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    Dems begin process of reconciling Congress' two health-care bills

    By Casey Selix | Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi meets today with committee chairs to set the stage for negotiations with Senate leaders; then comes a White House confab.

    Magrath talks about trip to New Zealand, Howell's death

    By Blair Ensor, The Marlborough Express
    Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010

    MARLBOROUGH, NEW ZEALAND — As the Minnesota journalism community mourns the death of Deborah Howell, her husband, former University of Minnesota President C. Peter Magrath, provides his personal perspective.

    What's ahead in Minnesota politics? Lots of trash talk

    By Blois Olson | Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010

    With so many running for governor, a judge's ruling on unallotment still lingering and the Legislature about to meet, 2010 is setting up to be one of the most contentious and partisan political years in state history.

    With growing number of mobile-phone apps, more of your customers are watching you

    By Steve Borsch | Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010

    By making information about consumer products transparent, such mobile-phone applications as GoodGuide are trying to help people shop smarter and motivate companies to offer even better products.

    Business ethics list includes good news, bad news for Minnesotans

    By Brad Allen | Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010

    Seven companies with strong Minnesota ties are among 99 firms named as “The World’s Most Ethical Companies” by an international think-tank that focuses on best practices in corporate ethics.

    Monday P.M. Report

    Mortenson wins $59M Montana contract, Wells Fargo sued over lending, Minnesota Twins handed keys to new stadium, U ranked 52nd in “best value,” and Target promotion debuts.

    Tuesday A.M. Report

    GovDelivery sold for $19M, Dolan hikes stake in mortgage-default processing firm, Loffler buys Geek Squad spinoff Techies, and Lerner buys children’s book publisher.

    National and Foreign News



    17 candidates on the long march: sizing up Minnesota's crowded governor's race

    Analysis by Doug Grow | Monday, Jan. 4, 2010

    Running on the fumes of holiday optimism, the army of active gubernatorial candidates marches into this new year. The seven GOP candidates and 10 DFL candidates all seem to think they have the wherewithal to win party endorsement, a process that begins with Feb. 2 caucuses. Here’s a look at the field.

    Peace, redemption and a second seed for Vikings

    By Jim Klobuchar | Monday, Jan. 4, 2010

    The transformation of the Minnesota Vikings in the adoring bedlam of the Metrodome Sunday was sudden, utter and virtually uncontested. Today for the Vikings, peace and redemption reign.

    10 Minnesota blogs that deserve your attention in 2010

    By Justin Piehowski | Monday, Jan. 4, 2010

    Over the last several years, Minnesota has developed one of the most thriving blog cultures in the country. Here are some top-notch blogs to check out in the coming year.

    Here's how to tap into your inner 'Mad Man'

    By John Reinan | Monday, Jan. 4, 2010

    The Twin Cities have long held an outsized position relative to its size in the advertising world. There's no greater evangelist for Twin Cities talent than Tim Brunelle. Short URLs Powered by

    Michele Bachmann has an unexpected donor

    By Max Sparber | Tues., Jan. 5

    ALSO: Allen Quist speaks out on the liberal threat; Pawlenty and the Legislature at odds on education; a heartwarming dog story.

    Check out more Book Club Club posts here.

    Former Pioneer Press reporter Buzz Bissinger tells Tiger tales in his cover story about Woods in Vanity Fair.

    Neven Mrgan has posted a recipe for astronomer Carl Sagan's Apple Pie at Outstretched Arm. (via)

    Riley Worth, blogging for the Albert Lea Tribune, says he’s fed up with the airline world and would rather drive.

    View all Editors' Picks

    MinnPost writer Doug Grow will be on the "Patrick Reusse & Company" show Wednesday morning to discuss the Minnesota governor's race. The segment is scheduled to air shortly after 7 a.m. on KSTP, 1500 AM.

    Anderson5653.jpg Bachmann5653.jpg Brod5653.jpg Coleman5653.jpg Cooper5653.jpg Davis5653.jpg Day5653.jpg Emmer5653.jpg Grams5653.jpg Haas5653.jpg Hann5653.jpg Jeffers5653.jpg Jungbauer5653.jpg Kiffmeyer5653.jpg Koering5653.jpg Kohls5653.jpg Michel5653.jpg Molnau5653.jpg Ramstad5653.jpg Rosen5653.jpg Seifert5653.jpg Senjem5653.jpg Sviggum5653.jpg Weaver5653.jpg

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