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I was wrong about President Obama
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
Let us call a spade, a spade. Let us call a group of armed marauding thugs, committing acts of terrorism and arson, terrorists and arsonists and let us call those who manipulate the words of others to justify their actions, barefaced liars. President Obama is one of these and how wrong I was to believe that he represented a new America. How wrong I was. I praised the American people for not playing the race card in the last election because I am not a racist. My oldest son's four grandparents were born in four countries in three... -Full Story-
( - 22/03/11)

Libya, lies and lessons to be learned
The US is at the forefront of the strikes on Libya, deploying some of its heaviest firepower against Gaddafi's regime. That is despite Washington insisting for days that it would merely play a supporting role. The UN Security Council is set to hold closed-door consultations on the situation in Libya later on Monday, diplomats said. The discussion was called by China – this month's council president – in response to a letter from Libya and a Russian request. The air strikes in Libya are said, by the coalition forces, to be a humanitarian act to protect civilians from a dangerous... -Full Story- ( - 22/03/11)

Calls grow for allies to stop air strikes on Libya
Moscow condemns the international coalition air strikes in Libya, and so does the Arab League and the African Union. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is in North Africa to discuss the ongoing conflict. At least 60 people have already been killed as a result of the coalition air strikes, and as the strikes continue, that number is expected to rise. Vladimir Putin insisted nobody has the right to intervene in political conflicts in sovereign countries, calling the Security Council resolution a flawed document. "The UN security council resolution is undoubtedly incomplete and flawed. If you look at what it says,... -Full Story- ( - 22/03/11)

Libya: A Long War or a Limited Engagement?
Here in London, the parliament is retroactively voting to authorize the military invention already underway in Libya.Meanwhile, there is a gap developing between Britain and the U.S. that bears watching. The British defense secretary today said they could specifically target Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in these bombings, calling him a "legitimate target." Concern for civilian casualties could be a factor that could dissuade them from that decision, he said. But Secretary Robert Gates, the U.S. secretary of defense, says no, targeting Gadhafi is not our aim.... -Full Story- ( - 22/03/11)

Kucinich: Libya action 'impeachable'
Jennifer Epstein
President Barack Obama should be impeached for approving air strikes against Libya, Rep. Dennis Kucinich said in an interview Monday. “President Obama moved forward without Congress approving,” the liberal Ohio Democrat told Raw Story. “He didn’t have congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that’s got to be said.” Several other members of Congress have also chastised the Obama administration for not doing enough to sell the intervention to Congress, let alone to the American people.... -Full Story-
( - 22/03/11)

Russia to Represent Libya at UN
Russia will represent Libya at a special UN Security Council discussion Monday night, being held at Libya's request. Since the no-fly zone was imposed on Libya over the weekend, no Libyan officials will be able to leave the country to attend the meeting, and as Libya is not a member of the Security Council, it must be represented by a member country. Russia, along with China, Brazil, and Germany, abstained in the vote to authorize intervention in the country over the weekend.... -Full Story- ( - 22/03/11)

SRI LANKANS – who are they?
by Revd. Father Tony de Alwis (M.A., LL.B. (Hons.), Grad. Dip. in Law)
 Very soon, on May 22nd, we shall mark the second anniversary of the removal of the LTTE terrorist threat, at least from our immediate vicinity.   Although that memorable event secured the territorial integrity of our island homeland, it didn’t – indeed, it couldn’t – define and secure our national identity as Sri Lankans.      We seem to have worked out a reasonably well-defined way of identifying ourselves ethnically – as Sinhalas, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers etc.   But if there is any worthwhile lesson to be learned from the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/03/11)

Accountability of a mother
Dr.Tilak Fernando
Mother’s responsibilities * Housewife * Cook * Tailor * Watchman * Laundry lady * Teacher Everyone born into this time and space arrangement carries responsibilities of some kind. Children are naturally exempt until they start schooling. ‘No painter’s brush or poet’s pen in justice to her fame has ever reached half high enough to write a mother’s name’. Mother in other words carries enormous responsibilities minus the credit attached to her tasks. Browsing through my archaic collection of literal gems, I picked up an essay my daughter had written at the age of 12.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/03/11)

Realistic Approach to Buddhism
By Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa
Article 4 The key approaches to Buddhism are self-exploration and purification of the mind, leading to development of Wisdom.  Buddha concluded that persistent unrest in our minds occur as a natural consequence of the human consciousness, and our inability to distinguish between the duality of not-me and me.  Our dis- synchronous firing of brain neurones is responsible for both chaos as well as creativity.  Consequently we get attached to worldly material created by our perceptions.  We want [caption id="attachment_15133" align="alignright" width="195" caption="Awkana Buddha statue"][/caption] such to be pleasant, complete, and permanent.  Yet, all are in... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/03/11)

The International Community Bombed Libya- What next ?
by Charles.S.Perera
The West involved in a seemingly unending war against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan, sacrificing their youths sending them away from their homes in search of possible terrorists is about to start another war in Libya.  President Sarkozy finding himself low down in a popularity poll wanted to score points of popularity demanding arbitrarily, without consulting the partners of the “ game of using force to obtain peace”, a cease fire in Libya on threat of a military attack. Or is it Colonel Gaddafi’s threat that he will cut supply of “oil” to the West that hastened... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/03/11)

