America as the last man standing


"In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: who lost Europe?"

Here is the speech of Geert Wilders, chairman Party for Freedom, the Netherlands, at the Four Seasons, New York, introducing an Alliance of Patriots and announcing the Facing Jihad Conference in Jerusalem (which I hope to be attending).

The speech was sponsored by the Hudson Institute on September 25.

Dear friends,

Thank you very much for inviting me. Great to be at the Four Seasons. I come from a country that has one season only: a rainy season that starts January 1st and ends December 31st. When we have three sunny days in a row, the government declares a national emergency. So Four Seasons, that’s new to me.

It’s great to be in New York. When I see the skyscrapers and office buildings, I think of what Ayn Rand said: “The sky over New York and the will of man made visible.” Of course. Without the Dutch you would have been nowhere, still figuring out how to buy this island from the Indians. But we are glad we did it for you. And, frankly, you did a far better job than we possibly could have done.

I come to America with a mission. All is not well in the old world. There is a tremendous danger looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic. We might be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe. This not only is a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself, it is a threat to America and the sheer survival of the West. The danger I see looming is the scenario of America as the last man standing. The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe. In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: who lost Europe? Patriots from around Europe risk their lives every day to prevent precisely this scenario form becoming a reality.

My short lecture consists of 4 parts.

First I will describe the situation on the ground in Europe. Then, I will say a few things about Islam. Thirdly, if you are still here, I will talk a little bit about the movie you just saw. To close I will tell you about a meeting in Jerusalem.

The Europe you know is changing. You have probably seen the landmarks. The Eiffel Tower and Trafalgar Square and Rome’s ancient buildings and maybe the canals of Amsterdam. They are still there. And they still look very much the same as they did a hundred years ago.

But in all of these cities, sometimes a few blocks away from your tourist destination, there is another world, a world very few visitors see – and one that does not appear in your tourist guidebook. It is the world of the parallel society created by Muslim mass-migration. All throughout Europe a new reality is rising: entire Muslim neighbourhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen. And if they are, they might regret it. This goes for the police as well. It’s the world of head scarves, where women walk around in figureless tents, with baby strollers and a group of children. Their husbands, or slaveholders if you prefer, walk three steps ahead. With mosques on many street corner. The shops have signs you and I cannot read. You will be hard-pressed to find any economic activity. These are Muslim ghettos controlled by religious fanatics. These are Muslim neighbourhoods, and they are mushrooming in every city across Europe. These are the building-blocks for territorial control of increasingly larger portions of Europe, street by street, neighbourhood by neighbourhood, city by city.

There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe. With larger congregations than there are in churches. And in every European city there are plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region. Clearly, the signal is: we rule.

Many European cities are already one-quarter Muslim: just take Amsterdam, Marseille and Malmo in Sweden. In many cities the majority of the under-18 population is Muslim. Paris is now surrounded by a ring of Muslim neighbourhoods. Mohammed is the most popular name among boys in many cities. In some elementary schools in Amsterdam the farm can no longer be mentioned, because that would also mean mentioning the pig, and that would be an insult to Muslims. Many state schools in Belgium and Denmark only serve halal food to all pupils. In once-tolerant Amsterdam gays are beaten up almost exclusively by Muslims. Non-Muslim women routinely hear “whore, whore”. Satellite dishes are not pointed to local TV stations, but to stations in the country of origin. In France school teachers are advised to avoid authors deemed offensive to Muslims, including Voltaire and Diderot; the same is increasingly true of Darwin. The history of the Holocaust can in many cases no longer be taught because of Muslim sensitivity. In England sharia courts are now officially part of the British legal system. Many neighbourhoods in France are no-go areas for women without head scarves. Last week a man almost died after being beaten up by Muslims in Brussels, because he was drinking during the Ramadan. Jews are fleeing France in record numbers, on the run for the worst wave of anti-Semitism since World War II. French is now commonly spoken on the streets of Tel Aviv and Netanya, Israel. I could go on forever with stories like this. Stories about Islamization.

A total of fifty-four million Muslims now live in Europe. San Diego University recently calculated that a staggering 25 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now. Bernhard Lewis has predicted a Muslim majority by the end of this century.

Now these are just numbers. And the numbers would not be threatening if the Muslim-immigrants had a strong desire to assimilate. But there are few signs of that. The Pew Research Center reported that half of French Muslims see their loyalty to Islam as greater than their loyalty to France. One-third of French Muslims do not object to suicide attacks. The British Centre for Social Cohesion reported that one-third of British Muslim students are in favour of a worldwide caliphate. A Dutch study reported that half of Dutch Muslims admit they “understand” the 9/11 attacks.

Muslims demand what they call ‘respect’. And this is how we give them respect. Our elites are willing to give in. To give up. In my own country we have gone from calls by one cabinet member to turn Muslim holidays into official state holidays, to statements by another cabinet member, that Islam is part of Dutch culture, to an affirmation by the Christian-Democratic attorney general that he is willing to accept sharia in the Netherlands if there is a Muslim majority. We have cabinet members with passports from Morocco and Turkey.

Muslim demands are supported by unlawful behaviour, ranging from petty crimes and random violence, for example against ambulance workers and bus drivers, to small-scale riots. Paris has seen its uprising in the low-income suburbs, the banlieus. Some prefer to see these as isolated incidents, but I call it a Muslim intifada. I call the perpetrators “settlers”. Because that is what they are. They do not come to integrate into our societies, they come to integrate our society into their Dar-al-Islam. Therefore, they are settlers.

Much of this street violence I mentioned is directed exclusively against non-Muslims, forcing many native people to leave their neighbourhoods, their cities, their countries.

Politicians shy away from taking a stand against this creeping sharia. They believe in the equality of all cultures. Moreover, on a mundane level, Muslims are now a swing vote not to be ignored.

Our many problems with Islam cannot be explained by poverty, repression or the European colonial past, as the Left claims. Nor does it have anything to do with Palestinians or American troops in Iraq. The problem is Islam itself.

Allow me to give you a brief Islam 101. The first thing you need to know about Islam is the importance of the book of the Quran. The Quran is Allah’s personal word, revealed by an angel to Mohammed, the prophet. This is where the trouble starts. Every word in the Quran is Allah’s word and therefore not open to discussion or interpretation. It is valid for every Muslim and for all times. Therefore, there is no such a thing as moderate Islam. Sure, there are a lot of moderate Muslims. But a moderate Islam is non-existent.

The Quran calls for hatred, violence, submission, murder, and terrorism. The Quran calls for Muslims to kill non-Muslims, to terrorize non-Muslims and to fulfil their duty to wage war: violent jihad. Jihad is a duty for every Muslim, Islam is to rule the world – by the sword. The Quran is clearly anti-Semitic, describing Jews as monkeys and pigs.

The second thing you need to know is the importance of Mohammed the prophet. His behaviour is an example to all Muslims and cannot be criticized. Now, if Mohammed had been a man of peace, let us say like Ghandi and Mother Theresa wrapped in one, there would be no problem. But Mohammed was a warlord, a mass murderer, a pedophile, and had several marriages – at the same time. Islamic tradition tells us how he fought in battles, how he had his enemies murdered and even had prisoners of war executed. Mohammed himself slaughtered the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza. He advised on matters of slavery, but never advised to liberate slaves. Islam has no other morality than the advancement of Islam. If it is good for Islam, it is good. If it is bad for Islam, it is bad. There is no gray area or other side.

Quran as Allah’s own word and Mohammed as the perfect man are the two most important facets of Islam. Let no one fool you about Islam being a religion. Sure, it has a god, and a here-after, and 72 virgins. But in its essence Islam is a political ideology. It is a system that lays down detailed rules for society and the life of every person. Islam wants to dictate every aspect of life. Islam means ‘submission’. Islam is not compatible with freedom and democracy, because what it strives for is sharia. If you want to compare Islam to anything, compare it to communism or national-socialism, these are all totalitarian ideologies.

This is what you need to know about Islam, in order to understand what is going on in Europe. For millions of Muslims the Quran and the live of Mohammed are not 14 centuries old, but are an everyday reality, an ideal, that guide every aspect of their lives. Now you know why Winston Churchill called Islam “the most retrograde force in the world”, and why he compared Mein Kampf to the Quran.

Which brings me to my movie, Fitna.

I am a lawmaker, and not a movie maker. But I felt I had the moral duty to educate about Islam. The duty to make clear that the Quran stands at the heart of what some people call terrorism but is in reality jihad. I wanted to show that the problems of Islam are at the core of Islam, and do not belong to its fringes.

Now, from the day the plan for my movie was made public, it caused quite a stir, in the Netherlands and throughout Europe. First, there was a political storm, with government leaders, across the continent in sheer panic. The Netherlands was put under a heightened terror alert, because of possible attacks or a revolt by our Muslim population. The Dutch branch of the Islamic organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir declared that the Netherlands was due for an attack. Internationally, there was a series of incidents. The Taliban threatened to organize additional attacks against Dutch troops in Afghanistan, and a website linked to Al Qaeda published the message that I ought to be killed, while various muftis in the Middle East stated that I would be responsible for all the bloodshed after the screening of the movie. In Afghanistan and Pakistan the Dutch flag was burned on several occasions. Dolls representing me were also burned. The Indonesian President announced that I will never be admitted into Indonesia again, while the UN Secretary General and the European Union issued cowardly statements in the same vein as those made by the Dutch Government. I could go on and on. It was an absolute disgrace, a sell-out.

A plethora of legal troubles also followed, and have not ended yet. Currently the state of Jordan is litigating against me. Only last week there were renewed security agency reports about a heightened terror alert for the Netherlands because of Fitna.

Now, I would like to say a few things about Israel. Because, very soon, we will get together in its capitol. The best way for a politician in Europe to loose votes is to say something positive about Israel. The public has wholeheartedly accepted the Palestinian narrative, and sees Israel as the aggressor. I, however, will continue to speak up for Israel. I see defending Israel as a matter of principle. I have lived in this country and visited it dozens of times. I support Israel. First, because it is the Jewish homeland after two thousand years of exile up to and including Auschwitz, second because it is a democracy, and third because Israel is our first line of defense.

Samuel Huntington writes it so aptly: “Islam has bloody borders”. Israel is located precisely on that border. This tiny country is situated on the fault line of jihad, frustrating Islam’s territorial advance. Israel is facing the front lines of jihad, like Kashmir, Kosovo, the Philippines, Southern Thailand, Darfur in Sudan, Lebanon, and Aceh in Indonesia. Israel is simply in the way. The same way West-Berlin was during the Cold War.

The war against Israel is not a war against Israel. It is a war against the West. It is jihad. Israel is simply receiving the blows that are meant for all of us. If there would have been no Israel, Islamic imperialism would have found other venues to release its energy and its desire for conquest. Thanks to Israeli parents who send their children to the army and lay awake at night, parents in Europe and America can sleep well and dream, unaware of the dangers looming.

Many in Europe argue in favor of abandoning Israel in order to address the grievances of our Muslim minorities. But if Israel were, God forbid, to go down, it would not bring any solace to the West. It would not mean our Muslim minorities would all of a sudden change their behavior, and accept our values. On the contrary, the end of Israel would give enormous encouragement to the forces of Islam. They would, and rightly so, see the demise of Israel as proof that the West is weak, and doomed. The end of Israel would not mean the end of our problems with Islam, but only the beginning. It would mean the start of the final battle for world domination. If they can get Israel, they can get everything. Therefore, it is not that the West has a stake in Israel. It is Israel.

It is very difficult to be an optimist in the face of the growing Islamization of Europe. All the tides are against us. On all fronts we are losing. Demographically the momentum is with Islam. Muslim immigration is even a source of pride within ruling liberal parties. Academia, the arts, the media, trade unions, the churches, the business world, the entire political establishment have all converted to the suicidal theory of multiculturalism. So-called journalists volunteer to label any and all critics of Islamization as a ‘right-wing extremists’ or ‘racists’. The entire establishment has sided with our enemy. Leftists, liberals and Christian-Democrats are now all in bed with Islam.

This is the most painful thing to see: the betrayal by our elites. At this moment in Europe’s history, our elites are supposed to lead us. To stand up for centuries of civilization. To defend our heritage. To honour our eternal Judeo-Christian values that made Europe what it is today. But there are very few signs of hope to be seen at the governmental level. Sarkozy, Merkel, Brown, Berlusconi; in private, they probably know how grave the situation is. But when the little red light goes on, they stare into the camera and tell us that Islam is a religion of peace, and we should all try to get along nicely and sing Kumbaya. They willingly participate in, what President Reagan so aptly called: “the betrayal of our past, the squandering of our freedom.”

If there is hope in Europe, it comes from the people, not from the elites. Change can only come from a grass-roots level. It has to come from the citizens themselves. Yet these patriots will have to take on the entire political, legal and media establishment.

Over the past years there have been some small, but encouraging, signs of a rebirth of the original European spirit. Maybe the elites turn their backs on freedom, the public does not. In my country, the Netherlands, 60 percent of the population now sees the mass immigration of Muslims as the number one policy mistake since World War II. And another 60 percent sees Islam as the biggest threat to our national identity. I don’t think the public opinion in Holland is very different from other European countries.

Patriotic parties that oppose jihad are growing, against all odds. My own party debuted two years ago, with five percent of the vote. Now it stands at ten percent in the polls. The same is true of all smililary-minded parties in Europe. They are fighting the liberal establishment, and are gaining footholds on the political arena, one voter at the time.

Now, for the first time, these patriotic parties will come together and exchange experiences. It may be the start of something big. Something that might change the map of Europe for decades to come. It might also be Europe’s last chance.

