

Movies, Games, Books
Military Movies

Porn Name for Comedy?

Two cable channels confused his comedy with a similarly-named porno.

Video Games

3D Version of DS Coming

Sales for a 3-D version of Nintendo DS is coming within a year.


'Real World' Assault

Resident made a housemate sick by urinating on the their toothbrush.

Movie News
Entertainment News

Robert Culp Dies at 79

Robert Culp died Wednesday after collapsing outside his Hollywood home, his manager said. Culp was 79.

Military Slideshows Looks Back

A decade in review looking at the trials and tribulations of those who served in the military.

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Entertainment Spotlight
Entertainment Spotlight

Tip the Patrol!

Is your first sergeant on another ram­page? Is there crazy stuff going on in your unit that's too good to keep to yourself? The Barracks Patrol wants to know.

Tell it to the Barracks Patrol!