusations, but at least they caught this Iftikhar person skirting the issue of CAIR's inability to condemn these criminal organizations of Hizballah and Hamas.

Everytime a spokesman for CAIR is interviewed, the first question should always be whether they condemn Hizballah, Hamas, and every violent jihadi organization whose purpose is to murder and destroy human civilization. Their failure to give a clear, absolute answer to this question should mark the end of the interview, and the spokesperson should be summarily dismissed.

I watched this video feed last evening. Iftikhar danced around like his feet were on fire when asked about Hamas and Hizballah.

Yes keep cool and grill the sneaks. Eventually they will explode on you(no pun intended), I’ve seen it happen, they are patient as long as you treat them as they expect to be treated. If not look out they will in an instant turn and attack you with such anger they forget what they are saying, they pretty much go nuts. When you see the tongue sticking out and the eyes narrowing, don’t turn your back.

Of course CAIR won't label Hebollah and Hamas as terrorist groups-CAIR, being a treasonous group itself, is almost as bad as they are. CAIR might not be into the violence that the other two groups are into but it's just as corrosive a force via legal means.


CAIR and ACLU represent the two most corrosive political organizations in American society.

ACLU has very very successfully forcibly weakened our ideology through government strong- arming and censorship of wholesome Christian speech while instigating government protection of perversion and mindless atheism. CAIR protects and strengthens the ideological enemy of America--radical Islam--while trying to compel government strong-arming against our self-protection efforts in the war on terror at home and in Israel.

Whenever you see a representative of one of these two organizations
realize that: C U C A LIAR.


CAIR-LESS about America hates Americans, our Constitution, and our people.

CAIR exists only to undermine every US attempt to destroy and eliminate islamic plans for global expansion.

CAIR needs to be disbanded and sent packing to Iran where they can exist in true happiness rather than make all Americans absolutely miserable.

I watched this on LGF last night even though it took forever to download (dial-up). The last 30 seconds are truly must-see TV. The interviewer/moderator refused to be buffaloed and held Iftikhar's feet to the proverbial fire on the matter of Hamas and Hezbollah. However, many of the commenters were on target that Kaufman needs to calm down when he's doing shows of this sort. Not quite sure I agree, but he was definitely the more agitated of the two.

I accept the fact that Hezbollah and Hamas are designated as terrorist organizations on the US government websites.

So does Mr. Iftikhar.

Mr. Kaufman should have held his emotions in check. I think he did a poor job getting his point across by letting himself get all worked up.

More business less emotion would allow Mr. Kaufman to better challenge Iftikhars' answers.

The shouting match at the end lost the viewers attention and muddled any potential positive outcome.

I viewed the broadcast live and he lost me. And I would be considered someone to support Kaufman's views.

One Mans opinion.

Recommendation for Joe Kaufman:

Apprentice-with-Spence in Wyoming where you can hone your fledgling deposition taking skills.

CAIR is not at all helping themselves during these interviews. They never clearly answer any direct questions. To not answer direct questions clearly is deceitful. Why is that? Islam is deceitful of course. All these CAIR interviews just go to show how true that fact is.



Hey Moron, what has Nancy Pelosi got to do with the subject at hand. As regards whether or not she deserves a burqa in the mail, is a subject that needs to be seen, not on the basis of ideology, howsomeever be advised your dumbness that Nancy is on the "hitlist" of muslims and antisemites because she is in tight with, and a recipient of AIPAC donations, and speaks at AIPAC conventions.

Google Results 131,000 hits AIPAC and Pelosi

Criticism from an "antizionist" website Just how cozy is Pelosi with AIPAC

And more antiPelosi "antizionist" criticism from Usual suspects

From YNET News Pelosi : Israel don't fear Dems in Congress (and for good reason, historically Dems have been Israel's best friends.

But of course morons like Pythagoras and other reactionaries will bend over backwards to make enemies out of allies.. that's what you get with FREEPer thinking, no brain, all talking points, no cattle, all hat.

This is worthless and in my humble opinion JW/DW should not associate with it. This "debate" is a semantic muddle of mutual recriminations, and I cannot imagine a observer without prior knowledge or prejudice being swayed by it. Why can't the CAIR representative be questioned about the nature of Islam itself, and why can't his interlocutor call him out on what will inevitably be fabrications? And if, which is certainly true for many Muslims in the west, the CAIR representative is willing to not only tolerate, but by association engage in criticism of Islam, the greatest victory of all will be won. When engaging in discussions like this one on FOX, the focus should always be on the very problems inherent in Islam itself. Most Muslims will be embarrassed to be associated with pedophilia, antisemitism, the murder of critics, and other atrocities. Make them question their own views. This also gets us away from this pathetic jibberjabber about "terrorism". The problem is not terror, and we are not at war with terror. The problem is Islam and we are fighting a Jihad. Never let anyone forget that.

The mistake being made by Mr. Kaufman is that the weakness of CAIR is not in their association with this or that organization but rather with Muhammad and Islam. You can convert a scaley-eyed leftist with a few readings from Reliance of the Prophet. I have done this. Why aren't people doing this with Muslims when they have such golden opportunities? Isn't the whole point of our struggle (our Jihad if you will) that Islam is morally deficient? We all know it is, as surely as do the Islamic religious authorities who so desperately want protection from criticism even at the cost of blood. We can prevail in the west through exposure of the flaws in the canonical texts. Of course this strategy is not the only one necessary, and force will have to be a component in certain unfortunate instances, but in the media it will work. If it is engaged, Muslims spokespeople will fear being on television at all.