This December a conference will take place in Jerusalem. Thanks to Professor Aryeh Eldad, a member of Knesset, we will be able to watch Fitna in the Knesset building and discuss the jihad. We are organizing this event in Israel to emphasize the fact that we are all in the same boat together, and that Israel is part of our common heritage. Those attending will be a select audience. No racist organizations will be allowed. And we will only admit parties that are solidly democratic.

This conference will be the start of an Alliance of European patriots. This Alliance will serve as the backbone for all organizations and political parties that oppose jihad and Islamization. For this Alliance I seek your support.

This endeavor may be crucial to America and to the West. America may hold fast to the dream that, thanks tot its location, it is safe from jihad and shaira. But seven years ago to the day, there was still smoke rising from ground zero, following the attacks that forever shattered that dream. Yet there is a danger even greater danger than terrorist attacks, the scenario of America as the last man standing. The lights may go out in Europe faster than you can imagine. An Islamic Europe means a Europe without freedom and democracy, an economic wasteland, an intellectual nightmare, and a loss of military might for America - as its allies will turn into enemies, enemies with atomic bombs. With an Islamic Europe, it would be up to America alone to preserve the heritage of Rome, Athens and Jerusalem.

Dear friends, liberty is the most precious of gifts. My generation never had to fight for this freedom, it was offered to us on a silver platter, by people who fought for it with their lives. All throughout Europe American cemeteries remind us of the young boys who never made it home, and whose memory we cherish. My generation does not own this freedom; we are merely its custodians. We can only hand over this hard won liberty to Europe’s children in the same state in which it was offered to us. We cannot strike a deal with mullahs and imams. Future generations would never forgive us. We cannot squander our liberties. We simply do not have the right to do so.

This is not the first time our civilization is under threat. We have seen dangers before. We have been betrayed by our elites before. They have sided with our enemies before. And yet, then, freedom prevailed.

These are not times in which to take lessons from appeasement, capitulation, giving away, giving up or giving in. These are not times in which to draw lessons from Mr. Chamberlain. These are times calling us to draw lessons from Mr. Churchill and the words he spoke in 1942:

“Never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy”.

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Take out the "Welfare cheques" and other goodies provided by the host country, start deporting those illegats caught in crimes, and you will start to see dramactic changes in your country.

What a wonderful and inspiring speech. Mr. Wilders will perhaps someday be seen as the saviour of Europe. He is so brave to speak out like this, when he knows his life will be in danger by doing so. Be safe, Mr. Wilders.

Thank You, Thank You, Geert Wilders.

The other day I was having coffee at a Starbucks with an acquaintance. We came out, and she looked at my "DEFEAT JIHAD" bumper sticker. I offered, "I have another one." To which she replied, "I don't put bumper stickers on my car." But, as she drove off I noticed a "Baylor U," sticker on her vehicle, where her daughter goes to school.

Which is probably a reason why she'll stay an acquaintance, and not a friend. 'Cause I can't respect her cowardice, not at all.

Darcy although this acqaintance of yours could be a coward, l cannot see putting anti jiad stickers on my van for knowing that it will be vanalized. l have a sticker for supporting our troops, and l have been told by a mother of a soldier that hers were ripped off. l can see tires being slashed and or keyed, with our insurance rates as high as it is, its too much for some of us take on. We can put on sweater,shirts with logos of anti jihad, as it would be easier for me to defend myself than leave my unattended van etc. If they would make stickers that are metalic, stick ons that can be removed easy when parking in high muslim areas, in my area would be the west end of downtown, as l do transport dogs quite a bit, and do not want to put them at harmsway.

'Cause I can't respect her cowardice, not at all."

This is how I feel about Johnson and the LGF Lizards incessant about silly little symbols and freaking out over 'creationists' and 'neo-nazi' when all of Europe is forced to submit to Allah!

SOBs turned their backs because the anti-Islamists were not as 'pure and precious' as the lizards who betrayed the defense of Western civilization.

"Never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy”

This is for the Lizards who are basically Koz Kids for the 'moderate-liberal'.

We are privileged to witness the emergence and rise to prominence of a truly great man. Notice the little things: the engaging and well-placed humor, the appropriate insertion of the thoughts of other greats such as Rand and Churchill. Then notice the big things: the keen insights -- 'suicidal theory of multiculturalism' and long-range visionary analysis, and most importantly, the courage. The bravery. Steadfast in facing down the death threats of a known murderous and dangerous 'tiny minority' on one side and the sneers of the elite 'betters' on the other.

God bless you, Mr. Wilders.

A truly inspiring speech. Wilders should be invited to address Congress while he is here.

Re: The meeting in Jeruselem and "no racists allowed". I hope the members of the "invitations" committee will keep an open mind as to who is to be included in the racists and the non racists categories. Will a member of Vlams Belang be allowed? BNP? This could get interesting.

Hey Obama and McCain...have you read the words of this man and how do you respond?.

Syn: You're talking about me, I think. I am a Lizard who agrees with CJ about the skinheads and racists. It's not about cowardice or purity, though they will taint the general public perception of the well-meaning anti-Jihad movement sure as day. It's more about not lending credence and legitimacy to their bigotry. Also we don't want to ally with them today and have to fight them tomorrow. We spent 55 years in a cold war and a senseless, insane (MAD) nuclear arms race for doing the same with Stalin.

Admittedly, I'm not sure how our de facto alliance with the Bolsheviks could have been avoided, and perhaps we are entangled with the neo-nazis in the same way -- as Wilders points out, anyone who doesn't want Islam to take over the world is immediately tagged a 'racist' -- but that does not mean we have to like it. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

I hate to see this bickering and bad blood spill over into JihadWatch though. We all need to be on the same page and not be making enemies of well-meaning, non-racist anti-Jihadists. A house divided...

Geert Wilders is an incredibly brave intellectual mensch! He asks for our support . . .

This December a conference will take place in Jerusalem. . . .This conference will be the start of an Alliance of European patriots. This Alliance will serve as the backbone for all organizations and political parties that oppose jihad and Islamization. For this Alliance I seek your support.

I have pasted this speech along with the link to FITNA (rosetta stone translations page) into e-mail and sent it to everyone in my address book.

BTW, if you missed it . .. Geert Wilders was on Glenn Beck's show this week and parts of FITNA finally aired on national tv.

This speech will piggy-back enormously well with the mass circulation (28 million DVD's distributed for free)of OBSESSION (39 minute clip via google).

Hi Zena - where I live there are no "high Muslim areas." Isn't that nice? YES! My sticker has been "ripped off" once - on a visit to Houston, TX. I have no idea whether the Perp was a Mohammedan or a useful idiot. I certainly do understand your concerns about your dogs.

My neighborhood has a high number of Ph.D's. I'm sure they must suffer my "DEFEAT JIHAD" sticker in silence. So far it's always been there when I wake up in the morning. And so far no damage to my vehicle.

Another thing I do is water my plants outside wearing my "Bring Back The Crusades" t-shirt or sweatshirt. It's got a big "Knights Templar" red cross on it. So far, zero comments, whether from neighbors we speak to, or from those we don't. I do get stares, sometimes, mostly from males. I just stare right back - hello, I'm not going to be intimidated. You got a problem with what I'm wearing? I couldn't care less, and go f yourself. I suppose I'm feeling esp. ornery today after reading Geert's speech above about Islamization.


"This is how I feel about Johnson and the LGF Lizards..." --syn

I hate LGF. I wouldn't go there if it was the only anti-Jihad site on the 'net.

Great speech! Historical. One day, kids will learn in school about it or otherwise they will learn Qur'an.

I am glad that he mentioned Kosovo, since this is perfect example of what will happen in Europe. Muslims will simply start parallel institutions and proclaim "independent" provinces. They think they have every right to do so since they will be majority. Every action by European governments to restore law and order will be called "violation of human rights". Their poor economic status, which is simply a consequence of their laziness and large families (as everywhere), will be used to prove how they are persecuted. Then gangs of criminals, they will call "freedom fighters", will start to ambush and kill policemen, government workers and really westernized loyal Muslims. If they dare to defend themselves, it will be labeled a "genocide" against Muslims. Since when infidels have a right to defend themselves?

Goob says:

"I hate to see this bickering and bad blood spill over into JihadWatch though. We all need to be on the same page and not be making enemies of well-meaning, non-racist anti-Jihadists. A house divided..."

I agree with both sentiments expressed. The problem is, as I tried to bring up in my comment above, there is bound to be an issue as to WHO is a racist, and what CRITERIA will be used to decide. One person's racist is another's freedom fighter. I have seen the term racist given varied meanings and interpretations whenever European politics and racism is discussed. Sometimes there is at least an open question as to whether one is a racist or not. Will those of whom we are unsure be given the benefit of the doubt? I for one, hope so.

Wilders: We cannot strike a deal with mullahs and imams. Future generations would never forgive us. We cannot squander our liberties. We simply do not have the right to do so.

CLINTON-'HOLLYWOOD', and a host of other 'elite's' not named.

You are all 'guilty' of what future generations, and this generation, won't forgive you for.

Your names are written in 'Allah's Black Book of Human Misery'.

Your profits will mean nothing when Allah gets hold of you. He is oft forgiving, but not in your cases.

Allah's Motto,'A kuffar is a kufr until he becomes a kafir'...Clearly punishment is in order...

You are going to find out, just how willing Allah really is...

Elite Kufirs are not exempt...

'Repent, the Kingdom of Allah is upon you'...

Or something like that...

There are two wars going on. One with Islam, the other with abject stupidity, and a self serving mentality...together those are the 'ruling elite'.

It is losing out to this stupidity that will damn us...

LGF lost credibility when it became just another right wing blog.
I pray the people wake up and force their leaders to eject this ugly traitorous presence that is threatening our civilization.

A great speech. The betrayal is even more organized in the European Union than Wilders said, though. I will post an online book called Defeating Eurabia within a few days at Gates of Vienna which will advocate the dissolution of the EU.

Goob: The "divisions" in this case have been caused entirely by Little Green Footballs. LGF has spent an entire year pestering good people who defend their civilization. The only thing LGF has achieved by doing so, apart from giving our enemies a good laugh, is undermining its own credibility. As soon as this ends, the "divisions" will disappear.

This needs to be on aduio tape and distrubted to all Americans, most of all, to congress, and to every new member of congress. Wow, What a wonderful and inspiring speech. This is the truth that will open up some eyes, this is the future of America if nothing is done to stop it NOW.

With all due respect to Geert Wilders, he is speaking from a purely secular perspective about a war, possibly the final war, whose origins are supernatural. Therefore, Geert only comprehends that part of the war manifest on the physical, earthly level. This unfortunate condition is obvious due to his statement "In a generation or two, the US will ask..."

America, this Republic of ours, does not have another "generation or two" of existence AS WE HAVE KNOWN HER. This American Republic is currently akin to a terminal cancer patient awaiting a miracle cure. We stand at Death's (Satan's) doorstep at this very moment, and what we do as a nation 37 days from now will determine exactly how many months or years we do have left.

With all due respect to Geert Wilders, he is speaking from a purely secular perspective about a war, possibly the final war, whose origins are supernatural. Therefore, Geert only comprehends that part of the war manifest on the physical, earthly level. This unfortunate condition is obvious due to his statement "In a generation or two, the US will ask..."

America, this Republic of ours, does not have another "generation or two" of existence AS WE HAVE KNOWN HER. This American Republic is currently akin to a terminal cancer patient awaiting a miracle cure. We stand at Death's (Satan's) doorstep at this very moment, and what we do as a nation 37 days from now will determine exactly how many months or years we do have left.

USorThem...An explanation...sort of...Racism, terrorism, jihad, and other words, are deliberately broadened to confuse the issue. That's how we get to 'one mans racist is another mans freedom fighter'.

Sometimes the dictionary solves the problem.

From 1. A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

You notice 'freedom fighting' is not mentioned.

But those practicing 'word magick/trickery/taqiyya' might mention it, as a weapon in the
'War is deceit' toolbox.

These tricks work...that's why the clever use them. The way to get over being tricked, is to get over being tricked.

Most of the posters here have done that, they can spot taqiyya a mile away...They are not tricked by the 'Islam is a race' idea. Which is nothing more than a distraction to take Islam out of the negative spotlight...

Inability to define racism...or terrorism...
(as in the case of the UN) means that racism and terrorism will continue...this would be bad enough if it were the natural order of things, but it is not, it is deliberate.

Word magick, my definition...'an imposed state of confusion', language 'adjusted' to fit an agenda'.

Not coming soon, it's already here... :)

So-called journalists volunteer to label any and all critics of Islamization as a ‘right-wing extremists’ or ‘racists’.

Those attending will be a select audience. No racist organizations will be allowed. And we will only admit parties that are solidly democratic.

So who gets to define "racist"?

It will indeed be interesting to see who is present in this "select audience", as well as who is turned away.

What a breathtakingly articulate speech by Geert Wilders. I agree with you, Goob; it's a privilege to listen to him, or read his words. I must say, this particular speech is a succint way to introduce the concept of Islam's encroachment to the general public. As Hugh would say, print it out, but instead of sticking it on the 'fridge, pass it out; pass it on.

Since he quoted Ayn Rand once, perhaps he could pass on her following quote to the Christian-Democratic attorney general willing to accept sharia in the Netherlands if there is a Muslim majority.

'The right of a nation to determine its own form of government does not include the right to establish a slave society (that is, to legalize the enslavement of some men by others). There is no such thing as the right to enslave. A nation can do it, just as a man can become a criminal- but neither can do it by right.'

