Know What People Are Saying about a Web Page

If you want to know what people are currently saying about any web page on the Internet, try any of the following bookmarklets. They load conversations from Twitter, Blogs, FriendFeed, Digg and other places.

Typeface Used in Creative Suite Icons Becomes Adobe’s Corporate Font

Adobe Clean is the name of the font that has been used in the splash screens and program icons of Adobe Creative Suite applications (CS3 & CS4).

Most Popular Online Media Sites Among Bloggers

Following a list of mainstream media websites that get maximum link love from bloggers as they are the top sources of news for bloggers. New York Times, Guardian UK and Wall Street Journal top the list.

From to Dot.gone - Web 2.0 Start-ups That Have Vanished

This illustration was created in early 2006 using logos of Web 2.0 companies that made headlines or were launched around that time. Obviously, lot of things changed in the last three years - some companies got acquired, some became successful on their own while others went bust.

Timeline: How Our News Sources Changed in the Last 200+ Years

This shift in the way we consume information has been brilliantly captured in these graphs by Thomas Baekdal who also predicts that traditional media reporting on newspapers, Television & Radio will disappear by 2020 to be replaced by social news.

How China Censors the Internet - Video

Internet censorship in China - Leaked documents from Baidu reveals a list of banned keywords and topics that are blacklisted on the Chinese internet.

Add a Recommendation Engine to your Site - Let Readers Decide Your Best Content

Learn how to add a recommendation engine to your blog so that visitors that vote or recommend stories that they enjoyed reading on your site. All it requires is Google Friend Connect.

Common Craft Website Gets a Makeover

Common Craft, a popular educational video site that is especially known for explaining technical stuff like Twitter, Blogs, RSS, Wikis, etc. in plain English, has just been revamped.

Featured On AdSense Chinese Blog and AdSense Webinar

Digital Inspiration was recently featured on the AdSense Chinese blog and an AdSense optimization webinar - the video in now available on YouTube.

Switch from Yahoo Mail to Gmail

Learn how to switch from yahoo mail to a gmail address without losing any of your old emails. You can copy all Yahoo mails to Gmail and auto-forward all incoming email.

Download your Picasa Web Albums without Picasa Software

Learn how to download pictures from your online Picasa Web Albums without installing the Picasa desktop software.

How Many YouTube Videos Have You Watched So Far?

How can you learn about the number of videos that you have watched on YouTube so far?

iGoogle on your Desktop with Adobe AIR

iGoogler is an Adobe AIR application that lets you access iGoogle, or your personalized Google home page, from the desktop.

Sample Chapter from The Twitter Book by Tim O’Reilly

Tim O’Reilly, the founder of O’Reilly Media, has written an illustrated guide on Twitter - The Twitter Book - that promises to teach you everything you need to know to quickly become a Twitter power user.

Publish Your Blog on Amazon Kindle & Earn Revenue

Bloggers worldwide can now publish their blogs on the Amazon Kindle store and Amazon will share revenue for every Kindle user who subscribes to the blog. This provides a way to increase your blog audience and generate additional revenue from content you already publish.

Install Evernote on BlackBerry without the App World

Evernote, the popular web clipping software, is now available for BlackBerry mobile phones as well in addition to iPhone and Windows Mobile.

Use Microsoft Word to Generate Lorem Ipsum Text

Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product. Learn how to generate Lorem ipsum inside a Word Document.

Improve Performance of AdSense Link Units on your Site

Google Ad Link units help you make the most out of limited ad space available on your web pages so don’t ignore them. Here are tips to improve performance of Googel Ad Links.

Google Custom Search