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Posting russian text + HTML tags via XML-RPC postevent [Nov. 17th, 2009|08:21 am]

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What is the most simple way to post russian text into message and subject fields (using Qt4 + cURL, via plain or XML-RPC)? I use the .toUtf8() procedure to prepare the result post body code and insert it into the XML template, but after the operation this article is not editable simple way - charset error detected.

Also it would be wonderful to insert into the body html tags (via XML-RPC). Is it possible, maybe you know how to do it using Qt library fucntions? I'm new in XML and network programming, so excuse me my stupid questions. :-)
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Sad news [Oct. 24th, 2009|04:02 pm]


For those who haven't heard already: SUP let go of tupshin this week. He will be sorely missed. :-(
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misleading documentation on XML-RPC interface [Sep. 25th, 2009|06:24 am]

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In the documentation for the "postevent" method in the XML-RPC interface, it says that the "props" parameter should be an array containing a struct, but I am fairly certain that the "props" parameter should just be a struct, from experience and per the discussion here.
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fotoup.pl problem [Sep. 22nd, 2009|11:34 am]

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"fotoup.pl --gallery" does not work anymore: Read more... ) Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
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Web admin console? [Sep. 18th, 2009|05:24 pm]
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Does the online interface referred to here exist? Is there documentation for this commandline tool anywhere?
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(no subject) [Sep. 14th, 2009|03:41 pm]

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In an attempt to potentially share ideas, as opposed to blowing my own trumpet (as if), I thought I'd share a few details about the "client" that I've written, which basically functions as a multi-user community management.. thing...

Mostly self-congratulatory rambling, I expect, but I think it's neat.. )
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New Maintainer! [Sep. 13th, 2009|09:45 pm]

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Just a quick note to let you all know that [info]tupshin (Director of Engineering and Operations for LiveJournal) has been added as a maintainer for the community and will be assisting us with questions and issues that require a staff member.
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Jumping Onto To "My LJ Client!" Bandwagon... [Sep. 13th, 2009|12:16 pm]

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For several years now I've been playing with and upgrading a program called Allah Sulu's Massive Tool. (I forget who is to blame for the name.) It has its own community, as_massive_tool, as well as a reference page (now subdivided into categories) showing my vast collection of substitute user and community icons which can be used for customized LJ-type user tags. (This was how the program originally started, and appears to be one of the most popular features.) I welcome suggestions and requests in my community, and have implemented most of those which I have received.

The Massive Tool can be used to post to LJ, from any user account and to any community which the user has set up (and which they also have posting access to, obviously). It will save usernames and passwords; and given those, can also retrieve for a journal the complete list of avatars, tags, and custom friend groups (or just the list of tags, for a community). I'm toying with a rudimentary cross-posting ability (although I'm not sure if I want to include that, or if I should put a limit on it, since it would be ripe for abuse) and I could fairly easily make it compatible with DreamWidth as well if I got enough requests (I know people who use both LJ and DW, but I'm pretty much LJ only). It also have other specific LiveJournal functions, including the ability to create polls; and that is on top of the fact that it's a very powerful and complex text/HTML editor which can create all manner of tables, lists, and other effects. (I use it for editing web pages outside of LJ as well as for writing LJ posts.) It even has a built-in programming language (based on FORTH) which can be used for writing rather complex and powerful scripts.

I only use it under Windows XP, but I've been told that it works with Windows 2000 and Windows Vista. I have no idea whether or not it's been tried with other versions of Windows, and I have no plans to attempt a Mac or Linux port. For those who don't use Windows (or don't want to install the program), the aforementioned reference page has some Javascript code to allow anyone to create customized LJ tags from that page and copy-paste them into their documents.

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Hopping on the Client Bandwagon [Sep. 12th, 2009|09:49 am]

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I should probably mention ElJay ([info]eljay_android or home page), the LiveJournal Client for the Android platform (commonly seen on the G1 and MyTouch 3G). It can be found in the Android Market, and there's a new release coming next week which will be available as a downloadable package for those without access to the Market.
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Since we're talking about updating the download page... [Sep. 12th, 2009|08:33 am]

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...may I make a case for MultiLJ?

It is a full-featured LiveJournal client for Windows XP and Vista, using the .NET 3.5 Framework. It is under active development, and has it own community ([info]multilj). It's been in existence for better than a year now, and runs substantially bug-free - what quirks it has are discussed on the download page. At this point, besides the occasional bug fix, the only significant feature that is missing is a photo upload interface.

So what do you think?
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PocketLJ is no more... [Sep. 12th, 2009|11:13 am]

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Thanks to [info]aslj_client for reminding me that I hadn’t told you that PocketLJ, the AvantGo-based mobile LJ client is no more.

It shut down officially at the end of May.