Said attorney general would then have to figure out the why of that statement; that's maybe too much to ask.

And if the media requires sound bites, this one is a beaut:

Israel lies on the fault line of jihad.

In some elementary schools in Amsterdam the farm can no longer be mentioned, because that would also mean mentioning the pig, and that would be an insult to Muslims.

The people who instituted such policies and those who accepted them are the ones who will have lost Europe.

You can't mention a place where FOOD is grown? So that must mean Muslims don't need to eat.

From above: With all due respect to Geert Wilders, he is speaking from a purely secular perspective about a war, possibly the final war, whose origins are supernatural.

And what supernatural being is responsible for this?
Allah? YHVH? Lucifer?

There is a huge difference between believing in a supernatural entity, and the entity actually existing. Are you suggesting that Allah is the supernatural entity and his policy of predestination is working?

Also from above: This American Republic is currently akin to a terminal cancer patient awaiting a miracle cure".

This sounds awfully mean we are terminal? There is nothing we can do?

Well what a relief, now we can go back to sleep or bowling, or whatever, we might as well enjoy ourselves if the end is that close...Thanks for sharing that...I had no idea...

Neo-Nazis are pro-Islamization. They hate Jews, they hate Israel, and just like their Fuhrer, they love Islam and Muslims, and strive to create what is essentially an Islamic society.

"We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. (He is already on the way; he is like Mohammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with wild god). That can be the historic future." - Karl Jung, The Collected Works Volume 18, The Symbolic Life (1939)

"Here was the new Koran of faith and war [Msin Kampf]: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but pregnant with its message." - Winston Churchill on Adolf Hitler's autobiography Mein Kampf, in The Second World War, Vol. I

"LGF lost credibility when it became just another right wing blog"

I'm sure the typo was meant 'left wing blog' those bloggers such as Kos Kids, Huffington Post and DU etc etc which have for the last seven years thrown around the term "Bush is Hilter" and "Republicans are Nazis' and "right-wing Christians are Nazis because see... Hitler had symbol of God on German belt-buckles".

Now do you see the alliance between the Progressive Left in Europe and Islamic Sharia in Europe who are crushing those in Europe (such as Wilders and Fjordman)which are simply attempting to perserve Western (Liberal)civilization is exactly the tactic LGF employed against Wilders and Fjordman.

THe Progressive Left has never been Liberal, they are Socialist and Socialists are totalitarian by nature; as a matter of fact, the Left was the first to crush Liberalism in Europe just as the Marxists in America has been attempting to do to classical Liberalism for several decades.

The Left (the Collectivist totalitarians) in America are attempting to accomplish the same success their ideological Collectivists residing in Europe achieved, crush all dissent by any means necessary.

This is what LGF has failed to understand in this process. Simply standing up for Isreal won't stop the rise of the totaliarian Left and the totalitarian Islamist which is currently destroying of all of Europe.

The problem has moved way beyond simply saving Israel; see this is what LGF fails to understand if Europe and America fall then there is no way to save Israel.

And to think that purging the 'creationists' is somehow helpful, here's the thing...most of those 'creationists' are about the only ones remaining in America who willing to stand with Israel.

Think about this for a moment, all the left-wing religious leaders (including rabbis) are breaking bread with Ahmadinejad.

Gee.... what good can come from Schumer or Wexler or many Jewish organizations founded on the idea of protecing Israel when all they have done over the last seven years is systemically attack America, attack our military, attack right-wing religious leaders, and demoralize our presence in the world just because they wanted to destroy Bush and Republicans?

I hope this help others to understand the betrayed.

There's Geert Wilders.
Then there's Juan McCain and the Obamanation.

Truly a great speech by Geert Wilders – best yet by a politician or even by a scholar.

There is no question that he is well-positioned to lead the emerging movement in Europe to neutralize Islam.

Quite frankly, I am not that pessimistic about defeating Islam ( :)– my forthcoming book is titled: "Defeating Political Islam").

I think we all know what will happen in the future when the Muslims are a majority.
There will be some "final solution for the Jewish problem".

May I remind everyone who is reading :

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out

Thank God for Geert. He needs all the support we can offer him. He is a brave hero and the ONLY politician in Europe today who has read up and educated himself on Islam and made himself familiar with the primary texts. He knows that knowledge is power because then you can't be fooled by the taquiya of the Muslims and the wilful ignorance, the moral equivalence and poisonous self righteousness of the useful idiots. I believe he is working on another short film...this time about Mohammed. The desert psychopath is the heart of the matter and targeting him will expose Islam for the insane personality cult that it is. Something to look forward to. Meanwhile Geert, if you're reading this and ever need sanctuary in Switzerland, you're very welcome at my place.

"...all they have done over the last seven years is systemically attack America, attack our military, attack right-wing religious leaders, and demoralize our presence in the world just because they wanted to destroy Bush and Republicans?"

There is one problem: the people who have done this have their supporters. They WIN elections. Barring a miracle, they are likely to win the one coming up in about six weeks. The people LET them destroy Bush and the Republicans. The people LET them demonize Christians and Jews all across America. We have had three elections since 9/11. The people NEVER called them out on their tactics. They kept voting for them.

Who are the betrayed? Certainly not the people on the Left who voted for them. The rest of us can't say we were betrayed. We weren't even lied to. We just LOST.

Wilders is that rare kind of intellectual who has both feet on the ground. It would be difficult not to be impressed by this man, whose courage, insight, intelligence and knowledge must discomfort the effete elites of Europe terribly so. Good. Such folks need to be discomforted for they are in the vanguard of those who would hand over Europe to the followers of the longest lived totalitarian ideology of all time.

I sense of man of greatness here, a Churchillian type figure. The common Dutchman has every right to be proud his nation has produced such a person. I wish Wilders well, as I'm sure many who post here do. He inspires and makes one think we can prevail against any odds.

What a brave man! What a visionary. I can't find one single sentence I disagree with in that speech.

Wish we had a thousand Geert Wilders. In every country.

PMK: I agree with you. In effect, every people have the government they deserve.

Every sentence rings clear like Waterford crystal. He has carefully protected himself from skinhead / neo-Nazi associations and whatever else one may say - it PAYS to be morally CLEAN. As Clausewitz knew - the key to victory is not in weapons and regiments but by holding the moral high ground.

duh_swami wrote:

"And what supernatural being is responsible for this? Allah? YHVH? Lucifer?"

Lucifer, the supernatural spiritual being who rebelled against YHWH and is the true originator of Submission(Islam)and its false god "Allah." The spiritual being who nearly choked the illiterate Mohammed into Submission (Islam) and dictated the Qur'an to him was not the angel gabriel, but a spiritual impostor, possibly Lucifer himself, but certainly one of his fallen angelic followers.

Also written by duh_swami:

"Also from above: This American Republic is currently akin to a terminal cancer patient awaiting a miracle cure".

This sounds awfully mean we are terminal? There is nothing we can do?"

What part of "what we do as a nation 37 days from now" (i.e. on November 4, 2008) did you fail to comprehend?

We also have the free will to call upon the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob(Israel), the God who is referenced on our currency, in our founding documents and laws, and illustrated on all of our government edifices.

Neither candidate, nor many of their loyalists, grasps what Wilders is describing. One of them has accepted the idea that Iraq is the "central front" in the war of self-defense against Jihad and believes the "surge" is "working" but to what end, and how "victory" in Iraq should be defined, he never says and cannot say, but simply takes it for granted that we will all understand that it is better that Iraq be left unified and prosperous rather than as a "failed state."

The other candidate tells us that the "central front" in the "war on terror" is not Iraq but rather Afghanistan, and we are supposed to be mightily pleased with his "realism."

The first candidate, however, does recognize that Islam is a threat, a mortal threat, to the non-Islamic world, even if he still uses such words as “extremist” and “radical” and even if he continues, irrationally, to believe that “success” in achieving the stated or hinted-at American goals Iraq can be achieved and that – and here neither he nor any of those who now claim to admit that the “surge has worked” have been asked to explain the most important thing – how that supposed “success” in Iraq will weaken the threat of Jihad in the places that really count, and above all, right now, in the conduct of Jihad in Western Europe, next to Israel, and India, the most immediately threatened part of the Infidel world – when what happens in Iraq, if it stays together and prospers, cannot conceivably mitigate the threat in Europe, will have no effect on the deployment of the Money Weapon, on campaigns of Da’wa, or on the most important weapon – the one which Wilders is consumed by (and one can just imagine what Wilders thinks of the squandering of men, money, materiel, and above all, American attention, to the war in Iraq), that is demographic conquest.

He reminds us that we, focusing idiotically on Iraq, the “central front” for McCain, or on Afghanistan/Pakistan, the “central front” for Obama, ignore these instruments of Jihad, and are seeing the historic heart of the West slip away, slowly but inexorably, while one of the candidates, a military man all his life, appears to believe that “war” is made by military means alone, which is entirely insufficient when the major instruments of Jihad (Money Weapon, Da’wa, demographic conquest) have nothing to do with, and cannot be countered by, military means), and the other candidate, deeply invested in the idea that most conflicts are the result of misunderstandings or of “poverty” (and from 9/11/2001 on he has continued to speak, or to prate self-assuredly, about how we must “reach out” to the Muslims rather than to do the more difficult, unpleasant, and indispensable thing, which is to take the contents of Qur’an, Hadith, and Sira seriously, to take Muslim beliefs seriously, and to understand that the division of the universe between Believers and Infidels is central to Islam, that the “struggle” or “Jihad” to remove all obstacles to the spread, and then the dominance, of Islam is taking place wherever Muslims meet any resistance, and even in lands already dominated by Islam and ruled by Muslims, they continue to perseucate, humiliate, and sometimes murder non-Muslims (see the southern Sudan, see Pakistan, see Bangladesh, see Iraq, see Egypt, see Indoensia) when it is felt that they are behaving with insufficient submissiveness, or can be blamed for whatever goes wrong, and in Muslim states and societies, a lot goes wrong. And for personal reasons, that candidate cannot possibly recognize Islam is not merely or mainly a religion, but also a politics and a geopolitics, and he cannot – his entire being goes against it – because of his background, be fully trusted by leaders and peoples in Western Europe, who are unclear about where he stands, and whether they can level with him about the nature of the Muslim threat to the legal and political institutions, to the social arrangements, to the individual liberties, to the conduct of art and the enterprise of science, all threatened by the presence of large numbers of Muslims.

That large-scale presence of Muslims has created a situation, both for indigenous non-Muslims, and for other, non-Muslim immigrants (Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Christians from black Africa and the Caribbean, Latin American Catholics) that is more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous, than would be the case without such a large-scale Muslim presence.

Can the leaders of the Western world, those who manage to come to their senses in time, risk leveling about this with someone who bears a Muslim name and a Muslim father, even if he is, and we know he is, “not a Muslim”? Is not being a Muslim, under the circumstances, sufficient to allay fears? Barack Obama has had every chance to say something about the ideology of Islam; he has had every chance to meet with such famously articulate apostates as Ayaan Hirsi Ali. He has not said a word about the ideology of Islam that gives one confidence; he has made not a single move to meet with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, or Wafa Sultan, or Ibn Warraq. In the past, in fact, he took tuition on the Middle East from Rashid Khalidi, a full-time PLO propagandist and professor (with a D.Phil. from the diploma mill for Arabs run out of St. Antony’s by the late Albert Hourani).

Nor has Obama chosen to express his opposition to the war in Iraq as one which is wrong because military invasions, occupations, and transfers of wealth to “solve” problems in Iraq or Afghanistan or Pakistan, the very problems that are caused by Islam itself, does not do a thing to weaken the Camp of Islam. He might have said that. He might have hinted at that. Had he done so, had he asked McCain to explain, for example, just why keeping Iraq together, or keeping Afghanistan together, or keeping Pakistan intact, and pouring two trillion dollars into the overall effort, makes sense, when it might be far better to allow the sectarian, ethnic, and economic divisions or fissures within the Camp of Islam to work their inexorable way, dividing and demoralizing the Camp of Islam, and buying time so that the peoples of Western Europe can rouse themselves (“methinks I see a puissant nation” etc.) and save themselves, merely through new immigration and naturalization policies – policies that would allow for the halting of all Muslim migration, and for expelling those incapable of truthfully swearing allegiance to the Infidel nation-state, its legal and political institutions, and for constantly monitoring those who have obtained citizenship to make sure that they are not engaged in any activities that demonstrate that they perjured themselves when they took that oath, or have had a change of heart – “reverted” to the normal understanding of Islam – and so are no longer capable of being regarded as loyal citizens of any non-Muslim nation-state. It is not wicked, but just, to take the minimum steps necessary to preserve the West, the culture and civilization of Europe. The last half-century and more of self-flagellation, by too many in the West, must come to an end, and it can come to an end, if those whose task it is to protect and instruct us knew more about their own histories and the history of the West, and were able to describe it, and to defend it – not defend some transient thing, such as the untrammeled grotesque version of hyper-capitalism we have permitted, nor to defend the indefensible cheesiness of so much that goes on – that is, defend what is best and what is lasting and what needs to be preserved, and to preserve as well the conditions that permit more to be added to that civilizational store, despite everything, by others in the future.

Obviously there is some sort of manichean thinking going around with some people. LGF has degnerated into just another talk show type right wing blog. That hardly is an endorsement of Kos, but the truth. So they are going to spin things in way that suits the US political landscape without taking into account any sort of world view beyond an utterly childish and ignorant one. As far as Neo Nazis behind the Islamicization of Europe, please don't make me laugh. BNP anyone? Are most Muslims or Arabs white nordic races? Just because Hitler was willing to use some Muslims, with mutual Jew hatred as common ground, it hardly means there was anything more to their relationship.
Europe has to foster some sort of friendly nationalism, where countries can build some self pride based on ethnic heritage, but not in an offensive, expansionist kind. So they can tell someone, "you are welcome here as guests, but we are not going to let you settle here and change our country in a way we disapprove".

