Recently in India Category

From Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs:

This is a daily struggle wherever Muslims have gained a majority. In the state of West Bengal, in India bordering Bangla Desh, Muslims infiltrated over the last few decades to such an extent that today they are 30% of the population of the state. In many villages bordering Bangla Desh, infidels' (Hindus') daily life is that of fear and terror. (hat tip Satya)

Please call the officials. When they get several calls from abroad, particularly from the United States, they do respond. Mr. Siddiqui is District Magistrate and his cell is 9434770000. His office number is 8342 251650 and home number is 8342 250002.

Here is the link for the phone numbers of the City Government of Mushidabad.

There is an eyewitness account over at Atlas Shrugs of this attack. Don't miss it.

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Just as Obama is pressuring Israel and doing all he can to appease the Palestinian jihadists, so his administration is appeasing the Pakistani jihadists and beginning to step up the pressure upon India. "U.S. Aims to Ease India-Pakistan Tension," by Peter Spiegel and Matthew Rosenberg in the Wall Street Journal, April 5 (thanks to all who sent this in):

President Barack Obama issued a secret directive in December to intensify American diplomacy aimed at easing tensions between India and Pakistan, asserting that without détente between the two rivals, the administration's efforts to win Pakistani cooperation in Afghanistan would suffer.

The directive concluded that India must make resolving its tensions with Pakistan a priority for progress to be made on U.S. goals in the region, according to people familiar with its contents.

The U.S. has invested heavily in its own relations with Pakistan in recent months, agreeing to a $7.5 billion aid package and sending top military and diplomatic officials to Islamabad on repeated visits. The public embrace, which reached a high point last month in high-profile talks in Washington, reflects the Obama administration's belief that Pakistan must be convinced to change its strategic calculus and take a more assertive stance against militants based in its western tribal regions over the course of the next year in order to turn the tide in Afghanistan.

A debate continues within the administration over how hard to push India, which has long resisted outside intervention in the conflict with its neighbor. The Pentagon, in particular, has sought more pressure on New Delhi, according to U.S. and Indian officials. Current and former U.S. officials said the discussion in Washington over how to approach India has intensified as Pakistan ratchets up requests that the U.S. intercede in a series of continuing disputes.

Pakistan has long regarded Afghanistan as providing "strategic depth"--essentially, a buffer zone--in a potential conflict with India. Some U.S. officials believe Islamabad will remain reluctant to wholeheartedly fight the Islamic militants based on its Afghan border unless the sense of threat from India is reduced. [...]

A senior State Department official involved in Indo-Pakistani issues said Mr. Singh, in particular, has risked his political standing domestically by suggesting India would decouple talks on issues such as trade and travel from Indian demands that Pakistan act more aggressively against terrorist groups, particularly Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Islamist movement believed to have masterminded the 2008 attacks in Mumbai.

"Our principal interest has always been to encourage the talks to resume, but we also understand where the Indians are coming from, which is that there has to be some progress on these bilateral counterterrorism" issues, said the official....

One would think that would be a basic prerequisite.

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Yet again, as with Israel, Obama troubles an ally and aids our enemies. As Pamela Geller asks trenchantly, "Is this jihadi worth more than our relationship with so strategic an ally as India?"

Apparently so. Find out why in our forthcoming book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War On America (Simon & Schuster).

"A spy unsettles US-India ties," by M K Bhadrakumar in Asia Times, March 23 (thanks to Pamela, who has a great deal more background on this here):

News that the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had reached a plea bargain with David Coleman Headley, who played a key role in the planning of the terrorist strike in Mumbai in November 2008 in which 166 people were killed, has caused an uproar in India.

The deal enables the US government to hold back from formally producing any evidence against Headley in a court of law that might have included details of his links with US intelligence or oblige any cross-examination of Headley by the prosecution.

Nor can the families of the 166 victims be represented by a lawyer to question Headley during his trial commencing in Chicago. Headley's links with the US intelligence will now remain classified information and the Pakistani nationals involved in the Mumbai attacks will get away scot-free. Furthermore, the FBI will not allow Headley's extradition to India and will restrict access so that Indian agencies cannot interrogate him regarding his links with US and Pakistani intelligence.

In return for pleading guilty to the charges against him Headley will get lighter punishment than the death sentence that was probably most likely....

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"Headley, 49, had denied the charges but changed his plea to avoid the death penalty or extradition to India, Pakistan or Denmark."

Jihad Watch reader Paul comments: "Heh. Didn't really believe all those promises of the celestial Playboy Club, did we now, Daood?"

"US citizen David Headley admits role in Mumbai attacks," from the BBC, March 18 (thanks to all who sent this in):

A US citizen has pleaded guilty to scouting targets for the 2008 attacks on the Indian city of Mumbai.

David Headley, at his trial in Chicago, also admitted plotting to attack a Danish newspaper that published a cartoon many Muslims deemed offensive.

Headley, 49, had denied the charges but changed his plea to avoid the death penalty or extradition to India, Pakistan or Denmark.

The attacks on Mumbai in November 2008 left more than 170 people dead....

Prosecutors said Headley, a Pakistani-American, had made several surveillance trips to India and Denmark.

According to court documents, he passed on information to his contacts with the Pakistan-based Islamic militant group, Lashkar-e-Taiba.

The group has been blamed for organising the Mumbai attacks....

He is alleged to have told prosecutors that he had been working with Lashkar-e-Taiba since 2002.

He was first charged with plotting to attack the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten after they angered Muslims by publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

Headley changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006 after he was told by members of Lashkar-e-Taiba that he would be travelling to India to carry out surveillance duties for the group, prosecutors said.

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In Pakistan, jihadists are folk heroes. And so is Adolf Hitler, for largely the same reasons: genocidal Jew-hatred, militarism, etc. Yet the execrable libelblogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs had the mendacious temerity to smear anti-jihadists as neo-Nazis. "The Führer Cult: Germans Cringe at Hitler's Popularity in Pakistan," by Hasnain Kazim in Spiegel, March 17 (thanks to C. Cantoni):

Germans are popular in India and Pakistan, but not always for the right reasons. Many in South Asia have nothing but admiration for Adolf Hitler and still associate Germany with the Third Reich. Everyday encounters with the love of all things Nazi makes German visitors cringe.

Pakistan is the opposite of Germany. The mountains are in the north, the sea is in the south, the economic problems are in the west and the east is doing well. It's not hard for a German living in Pakistan to get used to these differences, but one contrast is hard to stomach: Most people like Hitler.

I was recently at the hairdresser, an elderly man who doesn't resort to electric clippers. All he has is creaky pair of scissors, a comb, an aerosol with water. He did a neat job but I wasn't entirely happy.

I said: "I look like Hitler."

He looked at me in the mirror, gave a satisfied smile and said: "Yes, yes, very nice." [...]

Sometimes it's better to keep quiet about one's German origins. It's embarrassing because people here think they're doing you a favor by expressing their admiration for the Nazi leader. I suspect most Indians and Pakistanis have no idea what this man did. They see him as the bold Führer who took on the British and Americans.

More likely, they love him because he murdered Jews, the worst enemies of the Muslims (cf. Qur'an 5:82).

In the Islamic world, not just in Pakistan but right across from Iran to northern Africa, anti-Semitic sentiment of course plays a role. Conversations with German visitors rapidly turn to the injustice being suffered by the Palestinians who were robbed of their land. [...]

