Hamas and the terrorist threat from Gaza - Main findings of the Goldstone Report vs factual findings (ITIC, March 2010)

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PM Netanyahu addresses AIPAC conference in Washington (Photo: GPO)   
Photo: GPO   
PM Netanyahu addresses AIPAC conference in Washington
22 Mar 2010
As the world faces monumental challenges, I know that Israel and America will face them together because we are fired by the same ideals and inspired by the same dream - the dream of achieving security, prosperity and peace...

Today, an unprecedented threat to humanity looms large. A radical Iranian regime armed with nuclear weapons could bring an end to the era of nuclear peace the world has enjoyed for the last 65 years...

Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is our capital. In Jerusalem, my government has maintained the policies of all Israeli governments since 1967, including those led by Golda Meir, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Rabin. Today, nearly a quarter of a million Jews, almost half the city's Jewish population, live in neighborhoods that are just beyond the 1949 armistice lines.
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President Peres welcomes UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon to Israel
Israel President Shimon Peres meets with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Jerusalsem (Photo: GPO)
Israel President Shimon Peres meets with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Jerusalsem (Photo: GPO)
Statements by PM Netanyahu and UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon prior to their meeting
20 Mar 2010
SHIMON PERES: "We fully agree that we have to put a target date so as to complete the peace negotiations with the Palestinians as soon as possible. I call upon our Palestinian neighbors, and President Abbas, let's start right away...
Iran is continuing to play a negative role in the Middle East, supplying arms, encouraging terror, and threatening the destruction of Israel."

BAN KI-MOON: " Our common goal, as stressed by the Quartet, is to complete negotiations on a settlement of all core issues within 24 months. For this to happen we have to get negotiations under way...
I also repeat my call on Palestinian militants to immediately end rocket fire and release Gilad Shilat on humanitarian grounds."
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  Latest Releases

• Editorials 23-Mar-2010
Statements by PM Netanyahu and Special Envoy Mitchell 21-Mar-2010
• Spiegel interview with FM Liberman 21-Mar-2010 - Excerpts
Cabinet communique 21-Mar-2010
• Statement by Deputy FM Ayalon 21-Mar-2010
PM Netanyahu speaks with US Secy of State Clinton 19-Mar-2010
• FM Liberman departs for Brussels 19-Mar-2010
• Deputy FM Ayalon reacts to Kassam attack and incitement 18-Mar-2010
Thai foreign worker Manee Singmueangphon killed by Kassam rocket18-Mar-2010
Statement from PM Netanyahu's Bureau on the resumption of the diplomatic process 16-Mar-2010
Israel condemns Hamas' anti-Semitic remarks 16-Mar-2010
Israel praises European Parliament resolution regarding Gilad Shalit 15-Mar-2010
Focus on the Sami Shamoon College of Engineering (SCE) Mar-2010
English programs at Israeli universities and colleges
Archaeological Excavations in Israel 2010

Brazilian President Lula arrives on historic visit to Israel
President Shimon Peres greets Brazil's President Da Silva in Jerusalem (Photo: GPO)

President Shimon Peres greets Brazil's President Da Silva in Jerusalem (Photo: GPO)

15 Mar 2010
Brazilian President Luis Ignacio (Lula) Da Silva arrived in Israel on Sunday, 14 March 2010, for a three-day visit. President Lula's visit comes at a time when Israel and Brazil are strengthening strategic and economic ties, especially in science and technology.
The Brazilian President was welcomed in an official ceremony at the President's residence, addressed a special Knesset session, and opened an economic conference.
- President Shimon Peres meets with Brazilian President Da Silva
- Address by PM Netanyahu at Knesset Session in honor of the President of Brazil
- Brazil gives final approval of free trade agreement with Mercosur
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Iran: Statements by Israeli leaders - March 2010
22 Mar 2010
FM Liberman: "The biggest danger is the indecisiveness of the international community."

President Peres: "The UN must take a more serious and rigid approach to the Iranian threat.  Why do you continue to let Ahmadinejad enjoy being a member of the UN when his actions violate your very charter?"

PM Netanyahu: "The stronger those sanctions against Iran, the more likely will be that the Iranian regime will have to choose between advancing its nuclear program and advancing the future of its own permanence."
"The greatest threat facing mankind is the specter of a militant Islamic regime acquiring nuclear weapons."
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Gaza Operation Investigations: Update
Gaza Operation Investigations: Update Jan 2010
29 Jan 2010
On 29 January 2010, Israel released a 46-page Paper, Gaza Operation Investigations: Update, which describes Israels procedures for the investigation of allegations of violations of the Law of Armed Conflict. The Paper focuses on investigations, legal proceedings and lessons learned, in relation to the actions of the IDF in the course of the Gaza Operation from 27 December 2008 through 18 January 2009.
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FAQ: The Peace process with the Palestinians
Israel, the Conflict and Peace: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions - The peace process with the Palestinians
December 2009
30 Dec 2009
• Peace can only be achieved through earnest negotiations which bridge gaps and resolve all outstanding issues.
• The conflict is rooted in an ongoing refusal by the Palestinians and the Arab world to recognize the right of the Jewish people to a state in their historic homeland.
• The most logical resolution of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians is the establishment of two nation states.
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Israel at Shanghai World Expo 2010
Architectural simulation of the proposed Israeli pavilion for EXPO 2010
Architectural simulation of the proposed Israeli pavilion for EXPO 2010