"We also have the free will to call upon the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob(Israel), the God who is referenced on our currency, in our founding documents and laws, and illustrated on all of our government edifices."
Posted by: Sean Osborne

Sean, I envy you your faith, I truly do. But we can't wait for God to save us. We have to do it ourselves.

Shame on America for not having a single politician who will stand up in public and say what Geert Wilders said.


Blown away!
Reading this poem made me glow.
After years of wondering where the man of the hour was, I now know.
Many people reading this will have talked to their friends about the threat and been dismissed.
My message to you is to be a bore, to tell the facts, again, and again, and again.
I will.

What defines a racist?? Talk to 100 people and they will all come up with a different answer. Why is it verbotten to be a racist?? Does it stem from guilt? From not wanting to be thought of as a racist? Racist is a bad word in America, since the 60's. If because I stand up and say that the Islamofacists are a danger in our county does that make me a racist? I don't think so. People that use the word racist against other people do it because that word usually ends the discussion. Well, if it's racist to speak one's mind about these terrorist, then I guess I am. It has nothing to do with their race, because Islam is a religion.

Go Geert!!! You da man.


You say "Europe has to foster some sort of friendly nationalism, where countries can build some self pride based on ethnic heritage, but not in an offensive, expansionist kind. "

No, the self-pride must be developed based on a cultural heritage, and ideological heritage. If it's superiority is based on factors that are not one's fault, like the color of their skin, then guess what? That is "racism." If the superiority is based on things one has control over, such as their world view (that yes, one generally inherits, but is not inevitable) then that allows anyone who wishes to share that worldview a place at the table.

If the "skin-heads" reject a me OR a muslim based on racist factors, they can go to hell. If they could keep it ideological, then fine, but they can't as they are "white-skin supremacists" and they do not and never will have my support.

Hey Obama and McCain...have you read the words of this man and how do you respond?.

Posted by: pulsar182 at September 28, 2008 9:43 AM

"We're working with our Saudi partners against extremeists who have hijacked islam, which is a peaceful religon from which millions of good people around the world, take comfort. We have made good progress, and will continue to work for peace."

Words to that effect or some other meaningless string of letters and phrases.

They are after all "presidential candidates" first and foremost; don't expect substance from such empty suits.

Hey Obama and McCain...have you read the words of this man and how do you respond?.

Posted by: pulsar182 at September 28, 2008 9:43 AM

"We're working with our Saudi partners against extremeists who have hijacked islam, which is a peaceful religon from which millions of good people around the world, take comfort. We have made good progress, and will continue to work for peace."

Words to that effect or some other meaningless string of letters and phrases.

They are after all "presidential candidates" first and foremost; don't expect substance from such empty suits.

Gert eloquently makes one of the most important points that needs to be made in order to keep people on track, so they do not loose the point of the overall message. There are liberal Muslims, but there is no such a thing as liberal Islam. This really helps to clarify things at the initial stages of a conversation on this subject. It defuses all sorts of diffusive counter points, which makes getting to the point difficult. Gert has mastered this, it is an art form to be able to construct this message, as you deconstruct the speech codes we live under. Gert has become a Jedi Master of speech code deconstruction.

Mr. Wilders should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Thanks you so much for telling and bringing the TRUTH about islam to our shores, and elsewhere. There is no negotiating with islam, only DEATH if you do not convert or subvert yourself to horrible dhummi way of life. Everythinhg he has stated is true!

Sean Osborne...Well at least you cleared up which of the many supernatural entities you could have been referring to.

So you believe that Mohammad really was visited by a real live demon (possibly Lucifer) posing as Gabriel, and that this same demon possessed him many times after, while he (the demon) dictated the Quran.

Do you believe that Allah is God? Is/was Mohammad his messenger? Did he really take that night flight to the furthest mosque?

Methinks you are giving Mohammad way to much credit for honesty, and credibility.

As far as: What part of "what we do as a nation 37 days from now" (i.e. on November 4, 2008) did you fail to comprehend?

I failed to comprehend nothing, but I am definitely not as pessimistic as you seem to be.

I don't buy into fatalism or predestination.
Islam can be defeated and we don't need supernatural entities to do it for us.

Islam can be defeated and we don't need supernatural entities to do it for us.

Absolutely. Problem is, we also need the will to fight and the courage of our own convictions and both seem to be in short supply. We run away from our history instead of embracing it. Our history includes more than slavery but that's all our enemies focus on and we let them. It's as if the sin of slavery (even though it was universal) means we deserve whatever happens to us now.

Two words can shut us up: racist and hypocrite.

Our determination to avoid those two appellations makes the perfect the enemy of the good. Since fighting jihad means some innocent people will die, fighting jihad makes us the equivalent of the terrorists. Look at the Marines. If one person who is not a jihadist dies, they can be up on charges. And if one person who is not a jihadist dies, that means America hates Islam. We are not perfect and since we will never be perfect, we can never be good.

Too little too late, are words that sadly leap to mind. Mr Wilders does give some reasons for hope, but he is too intelligent to be easily optimistic.

The struggle, against our own weakness and decrepitude as much as against the enemy, may avail nothing. But lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for. At least we have Geert Wilders and his like-minded associates and supporters, at least they are trying. Perhaps there isn't NO chance.

I am happy to point out that much of what Mr Wilders says in this speech I have heard from Robert Spencer and Hugh Fitzgerald. The word is out, and invaluable people are doing the work.

Great speech by Wilders. My only criticism of his speech - holding Gandhi up as an example to be emulated.

This December a conference will take place in Jerusalem. Thanks to Professor Aryeh Eldad, a member of Knesset, we will be able to watch Fitna in the Knesset building and discuss the jihad.
While they are into movies, they should add 'Islam: What the West needs to know' and 'Obsession' in the viewing list.

PMK: Two words can shut us up: racist and hypocrite.

Well, I agree with what you wrote except that,
being called a racist, hypocrite, warmongering, fearmongering, intolerant bigot never shut me up. It makes me talk more...

duh_swami wrote:

"So you believe that Mohammad really was visited by a real live demon (possibly Lucifer) posing as Gabriel, and that this same demon possessed him many times after, while he (the demon) dictated the Quran."

Yes, exactly. And it was Egyptian-born Dr. Labib Mikhail who brought this fact to light. Google him and learn more.

"Do you believe that Allah is God?"

What part of "Lucifer, the supernatural spiritual being who rebelled against YHWH and is the true originator of Submission(Islam)and its false god "Allah." did you not understand? Is it not crystal clear to you when I use the words "false god "Allah" that I do not believe God and Allah are the same spiritual being, that one is diametrcially opposed to the other?

"Is was Mohammad his messenger?"

Mohammed was the messenger of Lucifer, in the guise of the false god "Allah".

"Did he really take that night flight to the furthest mosque?"


"I failed to comprehend nothing..."

Apparently you fail to understand a great deal regarding the spiritual origins of this war, this is apparent in the questions you have asked of me.

"I don't buy into fatalism or predestination."

Neither do I. In my experience the term "fatalism' is used by more than a few left-of-center ideologues to describe spiritual truths regarding what the true sovereign God has determined to do in the establishment of His Kingdom on this Earth.

"Islam can be defeated and we don't need supernatural entities to do it for us."

Wrong. No human being or group of human beings irregadless of numbers can defeat Lucifer and his legion of demons in their agenga without the power of Jesus Christ leading them.

This is a spiritual war at its core, and will be resolved on the spiritual level before mankind can annihilate itself on our plane of existence. Again, this is the core idea within my original post, it is not understood by Geert Wilders any more than it is understood by yourself or other secular human beings.

Leftists, liberals and Christian-Democrats are now all in bed with Islam.

Not all of us. I'm very liberal and I don't bow to any conservative religion, and Islam is about as conservative as a religion can get. My theory on why so many liberals are so friendly towards Islam is that it's a knee-jerk response to Christianity. Too many Christians throughout history have tried to suppress freedom (particularly when it comes to sexuality) so some liberals are automatically embracing any group that is a powerful enemy of Christianity, while apparently missing the fact that Islam is even more unfriendly towards freedom than Christianity currently is. If these liberals were smarter they'd embrace Satanism or something instead (now there's a philosophy that embraces freedom), but knee-jerk reactions are very human I suppose.

Rest assured, however, that some of us liberals still stand for freedom and will never submit, be it to Allah or to anyone else for that matter.

Kudos to Geert Wilders.

An honest man is always a plague to fools, thieves and deceivers.

May his Kevlar be the best and his voice reach the widest audience.

Islam is an anti-Constitutional, anti-human rights conspiracy to establish a global theocratic tyranny.

Saying this is only considered gauche by cowards.

Rail on, Geert!

while apparently missing the fact that Islam is even more unfriendly towards freedom than Christianity currently is.

while apparently missing the fact that Islam is even more unfriendly towards freedom than Christianity ever was

Perhaps that's more like it. Christianity, even during the dark days of the Inquisition, was never as bad as what Islam is today and will be for the foreseeable future.

I am Spartac....I mean... I am Geert Wilders!

Great posts Hugh and everyone.
If Mr.Wilders (Michael Corleone) should be shot in the head by a policeman, or hang himself in his jail cell, or if he should be struck by a bolt of lightning, then I do not forgive. I intend to hold some people responsible. I promise this, on the day of my daughters' wedding. Grazie.

while apparently missing the fact that Islam is even more unfriendly towards freedom than Christianity ever was

Perhaps that's more like it. Christianity, even during the dark days of the Inquisition, was never as bad as what Islam is today and will be for the foreseeable future.

Many Christians have burned people at the stake (often other Christians) for presuming to have the freedom to believe what they want and for preaching what they believe publicly (or even privately), and there is no doubt in my mind that there are many Christians alive today who would be happy to pick that practice up again if they could get away with it. No, not all Christians are like that (obviously, since I'm a Christian and have no interest in murder), in fact it's unlikely that even most Christians are like that (and it certainly goes against any teachings of the New Testament), but many have been like that.

I guess my point is that we need to make sure that in opposing dangerous ideologies like Islam we don't end up empowering other groups with unfriendly feelings towards freedom themselves. Sure, not every conservative is for burning heretics like myself at the stake for holding unorthodox views, or for stoning liberals like myself for what they believe to be sinful behavior; but even without the homicidal tendencies of some conservatives, too many are still for the restriction of too many freedoms (in some states you have laws against sex toys, you have blue laws in many states, and many conservatives would love to see pornography and any form of what they consider to be sexual deviance (strip clubs, swinging, polyamory, homosexuality, and even premarital sex) banned from the country, not to mention the common conservative desire to criminalize abortion). In the end, the reason I'm liberal is because I believe in freedom (as long as that freedom isn't restricting someone else's freedom).

Sean: mankind can annihilate itself on our plane of existence. Again, this is the core idea within my original post, it is not understood by Geert Wilders any more than it is understood by yourself or other secular human beings.

So you are the only one who understands these lofty concepts...congratulations, must be an avatar.

Tell all that fairy tail stuff to someone who has not studied demonology and angelology.

You are giving Islam far more credit than it deserves.

You apparently give credibility to Mohammad. He was the only one who ever saw or heard Allah or Gabriel.
Everything you believe to be true about his Gabriel demonic possessions, you know from the lips of Mohammad. Aisha even said that Mohammad saw things she did not.
If Mohammad did not take that night trip, he was either lying about it or hallucinating, either is possible, neither is credible. If he was lying about that, why give him credibility about the rest?
If Mohammad told me he had egg for breakfast, and there was egg on his tie, I still would not believe him.
If Mohammad was alive today, would you buy a used car from him? Why not, he's credible.

'Lucifer' means 'light bringer'. I don't think Lucifer, disguised as Gabriel, brought any light with him when he showed up with Islam in his pocket. In reality I don't think he showed up at all. Gabriel is a lie, Allah is a fake. Mohammad made it up with a little help from his mortal friends.

Your particular point of view might go over better with people who know of the supernatural, but are afraid of it. If you could enlighten them, you might actually create some convictions and courage, that we have a short supply of, as PMK points out above.

I bet your church, if you have one, has lots of like minded, but lost souls, that you could enlighten about Islam and Lucifer's plans. I hope you're explaining it to them as well as you have explained it here...

Mr. Wilder's speech should be heard or read by every American, before it's too late for us. He is being honest in a way that most other Europeans seem to be incapable of right now. His descriptions of the neighborhoods that have been taken over by Islamics and the effects on the societies on a small neighborhood level, is one concrete example that he gives, and serves to "bring it home." After reading his descriptions, I have a feeling we are going to have even more immigrants - Europeans who are fleeing their Islamified countries. We just might be "the last man standing."

"In the end, the reason I'm liberal is because I believe in freedom (as long as that freedom isn't restricting someone else's freedom)."

I know, right? How dare those selfish conservative Christian bastards implore people to have sex responsibly and allow unborn human beings the time, space and freedom to be born.

What you should have said is "I believe in someone else's freedom as long as that freedom isn't restricting me doing whatever I want."

It will be the men and women who understand freedom, and Islam's antithesis to freedom, who will take back Europe from Islam, one vote at a time, while there is still time to vote, before it is outlawed by Sharia. Either that or Europe turns into the northern continent's Somalia. I give it two decades, and the warlord Mohammet's cruel and unusual punishment war codex will be banned, and outlawed. Of this I have no doubt. Islam is dead. It has no place in the 21st century.

being called a racist, hypocrite, warmongering, fearmongering, intolerant bigot never shut me up. It makes me talk more...