Libya: Sarkozy and Gadaffi before they fell out
By Adam Lusher
Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, met world leaders in Paris at exactly the same place he had welcomed Colonel Gaddafi more than three years ago.What a difference the passing of time can make. Just over three years ago, in December 2007, President Nicolas Sarkozy was welcoming Gadaffi to Paris and insisting to a French newspaper: “Gaddafi is not perceived as a dictator in the Arab world.” “He is the longest serving head of state in the region,” Mr Sarkozy explained as he rolled out the red carpet. “And in the Arab world, that counts,”... -Full Story-
( - 21/03/11)

Mannar Bishop Playing his part of a Geopolitical Plan to Dominate the Strategic Mannar Region
- Kumar Moses
 Mannar is Trincomalee in the western coast! Such is its strategic significance. After decades of very strong LTTE influence and control of some parts of the region, security forces cleared the entire area and the coastline. However, in doing so they disturbed a geopolitical master plan of outsiders colluding with willing locals. In a disturbing development, Mannar Bishop Rayappu Joseph has once again displayed his naked Tamil racism. Various theories have been suggested as plaster solutions. None of these can resolve the underlying problems. Sadly most observers only see the superficial problem and miss the real... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/03/11)

Rudrakumaran had made clear his Eelam intentions in black and white
Herold Leelawardena
In a recent interview with Sunday Leader, Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran had indicated that his aim is to achieve nothing but Tamil Eelam in the North and East of Sri Lanka. He also said; “Tamils expressed this wish clearly in the 1977 general elections.”   I say, Tamils kicked off that wish for Eelam not in 1977 but long before that. In fact, Tamils had articulated that wish not only in Sri Lanka but in India as well. But Neither in Sri Lanka nor in India was ‘racism’ the reason for that Tamil wish Rudrakumaran alleged.  Let me explain; there couldn’t have... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/03/11)

The Travels of a Journalist—63 - BC cop issues royal order To pay $75 fine at border
By Shelton A. Gunaratne ©2011 Professor of mass communications emeritus
Minnesota State University Moorhead

We—Carmel, 5; Junius, 9; Yoke-Sim and I—got up Friday (1 Sept. 1989) morning watching the American dippers and a variety of little bird species dive into the icy waters of Yard Creek and "fly" along under the water looking for their “yummy” water insects. We watched them on the rocks along the creek in the Interior wet belt of cedar and hemlock forest and lush undergrowth. We unabashedly relished the breath of cool fresh air scented by the overnight heavy rains that helped the creek... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/03/11)

Adm. Mike Mullen: One Of The Outcomes Of The Operation Could Leave Gaddafi In Power
by Matt Schneider
Admiral Mike Mullen appeared on several news shows this morning and faced some tough questioning from David Gregory on Meet the Press. Mullen revealed just how narrow the mission is and attempted to justify that international intervention in Libya was vital to America’s interest. Mullen said “the goals of this campaign right now again are limited and it isn’t about seeing [Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi] go, it’s about supporting the United Nations resolution which talked of eliminating his ability to kill his own people.” Gregory recognized that Mullen did not echo the rhetoric of some that... -Full Story-
( - 21/03/11)

West's strikes on Libya run into Arab League criticism
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Western forces pounded Libya's air defences and patrolled its skies on Sunday, but their day-old intervention hit a diplomatic setback as the Arab League chief condemned the "bombardment of civilians." As European and U.S. forces unleashed warplanes and cruise missiles against Muammar Gaddafi's air defences and armour, the Libyan leader said the air strikes amounted to terrorism and vowed to fight to the death. While his eastern forces fled from the outskirts of Benghazi in the face of the allied air attacks, Gaddafi sent tanks into Misrata, the last rebel-held city in western Libya. Among the densely... -Full Story- ( - 21/03/11)

Ms. Butenis in NGO boat without a paddle -Part 1
H. L. D. Mahindapala
 The American Ambassadress, Ms. Patricia Butenis, has come out fighting on behalf of the NGOs. This should be greeted with applause because her intervention, coming from the biggest power on earth, adds an extra dimension to the on-going local debate on NGOs -- the most obscene four-letter word in the Sri Lankan political vocabulary. The fact that she is throwing punches at the critics of NGOs is also politically significant because it means that the cornered NGOs have recruited the best heavy weight they could find to come out fighting on their behalf.  Of course,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/03/11)

How serious is America about human rights?-Part II
H. L. D. Mahindapala
 The political agenda of Jehan Perera and “Paki” Saravanamuttu was to stop the war to give breathing space for Prabhakaran to strengthen his hand to regroup and prolong the war – a programme that would have kept the NGOs in business forever. They were running from Western capital to capital lobbying in the corridors of power to put pressure on the government to stop the war and save Prabhakaran from extinction. Jehan talks of “the people’s understanding and support” for a negotiated peace. History proves that the only man who understood the people’s need and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/03/11)

Arab League criticizes allied airstrikes on Libya
CAIRO – The head of the Arab League has criticized international strikes on Libya, saying they caused civilian deaths. The Arab League's support for a no-fly zone last week helped overcome reluctance in the West for action in Libya. The U.N. authorized not only a no-fly zone but also "all necessary measures" to protect civilians. Amr Moussa says the military operations have gone beyond what the Arab League backed. Moussa has told reporters Sunday that "what happened differs from the no-fly zone objectives." He says "what we want is civilians' protection not shelling more civilians." U.S. and European strikes overnight... -Full Story- (Yahoo - 21/03/11)

Russia and China Lead Opposition to Air Assault on Libya
Opposition to the Western air assault on Libya has come from a variety of quarters with Russia and China expressing regret and the African Union calling for it to end. Both China and Russia abstained when the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution on Thursday which authorized "all necessary means" to protect Libyan civilians and enforce a ceasefire... -Full Story- ( - 21/03/11)