Anyway, why did Kaufman allow himself to be drawn into this debate about the state department's designations? Why couldn't he just accuse CAIR of supporting and abetting, not to mention being founded by, people who are involved in the global Jihad against all the west holds dear? In my opinion he allowed himself to be diverted and ended up fumbling over semantics. Anyway he's preaching to the converted on FOX. He should try some better tactics and talking points, and do this on Air America.

Seems simple enough to me, they side with the enemy, they are on the enemy's side, not ours. Did I miss something?

Hey everyone,

I've been reading the comments made by both Jihad Watch and Little Green Footballs readers, and I appreciate all of the accolades and criticisms that have been directed at me. I promise to work on keeping my emotions in check for the next go around vs. the enemy. Keep in mind, though, I am an activist and am very passionate about this subject, as I'm sure all of you are. Sometimes those passions get the best of me. If you come out and see me speak -- I'll be at the Intel Summit in March -- you'll see what I mean. But I promise to work on that. Anyway, thank you for all that's been said, good and bad. And thanks especially for your commitment in seeing this group, CAIR, exposed. Be well.

Joe Kaufman
Americans Against Hate
CAIR Watch

Hi Mr Kaufmann,

Thanks for your work in exposing CAIR. What I found most telling in this interview and the interview of I. Hooper on CNN is CAIRs refusal to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah. They will condemn individual acts of terror while refusing to condemn the organizations that sponsor the terror. That's like condemning one lynching while supporting the KKK as an organization. That simply won't fly and it shows CAIRs true colors as a terrorist supporting organization.I suspect CAIR will continue to be asked to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah in every interview. There is no way they can continue to refuse to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah and maintain any credibility.

it is fun to make a Muslim speaker squirm... Ask the right questions , then watch the evasion tactics....have your quotes and material up to date...

Mr. Kaufman. Several months age there was an editorial in our local paper about how 8 of the leading members of Hamas all Graduated with various degrees from Colleges and Universities in the United States.

Could it be possible to ask these characters from CAIR what it was about these Hamas Leader's experiences on American Campuses, along with their connections to the "higher establishment", that they didn't get?

Or did they really get the notion of what Multiculturalism is really all about.

I'm sure many many people would love to get an understanding how these fellows could come to the land of "can't everybody get along", and still go back being the Racist Killers they are.

A Bird in both Hands is better than letting one get away

Hi, Joe

I was impressed by your passion, although like others commented, there is something to be said for your delivery being a lot calmer. One thing I'd suggest - when CAIR accuses you of supporting designated terrorist groups, you need to just say 'No, I didn't', letting the audience figure out later who is lying. It's fine to mention on CAIRwatch that 20 years ago, a link to a link to a link to a link to a similar sounding organization.... but on a brief segment like this, when you attempt to explain that, looks like you are on the defensive. Bottom line is - No, you didn't support terrorist organizations - just say it, and leave it at that. Those with more time to follow up on this can read your account of that on your site.

Mr Kaufmann:

Stay on the rails and never give up. We appreciate it!

A small point: we all tend to get a little hung up on the 't' word too much and when CAIR refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organisation, all hell breaks loose.

I would like to ask CAIR if it regards Hamas and Hezbollah as 'extremist' organisations.

After all, these two organisations wield much political power and control very large budgets. They are not just pressure-groups or small bands of desperados.

They behave, however, like out-of-control paramilitary organisations and appear to follow political philosophies that are, by most standards, fairly extreme.

I am quite sure that CAIR would wish to disassociate itself from political extremists such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

Wouldn't it?

Well lets not beat around the bush here.

Just ask CAIR how they could support Either group? Both have openly stated their intention to Destroy Israel and Kill the Jews. An openly Genocidal policy worst than any policy Israel has ever had or implemented with regards to the Palistainians?

Both Groups recite chapter and Verse from the Koran to justify their hopes of Genocide.

Put them on the spot right off requiring them to nuance the Dog and Pony Show. Keep them focused to the original question. I would think pointing out Hamas's Genocidal policy would be a good wedge issue that's hard even for the MSM to ignore and for CAIR hard to answer.

You could always follow up with. Given Hamas stated Goal. Does Israel not have the right to conduct Military operations against Hamas as a simple matter of self defence?

Islam boldly and proudly teaches first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit it en masse everywhere on earth (and with the Conyers and Pelosi team in full swing, how can they miss?????).

Islamic jihadist organizations that kill non-Muslims en masse are doing what Islam teaches: COMMITTING MURDERS.

No Muslims could EVER denounce that. They would be denouncing Islam itself.

So we see here CAIR representatives refusing to denounce HAMAS AND HEZBOLLAH. They slaughter non-Muslims. I mean they even get Nancy Pelosi's Seal of Good Housekeeping! What more could you guys possibly want?????

What are you, anyway, some kind of evil Islamophobe???

Wait til Nancy hears about this!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is support ? Is it money or just words ? You can say the world is flat, and I'll just shut the door in your face, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it ? Now, if CAIR is financially supporting the terrorist's initiatives, then shut-em down !