Glad to hear it. I was speaking more generally. We don't have too many leaders who are willing to risk those words being applied to them.
The same can be said of many Westerners who don't want to risk doing anything that might be considered politically incorrect.
"Hypocrite" can be kryptonite to a politician.
"Racist" most certainly is.
Whether or not the labels are valid doesn't matter. Many of us would take these accusations as a badge of honor but those who seek to lead us run away from the truth if there is the slightest chance someone can look at their positions and call them racist or hypocritical.
It's a reflection of what we consider to be important. Political correctness is everything to a whole lot of people.

Can anyone find a link to this claim? "San Diego University recently calculated that a staggering 25 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now." This is astonishing. I need to be able to provide links to this data, and I can't find it.

poetcomic1 at September 28, 2008 12:20 PM:
"He has carefully protected himself from skinhead / neo-Nazi associations"

Exactly. Unfortunately we still see posters that think you can fight fascism with fascists. People that feel that nazi and white power symbolism is 'silly' and merely 'not pure'. People proclaiming that they stand with Wilders. However, they can be sure that Wilders is not on their side, as he has said many times in the past. Were that to change, I would never consider voting for him again. Because there is no difference between green fascism and brown fascism.

I know, right? How dare those selfish conservative Christian bastards implore people to have sex responsibly and allow unborn human beings the time, space and freedom to be born.

What you should have said is "I believe in someone else's freedom as long as that freedom isn't restricting me doing whatever I want."

As I said, I believe in freedom for everyone as long as it's not restricting anyone else's freedom. If you're not for freedom yourself I'm sure there's a mosque or Independent Fundamentalist Baptist church around somewhere you could find. :)

Sean, Please lighten up on your tone. I agree with you on the spiritual/supernatural aspect of this very possibly being the beginning of the end. I've been reading what those who study prophecy have to say. My study has given me, as it should all believers, peace in spite of the insanity that's taking place. If God is controlling all this, let Him. We do need to remain vigilant in our spiritual as well as civic reponsibilities. I don't think He intends us to take this Satanic onslaught laying down, as I believe you don't. However, we need duh Swami and all these wonderful and intelligent JWers to fight along side us. I've learned a huge amount about Islam and intelligent, effective argument from those here and would gladly count them as friends (anonymous as they may be).

What Guts He Has! Truth-Telling is difficult and -- in the case of Islam -- dangerous work. We all owe a debt to this brave man standing up against the pernicious Islamization of Europe.

PMK, I am a racist and a hypocrite, by most people's standards...I have been reading this while listening to, and enjoying, Sudanese Sufi music...(their crazy religion has given rise to some beautiful cultural traditions.)I don't think we should accept immigrants from countries (races) which have a grudge against us historically; it is asking for trouble, especially as most of those cultures are "revenge" cultures. That makes me 'racist" apparently but I don't care. We should be allowed to think of self-preservation, surely! I am amazed how many people think that we should accept hostile immigrants despite their hostility...because of historical "wrongs" we should allow them in to punish us. Do we really want this kind of future for our children?

Can anyone think of anyone in government in the USA who's remotely on the level of Wilders?

Regarding the discussion in the comments above about circus right and circus left, I'm neither left nor right: I'm a fiscal conservative, socially libertarian, and commonsensitarian on Islam and its dangers. Meaning that I started reading after 9/11 and recognize Islam for what it is, totalitarianism masquerading as religion.

Back to right versus left, when the right disagrees with me, they blog about what an idiot I am. Which is fine. I'm all for free speech, providing I don't have to pay for the bandwidtch. On the other side of the aisle, recently had the "progressives" dub me "racist" because I didn't speak in approved progressive-speak, meaning I dared criticize the fact that there are large number of unwed teen mothers who happen to be black, and suggested that leaders in the black community should speak up about this. Anyway, the left, through a particularly juvenile website, sent over hundreds of people to disrupt my comments and ask "Are you a tranny." One of them was supposed to be minding a government satellite for the NOAA at the time he was posting that.

My lesson in who are the real fascist thugs has been instructive.

Christian Heretic, you're such a hypocrite. If you believe in the right to an abortion you believe in the right to withhold freedom from a significant amount of the population, over 50,000,000 people since 1973 in the U.S. alone. That's roughly 1/6 of our present population. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. As Americans we say we hold those beliefs to be dear, but apparently some of us only hold them dear if they don't interfere with our own selfishness.

It's really so similar to the slavery issue. A group of people wanted to live a certain lifestyle, which required a labor intensive system to create wealth so they got together and made an agreement that certain individuals were not quite completely human and therefore were allowed to be enslaved so that the people doing the enslaving could enjoy the fruits of their slaves' labor. This issue was not originally addressed in our Constitution so it was allowed to go on for another century with the people doing the enslaving highly motivated to keep the system in place. It was the same system that William Wilberforce fought against and eventually eradicated in England. Many people knew the system was wrong but because it supported the local economy the slaveholders reaping the benefit of someone else's forced labor weren't about to free the slaves. They had a selfish interest in keeping the laborers down and enslaved.

Fast forward to the 20th Century. The pill comes along around 1960. Women are told they can be just like men and have sex whenever they want to, only women aren't just like men. They embrace the Sexual Revolution anyway and soon find out that in order to make this system foolproof, they have to have a back up plan in case they have an "oops". So in 1973, the "right" to an abortion becomes part of our Constitution. And we're back to the same old concept of one group desiring to live a certain way and betraying another group in order to keep their "right" to do what they want.

Human conception is such an inconvenient thing when you want to be able to screw with no consequences, but alas, biology shows us that it will happen as humans and human nature render even the best laid plans not quite foolproof. Once people embraced the concept of "A Woman's Right to Choose," a masterful piece of marketing that Bernard Nathanson, one of the founders of NARAL admitted was created as a slogan aimed at advertising the idea to women (and one he now regrets,) it took off. Then Planned Parenthood introduced it into the public school system and offered free contraceptives to teenagers who were "going to do it anyway" (talk about marketing) and we have another entrenched system that oppresses one group to the advantage of another. Only there are even more victims here: the children who are cast aside like yesterday's trash because, after all, they "aren't quite human"...just a lump of flesh; the women who are tricked into thinking that an abortion will solve their problems but become enslaved themselves the second the abortion is performed and the guilt of killing their own child attaches to them like a heavy ball and chain, many time not to be eradicated until several decades of silent suffering later. There are the dads that want the child but don't have any say because, after all, a woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. There are also many young men who see some girl in a bar or even their girlfriends as some sort of sperm receptacle, to be filled and, if impregnated, later emptied via abortion with no consideration for her feelings. And all this is in the name of a technical legality.

So it's legal, so what? You know damned good and well it's immoral, just like slavery was in the U.S. a century and a half ago and is in Arab countries now. And honestly, why be so bent about Islam and what it does to people's lives if what abortion does to people's lives is irrelevant? Same human beings, same destruction, same lack of freedom, different situation.

I've often wondered if the Civil War was not a punishment for slavery, since the South was enslaved itself after it fell to the Federalists; a punishment fits the crime scenario. Could the rapid spread of Islam be a punishment for abortion? Let's see, women raped with impunity, enslaved in jails and accused of adultery, a crime punishable by death in Muslim countries. Women forced into loveless marriages and forced to accomodate horny husbands whenever the urge hits him. Having one baby after another, year in and year out for the Jihad, not even allowed out of the house unless accompanied by a male relative; (talk about slavery.) Innocent little girls raped and forced into marriage with men old enough to be their fathers or grandfathers. Little boys raped for pleasure. The systematic brainwashing of over a billion people on the planet by a political system that is enforced by terror and masquerades as a religion. Women not allowed to think, work or wear what they want and thought police who beat or kill and family members who beat or kill any woman who get out of line. No sexual freedom, forced motherhood, forced sex whenever someone else wants it, carrying every baby his religion and desire demands. Gosh, where is the woman's right to choose?

Freedom isn't free if it only applies to certain people who have made an agreement to enslave others in order to ensure their own, whether it be sexual or economic freedom. Freedom is a right that belongs to everyone, unless some other group decides to come along and take it away and use it for themselves. Isn't that the main reason we gather here and fight against Islam, to promote and protect everyones'freedom?

I love Geert Wilders to death, and if the Jordanians ever come after him he can come stay with me in Indiana, sexy bitch that he is. The thing that scares me about the Geert Wilders phenomenon is his ordinariness. I mean, he's obviously very charming and has a gift for oration and all, but what does it say about this world that we're all praying at the altar of Geert Wilders simply because he's honest and speaks openly about simple facts? He's not Oriana Fallaci, nor does he have any really revolutionary ideas. What he believes is actually completely intuitive, and it all comes down to good vs. evil, smart vs. stupid, sink vs. swim. Of course, being ordinary and rational and honest aren't even values in America anymore, and even less so in Europe. The fact that we're even discussing the anti-jihad movement being hijacked by racists? I didn't know there were racists in this world - except for people who hate Jews, Muslims of course, especially Arab Muslims, and Black and Hispanic supremacists - until a couple of months ago. In Western Europe no less.

Can it really be that the whole world is really this crazy? Or is it just Europe, with its suicidal welfare state, socialist/fascist factions, and basic deathwish no matter how you slice it? Seriously, every political party that doesn't hinge on anti-jihadism in Europe is rooted in a deathwish, be it socialist, communist, fascist, racist, or just the let's-slit-our-own-throats-with-multiculturalism crowd. And they think that having MUSLIM working class is going to keep those welfare checks coming? Are all the sane Americans in Iraq? I'm not even just scared of Muslim immigration. I'm scared that the Muslims are going to run the Europeans out of Europe and that they'll all come here and bring their socialist entitlement, their crappy tips, and their pathetic political parties, not unlike the Muslims, who think that it's 'circumstances' that led to their societal failure and not their inability to function as upwardly mobile people. But the Europeans CAN function. They just choose to shoot themselves in the foot anyway. Geert Wilders is their best hope.

“This is our country. We’re the bosses. These are our values. If you want to come and stay that‘s okay, but only if you adhere to our values, our principles, our laws, and our Constitution…We must stop being tolerant toward people who show no tolerance toward us.”

“I hate political correctness…I am not a cultural relativist. I don‘t believe that cultures are equal. I believe that our culture is far better than the retarded Islamic culture. I believe that we are that which is prized.” -Geert Wilders

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs has a couple of interviews with Geert. Watch it and you'll see what he's got that makes the difference. He appears to be able to say that the emperor has no clothes on and the more important ability to make other people take a look and actually see it for what it is.

These may be the statistical models Geert Wilders is referring to.

both were written in the mid-late 90's. This is the best I can come up with, if you need them as references, they are very interesting reading considering he wrote this stuff before this idea was a twinkle in the eye of the global consciousness.

A total of fifty-four million Muslims now live in Europe. San Diego University recently calculated that a staggering 25 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now. Bernhard Lewis has predicted a Muslim majority by the end of this century.

Geert Wilders and others, such as JW's Robert Spencer, are blowing the alarm. But the real problem is not individual Muslims per se, this is evidently clear, but those whose Islam makes them into Shariaists. There had been 'exclusion' laws in the past, where immigration from undesirable countries, such as the old Communist world or Nazi Germany, is severely restricted or forbidden. What the world needs now to combat the Shariaist tendencies of Muslims who buy into the Caliphate rule, which is the fascist rule Wilders and other alarm sounders talk about, whether green or brown fascism, in this case Sharia fascism, is to pass new 'exclusion' laws to either jettison those Shariaists already here, or to prevent immigration of those whose sentiments would overturn our free constitutional governments and human rights. It is a fairly simple thing to do, and the MSM and PC crowd be damned. We are not alive as free men and women for their amusement, and until and unless the criminally enslaving prejudicial bigoted mindset of Shariaists is called to account for their total control belief system, in violation of all our liberal and libertarian ideals, there is no possibility of a civil resolution to this invasion by Sharia Islamists, those who had settled here to dominate and not be dominated. The call to alarm give a clear venue for what needs to be done here. Restrict Shariaist immigration, same as the old Communist and Nazi immigrations, and expel those whose sympathies lie with Sharia rule rather than rule of constitutional law. This is the next necessary step. Shariaists must be banned.

Here is the home page. For the think tank I was referring to.

I'm not too sure how this relates to San Diego University, but some of the members are related to that institution.

I was just thinking if we could link the figures from articles and such. Here is what I could find in a nutshell. this was presented to the EU in 97, here is an article from 95 Here are several more recent articles, which digest the data in a more contemporary fashion: part 2: . I am not a demographic expert, but it is sure nice to have references to back yourself up. The antiquity of the early documents produced by this think tank for the EU lend great relevance to the links. Anyways I have spent hours researching it, hope it is accurate.

DenverRodeo wrote: "Shame on America for not having a single politician who will stand up in public and say what Geert Wilders said."

Yes! So why don't SOME OF US start running for offices. We read these stories and complain, but that doesn't accomplish anything. Start a third party if that's what it takes.

I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ's heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot-soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile race from the lands of our friends. I say this to those who are present, it is meant also for those who are absent. Moreover, Christ commands it.
- Pope Urban II

It is ironic that Wilders should quote Churchill, who in 1954 said:

Problems will arise if many coloured people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves with colour problems in UK?

In today's politically correct regime, where uncomfortable truths are suppressed rather than debated, Churchill would be deemed a neo-Nazi.

