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New and Noteworthy
New Poll Finds Majority of Public Maintains Support for Addressing Health Care Reform Now, But Criticisms Are Registering As Debate Intensifies
The July Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds a majority of the public remains supportive of taking action on health reform now, though there is some softening of support as criticisms and doubts seem to be registering.
Health Reform Report Examines Health Coverage Among The Middle Class
A new Kaiser analysis examines the availability, affordability and stability of the health insurance coverage of the American middle class, defined as families with incomes of $44,000 to $88,000 for a family of four. Health insurance affordability is a key issue in health reform and many in this income group would be eligible for subsidized coverage under the bills being considered in Congress.

Report Examines Donor Funding for Health in Low- & Middle-Income Countries
This report finds that funding from donor nations for health in low- and middle-income countries increased in 2007, but at a slower rate than in recent years. It was released during a briefing on the global health outcomes from this month's Group of Eight economic summit.

Hot topics: Health Coverage In a Recession, National Health Reform Efforts, Global Health

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