Under the slogan "Innovation for Better Life", Israel will highlight innovation at its pavilion at Expo 2010 Shanghai along with traditional Jewish culture. This is the first time that Israel is building a national pavilion at a World Expo. The pavilion resembles two clasped hands, symbolizing Israeli innovation and technology and consists of three areas: the Whispering Garden, the Hall of Light, and the Hall of Innovations.

Israel will also participate in Expo Shanghai Online, an innovation of Expo 2010 which offers a three-dimensional virtual visit to the Expo site via the Internet.
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Deputy FM Ayalon meets with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
Deputy FM Ayalon and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Jerusalem (Photo: Avi Hayun)

Deputy FM Ayalon and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Jerusalem (Photo: Avi Hayun)

21 Mar 2010
Deputy FM Ayalon: "The Kassam rockets do not cease to fall, and the residents continue to suffer. We would like to see a clear message from the international community protesting the suffering of these people."
They discussed international economic and humanitarian efforts, with an emphasis on the humanitarian aid Israel extends in times of international crises.
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Press conference with FM Liberman and EU High Rep Ashton
FM Liberman and EU High Rep Ashton in Jerusalem (Photo: Reuters)
FM Liberman and EU High Rep Ashton in Jerusalem (Photo: Reuters)
17 Mar 2010
ASHTON: I'm in Israel for two purposes. The first is to demonstrate the commitment of the European Union to the Middle East peace process. I'm also here to support the bilateral relationships with Israel and to talk about international issues that concern us, especially our concerns about Iran.

LIBERMAN: I want to emphasize that in Israel everybody wants peace. There is only a discussion about the best way to achieve this peace. This government said from the first day that we're ready for direct talks. With regard to the Iranian issue, it is really the time for tough decisions in the Security Council and the EU.
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MASHAV - Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation
MASHAV in motion

Through MASHAV - Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation - Israel has been sharing its unique experience and technical expertise, empowering developing nations to bring progress and prosperity to their people.
- Agriculture and Rural Development
Community and Socio-Economic Development
Education for All
Medicine and Public Health

This new video is a testimony to Israel's contributions toward a better tomorrow.
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Israel Foreign Ministry Diplomatic Seminar for Young Jewish Leaders
Diplomatic Seminar for Young Jewish Leaders

Photo: MFA

1 Mar 2010
The Diplomatic Seminar for Young Jewish Leaders is a study program conducted annually by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs for young Jewish men and women of outstanding leadership potential. The coming seminar will take place between July 4-15, 2010 and is open to participants aged 26-37 from Jewish communities around the world.
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Stories of Israel: Photographic exhibition
STORIES OF ISRAEL - A photographed journey to the country's soul
27 Jan 2010
Anyone trying to comprehend the mosaic that is Israeli society will find its elements to be surprisingly diverse. This exhibition provides an opportunity to explore some of those different elements, as captured through the lens of Israel's leading news and documentary photographers. The nature of their profession makes these women and men highly attuned to the pulse and essence of Israel.
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Dead Sea one of 28 finalists in 7 Wonders of the Nature competition
Dead Sea one of 28 finalists in 7 Wonders of the Nature competition

The Dead Sea, one of the 28 official finalist candidates in the online global competition to rate the New7Wonders of Nature, is currently ranked among the Top 14.
"The candidacy of the Dead Sea as a finalist in the New 7 Wonders of Nature competition is an important milestone in making Israel into a tourism destination and in the international recognition that the Dead Sea will receive as a natural treasure that has no equal in the world."
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Gilad Shalit: In terrorist captivity since 25 June 2006
Gilad Shalit in videotape received on October 2.

Gilad Shalit in videotape received on October 2.

PM Netanyahu (Mar 3, 2010): "We received offers from the mediator three months ago. We said we were willing to go far, but not as far as releasing prisoners that are likely to murder again either in Judea and Samaria or territory inside the Green Line. This was the essence of our response. It has been three months since we passed on this answer and to date we have not received an official response."
On March 11, 2010, the European Parliament called for the "immediate release of Sergeant Gilad Shalit."
On 20 March 2010, UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon said in Jerusalem: "I repeat my call on Palestinian militants to immediately end rocket fire and release Gilad Shilat on humanitarian grounds."

On June 25, 2006, Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists within Israeli territory, near the Kerem Shalom crossing to the Gaza Strip in an unprovoked and well-planned attack in which two soldiers were killed and five others wounded. Gilad is one of seven ISRAELI MIAs.
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