Had Churchill been a politician with such views today there is absolutely no way that he would be invited to the Jerusalem conference.

Glenn Beck was the only program that hosted Gert Wilders that I know.

Glenn Beck rocks! I watch him every night religiously. He is very provocative, concerned about our nation and I would vote for him if he ever ran for the White House.

You should watch his daily program, 1 hour at 7: pm EST and repeated at 9: pm and 12: am. Remember, these are Eastern Standard time zones.

Glenn Beck is on Head Line News (HLN) sister channel to CNN and it is about three to five channels above or below where you find CNN channel on your TV system. Channel 202 on Dish net.

Guaranteed to fall in love with his program. If you do not fall in love with his program write me on JW addressing American. I read every posting.

To all,

Geert Wilders as many say on here is not only inspiring but also exceptionally brave. Alone, our elites should take note of the death threats placed on his head from Imams, Mullahs and Islamist Jihadi groups within their countries.

This man is not speaking of racism or persecution of people. This man is speaking of protecting our freedoms, liberties and democracies. He is speaking of an ideology, nothing more than a Death Cult, and an oppressive, controlling, misogynistic, homophobic and totalitarian in it's belief.

Forget your global warming and your recycling. In fact forget everything that you believe to be more important in your life than Islamisation of your country. The biggest threat the West faces is Islam. We in the UK and Europe have our own problem not just with this but also with the Socialist Elite who want to create a United States of Europe, which will further along Islamisation.
The troops in Afghanistan and Iraq should immediately be withdrawn BY ALL COUNTRIES. Forget them, forget about the Muslims as they do not care for us or want us there and simply put why should our children die for them?
We need our troops on the streets of our cities, hunting down Islamists and removing them from the West, hopefully with the following removal of all Muslims too. Some of you may say, but there are peaceful Muslims blah, blah....yes there may be, but peaceful Muslims still follow Islam and will procreate and become 'not so peaceful'.

If you want to keep your freedoms, liberties and your democracy, then nothing short of the complete removal of all Islam from the West will be needed. Islam is in the West for one reason and that's invasion. Everyone here knows this. The governments know this but they're simply turning a blind eye because they have their Echelon Towers to retreat to.

You really need to tell your friends and have them tell their friends of the serious threat that is Islam. Islam wants to Islamise the World. I don't want that, do you?


You wrote: "But the real problem is not individual Muslims per se, this is evidently clear, but those whose Islam makes them into Shariaists."

Actually the real problem IS the individual Muslims. The 'Individual Muslims' that live in their segregated communities, are the ones who join the Jihadi groups and act out the words of the Imams and Mullahs.
This is what the left's argument is ".....but there are many Muslims that are peaceful..."

This makes me laugh for the simple reason that the words 'peaceful' and 'Muslim' should not be used in the same sentence. It is nothing more than an Oxymoron. By accepting your faith, yes the faith created by the Muhammad the Butcher, then they accept everything that their faith has done and all that Muhammad and his followers did 1400 years ago.
You will note that they never question Islam. They do not question the life of Muhammad, but simply say that he is divine and never to be questioned.
The 'peaceful' Muslims do not speak up for the atrocities of the Islamists for the simple reason that they are both travelling to the same destination albeit on a different route.

When Canadian Muslims cried out at Sharia, they did so for the simple reason, that by accepting it and being pro Sharia, they will alienate their Non Muslim counterparts and being the minority there, will make lives difficult for themselves, as people in Canada will understand the true motives of Islam. Canadian Muslims are merely biding their time until their population grows that is all.

By being a Muslim, you are accepting everything that the faith teaches you. You must also, when the time comes, wage jihad as that is the sole path of any Muslim. You would not be a Muslim otherwise.

The bottom line Battle_of_Tours, is that all Muslims, that continue being Muslims in the West are nothing more than 5th Columnists, intent on the complete take over of every country they inhabit. What we have is a 'quiet' invasion of such magnitude that has never, ever happened before. We have opened up the gates and allowed our enemies and future assassins to walk straight in, make themselves comfortable, institute their own laws and cultures and grow. And grow they will, to such a size that when they push for supremacy the West will be unable to counter their push.
By simple procreation in the West is how Islam will grow. On one side the Islamists will attack with their bombs and on the other the 'peaceful' Muslim will simply grow.
Just wait and see in 50/60 years time when the so called peaceful Muslims aren't so peaceful and their children are the soldiers of the New planned Caliphate.

The more people continue to believe in peaceful Muslims, the more Islam will grow and spread like an out of control cancer, taking over everything in its path. Peaceful Muslims may exist in Islamic States, but anywhere a Muslim exists in a Non Islamic state, he/she is waging Jihad and this Jihad is a quiet, non violent one and one of population growth.

I'm not really religious, but 'for the love of God and humanity' Islam will completely destroy us if we allow it to continue. Think about what Gilders stated about our peaceful society handed to us on a silver platter. We owe it to our future generations to create a safe future for them as our ancestors did before us.


You have spoken the words that the Knights of Ni are not allowed to hear! For that we must watch this scene from montey Python.

"Knights of Ni you are just and fair and we will return with a shrubbery..."
"One that looks nice"
"Of course"
"And not to expensive"
"Nooooooooooow Go!"

Brilliant film and under Islamisation it will be insulting to Allah and banned. Great eh?

:-) that was my way of agreeing with you, as I also do not believe an Islamic Reformation will not happen if we keep acquiescing to each and every demand, and fail to insist that our values are superior. There isn't much time left several decades or so, at best, when this explodes we can blame it on the left, and moderate Muslims for being squeamish about how people talk about things. I thought the video would be a nice theatrical representation of our speech codes.

Please take this men out of Holland and Europe. Maybe you will like hem in USA, but we do not like him in holland.

He keeps saying the samethings, nothing new.
He is creating hate in this world.

Because we do not like him he will try in USA now.

Geert is a very dangerous men for this beautifull world.

ignore the forst one ... double negative alert!

:-) that was my way of agreeing with you, as I also do not believe an Islamic Reformation will happen if we keep acquiescing to each and every demand, and fail to insist that our values are superior. There isn't much time left several decades or so, at best, when this explodes we can blame it on the left, and moderate Muslims for being squeamish about how people talk about things. I thought the video would be a nice theatrical representation of our speech codes.

Of course Ethoman, I didn't for one minute think you weren't agreeing with me. How wonderful that you quoted the brilliant Monty Python, who, ironically, came under attack from The Bishop of Southwark and Malcolm Muggeridge in a TV debate on The Life of Brian(circa 1979). At least the Christians weren't wanting to kill anyone for it.
The exceptionally sad state we, in the West, have got ourselves into is, quite frankly, appalling. The reason that Islam calls us racist is BECAUSE we feel our culture is inherently superior to theirs and many others. The decision to bring culture into the race argument was done not so long ago and is exceptionally wrong. Our own stupid adherence to Political Correctness as we eschew common sense is our ultimate downfall. Our culture is far superior to Islam. Our culture is far superior to most if not all Africa's countries. It is, for the simple reason that we send Aid to many of these Nations in order to survive ergo our Nation(because it helps your Nation to survive) is far superior.
My dilemma Ethoman, is I really don't want to wait 2/3 decades for the implosion within the West. I really don't want to have to blame anyone, because when that time comes there will be nothing to bring back the Britain that was before Islam, poured into, destroying everything around it.
Moderate Muslims, ah yes, them..... A moderate Muslim to me is someone who hasn't quite gone as far as blowing people up yet, but you can mark my words that when it comes to protests against British people, then they'll be in the crowds. The moderate Mulsims are so, because they are here to make the left believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace, because they're not getting involved in open war. Like I said above, the peaceful Muslims and the Islamists are no different from one another as the end goal is the same, albeit the path is opposite to the extreme.
To understand Islam, the moderate and the Islamist is all in the name - MUSLIM. It means that they adhere to the teachings of Muhammad, the Koran the Hadiths and Siras. By accepting this means that they accept the overall aims of Islam and that is the creation of the Umma. Remember also that there may very well have been nice Nazis in the Second World War, but their leader was Hitler and their cause was Aryan Race supremacy. All Muslims who call themselves moderate are merely 5th Columnists, waiting for the creation of the Caliphate.


Are you for real? Do you not realise that your culture, your freedoms, your democracy and your liberties are about to be wiped off the face of the planet from the very people that Geert Wilders speaks of?
Do you really think that he is spreading hate? I strongly suggest you read the Koran, the Hadiths and the Siras to find out exactly what the Religion of Peace is really all about. You will also then find out that the 'true Muslims' are in fact the Islamists out there, bombing the world as they are following in the exact same footsteps as Muhammad their 'Holy' Prophet.

If you are a Muslim then I completely understand that Geert is spreading Hate for an Islamic World and I agree with him 100%. It's just Juliana, I enjoy my freedoms and really do not want to be assimilated into an Arabian Fairytale Death Cult, oppressed with no freedom to live my life however I may choose.

Mark that was perfect, and deserving of another theatrical representation from Montey Python. You can be the wizard, Islam can be the rabbit, the general public will be the knights.


Juliana is really Abu or Ahmed or Ali. You can tell by the crappy spelling and grammar.

Whiners who wring their hands and take offense at people standing up for their own beliefs and not laying down and rolling over when some third world-er with a CAIR card makes some stupid demand, (like break time for prayers that cause average American citizens who are not Muslims to work a half day on Saturday,) come here often but can be spotted a mile away. They always lament about hate but have no problem murdering a female family member when their widdle feewings get huwt.

Ethoman, at least the Knights in the film got to draw their swords on the "Fowel, crrooeel, rodent yoo ever set eyes on"
When Islamisation is complete, the Police, the Government, the Armed Forces and every pillar of the Establishment will belong to Islam. Any usurpers from the Left, will be targeted by the Special Secret Police long before they've done anything, dragged from their beds, taken to a Kangaroo Sharia court, found guilty of treason against Allah(I know IRONIC) and summarily executed.

Doesn't matter how many Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch they have, they won't even make a dent.


I think we will see Kosovo like micro-states throughout Europe declare independence within our lifetimes, which are already forming now. These would be the 100% Islamic communities forming under our feet as we speak, these no go zones. The demographics are pretty clear. In the last 20 years the Muslim population has doubled. At the present rate in 10 years France will be at 20% not including the population decline expected of the native population. The assertion of 25% Islamic in 2025 shocked me at first. I have spent about 6-7 hours studying everything I could find on the topic, and it does appear we are sitting on the tip of the iceberg. I do not think they will take over lock stock and barrel though. It will be through provincial secessionist movements, and civil war, if we have the stomach for it. This will be when the rubber hits the road, unless something is done right now. If we can hold on to our countries I would look to the past to see how Spain de-Islamicised itself. You will see a repeat of that if we win, if not ... then slow subjugation over the centuries until we look like the Coptic Christians 1,000 years from now. Our descendents will wish we had fought harder, as they look foreword to the slow grind of Islamic inhalation.

I lost on spell checker bingo. The last sentence should read.

"as they look foreword to the slow grind of Islamic annihilation."

Geert is a very dangerous men for this beautifull world.

Posted by: juliana

Geert is not the problem here, Islam is. The danger you speak of resides in the hearts and minds of those who follow and practice Islam and it's evil tenets. This world would, in fact, be beautiful and less dangerous if Islam were destroyed - so thank God for brave men like Geert who are willing to speak out against it.

Islam be gone!


You make some exceptionally valid points.
Although I'm not a supporter of the BNP, although I do agree very much with their policies, (I am still a perturbed by their 'Pro White' status, when really they should be a Pro British status as I know many non white Britons who are exceptionally proud to be) I recall in the past Nick Griffin stating that Britain would turn into another Yugoslavia and how correct will he be? The far right wing do have their contacts throughout Europe and they are all one big force. People may continually shout them down as Neo Nazis, which many are, but when the real war against Islam starts then these will be the first ones there and on the front line. They amost remind me of the 'Berserkers' from Clive Barkers Caval/Nightbreed, whom when the Nightbreed are being attacked and gunned down by the Humans, they release the Berserkers to cause havoc. Of course this goes back to the Berserkers of the Norsemen.
The population of Muslims in the UK is not 1.8 million as Government figures suggest. They are more like 4/5million and maybe more. This government has not one iota of who and how many are in the UK. Remember also that from the 31 million tourists that come to the UK every year, there is no check whatsoever on those who 'overstay' their tourist/student visas. They just simply meld into one of the many ghettos in the UK of their own 'cultural' preference. And there are many. Alone in London you can section it off to the certain peoples that live there.
You are very correct that Frances Muslim population is swelling and Sarkozy, is doing nothing about it whatsoever. If he's supposed to be a right wing politician, then heaven help France when they go left. The Netherlands like Geert has said is growing at an alarming rate as well. However, at least the good news is that Austria's right are getting more power and of course because they want an end to immigration and to become more Nationalist, out come the 'racist' and 'far right extremist party' slurs, typical of the left and their scaremongering tactics. By 2050, the Muslim World population will be 50% of the World's population.