A few days ago a white Mercedes built in the 1970s was driving ahead of me in the center of Islamabad carrying a family of seven. On the back was a sticker bearing a black swastika in a white circle. Underneath it read: "I like Nazi." [...]

English editions of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" can be found in bookshops even in the most remote parts of India. And Indian schoolbooks have been known to celebrate Hitler as a great leader.

Once my wife and I visited the cafe in the beautiful Hotel Imperial in New Delhi. It has a garden lined with palms, excellent tea and friendly waiters in uniforms that recall the colonial era. A young man served us. The name tag on his uniform attracted my interest so I asked him why he had this rather unusual name for an Indian man. "Oh, my parents named me after a great historic person," he explained.

The name, in black letters on a golden plate, read: Adolf.

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Acting, according to police reports, on instructions from jihadist groups in Pakistan. "2 Indians arrested in alleged Mumbai terror plot," from the Associated Press, March 14:

MUMBAI, India - Indian police said Sunday they prevented a major terrorist strike in Mumbai by arresting two men who were preparing to attack several targets in the city, the country's financial and entertainment hub.
K.P. Raghuvanshi, chief of Mumbai's anti-terrorism squad, said the two Indian men -- both residents of the city -- had targeted a popular shopping mall, a market and a state-owned gas facility. He said Abdul Latif Rashid and Riyaz Ali were arrested late Saturday in Mumbai's Matunga suburb.
Police said the men had links with terror groups in Pakistan and were acting on directions from handlers there.
"They were getting instructions from Pakistan to execute their activities here," Raghuvanshi said.
India has blamed Pakistan-linked Islamist militant groups for a deadly November 2008 terror attack on Mumbai in which 166 people were killed. Last month, 16 people were killed in a bombing in a popular bakery in the nearby city of Pune.
It was not immediately clear whether the men were preparing to attack the offices, oil tankers or a housing estate belonging to the Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Raghuvanshi said.
The suspects will remain in custody until Thursday, when they will appear before a judge and be assigned lawyers, Raghuvanshi said.
Mumbai has been on high alert since the Pune bombing. Following the latest arrests, police have further tightened security measures with additional police patrolling markets and cinemas.
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The girl is right: do not fear. Fight back against the jihad. Fear hands the jihadis a weapon. (Thanks to Desidude for the video.)

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Taslima Nasrin's "Let's Think Again about the Burqa" is most likely the article in question, and can be found here. It is full of irreverent observations such as: "Some 1,500 years ago, it was decided for an individual's personal reasons that women should have purdah and since then millions of Muslim women all over the world have had to suffer it," and: "Why are women covered? Because they are sex objects. Because when men see them, they are roused. Why should women have to be penalised for men's sexual problems? Even women have sexual urges. But men are not covered for that."

This story has been going on for years, and demonstrates two important points: One is the fact that there can be no stable or prosperous society where anger management is in such short supply, aided by calls in the Qur'an for open-ended warfare against unbelief. The second is the fact that this sort of instability is what awaits Europe if it concedes even an inch on the right to criticize Islam.

"2 killed in Shimoga, Hassan violence," from The Hindu, March 2:

SHIMOGA/Hassan: Shimoga and Hassan cities witnessed widespread violence on Monday following protests by Muslim organisations against the publication of an article in the Sunday magazine section of a Kannada daily.
The article is a translation of an essay by Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen on wearing of the burka by Muslim women, and contains remarks that could be considered religiously insensitive and provocative.
Shimoga was by far the worst affected. The protests spiralled out of control, resulting in the death of two persons, one of them in police firing. Several persons were injured and there was large-scale destruction of property in different parts of the city. Police reports stated that at least 15 two-wheelers, three autorickshaws and a large number of shops in the main market areas were set on fire. It is stated that three persons with bullet wounds were admitted to the McGann Hospital in a serious condition. A person manning a telephone booth on Nehru Road was seriously injured when a petrol bomb was thrown at him. He was hospitalised in a serious condition.
Reporters and photographers were at the receiving end, in stone throwing by angry protesters, with several of them receiving serious injuries. A reporter of a TV news channel fell unconscious when a stone hit him in the chest. The situation in Shimoga continues to be tense despite the imposition of a curfew and prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
The police were taken by surprise by the sudden eruption of violence and could not bring the situation under control immediately as the force was inadequate.
The city continues to be tense. Schools and colleges have been ordered closed on Tuesday as a precautionary measure.
In Hassan too, the district administration clamped Section 144 in the city for three days following the outbreak of violence, with schools and colleges, and the weekly market closed on Tuesday.
Superintendent of Police K.V. Sharatchandra said 10 persons, including four police personnel, were injured.
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Hmmm. Now what group would want to kill people around a "Jewish prayer house"? Note also that American-based jihadist Dawood Gilani -- "David Headley" -- who scouted out the Mumbai jihad attack sites, visited Pune also. "8 confirmed dead, 33 injured in blast at Pune bakery," from the Times of India, February 13 (thanks to Indian):

PUNE: In a suspected terror attack, eight people were killed and up to 40 injured in a bomb explosion in a popular bakery near a Jewish prayer house here in the first major strike after the 26/11 carnage in Mumbai.

The blast occurred in the German Bakery, an old business establishment in the Cantonment area of the city, at around 1930 hours. ( Watch Video )

The famous Osho Ashram, frequented by foreigners, is also located in the vicinity of the blast site. US terror suspect David Headley is believed to have stayed at the Ashram during his visit to the city.

"It's most probably a terror attack. We are sending a forensic team of CBI and personnel of National Investigative Agency (NIA)", Union Home Secretary Gopal Krishna Pillai said in New Delhi.

Official sources said an Improvised Explosive Device was used to trigger the blast....

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The problem with this ought to be obvious: who decides what constitutes "malicious" criticism? Islamic spokesmen in non-Muslim countries routinely characterize any and every criticism of Islam, including any accurate depiction of the jihad doctrine and Islamic supremacism, as malicious. It is a central element of their playbook: characterize anyone who dares to speak the truth about these matters as driven by hate, as a profiteer, a liar, etc. etc. etc. They know that if they take that stance consistently -- and they are nothing if not consistent in this -- then they will be able to bamboozle many of the naive and unwary and turn them away from the truth and the truth-tellers.

But they also take this stance because they believe it. The idea that all critics of jihad and Islamic supremacism are evil people driven by hatred is also simply a Qur'anic principle -- which is a chief reason why Islamic spokesmen in the West so consistently take this line. The Qur'an assumes that anyone who opposes or rejects Islam is evil, malicious, and motivated by greed or envy or both. There is no notion of the dignity of the human person as regards the unbeliever, or any idea of the free conscience operating in good faith in rejecting Islam.

And so the problem with this court decision in India is that Muslims will use it to characterize any and all criticism of Islam as malicious, and to get it censored as a result.

"Islam Can be Criticised, But Not Maliciously: HC," from OutlookIndia, January 6 (thanks to Natassia):

Islam or any other religion can be criticised, but a malicious criticism aimed at promoting communal hatred and painting the whole community as villainous is not permissible, Bombay High Court held today.

Refusing to interpret Quranic verses, Court however advised that verses must be "correlated", and historical background must be kept in mind when interpreting.

I am all for that. The unfortunate truth of this, however, is that contrary to what this court clearly believes, and contrary to popular belief, the "historical background" of the various Qur'anic teachings on jihad don't mitigate, but rather reinforce, Islamic doctrines involving violence against and the subjugation of unbelievers.

