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Labour launches its election pledges - speech by Gordon Brown

Labour launches its election pledges - speech by Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown MP, Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party, today launched Labour's election pledges in a speech in Nottingham.

The pledges are:

Secure the recovery - Secure the recovery and halve the deficit through economic growth, fair taxes and cuts to lower priority spending.

Raise family living standards - Raise family living standards, keeping mortgage rates as low as possible; increasing tax credits for families with young children; providing new help for first-time buyers; and restoring the link between the state pension and earnings from 2012.

Build a high tech economy - Build a high tech economy, supporting businesses and industry to create 1 million more skilled jobs and modernising our infrastructure with High-Speed Rail, a Green Investment Bank and broadband access for all.

Protect frontline services - Protect frontline investment in policing, schools, childcare and the NHS, with a new guarantee of cancer test results within a week.

Strengthen fairness in communities - Strengthen fairness in communities through an Australian style points-based system to control immigration; guaranteed education, apprenticeships and jobs for young people; and a crack down on anti-social behaviour.

These pledges show our determination to secure the recovery and build a future fair for all.


Labour Vision

Take a long hard look at the Tories on crime

The reality is the Conservatives have voted against Labour's measures to fight crime including opposing changes to the retention of DNA evidence.

Inside the Campaign

"This will be the Word of Mouth election"

It's people that win elections - not posters. Working together, we can win this election.

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Promoted by Ray Collins, General Secretary, the Labour Party on behalf of the Labour Party, both at 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HA.