Bachmann missed four times more committee votes than Ellison, Paulsen

Rep. Michele Bachmann has missed about four times more votes than her colleagues Rep. Keith Ellison, a Democrat, and Rep. Erik Paulsen, a Republican, on the House Financial Services Committee, her only committee assignment. Three quarters of votes at which Bachmann wasn’t present happened on days she had national cable news appearances.

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Twenty of Bachmann’s 47 missed votes coincide with media appearances

Rep. Michele Bachmann’s political opponents have targeted her busy national travel and media schedule saying it has hampered her ability to work for her district. One of those criticisms is that she’s missed a large number of votes. The Minnesota Independent analyzed Bachmann’s record to determine if those charges stand up to scrutiny.

Blog: The Monitor

Bachmann: Democrats are going to ‘profane the Sabbath’

Photo: The UpTake

Photo: The UpTake

In an interview with radio host Michael Savage on Thursday — where Savage insinuated that Obama is a Muslim and Michele Obama is fat — Rep. Michele Bachmann said that if the health care reform vote happens on Sunday Democrats will “profane the Sabbath.” She also incorrectly states that health reform would force taxpayers to pay for abortions.
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Plategate update: Legislators criticize Pawlenty’s office funding scheme

pawlenty podiumRepresentatives from Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s administration defended the governor’s decision to pay his faith-based office coordinator out of a license plate fund for veterans during a legislative hearing on the issue on Thursday. But legislators criticized Pawlenty’s use of inter-agency agreements to pay his staff — the cost of which has jumped from $37,000 under Gov. Jesse Ventura in 1999 to $702,000 under Pawlenty in 2010.

“It’s a questionable trend when we are telling everyone else they need to tighten their belts and live within their means,” Sen. Don Betzold, DFL-Fridley, said at the hearing.
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Minnesota gay groups give Franken high marks

473px-Al_Franken_Official_Senate_PortraitSen. Al Franken met on Thursday with leaders from several of Minnesota LGBT advocacy organizations, who “applauded” Franken’s work on LGBT issues, including his work towards repealing the military’s ban on openly gay and lesbian servicemembers and his support for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and the Student Non-Discrimination Act.
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Is Oberstar back to ‘undecided’ on health care reform?

oberstarRep. James Oberstar has gone from a ‘no’ vote to an ‘undecided’ vote to a ‘likely’ vote on health care reform, but according to the Star Tribune, he’s still not certain.
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Pawlenty to Minnesota delegation: Defeat health care reform

Tim PawlentyGov. Tim Pawlenty sent a letter (pdf) to Minnesota’s congressional delegates on Thursday urging them to vote against the health reform legislation currently pending in Congress. He praised Minnesota’s health care system and criticized the Democratic plan.
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Bachmann: Deem and pass ‘never been done before in history’

bachmannnewsmaxRep. Michele Bachmann has been on a media blitz this week trying to drum up opposition to health care reform. In the last 7 days, she has appeared on Bill Bennett, Matt Lewis, Chris Baker and held two “kill the bill” rallies — one in Minnesota and one in Washington. She also appeared on Fox News’ Red Eye on Tuesday; immediately after that she was a guest on the Family Research Council’s anti-health care reform webcast. And on Thursday, she appeared in a video interview with NewsMax. In a number of these appearances, Bachmann said — incorrectly — that Congress has never used “deem and pass” or the “Slaughter rule” in history.
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Bachmann pushes rumor that ‘Kucinich sold out for veganism’

Photo: Minnesota Independent

I thought yesterday’s NRCC hit on Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) for the “coincidence” of voting for health care reform after his wife got to appear at a White House event promoting vegetables was sort of silly. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) did not. From her appearance on Bill Bennett’s radio show today:
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Bachmann: SCOTUS will ‘absolutely overturn’ health care if Dems use ‘deem and pass’

In an interview with Matt Lewis, Rep. Michele Bachmann moves Ken Cuccinelli’s ball down the field, saying “it won’t even be close on how unconstitutionalized” it is to use a “deem and pass” solution for health care reform.
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Catholic group ads praise Oberstar in advance of health vote

Picture 27Following Wednesday’s news that Rep. James Oberstar will be voting for the health care reform bill before Congress, the progressive group Catholics United is airing TV commercials praising the Minnesota Democrat. The spots, which began airing in Minnesota on Wednesday, is part of a “broader national campaign to underscore Catholic support for health care reform” just as “as insurance company-backed interests are pulling out the stops to oppose affordable health care for all Minnesotans,” according to a statement by the group.
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Oberstar, Kucinich to vote for health reform bill

oberstarIt’d appear that momentum is picking up for health care reform: Today, Ohio Democrat Rep. Dennis Kucinich reversed his position, stating he’d vote for the bill. And Minnesota’s Rep. James Oberstar, once thought to be one of the “Stupak 12″ — 12 anti-abortion Democrats said to be opposing the reform bill — says he’s on board, too.
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