A full bench of the High Court upheld the ban on 'Islam - A concept of Political World Invasion By Muslims', written by advocate R V Bhasin. Bhasin had challenged the ban, saying that it violated right to freedom of speech.

The book was banned in state government in 2007, on the ground that it contained derogatory remarks about Islam and prophet Mohammad and insulted Muslim sentiments....

All right, but you'll notice that this article at least doesn't say anything about the book being banned because it contained false information about Islam or Muhammad. Islamic advocacy groups like CAIR have not hesitated to protest in the U.S. against material about Islam that was perfectly true, but which contained material they didn't like. See, for example, here.

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What? No negotiations? Jihad as warfare? Honest Ibe Hooper better catch the next flight to Kashmir -- it looks as if it's filled with Misunderstanders of Islam!

"Kashmir militants vow jihad against Indian rule," from AFP, February 4:

MUZAFFARABAD, Pakistan - Pakistani militant leaders vowed Thursday to press holy war to "liberate" the divided Himalayan state of Kashmir from Indian control and called for moral support from Pakistan.

They addressed a rally attended by thousands as India proposed foreign secretary-level talks with Pakistan, signalling a breakthrough in relations frozen since the 2008 Mumbai attacks, which were blamed on Pakistani militants.

"The Kashmir issue cannot be resolved through dialogue. Jihad (holy war) is the only solution to free Kashmir from the Indian yoke," said Syed Salahuddin, chairman of the 16-party United Jihad Council.

"I want to tell my brothers across the border that we will remain with you until India quits Kashmir," said Salahuddin, who is also supreme commander of the hardline Hizbul Mujahedin group....

A statement issued after the meeting said: "Jihad will continue until India ends its occupation of Kashmir....

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No doubt the charges against him are simply "Islamophobia." After all, look at Maher Hawash! Look at Sami Al-Arian! No, wait --

"Mumbai terror suspect Rana pleads 'not guilty' in Chicago: North Side man also is charged in plot on Danish cartoonist," by Natasha Korecki for the Chicago Sun-Times, January 25 (thanks to Choi):

A Chicago man pleaded not guilty this morning to charges that he took part in a terror conspiracy involving the deadly 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai, India, and in a plot that targeted a Danish newspaper cartoonist.

Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 49, a North Side resident, also pleaded not guilty during an appearance in federal court in Chicago to a charge of providing material support to a designated terrorist group.

Rana faces up to a life sentence if convicted.

Rana is one of two Chicago men indicted this month on charges he had a hand in the attacks that left 166 people dead in Mumbai, as well as in planning an assault on a Danish newspaper cartoonist who sketched a drawing of the prophet Muhammad that was published in the Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark. The cartoon offended much of the Islamic world, sparking riots.

The other man, David Coleman Headley, is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in Chicago.

Rana's attorney, Patrick Blegen, said Rana doesn't have the money to pay for the entirety his legal fees, which will be more substantial in a terrorism case. Rana is asking the judge in the case to make Blegen his court-appointed lawyer, which would mean taxpayers would ultimately pick up the bill.

Rana owns the Chicago-based immigration advisory business, First World Immigration, as well as a meat plant in Grundy County that slaughters animals according to Muslim tradition.

So why is he hurting for money?

Rana, who is being housed at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown Chicago, is appealing a ruling that says he must stay behind bars pending trial. He's seeking to be freed on bail.

Blegen said his client has no intention of fleeing and leaving his family holding the bag. "He wants to fight this," Blegen said.

Of course!

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My headline, of course, refers to this. But no doubt it is those radical Christians who are threatening India's airspace today.

"Indian airports on hijack alert," from the BBC, January 22 (thanks to Visvas):

Indian airports are on high alert after Western intelligence reports warned security officials of a possible attempt to hijack an Indian airliner.

The civil aviation ministry said it was tightening security on aircrafts as well on the basis of the intelligence.

Reports say that state-run Air India or other private carriers could be targeted by militant Islamic groups.

The alert comes days ahead of India's annual Republic Day celebrations on January 26.

India has issued a number of terror alerts in the past few years.

But security officials say this year they are being particularly vigilant because the information is more specific.

'Security tightened'

"We have intelligence inputs that there could be a hijack attempt of Indian planes," the AFP news agency quoted UK Bansal, a senior home ministry official as saying.

"So we have alerted the ministry of civil aviation and bureau of civil aviation security and tightened security at all airports in the country."

The alert warns of flights from India or flights originating in neighbouring South Asian countries....

Neighboring South Asian countries, you say? what possible terror threat could come from the South Asian countries surrounding India? It's a puzzler! And of course the cagey BBC isn't letting on!

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An update on the cases of Ilyas Kashmiri, former Pakistani army major Abdur Rehman, Tahawwur Rana, and David Headley "4 indicted in Mumbai, Denmark terror plots," from CNN, January 15:

(CNN) -- A U.S. grand jury indicted four people, including two Chicagoans, for alleged roles in plots against a Danish newspaper and the November 2008 terrorism attack in Mumbai, India.
Ilyas Kashmiri, an alleged leader of Harakat-ul Jihad Islami, was charged for the first time, according to the U.S. Department of Justice on Thursday. The group has "trained terrorists and executed attacks in the state of Jammu and Kashmir under Indian control," Justice said. Kashmiri also is alleged to have links with al Qaeda.
Also indicted were Abdur Rehman Hashim Syed, or Abdur Rehman, a retired major in the Pakistani military, and Chicagoans Tahawwur Rana and David Headley.
The Denmark plot targeted the Jyllands-Posten, a newspaper that published controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam, in 2005 and 2006, according to federal prosecutors.
The indictment alleges that Headley conspired with Kashmiri, Abdur Rehman and others from October 2008 to October 2009 to carry out the Denmark attack, but was advised in March 2009 to put that plan on hold because of pressure after the Mumbai attack.
The three-day terrorist siege in Mumbai killed at least 160 people.
The 12-count superseding indictment contains the same 12 charges filed against Headley last month and adds the other three men as defendants. Headley, a U.S. citizen and Chicago resident, faces six counts of conspiracy to bomb places in India, and to murder and maim people in India and Denmark; and of providing material support to foreign terror plots and providing material support to Lashkar e Tayyiba, which the United States lists as a terrorist group.
Headley faces an additional six counts of aiding and abetting the murder of U.S. citizens in India. Six Americans died in the Mumbai attack.
India blames Lashkar for the Mumbai attack.
Rana, a Canadian citizen and Chicago resident, faces three counts alleging material support of the Denmark and India plots and support of Lashkar.
Kashmiri and Abdur Rehman were charged with two conspiracy counts relating to the Denmark plot, according to the U.S. Justice Department. Neither man is in U.S. custody, the department added.
Headley has pleaded not guilty and is cooperating with authorities. He and Rana have been in federal custody in Chicago since their arrests in October.
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Osama bin Laden and innumerable other Islamic jihadists have already made this connection, but that's fine. It's only "objectionable" when a non-Muslim does it.

"Chidambaram equates Jihad with terrorism," from TCN News, December 25:

New Delhi: In an address to Intelligence Bureau, Home Minister P. Chidambaram equated Jihad with terrorism and said that its objective is war against unbelievers.

Chidambaram uttered highly objectionable statements against Jihad addressing IB officers in Delhi while delivering 22nd Intelligence Bureau Centenary Endowment Lecture on Wedenesday in Delhi.

