Lecturer suspended after breastfeeding fatwa

An update on the bizarre story about the Al-Azhar fatwa allowing unrelated men and women to be alone together after the woman breastfeeds the man, making him her foster child.

From Reuters, with thanks to PRCS:

CAIRO'S al-Azhar Islamic University has suspended a lecturer who suggested men and women work colleagues could use symbolic breastfeeding to get around a religious ban on being alone together.

The lecturer, Ezzat Atiya, had drawn on Islamic traditions that forbid sexual relations between a man and a woman who has breastfed him to suggest that symbolic breastfeeding could be a way around strict segregation of males and females.

But after controversy in the Egyptian and Middle East media, university president Ahmed el-Tayeb suspended Mr Atiya overnight pending an urgent investigation into his opinions, the Egyptian state news agency MENA reported.

Mr Atiya is the head of the department that deals with sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and the university is part of the al-Azhar institute, one of the most prestigious in Sunni Islam....

The Dubai-based channel Al Arabiya quoted him as saying after five breastfeedings the man and woman could be alone together without violating Islamic law and the woman could remove her headscarf to reveal her hair.

But a committee from al-Azhar said his proposal contradicted the principles of Islam and of morality....

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SHOCKED! Shocked I tell you...Heaven forbid that
we should associate any pious Muslim Lecturer with-wait for it-BOOBS!!!

Yep, we can add infantilism to the myriad of Islamic pathologies.

But the poor breastfed man; after five sucklings he will be driven insane by rays emitted from the woman's uncovered hair...


does one have to have 4 witnesses to verify that five suckling sessions occurred...

they want to view the evidence, especially since they obviously don't SEE much of it, let alone get any, lest they not be so obsessed with it...lol.

Ya know, it reminds me of when my brothers unit captured iraqi soldiers during the invasion. While it was wild enough when they found he was from California...they did make requests:

"democracy, whiskey, and sexy!" LOL
MY brother couldn't contain his laughter, especially as they pulled out, the POWs pathetically singing "Hotel California" (but hey, they tried).
Bottom line...
Don't drop bombs...drop whiskey & girlie mags!
That'll pacify the area overnight...at least for a while! lol

At the time that he issued the fatwa, Mr. Atiya must have felt himself to be divinely inspired. I guess that the women in his office at the al-Azhar Islamic University can put away their breast pumps. Mr. Atiya will have to satisfy his breast milk needs at home from his four wives. Pity the disappointed male office workers throughout the Muslim world.

Pat Santy (Dr Sanity) is going to have a field day with this one.

So when the lady dies, would the "foster son" get twice as much of her estate as her own daughters?

If these women have husbands, how would they feel about it?
"What do you mean, 'strange man?' He's our son!"

Some clever Muslimahs almost had a way to sneak polyandry in the back door.

I don't quite understand what this story is about.

You don't want to.

I imagine this story is more about Mr Atiya's fetishes than about religious observance.

That said, I would flatly refuse to listen to any lecture on morality from a committee of Islamic scholars and clerics.

Islam: custom made for suckers.

Let me get this straight-it's OK for a man and a woman to be alone if the woamn breastfeeds the man, making the woman his "foster mother". Does this mean Islam is now in a way condoning yet another abomination-incest? The fun just never ends in that cult, does it?

Iranian 'instant wives'. Egyptian instant 'mom'.
All these new-fangled instant Islamic products - I just don't trust 'em.

What I wanna know is this -- if suckling produces "next of kin", and it's discovered that the guy (the "number two") of al-Qaeda (that's the guy with the bump/horn growing out of his forehead and is in need of serious medical attention), anywho, if it's discovered that Number Two's father suckled a she-goat, does that mean he's next of kin and thus can't "shag" said goat?? What a heart-breaking discovery for Number Two, to discover his mommy ain't really his mommy...ah...I'm all choked up.

I'd like to buy the world a Coke...er breast...oh nevermind!