Russia Calls for Stop to Non-Military Libya Attacks
MOSCOW, March 20 (Reuters) - Russia called on Britain, France and the United States on Sunday to stop air strikes against what it said were non-military targets in Libya, saying the attacks had caused civilian casualties. "In that respect we call on countries involved to stop the non-selective use of force," Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in a statement. Lukashevich said 48 civilians were reported to have been killed and 150 wounded in the air strikes, figures that matched those given early on Sunday by Libyan state TV. He said strikes had destroyed a medical facility, roads and bridges.... -Full Story- ( - 21/03/11)

Russia “regrets” military action, calls for ceasefire in Libya
The Russian Foreign Ministry is urging the international forces and the Gaddafi regime to do everything they can to stop civilian suffering, and agree an immediate ceasefire, describing the military action in Libya as regrettable. ­Russian officials have steadily been against any foreign intervention into Libya’s domestic affairs, saying the West should let such turmoil-gripped countries choose their own way of development. Russia expresses regret over the start of armed intervention by foreign forces in Libya, Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich said in a statement on Saturday. "We strongly urge both Libyan sides and the parties involved in the military... -Full Story- ( - 20/03/11)

Libya no longer recognizes UN resolution
The Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it no longer recognizes the UN resolution urging a cease-fire and establishing a no-fly zone over the country. The reason for not recognizing the UN resolution is the military intervention by the French, American and British air forces that began on March 19. In addition, Tripoli has demanded that an emergency UN Security Council meeting be called. Libyan officials argue that air strikes by the coalition on land targets within the borders of the country are a violation of the no-fly zone imposed by the UN. They also claim some civilian targets... -Full Story- ( - 20/03/11)

Gaddafi: 'The West are terrorists'
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has said his people are preparing for a long war and will defeat the Western nations which have attacked his forces with air strikes. Gaddafi, in power for four decades, sounded defiant, saying repeatedly he would not be forced out of by a "crusader alliance" led by the US, Britain and France. "This is a crusader war against the Muslim people, especially against the Libyan people. They believe they will terrify the Libyan people. These are only terrorist means, and only the forces on the ground will be victorious," he said.... -Full Story- ( - 20/03/11)

France recognizes Libya rebels, to surprise of EU
France blazed a diplomatic trail as it recognized a newly formed Libyan opposition group Thursday, drawing the ire of other European nations for stepping out on its own even as the situation in Libya remained unclear. In Washington, U.S. Secretary of Hillary Rodham Clinton said she will meet with members of the Libyan opposition, both in the U.S. and when she travels to Egypt and Tunisia...... -Full Story- ( - 20/03/11)

Gaddafi opens arms depots to supporters
Libyan Leader Colonel Gaddafi says all Libyan people are now carrying weapons to defend the country. Speaking on State Radio in the past few minutes, he said he is confident that Government forces on the ground will be victorious. Colonel Gaddafi has threatened attacks on targets in the Mediterranean. The Libyan leader said he will open arms depots to the people to defend Libya.... -Full Story- ( - 20/03/11)

African Union Demands End to Military Strikes On Libya, Skips Paris Meeting
Washington — The African Union (AU) on Saturday criticized the launching of military operations by U.S. and European countries on Libya to enforce a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted this week. French planes fired the first shots, destroying tanks and armored vehicles in eastern Libya eight years to the day after U.S.-led forces headed across the Iraqi border in 2003. Hours later, U.S. and British ships and submarines launched more than 110 cruise missiles against air defenses in the oil-producing North African country.... -Full Story- ( - 20/03/11)

India, China, Russia oppose air strikes on Libya
New Delhi, March 20 (IANS) India, China and Russia Sunday opposed the Western air strikes on Libya, with Moscow demanding a dialogue to end the ''bloodshed''. The Indian foreign ministry said nothing should be done that aggravates the worsening situation for the people of Libya, where a revolt erupted in February against the four-decades rule of Muammar Gaddafi. "India views with grave concern the continuing violence, strife and deteriorating humanitarian situation in Libya. It regrets the air strikes that are taking place," a ministry statement said.... -Full Story- (Deccan Herald - 20/03/11)

The Ghost of Chelvanayagam Still Haunts Sri Lanka
The scale of Thursday's electoral triumph for Mahinda Rajapaksa's UPFA coalition was somewhat unexpected. Many believed that though a UNP defeat was inevitable, there would be significant erosion into the SLFP's margin of victory due to the opposition's slogans having some resonance with the polity: the cost of living has indeed increased, and corruption is flaunted by connected individuals with reckless disregard for how the general population will react to it.  But it turned out that the population is still willing to endure these two problems, for they prefer the destruction of Tamil terrorism which comes with the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/03/11)

 All doctored allegations against the government, all illusory promises, all intimidation and threats have failed to make any change to the people’s determination to support the government in its march towards the development of Sri Lanka.  The United Peoples Freedom Alliance led by President Mahinda Rajapaksa has secured a historic landslide victory in the Local Government elections taking control of 205 local bodies of the 234 Local Government Institutions for which elections were held.  The UPFA have uprooted the opposition parties from the strongholds they held for years.  The Opposition United National Party has been wiped out in many... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/03/11)

