Health Bill "Vote" In Less than 72 Hours
Obama's Sledgehammer Strategy,, Paul Howard
Partisanship Trumps All In Health Care Debate,, Paul Howard

Paul Howard and Douglas Holtz-Eakin explain how the spending in the health care reform bill will help bring down the U.S. credit rating.

NYC investing in public housing?
A perilous 'rescue' for NYC housing, Howard Husock, New York Post

NY's Budget Gap: End of Fiscal Year Nears and Paterson delays tax refunds
Ravitch Plan Won't Save New York, E.J. McMahon, Wall Street Journal
Credit Raters Play the "Glad Game", E.J. McMahon,

To arrange an interview on any of these topics, contact the Communications Dept at
212-599-7000 or
a quarterly magazine of urban affairs, published by the Manhattan Institute.

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Moore’s Law Trumps D.C.’s
What empowers the disabled is free enterprise, not regulation.

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"New York's Tomorrow"

How New York Can Successfully Overcome the Economic Crisis and Continue to Be Competitive in the 21st Century

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Based on the article by Heather MacDonald

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Email Updates

The Gulf in the Persian Gulf
Judith Miller Los Angeles Times, 03-18-10

Israel, understandably, is fixated on what most of its leaders consider an existential threat: Iran's attempt to acquire a nuclear bomb.

The Euro in Crisis
Guy Sorman City Journal Online, 03-18-10

The financial crisis of 2008, still far from over, has done severe damage to the reputation of the free market.

Why the SEIU Wants Health Reform
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, 03-18-10

The largest health care labor union in the United States, the Service Employees International, is using its 2.2 million members' hard-earned dues to finance an intense, expensive lobbying campaign in support of the pending health-insurance bill—in order to prop up its failing pension plans.

Tell Me Again—Why Is He at Princeton?
Charlotte Allen, 03-18-10

Van Jones, the Oakland, Calif.-based radical activist and author who was forced to resign his post as the Obama administration's "green jobs czar" in September after it was revealed that he had signed a "truther" petition in 2004 calling for an investigation of President George W. Bush's supposed collusion in the massacres of Sept. 11, 2001, now has a new post: on the faculty of Princeton University.

Bankrupting of the United States Bonds
Steven Malanga, 03-17-10

In January the U.S. Treasurer, Rosie Rios, traveled to Dallas to join local officials at the construction site of a new convention hotel being built with money raised through Build America Bonds.

A Perilous 'Rescue' for NYC Housing
Howard Husock New York Post, 03-17-10

It's easy to see why Mayor Bloomberg and New York City Housing Authority head John Rhea were pleased, and relieved, to announce an ostensible public-private partnership to rescue 21 deteriorating housing projects.

Stop the Clash between U.S. and Israel
Judith Miller Washington Examiner, 03-17-10

There’s never a good time for a crisis between allies as close as the United States and Israel.

Obama the Anti-Reformer
Paul Howard NRO's Critical Condition, 03-15-10

Robert Samuelson has a terrific column in the Washington Post today, unmasking Obama as the anti-reformer when it comes to health care.

What's the Matter With Illinois?
Josh Barro, 03-16-10

Over the last two budget cycles, every state except North Dakota has had to close a budget gap.

The Ravitch Plan Won't Save New York
E.J. McMahon Wall Street Journal, 03-13-10

Like a drunk tempted to go on one more binge at a stressful moment, New York state may soon reach for the debt bottle in the face of mounting deficits.

Exorcising Toyota's Demons
Walter Olson NRO, 03-15-10

You know those unseen and undetectable gremlins that hide in Toyota’s electronic throttle controls?

The Lawyers' Payday?
James Copland New York Post, 03-13-10

On Thursday, lawyers suing onrs suing on behalf of workers alle gedly injured by smoke in the post-9/11 cleanup announced that they had reached a settlement agreement, valued at over $575 million, with the City of New York.

The Majority Leader of the Lawsuit Lobby
James Copland NRO, 03-15-10

The late Fred Baron — the asbestos lawyer who paid to relocate John Edwards’s pregnant mistress — was typically unabashed about the political influence of the trial bar.

'Explaining' Obamacare... by Bashing Insurers
Paul Howard National Review Online, 03-12-10

President Obama's favorite explanation for why his health-care reform plan is unpopular is that he needs to explain it "more clearly."