He said that Jihad is a kind of war that emerged after the end of Cold War in 1989.

He's only about 1370 years off on that one.

He termed Jihad as "a war or struggle against unbelievers" completely distorting the meaning of Islamic principle of Jihad. Home minister added that Jihad is waged by a number of groups that owe their allegiance to Islam and said that "Jihad employs terror as an instrument to achieve its objectives" which is "directed against all" and usually claims innocent people as its victims.

In defining jihad, a Shafi'i manual of Islamic law endorsed by the most prestigious institution in Sunni Islam, Al-Azhar University in Cairo, says that the leader of the Muslims "makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians...until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax," and cites Koran 9:29 in support of this idea: "Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and who forbid not what Allah and His messenger have forbidden-who do not practice the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book-until they pay the poll tax out of hand and are humbled." ('Umdat al-Salik o9.8)

Curiously, Chidambaram made a distinction between Crusades and Jihad terming the former as "a conventional war" while Jihad uses terrorism as instrument to overthrow the established authority.

Giving sole credit to Jihad for inventing terrorism, Chidambaram who is responsible for security and peace in all of India, said that the tactics of the jihadis have been copies by militants belonging to other groups including Hindu militants. He did not identify the Hindu groups....

"Giving sole credit to Jihad for inventing terrorism..." That would be asinine, if he really did that. But the idea that jihad as warfare against unbelievers is an offensive coinage of "Islamophobes" is a manipulative fiction that by now should be familiar to Jihad Watch readers.

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An update on this story. "Chicagoan Said to Have Helped Terrorists Target Nuclear Plant," by Richard Esposito and Brian Ross for ABC News, December 20 (thanks to Sr. Soph):

The Chicago man charged with helping plot the terror attacks one year ago in Mumbai also photographed and conducted surveillance of a nuclear weapons fuel plant in Tromboy, India, according to Indian and U.S. law enforcement authorities.
The authorities say David Headley was sent to Tromboy, a northwest suburb of Mumbai, by his handlers in the terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba, an affiliate of al Qaeda.
The Bhabha Atomic Research Center in Tromboy is capable of producing 66 pounds of plutonium a year for four the country's nuclear weapons, according to David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security.
"You would have had one helluva international crisis if they had taken control of the facility and caused some kind of accident with a serious release of radioactive material," said Albright.
"There have always been questions about India's nuclear security and because it's located on the water and not far from Mumbai, it would be a logical target," added Albright.
Headley is accused by federal authorities of conducting the pre-operational surveillance of the Mumbai hotels that were stormed by Lashkar-e-Taiba gunmen last November 26. [...]
The Pakistani-born American citizen travelled to Mumbai five times between 2006 and 2008, posing as an American Jew with a new video camera, according to U.S. officials.

Spot the inaccuracy:

Headley's role in the planning of a possible attack on the nuclear facility came to light after the FBI arrested him in connection with the hotel attacks and another planned attack on a Danish newspaper which had published cartoons mocking Allah. [...]
The impact of such an attack would depend on the quality of the attacking force and their objective, said Lt. Steve Margolis of the Los Angeles Police Department, the former head of the department's anti-terror unit.
"It depends on what they were trying to achieve. Were they intending immediate panic, were they intending creating a loss of confidence in India's nuclear program? Were they looking for potential release / exposure?," said Margolis....
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Kasab.jpg Uh, I just look like that guy -- yeah, that's it

Claiming torture is a tactic straight out of the al-Qaeda playbook. "Mumbai Attack Suspect Retracts Confession in Court," by Arlene Chang and Eric Bellman for the Wall Street Journal, December 18 (thanks to Visvas):

MUMBAI -- The Pakistani man captured during the Mumbai terrorist attacks last year retracted his confession Friday, saying he had been framed and tortured.

Mohammed Ajmal Kasab told a special court in Mumbai that he arrived in Mumbai well before the attacks with the aim of starting an acting career. Twenty days before the attacks, he said, he was picked up by the police while looking for a hotel and thrown in jail because he is from Pakistan.

He said it was only during the attacks that he was brought out to take the blame as he resembled one of the attackers photographed attacking commuters at a train station with an AK-47. He said he was then tortured into signing a confession. "I have never seen an AK-47 in my life," the 21-year-old told the court. "I saw it only when the police produced it."

Mr. Kasab's claim is the latest twist in his testimony. He had pleaded not guilty when the trial began early this year, then in July told the court he was guilty.

Mr. Kasab is allegedly the only survivor of 10 suspected gunmen in the attacks, which killed more than 160 people. Mr. Kasab is charged with everything from murder and waging war against India, and could face the death penalty, if convicted.

Mr. Kasab was captured during the 60-hour siege of India's financial capital that began Nov. 26, last year. Police say he admitted during multiple interrogations he was one of 10 gunmen trained in Pakistan who traveled together by sea on the terrorist mission. The assailants shot and killed people at Mumbai's top two five-star hotel complexes, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus train station, a Jewish center, a hospital and a restaurant.

Police denied that Mr. Kasab has been framed or tortured. They said they arrested Mr. Kasab in a shootout near Mumbai's Chowpatty Beach. His image has been captured on a surveillance camera at the train station, where he and an accomplice allegedly opened fire with automatic rifles and threw hand grenades, killing commuters.

The public prosecutor in the trial, Ujjwal Nikam, said Mr. Kasab's claims wouldn't change the outcome of the trial. "He is talking rubbish," he said. "His statements today are not going to affect our case in anyway. He is an evil terrorist."...

And one who knows that "war is deceit."

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Here is a spectacular example of the finger-pointing and refusal to accept responsibility that we constantly see from Muslim leaders -- with a heaping helping of projection directed toward India. Bear in mind that high levels of the Pakistani government -- including the ISI -- have been involved in jihad attacks against India. And so Munawar Hassan accuses India of meddling in Pakistan. Often you can get a good picture of what jihadis are doing by seeing what they're accusing others of doing. A memorable example of this for me came when Edina Lekovic of MPAC accused me on The O'Reilly Factor of wanting to drive all Muslims into the sea -- a perhaps unconscious echo of the jihadist rhetoric Palestinians regularly employ, crowing about how they're going to drive the Jews into the sea.

"'No Muslim involved in suicide attacks in country,'" by Irfan Ali for the Daily Times, December 14:

KARACHI: Floating the idea of a change in the Pakistani society, Jamaat-e-Islami's top leadership at a congregation of the JI's workers unanimously blamed the United States' agencies for terrorism, chaos and anarchy in Pakistan.

"The US wants international control on the Pakistani nukes, and terrorism is just a pretext to achieve that target," said JI's chief Munawar Hassan at a one-day training congregation held at Nishtar Park on Sunday.

Elderly people as well as women with children also attended the congregation. They carried flags and raised slogans in support of the JI's manifesto, and condemned the US and anti-Islamic forces. He said the US also wanted to impose its decision about Kashmir on Pakistan, and its allies want to declare Pakistan as an unsafe state. "No Muslim is involved in suicidal attacks in Pakistan, and rather Blackwater (Xe) - a US private contractor - and Indian agents are involved in these incidents," he said. Hassan expressed dissatisfaction over the lack of action by the government against India, and urged the foreign minister and interior minister to "take concrete measures against India for its dirty role in Pakistan"....

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AP says he is a "Chicago businessman," leaving -- as always -- unanswered the question of why a prosperous Daleyesque Chicago burgher like Tahawwur Hussain Rana would be delighted by the brutal massacres of innocent people, and be plotting more of them.