At Qaddafi Compound, a Human Shield
TRIPOLI, Libya — Even as the Allied intervention began, a group of foreign journalists were bused on a rare visit inside Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s compound — a labyrinth of concrete barracks, fortified walls and barbed wire designed to deter potential military coups. There, hundreds of supporters offered themselves up as human shields, cheering to newly minted dance songs about their adoration for their leader. “House by house, ally by ally,” the catchiest song went, quoting a Qaddafi speech. “Disinfect the germs from each house and each room.”... -Full Story-
( - 20/03/11)

Gaddafi could still have final say in Libya
By Simon Tisdall
Muammar Gaddafi’s ceasefire offer will not satisfy western leaders queuing up to take a shot at him – but it’s unclear what will. When the US and its allies invaded Iraq in 2003 the aim was to overthrow Saddam Hussein. When Nato entered Kosovo in 1999 its purpose was to stop ethnic cleansing by Slobodan Milosevic’s army. The precise objectives of the Libyan war 2011, and how they will be achieved, are less well-defined — and therefore, potentially problematic. The ceasefire hastily announced by Libyan foreign minister Moussa Koussa in the wake of UN resolution 1973... -Full Story-
( - 20/03/11)

Libya: The Wearingly Familiar Odor of Regime Change
by Robert Fisk
So we are going to take "all necessary measures" to protect the civilians of Libya, are we? Pity we didn't think of that 42 years ago. Or 41 years ago. Or... well, you know the rest. And let's not be fooled by what the UN resolution really means. Yet again, it's going to be regime-change. And just as in Iraq – to use one of Tom Friedman's only memorable phrases of the time – when the latest dictator goes, who knows what kind of bats will come flying out of the box? One thing we can... -Full Story-
( - 20/03/11)

Protests as UK joins 'irresponsible' bombing raids on Libya
By staff writers
Britain and the USA have bombed Libya with more than one hundred Tomahawk cruise missiles, claiming enforcement of the UN-mandated no-fly zone. But peace campaigners say the action is "dangerous and irresponsible", calling an immediate demonstration outside Downing Street in London, from 3-4pm on Sunday 20 March 2011. "These are not precision guided weapons but weapons of mass destruction that will create many civilian casualties in Libya," declared the Stop the War Coalition - which has published '10 Reasons to say no to western intervention in Libya' ( The Coalition suggests that, far from liberating the Libyan... -Full Story-
( - 20/03/11)

Sonia wins over U.K. Tamils
Hasan Suroor
Britain's normally hard-to-please Tamil activists were, on Saturday, effusive in their praise for United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi after she reportedly told them that she shared their concern over the situation in Sri Lanka and said that the displaced Tamils should be rehabilitated and have their rights restored. “I am very, very concerned about the situation in Sri Lanka. Tamils should have their rights restored. We are with the Tamils, you must know,” Ms. Gandhi was reported as saying in a statement issued by the Global Tamil Forum.... -Full Story-
( - 20/03/11)

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An Indian eyewitness account of the last 70 hours of Terrorist War in Sri Lanka .FINAL HOURS
B. MURALIDHAR REDDY in the war zone
-Full Story- ( - 08/06/09)
Final assault .

B. MURALIDHAR REDDY in the war zone

-Full Story- ( - 08/06/09)
The war is over
With the death of LTTE chief Velupillai Prabakaran, the militant campaign for a Tamil state in Sri Lanka seems to have come to an end. -Full Story- ( - 08/06/09)
LTTE RISE & FALL -Full Story- ( - 08/06/09)
Where is Prabakaran?
-Full Story- ( - 08/06/09)

ජනාධිපති මැතිවරණ උණුසුම් පුවත් in Sinhala'

Great Power Confrontation in the Indian Ocean: The Geo-Politics of the Sri Lankan Civil Warby Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya -Full Story- ( - 25/10/09)

"Poor Hillary the Victim"
by Hela Puwath
 We think it is appropriate time for Lankaweb viewers to be reminded of Hillary Clinton's views of the LTTE terrorists, now that it has become a little clearer as to the reason for her views.  This is very appropriate specially for those who view Mrs. Clinton as "Poor Hillary, the Victim"  Appreciate if you would share the Youtube video with your readers, with the heading:  "Hillary Clinton on TAMIL TIGERS"

Visiting the Vavuniya IDP camps: an uplifting experience
N. Ram

The photographs by Thilak Bandara – taken during our visit on July 1, 2009 to some of the Zone 1 IDP camps on the outskirts of Vavuniya town in Sri Lanka’s mainland North – speak for themselves. They are testimony to the Sri Lankan government’s efforts, with international assistance, to care for a brave and resilient Tamil community, which will be resettled and rehabilitated in the next few months through an ambitious programme.
-Full Story- ( - 04/07/09)

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"Who will guard the guardians?" asked Roman satirist Juvenal. Now we must ask, who is watching Human Rights Watch, We will.