Can it please be removed from the handheld download page?
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Mac Clients list [Sep. 11th, 2009|03:24 pm]

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Looking at the official list of clients for Mac (here), the most recent client to be updated had an unofficial build released over 8 months ago (Phoenix); the most recent official release is Xjournal, at the end of 2008, and the current official versions of iJourna, Phoenix, and zljpost were released in 2006. The link for Journalert is broken and [info]sprote's most recent entry is in 2005. I think the page could use an update.

If it's possible, I'd also like to have asLJ added to the page, as it has all the standard LJ client features and some not found in the other Mac clients as well as having been updated much more recently. While the current version, v0.5, is labeled as an alpha release (the next major version, v0.6, will be labeled as a beta), there have been no confirmed bug reports in the two weeks since it was released.
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How I can get comments count using XML-RPC ? [Sep. 10th, 2009|11:26 am]

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I used XML-RPC ( http://www.livejournal.com/doc/server/ljp.csp.xml-rpc.protocol.html ) for create entry in LJ from my site. How I can get comments count for my entry? I used "LJ.XMLRPC.getevents" method and receive commentsalter value ( Comments altered. Unix time of the last change to number of comments to this post ) but I can't see commentscount value.

Help, please
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Fresh Installation of LJ [Sep. 5th, 2009|06:33 am]
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[Current Location |home]

I just did a clean installation of LJ and am getting the following errors:

Can't locate object method "is_sup_enabled" via package "LJ::SUP" (perhaps you forgot to load "LJ::SUP"?) at /home/lj/cgi-bin/weblib.pl line 2067. @ www.mydomain.com

"my" variable $getextra masks earlier declaration in same scope at '/home/lj/htdocs/editjournal.bml' line 40.

Using a hash as a reference is deprecated at '/home/lj/htdocs/editjournal.bml' line 357.

Can't locate object method "is_sup_enabled" via package "LJ::SUP" (perhaps you forgot to load "LJ::SUP"?) at /home/lj/cgi-bin/weblib.pl line 2067. @ www.mydomain.com

"my" variable $getextra masks earlier declaration in same scope at '/home/lj/htdocs/editjournal.bml' line 40.

Using a hash as a reference is deprecated at '/home/lj/htdocs/editjournal.bml' line 357.

I have gone through the documentation and member comments, but was unable to find a solution. Help is needed, urgently, please!

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Come hack on Inksome! [Aug. 28th, 2009|03:00 pm]

[music |ruisseau singing Mr. Roboto]

I've decided to port Inksome to Google App Engine, and I sure could use a hand. It's going to take redeveloping the entire site in Python.

For more information, visit the project page on SourceForge.
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LJ Production Fixed [Aug. 26th, 2009|04:49 pm]

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We broke something in Perlbal late last week, but it is fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience. The change was specific to our Production setup, and was not checked in to the LJ codebase.

Atom feeds, email posting with photos, entry and comment exporting and mobile apps were among the features negatively affected. Thank you for providing information around the problems you encountered and when they started to show up.
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fotoup.pl dies in get_challenge [Aug. 26th, 2009|01:30 pm]

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I'm having a problem with fotoup.pl. It was working fine the last time I used it (on Aug. 15th), but now it fails in "get_challenge". $res->is_success is set to 1, but $res->content is blank, so XML::Simple:XMLin($res->content)dies with "File does not exist".
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export.bml broken [Aug. 26th, 2009|04:36 pm]
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Dear LJ developers,
starting from August 21 (around 23:00 GMT),
the export of entries and comments has broken, and gives an error
"XML Parsing Error: no element found
Line Number 1, Column 1:"

The broken services:
http://www.livejournal.com/export.bml and

Here are people also complaining

Are you going to address the issue, and when?

Many thanks in advance!
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ATOM and no password auth, tags, and/or private/public flags [Aug. 24th, 2009|08:53 pm]

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Does anyone know if LJ supports any of the following through their ATOM protocol:

- tags for a post.  It's in the spec, doesn't seem like LJ handles it.
- setting a flag to declare the post private/public/friends only or for a specific group
- authentication that is not through WSSE.  An authentication mechanism that does not require a password.

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gearman woes [Aug. 24th, 2009|11:19 am]
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I am running into continual problems with Gearman and TheSchwartz when trying to upgrade my 2005 vintage livejournal site. I have a small site so everything is running on the same Red Hat box. The latest problem is that some of the workers (load-friends-gm, taglib-gm) die with no diagnostics printed as to why. The documentation is very sketchy on this part... What is the recommended practice for starting the workers:  A script that just starts them all then exits, or a script that monitors them to ensure they stay running, or run them from init? If a worker dies it seems to bring down the whole site... what does livejournal.com do to mitigate this?  Have they proven very reliable there?  Is there any more documentation than the LiveJournal manual?  Thanks.
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