"Feds: Chicago suspect knew of Mumbai attack," from AP, December 14 (thanks to all who sent this in):

WASHINGTON -- A Chicago terrorism suspect knew in advance about the deadly Mumbai terror attacks -- and offered congratulations to the killers, federal prosecutors charged Monday.

Papers filed in federal court in Chicago say Tahawwur Hussain Rana learned an attack was about to happen while traveling days before the Nov. 26, 2008 start of the carnage that left 166 people dead.

Rana, a Chicago businessman, is charged with providing material support to terrorists. Prosecutors say after the Mumbai attacks, he told an alleged co-conspirator, David Coleman Headley, to pass along his congratulations to the terror group for its excellent planning and preparation.

"Rana was told of the attacks before they happened and offered compliments and congratulations to those who carried them out afterwards," Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Collins wrote in the court filing.

The filing also charges that in a secretly recorded conversation in September 2009, Rana and Headley discussed possible attacks on a number of other sites in India: Somnath, a temple; Denmark, Bollywood, a reference to the Indian film industry, and Shiv Sena, a political party with strains of Hindu nationalism....

They were just increasing the peace!

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Characteristically, Islamic leaders tried to get the terms "love jihad" and "Romeo jihad" banned, rather than doing anything to deal with the problem itself. "Love Jihad is real, says Kerala High Court," from The Pioneer, December 10 (thanks to Slothy):

The Kerala High Court on Wednesday stated that forced conversions, termed as Love Jihad or Romeo Jihad, and efforts for that were a reality in the State despite the arguments by the Kerala Director General of Police, and Union Home Department to the contrary.

Stating that the State Government had the responsibility to check forced conversions, the court asked it to formulate legislation on the lines of the other States.

Rejecting a petition for anticipatory bail in a Love Jihad case filed by Shehenshah, a Muslim youth, who had allegedly forced a non-Muslim MBA girl student of a Pathanamthitta college in the name of love, the court said that campuses should not be turned into venues for forced conversions through false love affairs.

Justice KT Sankaran also rejected another petition seeking a ban on the use of the terms Love Jihad and Romeo Jihad.

Earlier, Kerala DGP Jacob Punnoose had submitted in the court that no evidence was available to prove the existence of an organised movement in the State, specialising in converting non-Muslim girls into Islam through treacherous love affairs. Subsequently, the Union Home Department told the court that it had no information of any movement anywhere in the country specialising in such conversion methods.

Justice Sankaran also pointed out that the reports submitted by top police officials in the State were of contradictory in nature. The DGP had told the court that there were no "actionable" evidences to suggest that such a conversion campaign was on in Kerala but indications of possibility of such a programme was there. The court also said that 14 out of the 18 reports from SPs on the matter, submitted by the DGP, were of no value or use.

However, police reports themselves had made it clear that forced conversions through love affairs as a movement had been going on in Kerala since 1996. The judge said that the police reports had indicated that about 4,000 conversions had taken place through love affairs in the past four years, and 2,800 girls of other religions had undergone conversion into Islam in this period.

He also said that 1,600 such conversions had taken place in four northern districts, including Malappuram, Kerala's Muslim-majority district. It was evident from the report submitted by the DGP that outfits like Islamist Popular Front of India (earlier NDF) and its student wing, the Campus Front, were behind the organised campus-based conversion programme, said Justice Sankaran.

He added that the DGP's report had also indicated that Muslim conversion centres had been functioning in Kozhikode district.

Though the Constitution guaranteed equal rights to all religions, the right for faith should not be used for forced conversions and conversions through treachery, the judge said. Mixed marriages could be promoted but such marriages should not be used as tools for forced or treacherous conversions, he pointed out.

He also said that several other States had formulated legislations for preventing forced conversions and the people and the Government of Kerala should consider formulation of such legislation in view of the particular context.

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Islamic Tolerance Alert: "Consider Kilvisharam panchayat de-merger: SC," from the Express News Service, November 10 (thanks to Slothy):

The economy of Melvisharam is dominated by a group of wealthy Urdu-speaking Muslim industrialists and it is largely based on tanneries. After the merger, the water sources of Kilvisharam area were polluted by the tanneries and had the effect of ruining the Kilvisharam betel leaf economy.

The elected panchayat had all Muslim functionaries and the inhabitants of the four minority wards were denied their fair share of administrative and developmental facilities to such an extent that even drinking water and garbage collection facilities became almost absent in these wards, it was submitted.

It was alleged that when this problem was brought to the notice of the functionaries of the panchayat, they suggested that the inhabitants of Kilvisharam wards convert themselves to Islam. Thus, they were discriminated against on grounds of religion, a violation of Article 15 (1) of the Constitution.

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The irony is perhaps thicker than ever. As jihad attacks and attempted attacks in the U.S. increase, and jihad activity continues around the world, Islamic spokesmen ever more shrilly attempt to blame "Islamophobes" for linking jihad terrorism with Islam, apparently hoping that no one will notice how jihad terrorists themselves invoke the Koran and Sunnah to justify their actions.

"Chicagoan charged with aiding deadly Mumbai terror attack," from the Chicago Breaking News Center, December 7 (thanks to Choi):

One of two Chicago men charged in a planned assault against a Danish newspaper has now been officially accused in last year's terror attack in Mumbai, the U.S. attorney's office in Chicago announced today.

David Headley allegedly conducted extensive surveillance of targets in India for more than two years before the November 2008 attack that killed 170 people, prosecutors said.

Headley, who is cooperating with authorities, was named in a 12-count information with six counts of conspiracy related to the Mumbai attack, which targeted two hotels, a train station, a cafe and a Jewish community center. Sources have said Headley's co-defendant in the newspaper case, Tahawwur Hussain Rana, is suspected to have paid for Headley's India missions, but he was not charged Monday.

Headley was not expected to appear in court today, and no press conference was planned.

Headley and Rana were charged in October for their roles in planning to attack the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark over its publication of unflattering cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

Federal prosecutors said Headley attended terror training camps with the Lashkar-e-Taiba organization in Pakistan, which has been blamed for the India attacks, which also took the lives of six Americans.

The charges against Headley, 49, now include the six conspiracy counts, as well as proving material support to foreign terrorist plots, providing support to Lashkar and six counts of aiding and abetting the murder of U.S. citizens in India....

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One would have thought that the Vast Majority of Peaceful Muslims would rise up and not allow Saeed to preach. But once again, no such luck. Tiny Minority of Extremists Alert: "'Mastermind' of Mumbai attack preaches at mosque in Lahore," by Zahid Hussain in The Times, November 21 (thanks to Kris):

Come Friday prayers in Lahore, it is not hard to find the alleged mastermind of the Mumbai attacks.

Hafiz Mohammed Saeed is neither in hiding nor in jail. The founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba is instead delivering a sermon to thousands of devoteees at the Jamia al-Qadsia mosque -- one of the biggest in the city.

"God has promised to make Muslims a superpower if we follow the right path," Mr Saeed told his followers, who listened in rapt silence.

Outside, policemen with machineguns stood guard and bearded security men frisked all those entering. "Our rulers are the slave of America and have sold their conscience for a few dollars," continued the diminutive former university teacher, his long beard dyed red with henna.

In imitation of Muhammad.