Amnesty and HRW may research their material and appear to be neutral in their assessments every time, no one can really evaluate their impartiality unless one sets out to investigate their background funding, behind-the-scenes researchers and the influences under which they operate. Read "Gutter Tactics of Amnesty International (AI) in Sri Lanka"


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The Island of Sri Lanka is a small universe; it contains as many variations of culture, scenery, and climate as some countries a dozen times its size. Lovely beaches, beautiful landscapes, impressive ruins, a vibrant culture and charming people no wonder Sri Lanka is a small miracle
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Beginning and growth of civilization in Sri Lanka
123,000 BC - Oldest human found in Lanka - Pathirajawela in the deep South.
12000 BC - MaduruOya findings World's oldest findings of the use of Steel, Copper, and irrigation technology
7500 BC - Connections between Cambians, Sri Lankans, Ramayanaya & Mahabharataya The first wave of migrants to Sri Lanka from north India, were from the Yadu family from Gujarat. Yadus dominated the southwest of India (which included Gujarat, parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan up to Mathura, just south of Delhi).
6000 BC - Lankan city on Mahamevuna Uyana - Archeologists uncovered 35 feet under the present Mahamevuna Uyana in Anuradapura,
3000 BC - Sigiriya is considered the AlakaMandava of the Ravana
2517 Ramayanaya and Sri Lanka According to Ramayana story, Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka, belongs to a family of migrants from North India who had close connections with region of the Yadus,
2517 BC - Ravana gets killed in Balangoda during March, 2517BC Ravana, while attending to the wounds suffered in combat by Vibishana (his brother) in Balangoda,
1000 BC - Sri Lanka has the latest technology : Iron technology is evident in SL
900 BC - Anuradapura, a major town of, at least 10 Hectares (25 Acres). Anuradhapura was at least 10 ha in extent by ca. 900 BC (perhaps much more). By then prehistoric stone tool technology had been completely superseded by that of iron
700 BC - Anuradapura Town, 50 Hectares (125 Acres) .
600 BC - Earliest Proof of Brahmi writing in Lanka At 600-500 BC, the very first appearance of writing (in Brahmi letters almost identical to the Asokan script 200 years later) marked the beginning of the Early Historic period. This writing, radiocarbon dated on charcoal and checked by thermoluminescence dating, is inscribed on potsherds signifying the ownership. Among the names, was Anuradha.
483 BC - Vijaya lands in Sri Lanka. Girihadu Seya is built in Thiriyaya. Buddha's relics are enshrined in Mahiyanganaya Dagaba Sarabu Maharahatan Vahanse picked Budda relics from the burning cortege and arrived in Mahiyanganaya
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All Sri Lankans, beware asbestos products!!!, For More information go to

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- Shyamalee Tudawe-Full Story- ( - 09/06/09)

- Shyamalee Tudawe-Full Story- ( - 09/06/09)

JAYAWEWA! WAKING UP FROM A THIRTY YEAR NIGHTMARE - Shyamalee Tudawe-Full Story- ( - 09/06/09)

Presidetial Election News in Sinhala
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03rd june 2009 Sri Lankan Victory Celebration at the Galle face : Victory Parade-Full Story- (youtube. - 06/06/09)

Its now our duty to help the govt quickly so that we minimise the possibilities of other countries influencing and the IMF providing the loan on various conditions which may not be the best for our country. -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 06/06/09)

By Dr. Tilak S. Fernando-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-05/02/09)

Beware of prepaid mobile phone accounts in Sri Lanka
Is the island's one of the leading mobile phone service provider, surreptitiously fleecing its customers?

Sasanka De Silva, Sultanate of Oman.-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-29/11/08)


Q+A-What is fate of civilians trapped in Sri Lanka's war? .-Full Report-(

What is the fate of civilians trapped in Lanka's war
Here are some questions and answers about the people:


.-Full Report-
(Source ::: REUTERS-22/03/09)

 Lankaweb Special

The Charges against Eric Solheim, by Karuna Amman, are .
In our report we reveal evidence about the Norwegian funding of the LTTE terrorist organization.
-Full Story-


Ranil's Ambition

and more..



Mothers of children forcibly held by the LTTE demand their immediate release during an agitation held opposite the Nallur Kovil in Jaffna recently. The agitators had gathered in their thousands, marched along the streets in Jaffna and handed over two petitions to the UN and Red Cross offices in the town before proceeding to the Kovil for a demonstration. (Courtesy The Island 06-02-2009)

and more..

The Opium War,-Full Story- (The WSU - 08/06/05)

Detailed map of Mullaitivu.-Full Report-(The LankaWeb-18/02/09)

Andrew Kirk -Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-01/12/08)

Tsunami Disaster Relief -Hela Sarana-UK

Lankaweb Recommended Buddhist sites

The Temple of the Victory of Truth Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara-Los Angeles

Buddhist temple in Michigan USA Centre for inner peace -Listen to Dhamma Chanting -Enter- (LankaWeb - 13/02/06)

The Buddhist Society of Western Australia
.-Enter- (The LankaWeb - 13/02/06)

Walter Jayawardana

& more...

H. L. D. Mahindapala
Editor, Sunday and Daily Observer (1990 - 1994). President, Sri Lanka Working Journalists' Association (1991 -1993). Secretary-General, South Asia Media Association (1993 -1994)

British MPs debunk Tiger propaganda -Tamils in camps betteroff than in the hands of Tigers:
H. L. D. Mahindapala .-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 08/05/09)



Slow aid delays post-tsunami rebuilding: Lanka

All Sri Lankans, beware asbestos products!!!, asbestos products are still legal in Sri Lanka-Full Report-(MESOTHELIOMAWeb-16/03/09)

Tsunami and safety: beware asbestos products in the clearance and reconstruction

Paul Blackaby. -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 30/03/05)

WHO release on the tsunami and asbestos

Local Annual subscription fee Rs. 350/- (overseas US $15 or equivalent) Draw your cheque in favour of DAMSARA FOUNDATION and post to - Damsara Foundation, Sri Natha Devalaya, Kandy, Sri Lanka. TP/Fax 094-081-2222608 e-mail

Bhagavad Gita and management
Mind is very restless, forceful and strong, O Krishna, it is more difficult to control the mind than to control the wind ~ Arjuna to Sri Krishna
-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 07/02/06)


and More ......

