August 2

Six-year-old artist. Extraordinary understanding of perspective and shading. Side by side comparisons. Local coverage. [more inside]
posted by feelinglistless at 1:46 AM - 0 comments - Post a Comment

What’s the first thing you think of when you think about the word Israel/Palestine? Hmmm, how about… death… Destruction? Mayhem! Every thing that can possibly go wrong with the world, right? Wrong. How about the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered community… have you ever spent any time thinking about them. [more inside]
posted by hadjiboy at 1:24 AM - 0 comments - Post a Comment

So you've tried to quit smoking, but after having a 30-a-day habit for more than 40 years, it's tough. Really tough. So what's a man to do? Well, one way is to keep cigarettes out of arm's reach. A long way out of arm's reach. Geoff Spice is marooning himself on Sgarabhaigh Island (pron: 'Scaravay') in the Outer Hebrides, an uninhabited islet where there are no people ... no buildings ... and no tobacco shops. [more inside]
posted by woodblock100 at 12:49 AM - 3 comments

August 1

Geoff is on a road trip around the lower forty-eight United States visiting cities and towns with the same names as London's tube stops. He's calling it Underground: USA. [more inside]
posted by cdmwebs at 9:14 PM - 6 comments

Them Thangs, NSFW, 13 pages of, well, stuff. Not much reading required.
posted by mss at 7:22 PM - 49 comments

From Sheffield, England to Yongbyon, North Korea, nuclear plant cooling towers are coming down! And pretty much without a hitch. Things didn't go quite so well, though, for an old flour factory in Turkey, which just rolled over onto its roof. D'oh!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 7:01 PM - 20 comments

Heres Mitta -- is 140 (and counting) short comic flash animations featuring a hermit living in the desert, a space alien, a monkey, and a beautiful genie. [more inside]
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 6:16 PM - 1 comment

Charlie Brooker, host , columnist and inspiration for Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee is an overall snarky bloke. He has his own tribute song and a brilliant TV review programme Screenwipe. [more inside]
posted by litleozy at 5:31 PM - 16 comments

The Beatles 'most famous' album cover inspires dozens of imitations
posted by nam3d at 4:45 PM - 31 comments

On Tuesday, July 28, Arnold Schwarzenegger eliminated 100% of California domestic violence shelters' state funding. Ninety-four shelters will be affected, and the cut may lead to domestic violence victims being turned away because of a decrease in the number of staff available, a cut in programs, or shelter closure. asks California residents to contact Schwarzenegger and their state legislators and request that the funding be reinstated.
posted by Four-Eyed Girl at 2:44 PM - 101 comments

The NYT reports that GE has brokered a deal between MSNBC and Fox News to "reconcile" Keith Olbermann and Bill O'Reilly, preventing further criticism of each other or GE. The deal went into effect June 1, the very same day Olbermann declared he was "quarantining" Fox, avoiding discussion of the channel in the future. Mr. Olbermann, who is on vacation, said by e-mail message, “I am party to no deal.” Glenn Greenwald breaks down the political consequences of the deal.
posted by mek at 1:40 PM - 55 comments

Maira Kalman (previously - 1 | 2 | 3) on Benjamin Franklin.
posted by ericb at 11:35 AM - 13 comments

NYC Grid is a photo blog dedicated to exploring and discovering The City of New York block by block and corner by corner. Updated every weekday, each post covers a new block with a focus on the mundane and ephemeral. An optimistic snapshot of New York as it is now. [more inside]
posted by netbros at 11:27 AM - 7 comments

In response to a complaint by law students at the University of Ottawa in May of 2008, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has found that Facebook is operating contrary to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. In other words, Facebook is breaching Canadian privacy law. Facebook has pledged to work with the Canadian government on this issue, and has 30 days to comply; if the Commissioner remains unsatisfied with their progress, they may take the case to Federal Court to force compliance.
posted by stinkycheese at 9:47 AM - 38 comments

Andy's Gang - 1 2 3: "The green puppet, Froggy the Gremlin, appeared in a puff of smoke, and was always interrupting the story." [more inside]
posted by kliuless at 5:55 AM - 9 comments

A new Latin America is emerging on the global political stage. A two part video from Al Jazeera analysing how the Obama administration may deal with Latin America and what the relations will mean on a global level.
Viva la Evolucion - - Part 1 & Part 2
Featuring an exclusive interview with Noam Chomsky, and panel Dr Celia Szusterman, Associate fellow, Chatham House; Prof Roberto Mangabeira Unger, Harvard University and former Brazilian strategic affairs minister; and Dr Andres Mejia Acosta
posted by adamvasco at 4:27 AM - 6 comments

'This is the story of how Factory pioneered Briton's independent pop culture, imagined a new Manchester, and blew a shedload of money:

Factory - Manchester from Joy Division to Happy Mondays'
posted by Item at 1:04 AM - 15 comments

Astounding robotics demo featuring three dribbling, catching, stick-twirling fingers from the future, but right now
posted by mhjb at 12:34 AM - 19 comments

July 31

Why bureaucracy, like gas, fills up all available space. From the archive of The Economist, 1955 [via ArchiveDigger.]
posted by digaman at 9:56 PM - 10 comments

Janet Reid is a literary agent who helps aspiring fiction writers pitch their work in a public forum. Her feedback can be kind of brutal, but there are a few winning queries in there and it illuminates a part of the writing process that we civilians don't often get to see.
posted by ubermuffin at 9:05 PM - 36 comments

The makers of Ninja Gaiden 2 have decided on an unorthodox ad campaign. The game is being advertised by two white breasts protruding from a wall facing the street (SLYT). There are predictably funny reactions from passers by. Obviously, this is NSFW.
posted by reenum at 8:30 PM - 44 comments

Roots Reggae 7in's
posted by geos at 6:40 PM - 20 comments

Do you like Daft Punk? Do you like 8 Bit tribute albums? Then you'll probably dig Da Chip, a Daft Punk tribute album. [more inside]
posted by hellojed at 6:13 PM - 21 comments

You Only Live Once - Happy Belated Flash Friday.
posted by empath at 5:50 PM - 23 comments

The Mormon church's plaza walkway runs through the heart of downtown Salt Lake. It was originally a public sidewalk, and is still used as such by the city's downtown residents. It is common to see couples holding hands and walking arm in arm as they stroll. This hasn't been a problem, until recently. The church claims the couple was necking and groping. Video obtained by the Salt Lake Tribune doesn't show this., but it does show Mormon security in action. Charges were dropped, and the city's gay community is weighing in with a series of "kiss-ins."
posted by Crotalus at 5:41 PM - 44 comments

Friday Flash Fun: William and Sly is a relaxing and fun side-scoller, reminiscent of Knytt and other recent "atmospheric" flash games. You play as Sly, the pet fox of William, and the game involves exploring the mountains and forests around William's house.
posted by i less than three nsima at 1:49 PM - 10 comments

Friday Frivolity. We use only the finest baby frogs, dew-picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in the finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and then sealed in a succulent Swiss quintuple smooth treble cream milk chocolate envelope, and lovingly frosted with glucose. A recipe for the infamous Crunchy Frog. No frogs were killed in the making of this recipe. (via Neatorama)
posted by caddis at 12:37 PM - 33 comments

Freakazoid! tells the tale of a hyperactive teen super hero whose personality is a bit of Jerry Lewis, Chris Farley and Batman. The show ran for two seasons from September 9, 1995 to June 1, 1997, with Cartoon Network airing reruns until March 8, 2003, and is available in full, online (YouTube Playlist). The love for the show lives on, with an amateur movie adaptation, memories from the cast, and other bits of show history. [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief at 12:09 PM - 40 comments

Some famous cases of cannibalism at sea: 1816 The Medusa. 1821 The Essex. 1878 The Sallie N. Steelman. [pdf] 1884 The Mignonette [pdf] 1889 The Earnmoor. [pdf] 1988 Bolinao 52 incident. [story starts on page 2] 2008 Vessel not named. As a bonus here's the legal decision in the case of The Queen vs. Dudley and Stephens, who were on The Mignonette.
posted by Kattullus at 12:07 PM - 53 comments

Lernert Engenberts produces tiny, beautiful and exquisitely cruel films. Revenge on an innocent egg. Three ways to melt a chocolate bunny. Teasing the colour blind with colour correction. Abstract artists explain their work to their parents. But this may be the cruelest one of all. See more, including an ode to Alaska via AOL, on his site.
posted by maudlin at 11:57 AM - 22 comments

How to destroy an engine. (slyt) [more inside]
posted by nervousfritz at 11:17 AM - 126 comments

Sitcom Idea #2 from the folks at The Blogulator.
posted by dersins at 9:55 AM - 35 comments

The latest tool to challenge homophobia: same-sex hand-holding. This past weekend, a same-sex hand-holding relay was held in London, to coincide with Olympic-related events. It's not just for gay and lesbian couples; sympathetic heterosexuals are encouraged to join in and take a stand, or rather a stroll, for tolerance.
posted by acb at 9:52 AM - 70 comments

Symbolic Gestures. How, exactly, does a simple picture go about telling you, "Be careful here. It's cold, and sometimes ice forms on the roof, and it can fall off, and it can be sharp, and that can hurt you"? Inspired by the upcoming Ken Burns documentary, The National Parks: America's Best Idea, Jesse Smith of The Smart Set examines the pictograph designs that convey important information to park visitors. [more inside]
posted by amyms at 9:12 AM - 32 comments

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