Timothy Roemer, the US Ambassador in Delhi, backed Indian calls this week for Pakistan to bring Mr Saeed and six other Mumbai suspects to justice. "We need to see actions and results from Pakistan," he said after India handed Pakistan a seventh dossier of evidence on the Mumbai attacks.

Analysts say that the problem lies with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency, which backed Mr Saeed when he founded Lashkar-e-Taiba in 1990 to fight Indian rule in the disputed region of Kashmir. Under pressure from the US, Pakistan banned the group in 2002, but it continued to operate under the banner of Jamaat-ud Dawa, which Mr Saeed also founded and calls a charity organisation....

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"War is Deceit."

"Headley mapped all '26/11 targets' - US suspect posed as Jew: Police," by Samyabrata Ray Goswami for the Telegraph (Calcutta), November 15 (thanks to Esther):

Mumbai, Nov. 14: David Coleman Headley personally visited every target site of the 26/11 terror strikes last year, carrying out a recce on behalf of the Lashkar-e-Toiba, a police source said today.

Posing as a Jew, he even visited Nariman House, the Jewish Chabad centre, in July 2008.

The Mumbai police today carried out raids in Bandra, its adjoining suburb Khar and BPO hub Goregaon in search of Headley's local acquaintances and contacts.

"He (Headley) mapped the Chhatrapati Shivaji terminus, Taj and Trident hotels and Nariman House. We are interrogating (filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt's son) Rahul to find out when he went to Leopold Café. That he did is certain -- when he did that is what we need to know," a top officer said.

Headley had visited the Mumbai home of Rahul, who contacted police after learning of the terror suspect's arrest by America's Federal Burau of Investigation (FBI) last month.

The source said Headley, a Pakistani-born US national, and his associate Tahawwur Hussain Rana stayed in Hotel Outram, a seedy motel in Mumbai's Fort area, for about a fortnight in July 2008.

Born Daood Gilani, Headley, who changed his name and passport in 2006, posed as a Jewish American during his Mumbai stay. A source close to Rahul too confirmed that Headley had claimed to be a Jew.

"It is a mystery how he got into that building (Nariman House) just posing as a Jew. We are probing if he had anybody helping him locally. The FBI seized a book called How to Pray Like a Jew from him at the time of his arrest in Chicago. He had prepared himself thoroughly to pose as a Jew," the officer said.

This morning, the police detained two tourist guides near the Gateway of India for questioning. It is suspected they may have aided Headley or other 26/11 plotters....

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"Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews..." -- Koran 5:82

And so when the jihadists attacked in Mumbai a year ago, they singled out a small Jewish center for the most horrific treatment.

Read what happened, and remember, and see it as a call to action to defend free people from horrors like this: "Mumbai terror attacks: And then they came for the Jews," from The Sunday Times, November 1 (thanks to all who sent this in):

Sandra, a Catholic Mumbaikar who previously worked as a private cook and a masseuse, started with the Holtzbergs in 2003. Jackie, a Muslim from Assam, was hired as a cook in 2006 after meeting Gabi at a sports club where he worked. Since the siege, The Sunday Times has learnt, suspicions have arisen that he may have been implicated.

Now that's interesting. There is much more. Read it all.

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Some Muslims seem to have no trouble turning from calls for the freedom to wear headscarves in France to denying the freedom not to wear them elsewhere. From AP, with thanks to Twostellas:

Three Islamic rebel groups in Indian-controlled Kashmir have demanded that women in the region wear head-to-toe veils and that all beauty parlors close, a newspaper reported Thursday.

The groups want restaurants to shut partitioned areas supposedly reserved for families - but in reality also used by young couples. It also wants tutoring centers, which prepare teenagers for college examinations, to segregate girls and boys, the Times of India newspaper said.

The demands were made by the Al-Madina Regiment, which the newspaper described as a collection of the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, Al-Umar and Hezb-ul-Mujahedeen militant groups.

The rebels have been fighting Indian security forces since 1989, seeking independence for Kashmir or its merger with Pakistan. More than 65,000 people have died.

Anyone failing to meet the demands by March 1 would "face the consequences," the newspaper quoted Al-Madina Regiment chief Umar Khalid as saying.

Similar demands have been made in the past - and few are adhered to.

Muslim women in Jammu-Kashmir, India's only Muslim-majority state, usually don't wear head-to-toe burqa veils and instead cover their heads with loose scarfs.

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Is terrorism really the last desperate resort of the poor? Dawood Ibrahim has 430 million dollars. From Asia Times, with thanks to Jean-Luc:

While all attention is focused on Osama bin Laden and his cohorts allegedly cornered in western Pakistan, in India there is an equal amount of interest in the one man who is wanted just as desperately - Dawood Ibrahim. . . .

The hunt for Dawood is taking place following Pakistan's realization that flushing out terrorists and jihadi elements has become a necessity for its own survival. Pakistan has currently amassed 20,000 troops along the Afghanistan border for what is being believed to be a decisive battle against bin Laden and al-Qaeda militants. But what might be more than a coincidence is that Pakistan's sudden willingness to flush out Dawood comes amid reports in the Indian media that a timely tip-off by the Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) helped foil a third assassination plot against Musharraf. Two abortive attempts have been reported in the past few months. There is, however, no doubt in anyone's mind that Dawood is indisputably the number one criminal wanted by India, and what has rankled is that he has for long used Pakistan as a base. . . .

It is the nature of the crimes attributed to Dawood that place him at the top of India's most wanted wish list. The son of a police constable, he is the prime suspect in masterminding a series of bomb blasts that occurred in a single day in 1993 in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), the financial heart of India, killing 260 people and injuring 1,000. . . .

It is estimated that in Mumbai alone, Dawood and his family own assets worth US$430 million. This includes several buildings at prime locations such as Colaba, Crawford Market, Bhendi Bazar, Bandra, Oshiwara and Versova. Many of these are benami (fictitious names), which makes it difficult to seize them. The family has several builders, stockbrokers and jewelers fronting for it. Apart from this, Dawood has vast business interests in the hospitality industry in the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Australia and India. Several shopping malls in the West and Australia are also reportedly owned by the family. Dawood has also allegedly began operating an airline from a Central Asian republic.

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This one seems motivated by a desire to get votes. From

The BJP has strongly protested against the Mulayam Singh Yadav Government's decision to cut short school hours on Fridays to allow Muslim students to offer Jumma ki namaz.

The move is being perceived as an effort to appease the Muslim votebank ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. According to a Government order issued on February 16 to all schools and colleges affiliated to the UP Board, the school hours would now be from 8 am to 12 pm on all Fridays.

Reacting strongly to the "absurd Government decision", state BJP chief Vinay Katiyar, demanded that the Government order be withdrawn immediately.

"It smacks of the Government's appeasement policy. Mulayam Singh Yadav is scared of his shifting mass base in the coming Lok Sabha polls. Hence he's using such tactics to draw minority votes. Such a step will create a divide between Hindu and Muslim children in schools," he said.

Katiyar further said the BJP would take to the streets to protest this decision. He argued: "In that case even the bhakts of Lord Shiva would demand a holiday on Monday and devotees of Lord Hanuman would demand a holiday on Tuesday."

He said the party would stage an agitation in front of the Assembly. "The protest would continue till the Government withdraws the order," he added.

The order issued by the Principal Secretary, Education, Neera Yadav on February 16, says that the State Government, after due consideration, has decided to change the school timings on Friday's from 8 am to 12 pm.