Washington, Not The Individual, Gets Control In President's Plan
David Gratzer Investor's Business Daily, 03-12-10 (This article is also linked on, 3-12-10)

On Wednesday in Missouri, President Obama delivered his 37th speech promoting his health reform proposal, despite sustained opposition from inside and outside his own party.

Paycheck Fairness Is a Misnomer
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, 03-11-10

Lucky women. They face an 8% unemployment rate, compared with 10% for men.

Obama's Insurance Mess
Paul Howard NRO Critical Condition, 03-09-10

One of the president's biggest talking points these days is his new proposal for a federal board to review health-insurance premiums and block "excessive" rate increases. In today's New York Times, however, state insurance regulators explain why the plan is a bad idea

Capitalism is the Ultimate Women's Liberation
Kay Hymowitz Washington Examiner, 03-10-10

International Women’s Day may not have made many headlines on Monday.

It's all Greek to NY
Nicole Gelinas New York Post, 03-10-10

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou came to Washington yesterday to ask President Obama to help save his nation from speculators. In other words, he wants America to help him shoot the messenger.

Medical Innovation: Turning Molecules Into Miracles
- Part 1
Panelists: Tomas Philipson, Arthur Daemmrich, Daniel P. Petrylak, Alex Azar
February 17, 2010

Medical Innovation: Turning Molecules Into Miracles
- Part 2
Speaker: Peter Huber
February 17, 2010

Blueprint for a better budget

E.J. McMahon
January 28, 2010
MI Podcasts
Paul Howard speaks with Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of American Action Forum and former CBO director. Their conversation focuses on entitlement spending and how the additional debt that will be accrued if this health care bill is passed will affect the United States' credit rating.

Trial Lawyers Inc.
Howard Husock, Vice President for Policy Research at the Manhattan Institute, interview Jim Copland on Trial Lawyers Inc.: K Street

Chicago's Youth Violence
Manhattan Institute senior fellow and City Journal contributing editor Heather Mac Donald discusses her article, "Chicago's Real Crime Story," from the winter 2010 City Journal.

MI Books
After the Fall: Saving Capitalism from Wall Street—and Washington
by Nicole Gelinas (Encounter Books, 2009)
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2010 Alexander Hamilton Award
a forum for young professionals who
are concerned about free-market ideas and public policy. JOIN NOW >>
Seeking Nominations for Manhattan Institute's 2010 Hayek Book Prize

The Manhattan Institute is accepting nominations for its annual Hayek Prize, which honors the book published within the past two years that best reflects F.A. Hayek's vision of economic and individual liberty. The winner of the Hayek Prize will be given a $50,000 award and asked to deliver the annual Hayek Lecture in New York City later this year.

Nominations are due by Friday, April 30, 2010. Please send the title, author, and a brief description to For more information click here.
Announcing a New Book!
After the Fall: Saving Capitalism from Wall Street—and Washington, by Nicole Gelinas

“One of the best analyses I've read on the causes of the 2008 financial meltdown is by Nicole Gelinas,”
-- Morton M. Kondrake, Roll Call 1/21/10


Blueprint for a Better Budget
New York State is broke - literally and figuratively. The Empire Center for New York State Policy's plan of action details a comprehensive strategy for addressing New York State's fiscal crisis and offers tax policy goals for promoting economic growth.

The Ravitch Plan Won't Save New York, E.J. McMahon, Wall Street Journal

Lt. Gov. Ravitch responds to E.J. McMahon, Wall Street Journal Letters to the Editor


The Manhattan Institute is currently accepting nominations for its 2010 Social Entrepreneurship Awards, honoring nonprofit leaders who have found innovative solutions for America's most pressing social problems. Nominations will be accepted until Friday, March 19th!

To learn more about the Social Entrepreneurship Awards and the past winners, click here.

Latest Columns:

Why the SEIU Wants Health Reform, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, 03-18-10
Bankrupting of the United States Bonds, Steven Malanga, 03-17-10
What's the Matter With Illinois?, Josh Barro, 03-16-10

Facts & Fallacies—a resource of economic fundamentals.

Paying No Income Tax


Latest "Manhattan Moment" Column:
Stop the Clash between U.S. and Israel, Judith Miller, 03-17-10

All "Manhattan Moment" columns.


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