Helabima -A patriotic website in Sinhala
-Enter- (Helabima )
in English
-Enter- (Helabima )

Who says the Sri Lankan Government doesn't look after the welfare of the Tamil Civilians fleeing LTTE control
Shenali Waduge.-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-19/02/09)

Shripal Nishshanka Fernando -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 07/06/07)

Knight Templar Leader holding 2008 Sri Lanka Conference to Unite the World's Religions-Full Story- ( - 18/09/07)

Murali International Fan Club
-Full Story- (Murali - 21/06/04)

Tourist miracles of Sri Lanka
-Full Story- (The Daily News - 01/01/04)



LankaWeb Weekly Editorial

A Time Of Reckoning For All Sri Lankans That Their Nation Is Blessed With Great Leadership May 2nd 2009 .-Full Report-(The LankaWeb Editorial -03/05/09)

Other Editorials

LankaWeb Latest Political Analysis

Sri Lanka's expanding peacetime army By Charles Haviland BBC News, Colombo-Full Story- (BBC - 29/06/09)

A small but significant post-Tiger vote By Sudha Ramachandran -Full Story- ( - 29/06/09)

Yes, We Can: Answer from Sri Lanka to the International CommunityBy Garvin Karunaratne Ph.D. former Government Agent, Matara District-Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/06/09)

Navi Pillay and the Tiger's Tail
From: Wick Gankanda To: Mr. Bill Keller Executive Editor New York Times 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 31/05/09)

Finally the masks are off
-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 16/05/09)

For More Views


"Human Rights Watch, one of the world's best-financed and most influential human rights organizations? It turns out that they cook the books about facts, cheat on interviews, and put out pre-determined conclusions that are driven more by their ideology than by evidence. These are serious accusations, and they are demonstrably true".-Alan Dershowitz Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School

Amnesty and HRW may research their material and appear to be neutral in their assessments every time, no one can really evaluate their impartiality unless one sets out to investigate their background funding, behind-the-scenes researchers and the influences under which they operate. Read "Gutter Tactics of Amnesty International (AI) in Sri Lanka"


British connection in Tamil Terrorism

Tamil Terrorist flag over British Parliament
Tamil demonstrators calling for an end to the war against Tamil Terrorists
Photo: Courtesy AP)
Emboldened by the political support they receive from British politicians, front organizations of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in London have long before started raising funds for terrorist activities in Sri Lanka by extortion not only from the British capital but also from Tamil Nadu over phone messages originating there. The Tamil terrorists are a nasty bunch of tribal misfits who chase and shoot innocent civilians who run for their lives; who creep in the dark to enter adobe huts and chop the sleeping villagers to death; who pluck infants from their mothers arms while they are sucking their nipples for their feed and dash them on rocks to crack their skulls like cracking coconuts at their Hindu Kovils; who perfected the art of suicide bombing and the body pack that all other terrorists around the world are copying. The truth prevails at lastIF NOT FOR COUNTRIES LIKE USA AND UK, SRI LANKA WOULD HAVE ERADICATED TERRORISM AT THE VERY FIRST INCEPTION , STILL USA AND THE EUROPEAN SELF-STYLED PEACEMAKERS ARE GETTING IN THE WAY OF VICTORY.

Finally the masks are off Ratanapala -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 16/05/09)



-More Reports-

Partitioning India over lunch


Visit Sri Lankan Americans for President Obama

“No army will come forward to hold talks with a militant group. If India cannot hold talks with the armed separatist groups in Jammu and Kashmir, Assam and Manipur, it also cannot claim moral rights to tell another sovereign nation to hold talks with an armed group,Indian Union Home Minister P.Chidambaram-15th February 2009

Why India is reponsible for Terrorist Problems in South Asia

Indias unconventional war strategy

Great Power Confrontation in the Indian Ocean: The Geo-Politics of the Sri Lankan Civil War
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
The support and positions of various foreign governments in regards to the diabolic fighting between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan military, which cost the lives of thousands of innocent civilians, says a great deal about the geo-strategic interests of these foreign governments. The position of the governments of India and a group of states that can collectively be called the Periphery, such as the U.S. and Australia, were in support of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE) or Tamil Tigers, either overtly or covertly. Many of these governments also provided this support tacitly, so as not to close any future opportunity of co-opting Sri Lanka after the fighting was over. -Full Story- ( - 25/10/09)
Liberty, Manawan attackers linked to India: Sanaullah .-Full Report-( blamed for Lahore attacks .-Full Report-(
India has every right to meddle in Sri Lanka: BJP
-Full Report-

BY: PREM RAJ Email: Report-
(The LankaWeb-30/03/09)
and more........
This is india
Kissing in public in India has triggered controversies in the past. .-Full Report-(BBC-04/02/09)

The Perfidies of Power: India in the New Millennium &
"Religion, Caste and State"
written by Dr. P. Radhakrishnan Professor, Sociology Madras Institute of Development Studiea 79, 2nd Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar Chennai 600020, INDIA
Shop 0n-line


Children's Hospital Matara

CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL in Matara is halfway done!
See to see exceptional progress.
With your help, this pediatric hospital will soon be finished & begin providing care to many, many Sri Lankan children. Dedicate & memorialize a general ward pediatric bed or specialty bed to complete this future center of pediatric excellence! We have come so far, but we need just a little bit of help from the Sri Lanka diaspora community to help finish this project!

