India Vs. Muslim Terrorist Pakistan
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What will be the result of Israel's Gaza military operation?
Hamas Muslim terrorist rockets and missiles will no longer be fired on southern Israel. Israeli security and deterrence will be restored.
5% -
There will be a ceasefire, and another Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Then Hamas rockets and missiles will again terrorize all of southern Israel.
85% -
I am still not sure.
10% -
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The Truth About Islam
We know it. Islam is NOT a religion of peace. Yet, the pundits in Washington keep telling us that most of Islam is peaceful. Why is it that we never hear any of the "peaceful" Muslims speak out against terrorist atrocities?

Ever since the Attack on America on September 11, 2001 that JTF predicted in advance, we have heard a never-ending chorus of voices from government, academia, and the media assuring us that the Islamic terrorists who attacked the Trade Towers and the Pentagon are not representative of “true Islam.” Could it be that our governments are too busy doing oil deals to take any action to stop the terror and violence across the globe? Instead, they launch fake wars and lead our military (those who are willing to lay down their lives for our freedom) into a death zone where they are turned into a type of military police and do not even have the armor or equipment they need. No one wants to say it but we will.

While Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and lunatic ayatollahs try to bring their messianic vision of world destruction and continue to build nuclear weapons they fully intend to use, nothing is done at all. The United Nations simply issues another warning. Bush talks about sanctions. But why is it that nothing is ever done? Why didn't they just bomb the Iranian nuclear sites from the air? Because these leaders are so bent on having a “New World Order” and so deep in their oil deals, they trade the lives of Jews and Americans for power and money.

Click here for the complete article
Who Is Barack Hussein Obama?
The Jewish Task Force ( is an organization of right wing Jews and righteous gentiles who follow the teachings of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane. Thus we are opposed to Israel surrendering land for “peace.” We are also opposed to Islamic terrorism, which we believe is an integral part of Islam.

Unfortunately America has refused to win every single war she has fought after World War II. Our leaders have been more concerned about world opinion, sparing “innocent civilians” and “winning hearts and minds.” Israel has done the equivalent in her recent battle with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

This refusal to win wars is all due to the pernicious influence of the Left, which has gained a major foothold in the Democrat party in the U.S., as well as the European Union and Israel. Therefore, JTF is also opposed to domestic fifth columnists who attempt to undermine America’s and Israel’s will to defend themselves and to properly fight their wars. Barack Hussein Obama is an example of a fifth columnist. We have started Jews Against Obama to expose him as being just that.

Click here for the complete article
Jewish Electronic Library
They Must Go
By Rabbi Meir Kahane
You can now read online "They Must Go", the classic book written by the greatest Jewish leader in modern history, HaRav Meir Kahane zt"l hy"d. The entire book is now available for reading free of charge. In this magnificent work, Rabbi Kahane brilliantly explains how a Kahanist government would encourage the millions of Arab Muslim Nazis who live in the Land of Israel to permanently leave.

Click here to read Rabbi Kahane's powerful literary masterpiece
Is Barack Hussein Obama loyal to America?
Yes. Obama will loyally serve as Commander In Chief of the United States.
5% -
No. Obama will use the presidency to promote black, Arab and Muslim causes.
88% -
I am still not sure.
7% -
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