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Clips published more than two months ago are part of the MEMRITV Archives. New visitors must register to view the archive. For returning visitors, login here.

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#2420 - Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Abu Al-Gheit Implies Al-Jazeera TV follows Muslim Brotherhood Ideology
Channel 1 (Egypt) -
March 11, 2010 - 00:01:41

#2419 - Hamas TV Puppets Encourage Children to Liberate Jerusalem
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) -
March 11, 2010 - 00:04:22

#2418 - Pakistani Women Join Special Anti-Terror Forces
LBC TV (Lebanon) -
March 4, 2010 - 00:02:12

#2417 - PA TV Commemorates Female Terrorist Dalal Al-Mughrabi; Al-Mughrabi's Sister: Dalal Is a Source of Pride for Palestinian Women
Palestinian Authority TV -
March 11, 2010 - 00:02:44

#2416 - Mus'ab Hassan Yousuf, Son of Hamas Leader in the West Bank: The God of Islam Suffers from Split Personality; Muhammad - a False Prophet
BBC Arabic (The UK) -
March 12, 2010 - 00:05:00

#2415 - Hamas Deputy Minister of Religious Endowments: Jews Are Bacteria, Not Human Beings
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) -
February 28, 2010 - 00:01:06

#2414 - Former Saudi Shura Council Member Ibrahim Al-Buleihi: The Arab Is Incapable of Individual Thinking
Al-Arabiya TV (Dubai/Saudi Arabia) -
February 26, 2010 - 00:04:32

#2413 - Indoctrination of Children: Animated Film on Hamas TV
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) -
March 12, 2010 - 00:03:43

#2412 - PA Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Al-Habbash Implies that Islam Sanctions the Killing of Hamas Leader Ismail Haniya
Palestinian Authority TV -
March 5, 2010 - 00:02:11

#2411 - Sheik Sarraj Al-Zahrani, a Former Saudi Fighter in Afghanistan, Exposes Crimes and Un-Islamic Behavior by Mujahideen
Al-Arabiya TV (Dubai/Saudi Arabia) -
February 19-26, 2010 - 00:12:05

#2410 - Hamas Sermon in Gaza: Rome Will Be Conquered by Islam
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) -
March 5, 2010 - 00:00:48

#2409 - Egyptian Cleric Ahmad 'Eid Mihna: The Jews Are Behind Misery, Hardship, Usury, and Whorehouses
Al-Shabab TV (Egypt) -
January 10, 2010 - 00:03:38

FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this). FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this). FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

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#2027 - Kuwaiti Professor Abdallah Nafisi Suggests about a Biological Attack at the White House and Prays for the Bombing of a Nuclear Plant on Lake Michigan
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) -
February 2, 2009 - 00:09:05

#2135 - Liberal Saudi Intellectual Abdallah bin Bakhit Explains the Advantages of Secularism and Gets Abused
LBC TV (Lebanon) -
March 29, 2009 - 00:02:41

#2066 - Children Memorize and Recite Antisemitic Messages on an Egyptian Islamist Channel
Al-Rahma TV (Egypt) -
February 13, 2009 - 00:02:39

#623 - Former Dean of Islamic Law at Qatar University 'Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari: The Arab Intellectuals are More Oppressive Than the Governments
Bahrain TV -
March 2, 2005 - 00:03:50

#669 - Palestinian Friday Sermon by Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris: Muslims Will Rule America and Britain, Jews Are a Virus Resembling AIDS
Palestinian Authority TV -
May 13, 2005 - 00:04:56

#792 - Western Al-Qaeda Terrorists Promise to Slit the Throats of Americans and Jews in a New Film Showing Military Activities in Afghanistan
Al-Arabiya TV (Dubai/Saudi Arabia) -
August 5, 2005 - 00:02:58

#1049 - Film Seminar on Iranian TV: Tom and Jerry - A Jewish Conspiracy to Improve the Image of Mice, because Jews Were Termed "Dirty Mice" in Europe
Channel 4 (Iran) -
February 19, 2006 - 00:03:20

#1050 - Arab-American Psychiatrist Wafa Sultan: There is No Clash of Civilizations but a Clash between the Mentality of the Middle Ages and That of the 21st Century
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) -
February 21, 2006 - 00:05:28

#1053 - Hizbullah Sec.-Gen. Hassan Nasrallah: the Destruction of the Samarra Mosque is a Zionist Plot in Preparation for the Destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
Al-Manar TV (Lebanon) -
February 23, 2006 - 00:03:34

#906 - Iranian Animated Film for Children Promotes Suicide Bombings
IRIB/ Jaam-E-Jam3 TV (Iran) -
October 28, 2005 - 00:10:19

#978 - Bahraini Women's Rights Activist Ghada Jamshir Attacks Islamic Clerics for Fatwas Authorizing Sexual Abuse of Children
Al-Arabiya TV (Dubai/Saudi Arabia) -
December 21, 2005 - 00:05:01

#1322 - Saudi Government-Appointed Executioner for Mecca, Abdallah Al-Bishi, Discusses His Calling and Demonstrates His Weapons and Methods
LBC TV (Lebanon) -
November 4, 2006 - 00:11:29

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