Although our biggest danger is from Islam, undoubtedly, our nearest threat is from Europe and the Socialists, who are currently creating a European Union of Socialist Republics, where all the countries will become states, the Prime Ministers and Parliaments of each will be nothing more than glorified Mayors and Town Halls, where the inhabitants will vote for their PM/Mayor but they won't have any power whatsoever on the running of their country and control of their border. Brussels with the European President and ruling Party will have that job. Blair's behind it, along with Brown and NuLabour, David Cameron and the Conservatives, The Liberals and all other parties in power throughout Europe, apart from the Right Wing nationalist ones.
Churchill believed that Europe should be united as Sovereign Nations, however the Socialists, like the Nazis, don't want separate Nations and governments but one big Nation to control over all. Nationalism is their enemy and all the things that are being implemented are all according to the plans of the European Supranation that started in the 1930's, by a Frenchman and Italian Communist. Their plan is very near fruition.
By allowing a European Super Nation, this will then admit more and more countries to form a larger Europe. You will see the doors open to Turkey and Middle Easter Countries with North Africa also being admitted as more and more Muslim countries join, meaning unfettered access to all European states by hordes of Muslims, hell bent on total invasion of the West and implementation of Islam. If they allow Turkey in, then Europe will be immediately flooded with 20million Muslims for starters and will be the gateway to Middle Eastern Muslims who will simply move back and forward into Europe.
Last but not least, I disagree in you saying that is won't be a "lock, stock & barrel" takeover. It will.
It will for the simple reason that once Islam gets power then everything we know, our history, our culture, our traditions, will all simply disappear overnight. The Islamic population will be so great, not forgetting that all Pillars of the UK's establishments will be Muslim owned and controlled. The main religion will be Islam, in fact the only religion will be Islam. There will be no others. By this time, our own future generations, will know no different than Islam and Islamic Culture. They won't even know of their past culture, because that will be gone. The UK, along with the rest of Europe's history will be wiped out, similar to Hitler and the book burning. Anything that will be in the West to give any child a view on an alternate, free society that once was will not exist as it will be a threat to the brainwashing of Islam.
There will be no civil war for the simple reason that all civil wars/revolutions although fought by the masses/proletariat, needed a brain and that brain was the middle classes. These middle classes, like they are currently doing now, will have fled the UK for foreign lands, seeing the impending doom. The working class, will simply be assimilated into Islam and like I said, it will happen at schools and the indoctrination will continue outside with 'Religion of Peace' posters all over the place and on the Television when they get home.
In fact, English will also cease to exist, why speak it when it will be changed to Arabic?

Islam is no different from Nazism. It is about total control and power and the removal of all other cultures and the installation of Islam as the only one. Then will the Umma and the Worldwide Caliphate be complete. People are just too pig ignorant to look to the future and join up the dots.

I gather that most of you have read Robert Spencer's books that expose Muhammad and Islam for the frauds that they are. I hope that you have also read other authors who espouse the same message.

One in particular is Brigitte Gabriel. She was born and raised as a Lebanese Christian who barely survived the so-called "Lebanese Civil War" of the 1980's (Part of the world-wide Muslim jihad against non-believers). She is now an American citizen who has founded an organization to fight the political struggle against the same Islamic forces that are subverting Western Civilization in Europe and America (The USA and Canada).

That organization is ACT! for America, and its web site is "" Our collective purpose is to organize the political and societal will to educate our neighbors about the dangers of insidious, pernicious, implacable Islam and exert our political will to fight against it.

Gabriel's first book, "Because They Hate: A survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America," details her own horrific experiences in the Lebanese "Civil War" caused by Muslim jihadists and her subsequent salvation in the temporary(?) sanctuary of the USA. Believe me, people, unless we ACT that terror is coming here. It is here.

Gabriel explains that in her recently published second book, "They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It." There are insidious Muslim-"American" organizations such as CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) that are the offspring of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood which seeks to establish a world-wide Islamic Caliphate (dominance) under Islamic Sharia law.

To counterattack against this ideological invasion she has created a nationwide effort called "ACT! for America" to organize the political will of true Americans to fight against this Islamic subterfuge and subjugation under the guise of multicultural acceptance.

I gather that most, if not all of you, understand how dangerous Islam is to our civilization. Please join us in this fight to save our country and our civilization. Geert Wilders said it best on the original thread, "If there is hope in (America), it comes from the people, not from the elites. Change can only come from a grass-roots level. It has to come from the citizens themselves. Yet these patriots will have to take on the entire political, legal and media establishment." Are you willing?

If so, visit our website and click on "Local Chapters" at the top and then your state to see if there is already an organized group near you.
You might be surprised to find one already in your area. I was.

Be Strong


This is a worst case scenario you pose, but entirely possible. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the power of your government actually derived from the Monarchy still? Wouldn't any Nationalist movement be based in such an alliance? The Royals must know that with Islamization their necks will go, or they will go. To be truthful, though, in my mind I have never included you Brits as being European, you just seem sort of separate somehow, as if I had to decide if I were to die for an ally it would have be one I considered as a brother. I suppose I would go if I were called for the mainland, but for you Brits it would be personal. I'd even go over as Militia if my government didn't back it, and I'd bring my own guns, and ammo if you could smuggle me out, which I'm sure you could. If this really went down do you have any idea how many American berserkers you could call upon ... think of a number .... nope too small ... think again... nope too small ... it would be beyond any enemies wildest dreams, and all of us grew up with guns, sometimes even sleep with our guns, and love our guns like children, treat our guns like pastimes, yes all of the rumors are true ... there are more guns in America than there are people, just like there are more guns in my house than there are family members. Even my daughters could shoot before they were five, because knowing how to shoot is freedom. You will not fall my friend you will again be a beach head into the mainland if this berserker, or any of his friends and family has anything to say or do about it. In short I see too much despair on your part. Do not forget you have real allies, many of whom would risk anything to save you and yours, and you can count me as one of them, until I take my last breath. The first step is to separate yourself from the EU, which I'm sure, has become painfully obvious, by now. Then you can take on internal matters as you see fit to save your Nation, but know your Nation will never be alone, not while there are still trigger fingers left across the pond.

I have been involved at the personal level for years helping to educate people, in short I have signed up to your organization, I'm honored.


Sadly, our country is no longer the country many Americans(and Europeans) think it is.
The Act of Union(1707) started about the stripping of the Monarchy's power and has increased up to this day. The Queen is nothing more than a tourist attraction, kept in place by the government.
Regarding Europe, well, this angers me greatly. You may have heard of NuLabour. They are the government currently in power in the UK, under Gordon Brown the 'Usurper' to Tony Blair's throne, whom American's love so much yet many people in the UK despise. Tony Blair is a charlatan as he set in motion the complete destruction of the UK, its society, its community, its culture, its traditions, its history.... Most of NuLabour are communists(Marxists/Trotskyists), they believe in total socialism, which means the complete removal of Britishness. You may be very interested to read a book by Christoper Booker and Richard North called "The Great Deception: Can the European Union Survive?". This is a brilliant read as it takes the reader on a journey from the conception of the European Union to where it is now and where it wants to go. In a Nutshell, Pro Europeans, want to create a super power like the USA, made up of European countries, with the power base in Brussels. Yes, Brussels, the country that fell in a day or so to the Nazis. The country that, believe it or nots' minority population of Muslims keep the Brussels Leader in power. You may not know this but over 80% of all laws in the UK are now made in Brussels. Our government has no control over them whatsoever.
As you can imagine, there are many and I mean many of people who are livid about this and there will be civil war, because Europe decides how many immigrants we take in, how we control our borders, where our fishing borders are, who else can fish in our waters, to name but a few of the legislation passed by them on the UK.
We were promised by Labour when they got into power in '97 to give the British people a referendum on Europe. They lied. Gordon Brown, signed a the 'Lisbon Treaty' last December and that pretty much signed total control of the UK to Brussels. The people want to trade with Europe and have the relationship they've always had but want control of their own country by democratic means and the members of Parliament that they voted in. They now don't.

You have to look at the overall situation of what NuLabour is. In America they would be comparable to the Democrats. They are the people in the UK who have brought in Political Correctness to rule over common sense, they are keen to privatise everything, they are intent on destroying Nationalism, patriotism and by having a zero immigration control status, then they have brought in multiculturalism to be more favourable over British Identity. Simply put Ethoman, they want no distinction between the culture of Nigeria and the culture of Britain. It is all to be equal, so they have allowed Islamism to grow by giving them the same rights as other Brits, even though there are 90% more Indigenous on this Island than any other minority.
The NuLabour government have indoctrinated the British youth with their left wing school programmes, doing away with good teaching for dumbing down education. They have, if you like, been like a Delilah and cut of the hair of Samson. They have given 100% power to the minorities, put them in positions of power and completely destroyed the power of the majority. It's a despicable thing they did and are still doing. I could go on forever telling you just how much they have but really, it saddens me deeply.

The scenario I have stated is of course the worst case scenario, but let us not forget that with Islam there is no 'good' case scenario. It is here for one reason and once it gains total power, then the infighting for supremacy will win the day and the 'extreme' sides of Islam will win. All you have to do is look at Iran. I was on a demonstration in the UK to stop Sharia Law(already been instituted by our government, I know, disgraceful) and I met some Iranians who had fled their country because of Islamisation. I believe they are Christians, but the horrors they spoke of were terrible. The person I spoke to was in his 30's/40's and he told his dad when he was younger that the Islamists are gaining power to which his dad laughed saying that would never happen. He then went on to talk about how they locked the doors of a cinema, and burned the 400 people inside alive, who were against their getting into power. He spoke to me and said, "It is happening now in your country. I came here to be free, like you, to be British as I know that you will fight, but you must and you must now or else Britain will become like Iran".
I already knew what he was saying as I can see from my own eyes what's happening. It really does not take a degree in Rocket Science to watch Islamisation happening in the UK. I just wish others could.

I have always respected Americans and Canadians. They are after all my cousins across the sea, as many Americans have English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish ancestry. You are not the first I've spoken to on an Internet Forum who has spoke of helping Britain defend its borders and this makes me immensely proud and more angry when my fellow countrymen speak ill of America. Remember also Ethoman, that those in the UK, the left, also are predominately communists, support Islamists, pro Palestine and Anti Israel and Jewish. They have been indoctrinated most of their lives in nothing but lies and not only will we have to fight against Islam but them also, hence Civil War will not be against the Islamists are they will never be British, but the Left Wing.
I travelled in America and I met good and bad, but wherever I went I always got a strong welcome, civility, kindness and hospitality. I was also, deeply in respect at the American peoples ability to complain. After all, if you don't then nothing changes. We in the UK could learn from this greatly.

I do believe that there will come a time when American militia will be in the UK fighting. I also believe that it won't just be Americans but also many Europeans too. The French, the Germans, the Italians, the Danish, the Spanish, the Greek etc. etc. will all have their underground paramilitary groups that will travel Europe to help their fellow Europeans stop the flow of Islam. It is inevitable. I also believe that this time is not far off. I would equate physical struggle in the UK within the next twenty tears, if not less. The governments can see this and this is why they are pushing even further and further into one Super Nation of Europe, where there will be one European Army. Already, police are allowed to move freely within European countries. This I find unacceptable. No foreign police or army should ever have power over another outside their own country and jurisdiction.

You are 100% right in that Britain needs to completely remove itself from the EU. The country is being bought up piece by piece by European countries. Already France owns a majority of our power and now wants to control our Nuclear. It is despicable Ethoman, because the British Empire ended because the UK sacrificed so much in World War 2. Did we receive reparations from European countries whom we helped from the Nazis? Did we heck. Instead after the 2nd World War, Britain was bankrupt and had to borrow from the USA to get back on its feet. How does Europe repay us for helping them win victory over Nazism and us free them from it? They decide to control us. Isn't that great? That shows real gratitude doesn't it? However, on saying what I am about Europe, I speak of course of the creation of the Communist Super state. There are many, if not all European countries whose public are proud of who they are and rightly so. They do not want to lose their sovereignty and their culture and many are fighting back at the insidious politicians who are selling their countries down the Swannee piece by piece. I fear there will be great civil war all over Europe and this will be World War 3. The people will get angry at the removal of their culture, traditions and histories.

I will not discuss my manifesto and plans on the Internet yet, but I am at the moment creating the blueprints of a movement in the UK, that will protect British Values and fight against the destruction of them. I will also, once I've created it, look for unity throughout Europe with the same kind. We can all live in peace together in Europe and keep control of our borders while trading with one another, but that cannot happen if we allow the creation of the Super Nation. This will, if we allow it, bring Islamisation in even quicker.


I agree with just about all you say. Islamification and submission to the EUSSR seem to go hand in hand. The three "mainstream" political parties in the UK will do precisely nothing to stop Islamification because they cannot be seen to discriminate against any race, culture or religion, regardless of how malevolent that race/culture/religion may be.

New Labour and the LibDems are lost causes and even the Tories are I think too far gone down the politically correct road to save our country, particularly with London's Tory Mayor, Boris Johnson, continually praising all London's separate communities and lauding London's status as a "world" city (i.e. where the world comes to live and Londoners are increasingly marginalised).

All three parties have Muslim members, New Labour having at least four Muslim MPs (plus Keith Vaz, who would do anything to further his career and/or make some money).

It is difficult to see how a political party having Muslim members and supporters could possibly speak out against Islam. It just won't happen because votes are more important than saving the country.

Conclusion: the three mainstream parties cannot possibly help in the anti-Islamification effort. But it's worse than that. Not only do the three mainstream parties turn a blind eye to Islamification and the seemingly unstoppable EUSSR project (both of which they are in fact actively encouraging), but they also condemn as fascists/neo-Nazis/racists anyone who dares to resist them.

New Labour in particular has its own self-styled "anti-fascist" (aka communist) militia to disrupt those who refuse to be politically correct and who publicly reject multiculturalism. Groups linked to them were responsible for the violent counter-demonstration against the anti-Islamification congress in Cologne.

In these troubled times it seems that the mere accusation of fascism is sufficient to establish guilt. Ironically it is those who make the accusation who are often themselves guilty of fascism.