Kanishka Ratnayaka, M.D. World Children's Initiative - Project Peds: Sri Lanka


The LankaWeb "Focus"

Is it the West that breeds international terrorism?. Here are the true Facts

LTTE propaganda by Human Rights Watch
John MacKinnon.-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-21/02/09)
Full Story

The last Terrorist bastion

Sri Lanka: BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera hear no evil, see no evil - Opinion piece
By Gomin Dayasri.Full Report-(The LankaWeb-26/02/09)
Sri Lanka: Dancing, flag waving, fire-crackers - the joy of victory V for Victory-D for Defeat,

By Gomin Dayasri -Full Report-
The Colombians
By Gomin Dayasri -Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-27/01/09) TALKING TO TERRORISTS By Gomin Dayasri Full Report-(The LankaWeb-25/01/09)

By Gomin Dayasri..-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-25/01/09)

Life after Prabhakaran
By Gomin Dayasri -Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-16/01/09)

International News Mafia
How they distort news reports

How they distort news reports
A Collection of Articles

More on LTTE propaganda channelled through foreign media.....

CNN fabricates reports about Georgia and South Ossetia -Full Report-(


Help a Sri Lankan Villege School


Post mortem of a scribe
An editor has written an editorial two days after his death!!
Murder of Lasantha Wickrematunga-Full Report

Special features

Book Review
The indispensable book for our confused timesH. L. D.Mahindapala Part 1
-Full Report-(The LankaWeb-11/01/09) Book Review
Children of Vaddukoddai Resolution slaughtered the fathers H. L. D. Mahindapala Part II -- .-Full Report-(The LankaWeb-11/01/09) Visharada Pundit Amaradeva: Heaven-St(r) uck or In-stream?
Prof. Suwanda H. J. Sugunasiri, Founder, Nalanda College of Buddhist Studies, writing from Toronto, Canada-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-04/01/09) OIL Prospects in Sri Lanka
A New Mesozoic Sedimentary Basin, Offshore Sri Lanka
-Full Story-
( - 07/11/04)

The marine fishery resources of Sri Lanka
-Full Story- (fao - 07/11/04)


Tamil Terrorism In Sri Lanka

Visiting the Vavuniya IDP camps: an uplifting experience
N. Ram

The photographs by Thilak Bandara – taken during our visit on July 1, 2009 to some of the Zone 1 IDP camps on the outskirts of Vavuniya town in Sri Lanka’s mainland North – speak for themselves. They are testimony to the Sri Lankan government’s efforts, with international assistance, to care for a brave and resilient Tamil community, which will be resettled and rehabilitated in the next few months through an ambitious programme.
-Full Story- ( - 04/07/09)

'Lanka ignored warning of Tamil separatism in 1970' -Full Story- ( - 04/07/09)

The End Battle -The cowardly death of the LTTE chief :
A death of a criminal, who led a murderous group that caused immense sufferings on innocent, is indeed a great relief for those who have to live under constant threat of that group. When, this criminal is one who is responsible for the deaths of over 75,000 people and one who threw a nation to the verge of destruction, the news not only brings relief to the nation, but also the individuals who brought that relief become national heroes. Their effort becomes a legend that would be told from generation to generation. The death of V. Prabhakaran, the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/06/09)


Q+A-What is fate of civilians trapped in Sri Lanka's war? .-Full Report-(

and more..

-Political Focus-
Who Perpetuates Tamil Terrorism in Sri Lanka

Political Solution Madness It Is The Time For A Fullstop.

Sri Lanka Guardian Editorial speaks of Prabhakarn as the Tamil National Leader.By Charles.S.Perera-Full Report-(The LankaWeb-30/11/08)

Investigations reveal Sri Lanka Guardian Editor R&AW spies in New Delhi and Chennai-Full Report-(

Gareth Evans, President of International Crisis Group (ICG) - Crisis Expert and Export Crisis?Full Story -(The LankaWeb - 26/07/07)


-Full Report-

Allan Rock's Accusation

Full Report

UN's Lousie Arbour,
An expanded version of the Sri Lankan responses to the concerns raised in the debate at the United Nations Human Rights Council following the report of Ms Louise Arbour, High Commissioner for Human Rights

-Full Report--

Amnesty International is a big liar- Sri Lankan Government

Amnesty International desecrates Cricket world cup
Full Report


LTTE is a ruthless terrorist outfit that has been fighting for mono ethnic separate state for the Tamils living in Sri Lanka since 1983. Two decades of the LTTE's terror campaign against Sri Lankan citizens has cost over 65,000 lives.
Reply to Bruce Fein

Terrorism and more..


-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-29/11/08)Review by A.A.M.NIZAM MATARA


Ignorant Iqbal Athas ` self appointed defense analyst` DOES NOT KNOW what he is talking about

-Full Story

Federal Bureau of Investigation
-Full Report-


IIGEP: Blow Hot Blow Cold.-Full Report- (The Island- 11/05/08)

Read More...........

Sri Lanka Security Forces
This is an urgent request from our Brothers and Sisters who are fighting for our Country. They are in dire need of foot spray and treatment to overcome foot infections.

Ananda Wickramasinghe Consul General Consulate General for Sri Lanka - Los Angeles Suite 1405, #3250 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. USA 90010 Phone: 213 387 0213 Fax: 213 387 0216

What the Buddha said in plain English!

'Tell US President-elect Barack Obama not to associate with the LTTE Tamils Black Tiger terrorists'.
We are asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 1,000 signatures.