Bear with me -- I've been assuming (using Muslim logic here) that Number Two is (from forehead bump) definitely the product of she-goat / "man." Early "evidence" of bi-species replication.

It's called "Sympathetic magic" -- if something looks like something else, then through correspondence, IT IS!! Ya! Thus, if suckling looks like a kinship relationship, then, eh, voila! IT IS. And, if Number Two Al-Qaeda dude looks like a goat (his mother was a goat?), then, eh, voila, A goat he is !! Irrefutable!! It's Koranic!!

And we in the West wonder why Islam is so backwards...

But, don't forget that this "Al-Azhar fatwa" is the product of an Egyptian "university" which the University of Toronto and others in Canada or Oh so anxious to partner with! As if Al-Azhar was just so replete with vital research information the West needs to know.

Read the Sistani Islamic Law rule book. It's in there.


read 2501 - makes your head hurt



This one's a hoot. Covers any Shia who'd come here and say, "Well, that's al Azhar - only the Sunnis do it".


Good one! I'd add to it - Islam sucks - but that's something we knew already.

Awww... Just when I was starting to like that guy.

These guys need a water fountain or a work place water dispenser.

Grabbing the female co-workers jug for a swill makes great for porn, but not for a 'family bond' environment.

If this Fatwa were brought to America every healthy U.S. male would quit their job and work for Hooters, me included.

The University of Toronto in conjunction with al-Azhar University in Cairo has announced its latest findings aimed at determining the "root causes" of Islamic violence. The question which has most baffled researchers was: "How did al-Qaeda come into existence or was Ayman al Zawahiri's mother a goat?"

Sceptics have long maintained a fierce campaign to de-bunk the "mother as goat" theory. Sceptics maintain that this theory only gained credence after an eye-witness report from a BBC correspondent claimed to have personally witnessed a "questionable" incident occurring in Peshawar, Pakistan. The result of said encounter was Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Sceptics have now gained an important new piece of information in their arsenal to refute the "mother as goat" theory. It has been learned that a male who suckles a female is forbidden to have carnal knowledge with said female -- a fortiori -- because incest is haram in Islam, al Zawahiri's father did not, repeat, did not, sleep with a goat.

As the news broke across Pakistan, isolated riots have been reported. Some effigies of the researchers are also said to being strung up and burnt in protest. The BBC's Director of Islamic Studies and Chair of the Foreign News Desk urges calm, suggesting that those de-bunking the theory "need to be punished."

UpDate: Al-Azhar University has renounced "the study." The University of Toronto faculty remains hopeful that a resolution of the impasse can be found.

"... the principles of Islam and of morality ...".

Now there's an oxymoron if ever I heard one!

LMAO @ these quick-witted responses.
"everybody's a comic!"
Well deserved ^5s, folks!



Just keeping abreast of the news.

And spreading aureoles of cheer among our bosom buddies.

Point for Hitchens!

Gee -- sometimes this site makes me so sad -- where's the milk of human kindness? (rim shot...)


The professor is out of work? That's too bad...

Maybe he should get a boob job. (rim shot...)


Maybe he needs to get a little somethin' going at night in the local casbah, something to tide him over -- I know, do they have jug bands in Egypt? (rim shot)

I hear it's easy -- and the tips are good! (rim shot)


Oh -- he's in trouble now -- I hear he's been ordered to take his licks at the two holy mosques! (rim shot)


Al Arabiya quoted him as saying after five breastfeedings the man and woman could be alone together without violating Islamic law
If I suck from both breasts, does that count as 2 breastfeedings?

lol xero...kinda gives Dr King's speech a whole new meaning...

"...I've been to the mountaintop!...and I've seen the promised land!".

"Oh, we are SO goin' to hell for this!"...LOL

(total sarcasm)

J.S. wrote: "does that man he's next of kin and thus can't 'shag' said goat?"

Don't be silly, J.S., I've never met a Muslim yet who would turn down a goat for any reason.

Maybe they are confusing women's breasts with CAMEL HUMPS?

I'm all for more tits in the workplace.