The changed timing would be applicable to all aided, unaided, and Government-run primary schools, junior schools, high schools and intercolleges in the state. So far, school timings have been six hours -- from 8 am to 2 pm or 10 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday, with Saturday being a half day.

District Inspector of Schools Vikas Srivastava said the order would be implemented with immediate effect in the state Capital and students can look forward to the new timings from this Friday.

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Muslim women aren't fighting for equality just in West Virginia. This news from India comes via the the BBC, with thanks to EPG:

Daud Sharifa is meeting a group of distressed Muslim women - business as usual at her red-brick office in sleepy Pudukkottai, in India's southern state of Tamil Nadu.

The shy women tell in low voices stories of how they have been divorced, abandoned and mistreated by their husbands.

Sharifa, a 39-year-old single woman who runs a 3,000-strong network to help Muslim women, gives advice.

The audience listens to her impassioned plea for women to build their own place of worship and be involved in community rulings on marriage, divorce, domestic abuse and child custody.

"Would having a place of worship of your own help? Would a jamat [community elders at mosques who adjudicate on family matters] of women be more sympathetic to your cause?" asks Sharifa.

The women nod in unison.

Rising complaints

Sharifa, an unlikely feminist in India's traditionally male-dominated southern heartland, has caused a storm by leading the movement for the women's mosque.

"We want our space to meet, talk, discuss our grievances and pray. We want to have a say in community rulings," Sharifa told BBC News Online.

In India, Muslim women mostly pray in buildings adjoining mosques; in some big mosques there are separate prayer enclosures.

"The majority of mosques do not allow women to pray," says Badar Sayed, a Chennai-based lawyer and chairwoman of Tamil Nadu's Waqf Board.

Waqf boards are elected bodies of Muslim theologians.

Ms Sayed says it is extremely important for women to be a part of a mosque congregation.

"Sometimes the sermons relate to women. Women should be present, listening in and finding out what they are all about," she says.

Female worshippers must often pray in adjacent buildings

Sharifa says the idea of a women's mosque was motivated by the rising number of complaints from local Muslim women against what they see as partisan rulings by the jamat.

Last year, she received over 100 petitions from women against jamat rulings in matters of dowry, divorce and domestic violence.

"The mosque will be a symbol of our awakening. Men are welcome to come and pray, but women will manage the affairs and be on its jamat," says Sharifa.

Badar Sayed agrees that the "male-dominated jamats" are often biased in rulings that affect women.

"Women are oppressed. The jamat does rule against them most of the time," she says.

"Men are sitting in judgment. Jamats should accept women into their fold."


But Mohammed Sikkandar, secretary of Chennai's Purasawalkam mosque, says the jamats are "by and large fair".

"In matters of family dispute, we take our decision after talking to the affected women. Nothing is hastily decided," he says.

Mr Sikkandar says that of the 40 family dispute cases that came to his mosque in the past year, all but five were settled with a compromise.

He says jamats have even given away hefty compensation packages to women, citing the example of a 400,000-rupee ($8,800) award his jamat paid to a woman divorcing her abusive husband.

But this does not deter Sharifa, who says that there "might be a few good men, and a few good jamats", but the system is stacked against women.

She has toured villages and towns, collecting 9,000 rupees ($200) towards building the mosque. She will need $55,000.

Rashida Begum, a 21-year-old teacher and divorcee, is one of the Pudukkottai women supporting her.

"We are confined to our homes. Our thoughts are pent up. Our mosque will help us to get together and vent our feelings," Ms Begum says.

Rajitha Begum, 37, whose husband abandoned her, says a mosque would help women who have "nobody to go to".

"You don't realise how helpless women are. We have no fallback, no opportunities to decide our fates. Our mosque will show the way," she says.

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Is the Kashmir jihad over? This from Newsweek, with thanks to Jean-Luc:

The bitterness was palpable among the more than one dozen hardened jihadi fighters. Veterans of the 14-year guerrilla struggle against Indian control of Kashmir, they had gathered in a cold, dingy room in the Pakistani-administered zone to discuss their narrowing options. Last month's historic agreement struck between Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee posed a near-knockout blow to the militants' hopes of ending India's occupation of the disputed Himalayan territory. In the deal, Musharraf promised to crack down on the militants, ending their cross-border attacks on Indian forces. In turn, Vajpayee agreed to begin unconditional negotiations with Pakistan on the status of Kashmir--a source of tension that has twice led these nuclear-armed rivals to war.

Not all of the guerrillas are ready to lay down their arms. "We will not allow Musharraf to sell out the blood of our martyrs," says Saifullah, a bearded fighter in his early 20s. "We will continue the jihad no matter what." But others seemed resigned to the fact that the fighting may be coming to an end. "We have been betrayed," laments Mohammad Ashfaq, a native of the Kashmiri capital of Srinagar. "We have no choice now but to return to our homes." Ashraq is probably right, given the larger forces pushing the leaders of India and Pakistan toward peace. "It's the beginning of the end of the Kashmir jihad," says Rifaat Hussain, a defense analyst at Islamabad's Quaid-i-Azam University.

Musharraf has promised to curb the jihadis before. But in the past he hedged his bets, ordering only a temporary halt to attacks in the hope that India would reciprocate by sitting down for talks. This time, following two serious assassination attempts last December, one led by a suicide bomber belonging to the outlawed jihadi group Jaish-e-Mohammed, he has more reason than ever to clamp down on his homegrown militants. His tone has become increasingly conciliatory of late. In an interview with NEWSWEEK, he hinted that he was willing to drop Pakistan's longtime demand that a plebiscite be held in Kashmir to determine its status, as long as India was equally forthcoming: "I have been saying we must go beyond stated positions and show flexibility," he said. "But it can't be done unilaterally by Pakistan."

Facing down the jihadis will be no small task: since an indigenous insurrection against Indian rule broke out in Kashmir in 1989, some 10,000 fighters belonging to at least six Pakistan-based guerrilla groups have crossed the border to aid their Kashmiri brothers-in-arms. But already Islamabad has transformed the battleground. The constant Pakistani artillery barrages that once provided cover for the guerrillas' infiltration have ended. The ceasefire along the Line of Control dividing Kashmir has held since December. Pakistani Army units have been given orders not to offer any aid to the militants, and security forces are combing Pakistani cities in search of extremists. Pakistan's generals have even taken the jihadis out of their military playbook: in the event of war, the militants will no longer be counted on as a guerrilla force designed to attack Indian Army units behind the lines. "The Army realizes that the jihad strategy is counterproductive and is determined to reverse course," says retired Pakistani Army general Talat Masood.

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Tavleen Singh at ExpressIndia correctly identifies jihad ideology as the cause of the Islamic world's conflicts with non-Muslims. (Thanks to LGF and Nicolei.)

In Davos this year there was much talk of Islam and its differences with the West. The emphasis was on trying to understand why rather than on dismissing the whole issue as that clash of civilisations Samuel Huntington wrote so prophetically about nearly ten years before 9/11. A whole gamut of Muslim intellectuals were invited to address sessions with subjects as diverse as religion and globalisation, modernity and Islam and the shared roots of Western and Islamic culture. Arab princes spoke, as did professors and scholars from the Islamic world and women in hijab who argued that the West try and understand that democracy and gender issues had different meanings in different cultures. The Grand Mufti of Bosnia was there alongside the former American Archbishop of Canterbury and representing the Indian subcontinent was, ironically, General Pervez Musharraf.