Press the Link below
Tell US President-elect Barack Obama not to associate with the LTTE Tamils Black Tiger terrorists'


World Politics

The new Cold War-

Whatever happened to the fight against al-Qaeda and radical Islam? That's so old news. Welcome to the new, new Cold War.
.-Full Report-

DeLon, The New Revolution
-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-19/07/08)

Analysis by Keerthi Godayaya
Our quest for a foreign policy matching 21st century world order


This about what Anagarika Dharmapala said in 1926-relate it to today's situation and it is such an accurate prediction which has materialized in front of your own eyes!-Full Report-(The LankaWeb-05/06/08)

Hunted down and burnt alive for being a migrant in TUTU's Backyard

Supplementary readings .........

Extremely rare and old footage of Sri Lanka
Tropical Ceylon 1932
-Full Report-
(Youtube- 17/05/08)
Charming Ceylon 1931-Full Report- (Youtube- 17/05/08)
Extremely rare and old footage of Colombo, Sri Lanka.-Full Report- (Youtube- 17/05/08)
OLD CEYLON POST CARDS-Full Report- (Youtube- 17/05/08)
Real Beauty of SriLanka (Ceylon)-Full Report- (Youtube- 17/05/08)


Supplementary readingHigh Drama in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations

Full Report

Eastern Province Election

Special Supplementary Reading

Monks living in a remote corner of Sri Lanka
Moodu Maha Viharaya: The sun sets in the East for Buddhist temple
opener for most of us.,1794,0,0,1,0
ii) If you prefer to arrange directly with the Hamuduruvo
here is his Contact Info: Ven Kataragama Siri Ratana Thera Moodu Maha Vihare, Pottuvil, Sri Lanka Mobile Phone: (94) 71-647-5857

More on Sri Lankan High Commission in UK

JVP split

AND MORE......

Mawbima Lanka

Pakistan is willing to give anything Sri Lanka asks for...

Unethical conversion and Christian fundamentalism

Unethical conversion -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 26/07/07)

Sri Lanka's Child Star In the wake of her first award for a staggering lead performance in Deepa Mehtas Oscar nominated film Water, the now 11-year-old Sarala reflects on the whole experience.-Full Story- ( - 05/06/07)

LankaWeb collection of contemporary poems.

MORE contemporary poems

Bodies of beheaded Sri Lankans displayed in Riyadh


Dr. Kim Howell's Visit to Sri Lanka

Sacked Minister's Sudden Discovery
The deposed Minister Mr. Mangala Samaraweera's MIG 27 Story Ministry of Defence, Public Security, Law & Order -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 21/03/07)

The Frontline

- More Special Reports

Announcing the publication of


by Paul Harris

Read more

Video Segment 7517 - Paul Harris on LTTE - 30 minute audio clip
30 minute audio clip - Paul Harris works internationally as a writer and conflict analyst, presently based in Shanghai, China. -Full Story- ( - 05/11/07)


Chikungunya viral fever is prevalent in the central province, what kind of preventive measure can we adopt now?
Dr.V.W. Jagath Vasanthathilaka. Consultant Rheumatologist General Hospital Kandy, Sri Lanka .
-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 17/12/06)

All Sri Lankans, beware asbestos products!!!, asbestos products are still legal in Sri Lanka

According to the National Cancer Institute website, Asbestos is the name given to a group of minerals that occur naturally in the environment as bundles of fibers and can be separated into thin, durable threads. These fibers are resistant to heat, fire, and chemicals and do not conduct electricity. For these reasons, asbestos has been widely used in many industries." Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lung caused by exposure to asbestos. For more information about asbestos and mesothelioma, visit Mesothelioma Web.

Asbestosis in Sri Lanka
Yakkho.-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-19/03/09)
Mesothelioma and Asbestos
Henry Jayaweera. .-Full Report-
(The LankaWeb-18/03/09)

Tsunami and safety: beware asbestos products in the clearance and reconstruction Paul Blackaby. -Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 30/03/05)

All Sri Lankans, beware asbestos products!!!, asbestos products are still legal in Sri Lanka-Full Report-(MESOTHELIOMAWeb-16/03/09)

.-Full Report-
( settles asbestos claim
By Andrew Cave, Associate City Editor -Full Report-

Asbestos claims 'could hit £20bn' in UK
-Full Report-

* Contempt Of Court *

Full Report

Brutality which brought disgrace upon the entire Sinhala Buddhists



THE ANCESTRY OF RAVANA A close study of the Ramayana, particularly the last book or Uttara Kanda, reveals that Ravana, the enemy of Lord Rama, was not a Dravidian, as many people have thought, but related to the Sri Lanka, who are considered to be Aryans-that Ravana was a migrant to Sri Lanka from the Vedic family of the Yadus, perhaps deriving originally from the city of Mathura south of Delhi. The first wave of migrants to Sri Lanka from the north was from Gujarat and of the Yadu family, which dominated the southwest of India and from the region of Gujarat had access to the sea on which they travelled far in their trading and colonizing ventures. The Ramayana tells the Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka, had close connections with region of the Yadus, which included Gujarat, parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan up to Mathura south of Delhi.

Historical Development of Sinhala and Scripts click on the links!!
-Beginning and growth of civilization in Sri Lanka
-Unethical conversion violates the UN convention on the right of the child

Bikkhus in Politics........ .

From Oral Tradition to Audio Book-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 15/06/04)
xxxxx-Full Story- (The LankaWeb - 04/07/09)

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