I do agree. The left have successfully established complete control of our cities from the ground up. The socialists, have been working actively in the UK behind the scenes since the end of the 2nd World War, in order to implement their multicultural 'utopia'. We are now seeing just how destructive it is to our society.
It's madness when people look at the UK and how quick everyone has been to submit to multiculturalism. Yesterday I read of a Muslim taking Sainsburies to court for handling alcohol. It's like me suing the Iranian government for having to work alongside Muslims.

One thing I've always said is "do not give minority groups positions of power" for the simple reason that they will use that power to implement their own cultural change. Over ten years ago Hackney Town hall sacked their staff and brought n predominately Nigerians to 'man the helms'. Our sad society has, by the lefts infiltration of it, created a situation where British values mean nothing and other country's citizens can come to the UK and segregate themselves off, without a care of what British people want as they live by their rules.

I've completely given up with Labour, Liberal and Conservative. The Conservatives are merely conservative by name and do not have the ability to save the UK from complete chaos and Islamisation. I hate to say it but there will be civil war and when it kicks off the British government will be powerless to stop it. How on earth are 150k police going to stand against uprisings in cities throughout the UK? The Army will have to be removed from Afghanistan and Iraq and even then, I should imagine that most of them are right wing orientated, who are angry at the destruction of their country and the government's complete contempt for them. Remember also that upon joining they swore allegiance to the Queen and Country, something our government are doing the complete opposite of.
You're looking at a situation that will be comparable to the French revolution in 1789. Look what they did to the upper classes? The same will happen to the Socialists and Communists as angry nationals purge them from the UK, by throwing a noose around their neck and hanging them from the lampposts all the way down Whitehall. I feel angry, you feel angry and I wonder how many more feel like you and I? I can definitely say the majority do. The government has committed treason, nothing less.
Look at how much chaos the IRA caused in the 70/80's in England? They were a minuscule, minority group and the people in England were united and against them. How on earth are the Police/Armed Forces going to cope when the whole country rises up against them? More importantly will they defend the government as I've said above, when the government, is acting in complete contradiction to what they do and are about?

I completely agree that anyone who is against Labour, Communism/Socialism, multiculturalism, destruction of British Culture and Values, political correctness, control from Brussels and of course Islam is called all the names under the sun. But then, if you've ever watched Pat Condell on the internet, he's proud to be called an Islamaphobe if it means standing up against a barbaric, totalitarian, oppressive, homophobic, misogenistic, cult(or thereabouts). I completely agree that the left are only throwing at the right what they themselves are, in their efforts to completely control and destroy the society even more.

There will be a war. It's inevitable and the government will be powerless to stop it. Revenge will be acted out and rightly so. The crimes that Blair and the NuLabour have done are inexcusable and Tony Blair will be wise to never set foot in the UK, for fear of ending up the first person to feel the guillotine blade on his neck as the people take back their country.

There has to be civil conflict on a massive scale to take back Britain. We cannot peacefully march or write petitions as the government will just bring out new laws to quosh them and turn them around to their favour and further allow European Control. Why do you think the Labour Government is keen to recruit way above the 15% limit the Armed Forces are putting on their recruiting? Why do you think they are so keen for a European Army? This was all envisaged a long time ago as the sculptors know that their own armed forces will rise up against them as they try to dismantle the country and put it under European control, whereas a British Army made up of foreigners, with no loyalty to Britain, will do as their masters tell them. Everything has been under plan for a long time and the Communists are putting the finishing touches to their masterpiece.

I will be quite happy to fight in that war and I know many others who would as well. Gordon Brown is a disgrace to Scotland as Nulabour are to Britain. I hope to see the day come soon when Gordon Brown and all the NuLabour cronies, including their offshoot comrades of Trevor Phillips et all, hauled in front of a 'British' Court, sentenced for Treason and then told 'You will be taken hence to a place of execution and there hanged by the neck until you are dead.' This country needs to bring down complete and just action on those who would destroy it, for their own greed.

If the people of Netherlands rebel against the Muslim terrorists they will get a lot of support from their neighbors who are also sick and tired of Islamic terrorism. They must make the first move or behave like the sheep on their way to the slaughter house - oblivious to the danger until they feel the knife piercing into their necks. Kick the Muslim terrorists out. Let them go to the UK where they are more welcomed there.


Do you not realise that the majority of the people in the UK are sick to death of Islam? We are powerless to intervene as any condemnation of Islam and we are hauled up in front of the Police for "inciting religious hatred" and we could lose our jobs over it as well as a fine or even prison in some worst cases.
We are trying to fight back and unfortunately the left wing government has complete control of the media, education and police and judicial systems.

I fear that the only way we can rid ourselves of this "Orwellian" nightmare is revolution.

Remember that it is Brussels and the Socialists in Europe who are allowing the continued unhindered and appeasing of Muslims. Britain's sovereignty is all but in ruins with 80% of Britain's laws being passed by Europe.


I post on several different forums, and work in a field, which allows me to meet many people from all over the world. On the forums what I see coming out of the U.K. is nearly unanimous. People are fed up. Most have realized that while Muslims only make up about 3% of your population (now) their Islamic influence on your society has already severely curtailed freedom of expression. People get that correlation, between such a small number, and its relatively large effect. It is quite simple to extrapolate future effects over time as demographics change. I think many sort of have this vague kind of instinctual light, which is starting to turn on. They just need a word to describe the situation to help the light gain focus. I have been helping people along by providing that word, which is "invasion". Invasion perfectly describes what is happening. You can track it from the energy deal European nations signed in the early 70's. I can even provide quotes from the U.N. in which Arab leaders publicly stated their intent. You can quite easily track Saudi money to the current strand of militant Islam spreading in the U.K./ Europe. It is very simple to prove that the growing Muslim population in Europe is no accident. I have had several conversations, which started with me being a racist, to that flicker of light turning on. Recently I have had the pleasure of having had several conversations with some of your countrymen. All sort of low key stuff, as the situation allows at work. All of them in their subtle way are saying the same thing you are Mark. People are mad, and worried about what might happen if things are left to foment like this. I said to one guy that maybe things would cool down a bit, and suggested that this could be handled reasonably. He said that I didn't understand the nature of his country, and that its size and close proximity makes it harder to defuse this sort of situation. You are a tolerant people, but I think we are nearing the edge of what your society will allow. Now onto the Monarchy bit for which I understand I am probably naive, so I may come off sounding crazy, but hear me out. I know they are mostly just a tourist attraction at the moment, but isn't it possible if there were a populist uprising that, say a young King, if backed by the military, and populace could dissolve the government. It would certainly be better than electing Nazi's, which is the big fear I get from everyone at this point. I have always thought it was a good thing that you have kept your Royal family around, for just this sort of occasion. I also understand that there are many centuries worth of legal precedent from which a Monarch could draw upon to right this ship. In short these are unprecedented times, and we may see extraordinary measures.

As someone who supports the anti jihad movement from a back ground of non conservitives, I feel like I need to point out that trying to portray us as an ideology entrenched in conservitive christian theology is a mistake.

Modern Europians will respond to Christian terminology and theological beliefs regarding the need to defend Western Civilization the same way people on this thread would respond to statements like "this is a result of turning our backs on Zues and the Oracle at Delphi".

Most of the people affected by Islamic supremicism (who arn't just the wrong kind of Muslim in a Shia/Sunni land) are secular people or only mildly religous from Western Europe to China to Indonesia.

I have personaly been on forums and visted meetings about this issue and been told to leave or just shut up because I wouldn't agree that America should become a theocracy, or that church state seperation was a myth, or that evangelizing to the people who might otherwise agree with us with hyperconservitive views on unrelated issues (usually religion) was what was needed. As a result the many many liberal minded people who would support this issue (and there are alot of us) are being drivin out.

The people from whom I first learned about radical Islam are liberal professers and writters (Tanner Edis, Bruce Bawer etc) and are probably the most eloquint and knowlegeable individuals in regards to this subject I have ever met. They, along with the mildy conservitive writters and commentators like Pipes, Spencer, or the Author of Eurapia (his name escapes at the moment, was it Spencer?) have a huge following of liberals who can't bring themselfs to quote or stand behind people like Ann Coulter or other far right figures.

I am sorry to say this but prayer isn't going to solve this. Treating this like it's a new talking point on a sunday evangalizing bulitin board can only backfire.

Wilders did the right thing in mentioning the plight of gays and lesbians in Europe and left the JudeoChristian part of speach as noticable nod. Even very staunch liberals genrally understand that Judaism and Christianity played an important part in Western history and don't really resent that, but it's best we just leave it at that.


I wasn't able to look up the book because of computer difficulties.

I can't beleive I forgot Bat Ye'or! I love everything he writes and I didn't mention him!

Must be the pills.

Having read all the comments, I think we forget the most crucial point:

fight the media!

60% of nearly all european people are fed up with the problems wi discuss, and yet no party dares to adress the real problems!

that make one think no?

my english is too poor to engage in lengthy explanations, but I'd be pleased if we could discuss (an still more defeat) the real 'political' power, that is ruling europe; a power without any democratic legitimation, without any transparency, but with the means to literally control the most essential discourses in any european country.

militant agnostic: (You said)


I wasn't able to look up the book because of computer difficulties.

I can't beleive I forgot Bat Ye'or! I love everything he writes and I didn't mention him!

Must be the pills.


Ummm, Bat Ye'or is a WOMAN. Google HER name and check the Wikipedia entry quoted below. Have you actually read any of her books?

"Bat Ye'or (Hebrew: בת יאור‎, meaning "daughter of the Nile"); a pseudonym of Gisèle Littman, née Orebi, is an Egypt-born British historian specializing in the history of non-Muslims in the Middle East, and in particular the history of Christian and Jewish dhimmis living under Islamic governments.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

She is the author of eight books, including Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis (2005), Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide (2001), The Decline of Eastern Christianity: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (1996), and The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam (1985)."


God bless Geert Wilders!

A good speech, just as good as the one he gave in June in the Danish parliament. One to share around - and to tack on office and on university common-room noticeboards.

I only wish Oriana Fallaci had lived long enough to see him taking up the torch which she lit.

He is a Hobbit, if ever I saw one.

J R R Tolkien, 'Lord of the Rings', 'Council of Elrond' -

"...such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world; small hands do them, because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere..."

"this is the hour of the shire-folk, when they arise from their quiet fields to shake the towers and counsels of the Great. Who of all the Wise could have foreseen it? Or, if they are wise, why should they expect to know it, until the hour has struck?'

In previous eras the charge against the Jihad was led by kings and princes and great warriors and popes.

This time around, we have ...what do we have? Hobbits. 'Shire-folk'. Ordinary citizens. Humble, patient, determined scholars like Spencer and Bat Yeor. A truth-telling journalist - Oriana. Passionately truth-telling defectors from Islam, many living with a price on their heads - Ayaan, Ibn Warraq, Wafa, Nonie, Canon Patrick Sookhdeo, and others. It is politicians from small countries who are standing up first - Wilders, for the Netherlands; Arieh Eldad, for Israel.

Pray for the protection of all who will be attending the Conference in Jerusalem.

Here is a glimmer of possible hope: Geert Wilders as Prime Minister of a renewed and newly courageous Netherlands; Arieh Eldad, or others like him, leading a renewed Israel; and Parliaments across the kafir lands passing - and *enforcing* legislation inspired by Tancredo's anti-sharia Bill.

Interesting view point which reveals a spiritual purpose. There was a war in heaven and whatsoever is bound in heaven is bound on earth. So the drama being played out in Islam and Christianity is a reflection of this war in our own minds.

Because Islam believes that the Quran is absolute and without interpretation, some Christians also believe that about their Bible. It has always created a "them vs us" attitude and it's never going to change. We Westerners have waged all sorts of wars all over the world and taken land for resources, control and power. We believe we are right because 'our god' is the only way or our democratic beliefs and way of living is correct. We have and still do want to force others into changing their governments and cultures into what we have here. And look at what we have here...isn't it a mess right now?

If and when folks would just stop and back up and think about this self same mind set about fighting each other all throughout history for control of each others beliefs, land and resources then maybe, just maybe we could all get along. But as long as we all say, I am an American, I am a Christian, I am a Republican or Democrat, I am a patriot, my ancestors died for our freedoms etc., then we shall always have divides and render and eye for an eye and teach our children to hate.

But having said all of that, don't you know that God or Yahweh has purposed it all to play out this way. Why because he is doing all his will and his counsel shall stand. Not ours, not anyone's but God's purpose and plan for he will do all his pleasure. It's written in the bible that way also. But it's not the words in the Bible we should just blindly obey, it's the Word or covenant that Yahweh has written in our hearts and minds. This Word is current, right now and ever present if we just have the ears to hear with and the eyes to see with.

peace and love, Spirit

First of all, dumbledoresarmy: Well said, old chap! You hit the nail squarely on Madonna's thumb. We are an army of small people at with chapters across North America (and hope to spread to Europe) who are joining the political fight to oppose the spread of insidious carcinogenic, malignant Islam.

Secondly, Spirit, If you believe that Islam and Muslims share the same "peace and love" (your sign-off) that Christian theology teaches, you are woefully (look up the strict definition) misinformed. Islam looks at non-Muslims, especially Christians and Jews, like wolves eyeing some lame sheep crippled by their own pathetic love for humanity while Islam and Muslims seek to dominate and devour others until they reign supreme and can continue to feed off the helpless fools who just want peace.

Please educate yourself about Islam's origin and it's original "theology" by reading Robert Spencer's "The Truth about Muhammad." Note that the last syllable of the so-called "prophet's" name is "mad."

Be Strong