As I watched him expound on his theory that Islam was a peaceful religion that sought only friendship and peace with the world, I found myself wondering why then it had been necessary to break India up for reasons of Islam. But, that is the sort of politically incorrect question nobody asks these days just as we do not ask why the Kashmir Valley's struggle for autonomy has ended up becoming part of the international jehad against Americans, Jews and Hindus. Political correctness was very much the mood of the World Economic Forum's annual meeting so many of those who spoke for Islam got away with blaming the West for their woes.

You must understand, they said, that terrorism was not Islamic or Christian but just terrorism. And, you must understand that at the root of what was going on lay unresolved political problems like Palestine and Kashmir. Our friendly, neighbourhood military dictator went so far as to say that because of these unresolved political issues young Muslims had developed a sense of persecution and had begun to believe that the world was against Islam. It was the duty of the West to not just help resolve these political issues fairly but also help solve some of the socio-economic problems of the Islamic world. Then, the world would be at peace once more and we could live without the threat of suicide bombers.

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Syed Ahmed Bukhari

"Describing former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein's capture as the 'blackest day for the Islamic world', the chief cleric of India's largest mosque said he would be remembered as the symbol of Islamic resistance." So says The Times of India, with thanks to nicolei.

"'Arab rulers need not be jubilant on Saddam Hussein's arrest because America would now make the whole Arab world their slaves,' said Syed Ahmed Bukhari, chief cleric of Delhi's Jama Masjid."

Bukhari demonstrated his mastery of the leftist rhetorical appeal: "In a statement issued here on Monday, Bukhari said US President George W Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon were more dangerous, cruel and barbaric than Saddam. He called on 'all peace-loving people' to stand up against the cruelty, tyranny and oppression against Muslims."

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Maulana Masood Azhar (BBC News)

"Chief of banned militant outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed Maulana Masood Azhar has said that in Islam the only meaning of Jihad was killing, even as another militant group supporter asked Pakistan to declare that suicide bombing against West was Jihad." This from Press Trust of India.

"In Islam the only meaning of jihad was killing, and those who projected the concepts of Jihad Akbar and Jihad Asghar were against Islam," Azhar was quoted by an Urdu daily Nawa-e-Waqt as saying.

Jihad Akbar is the "Greater Jihad," which Muslims identify as a spiritual struggle. "Jihad Asghar" is "Lesser Jihad," which includes violence. In Onward Muslim Soldiers I detail how radical Muslims including Abdullah Azzam, Osama bin Laden's mentor, and Hassan Al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, rejected the concept of the "Greater Jihad" as being founded upon inauthentic traditions of Muhammad. Azhar evidently shares this view.

Not only that: Azhar "said it was a conspiracy against Islam to say that Jihad was not killing." What would that make Ibrahim Hooper, who has asked Paul Harvey for an apology for saying that Islam was "a religion which encourages killing"? Would Azhar regard Hooper as a conspirator against Islam -- or merely as a practitioner of war as deceit, in the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad's equation of the two (cf. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 4, bk. 52, no. 268)? Or, conversely, will Hooper demand an apology from Azhar?


Another supporter of militant groups in Pakistan, Justice (Retd.) Javid Iqbal said at a seminar in Lahore that Pakistan and the Islamic world should declare that suicide bombing against the West was actually Jihad. It was the United States that was doing terrorism and not the suicide bombers of various organisations, he was quoted by the daily Jung as saying.
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A United States District Court has "sentenced three American members of Lashkar-e-Toiba, including a Pakistani-born American citizen, for plotting 'jihad'" in Kashmir.

Lashkar-e-Toiba, "Army of the Pure," is a radical Muslim group dedicated to restoring Islamic rule not only in Kashmir, but in all of India.

"The three have been sentenced by a Virginia court to prison terms ranging from three to 11 years following guilty pleas in August to conspiracy and weapons charges to escape harsher sentence. . . .

"US District Judge, Leonie M. Brinkema, in Alexandria yesterday sentenced Yong Ki Kwon, 27, a naturalised US citizen of Fairfax, Khwaja Mahmood Hasan, 27, a Pakistani-born US citizen who lived in Alexandria, and Donald T. Surratt, 30, a former US soldier of Suitland.

"The three men were among 11 named in a 41-count indictment handed up in June in a conspiracy to 'prepare for and engage in violent jihad' against foreign targets.

"Nine of the 11 were identified as US citizens. A fourth person, Mohammed Aatiq, a Pakistani national living in Pennsylvania, has also plead[ed] guilty. He will be sentenced next month.

"Hasan and Kwon could have received life sentences, while Surratt faced up to 15 years. All three have agreed to cooperate with authorities in the government's ongoing investigation."

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Kaushik Kapisthalam reports that two New Hampshire state representatives, Robert Giuda and Saghir Tahir, "use half-truths and misleading statements to excoriate India, a democratic ally of America, in the name of requesting help for Kashmir while simultaneously white washing the acts of anti-American terrorists."

The article explains how the congressmen uncritically repeat Pakistani military propaganda while ignoring mountains of evidence of jihad terror activities by radical Muslim groups in Kashmir.

Tahir himself is a Muslim from Pakistan, which may explain his perspective and behavior, but how did he inspire such obliging dhimmitude in Giuda?

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The Post-American Presidency
The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran

What they’re saying about Robert Spencer
“My comrade-in-arms, my pal, my buddy.” — Oriana Fallaci

“Robert Spencer incarnates intellectual courage when, all over the world, governments, intellectuals, churches, universities and media crawl under a hegemonic Universal Caliphate’s New Order. His achievement in the battle for the survival of free speech and dignity of man will remain as a fundamental monument to the love of, and the self-sacrifice for, liberty.”
Bat Ye’or

“Robert Spencer is indefatigable. He is keeping up the good fight long after many have already given up. I do not know what we would do without him. I appreciate all the intelligence and courage it takes to keep going despite the appeasement of the West.”
Ibn Warraq

“America's most informed, fearless, and compelling voice on modern jihadism.” — Andrew C. McCarthy, Senior Fellow at National Review Institute

“A top American analyst of Islam.” — Daniel Pipes

“Over the years, we have become friends, and I have received his assistance on several pieces of legislation I proposed.” — Former Congressman Tom Tancredo

“Few people are capable of applying scholarship, analytical reasoning, and objectivity to their topic -- while simultaneously being readable and witty -- as can Robert Spencer.” — Raymond Ibrahim

“The acclaimed scholar of Islam.” — Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy

“I am indeed honored to call him my friend.” — Brad Thor, novelist

“Robert Spencer is the leading voice of scholarship and reason in a world gone mad. If the West is to be saved, we will owe Robert Spencer an incalculable debt.” — Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

“Thank God there’s at least one man with balls left in the West.” — Kathy Shaidle, Five Feet of Fury

“I read people like [Mark Steyn] and Bob Spencer and the rest of them, and I say, ‘Boortz, you’re pretending you’re an author. These people really are. They really write some entertaining, some standup stuff.’” — Neal Boortz

“Robert Spencer is the Stephen King of Jihad.” — Chris Gaubatz, Muslim Mafia

“Armed with facts and fearlessness, Spencer stands up for Western civilization.”
Michelle Malkin

“A hero of the American right.” — Karen Armstrong

“This nobody who no one has ever heard of.” — Stephen Suleyman Schwartz

“Satanic ignoramus.”
Khaleel Mohammed

“Zionist Crusader, missionary of hate, counter-Islam consultant.” — Al-Qaeda’s Adam Gadahn, “Azzam the American”

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