
Saif al-Adel Linked To Daniel Pearl Murder

    Saif al-Adel, an Egyptian militant recently appointed interim leader of al Qaeda operations, has been linked to the killing of U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan in 2002, U.S. investigators said in a report. (Reuters)

    Meet The New Interim Leader Of Al Qaeda

      Obama Visits CIA, But Still Investigating CIA Officers

      Opponents Are Wrong, EIT Provided Intel Leads

        KSM Mocked Interrogators During Waterboarding

          34 Senators Ask DOJ To End Investigation Of CIA Interrogators

            Thirty-four Republican senators will send a letter to Barack Obama, calling on the president “to finally end the DOJ’s unwarranted investigations of CIA interrogators, whose work led to one of the most defining moments of the Global War on Terror.” (Weekly Standard)

            The Waterboarding Trail To Bin Laden

              Eric Holder’s Bin Laden Moment

                VIDEO: CIA Director: Enhanced Interrogation Contributed To Intel

                  From Gitmo To Abbottabad: EIT Provided Intel That Lead To Bin Laden Mission

                    Two Cheers For Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

                      How U.S. Found & Finished Bin Laden

                        Enhanced Interrogation Led U.S. To Bin Laden

                          Different Kind Of Justice

                            Another Version Of The Courier Story

                              Detainee Family Members To Visit Guantanamo?

                                Rep. McKeon: Visits Could Compromise Security

                                  FLASHBACK: Lawyers Compromised Security At Guantanamo

                                    Bolton: Withdrawal From Afghanistan Would Be A Mistake

                                      Duplicity has been a hallmark of Pakistan’s approach to the U.S. for years. Beginning in the 1970s, Islamabad denied it was pursuing nuclear weapons, even as Washington repeatedly confronted it with concrete evidence. Presidents and Congresses fulminated, but the nuclear program continued and a device was successfully tested in 1998. (Wall Street Journal)

                                        Left Objects To War On Terror Reauthorization

                                          Renewed Calls For Afghanistan Withdrawal After Bin Laden’s Death

                                          9/11 Firefighter Discusses Obama’s Trip To Ground Zero

                                            Debra Burlingame Reacts On Obama’s Planned Trip To Ground Zero

                                            9/11 Families & First Responders React To Bin Laden’s Death

                                            Docs Reveal Abu Zubaydah Involved In Nearly Every Major Terror Plot

                                            Obama Shakes Up National Security Team

                                              President Obama will reshuffle his national security team on Thursday, naming Leon E. Panetta, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, as defense secretary and Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American commander in Afghanistan, to lead the C.I.A., administration officials said Wednesday. (The New York Times)

                                              Panetta To DOD, Petraeus To CIA

                                              Failure To Close Guantanamo

                                                The sputtering end of the Obama administration’s plans to prosecute Khalid Sheik Mohammed in federal court came one day late last month in a conversation between the president and one of his top Cabinet members. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. had called President Obama to inform him that he would be returning the case to the Defense Department, a decision that would mark the effective abandonment of the president’s promise to close the military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. (Washington Post)

                                                OBAMA DOCTRINE: “Leading From Behind”

                                                  Nonetheless, Obama may be moving toward something resembling a doctrine. One of his advisers described the President’s actions in Libya as “leading from behind.” That’s not a slogan designed for signs at the 2012 Democratic Convention, but it does accurately describe the balance that Obama now seems to be finding. (The New Yorker)

                                                    Administration Confused Over Arab Unrest

                                                    Myth vs. Fact

                                                    Detainee Spotlight

                                                    The Ideas Whiteboard

                                                    KAS Exclusive

                                                    Keep America Safe Board Member Debra Burlingame on President Obama’s press conference on the eve of September 11: “President Obama’s remarks today, on the eve of the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, showed a regrettable disconnect with the American people who regard 9/11 as a world-changing event that touched all of our lives.” Read more.

                                                    Obama Diplomacy Watch

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