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March 18, 2010

Dick Armey's Border Moonbattery

Posted by Van Helsing at March 18, 2010 8:31 AM

So long as Tea Partiers remember that the movement is about ideas, not people, it won't get hijacked by those who might exploit it to advance pernicious concepts. A case in point is Dick Armey, who has played a roll in organizing Tea Parties, but who indulges in pure moonbattery on the topic of border security.

"When I was the majority leader, I saw to it that Tom Tancredo did not get on the stage because I saw how destructive he was," Armey said of the Colorado congressman and 2008 Republican presidential candidate known for his opposition to illegal immigration.
Armey said "this is a nation of immigrants" and "if you love America, love freedom" and if you will work and pay taxes, you should be welcome in the country.

Applying "nation of immigrants" rhetoric to the deluge of illegal aliens that is helping to drive up unemployment and reduce California to a Third-World failed state is an insult to the legitimate immigrants who built this country and respect its laws.

Armey says he would defend the border — but not until the INS has been reformed so that it's nicer to the human traffickers and drug dealers who are making a mockery of our national sovereignty.

"Fix that agency, make it do its job, make it do its job in a humane … fashion and then you can control the borders," he said.

According to Armey, criminals who sneak across the border to avail themselves of free services are "natural constituents" for the Republican Party.

Armey also said "the Republican Party is the most naturally talented party at losing its natural constituents in the history of the world."
"This party was born with the emancipation proclamation and can't get a black vote to save its life. How do they do that?"

By standing for individual liberty and the rule of law as opposed to racial preferences and spoils. But I suppose Armey would change that too.

On a tip from Incitatus.


This is very disappointing but it does showcase perfectly the failure to control our borders: both parties see the illegals as a future constituency. That Armey sees uneducated lower class Mexicans who are looking for handouts as natural future Republicans is a joke. He obviously has not been around any illegal Mexicans. I spent 12 years in NM as a prosecutor. If he asks I could tell him a think or two that he would not like to hear.

Posted by: TrickleUpPolitics at March 18, 2010 8:42 AM

Dear Mr. Armey,
Yes, we are a "nation of immigrants," not a "nation of illegal aliens."
If you have questions about this, please consult the US Constitution. You may find an answer to your ignorance contained within.

I literally despise people that knowingly try to convert to "illegal alien" problem to an "immigration" problem.

Posted by: Eneils Bailey at March 18, 2010 8:46 AM

Up here in NE OH, put on dark blue pants, dark blue shirt, and dark blue hat with yellow lettering. Go walking down the street and watch the illegals start running for it. Sure would be nice if the govt would send them back.

Posted by: Stephana at March 18, 2010 8:47 AM

Dick Armey is the traitor within of whom Cicero warned. The Tea Party is a movement. It had better contain the elements of borders, and LEGAL immigration. "Legal" meaning if you're here illegally, you go home the way you came in. No anchor babies, no chain migration. You speak and write English.

No quarter so collectivists.

Posted by: Hail The Amberlamps! at March 18, 2010 8:48 AM

We'll never control the national borders until we control the illegal boarders

Posted by: Nunya at March 18, 2010 8:53 AM

I like the way Dick Armey combines a love for illegal immigration with a suppression of free speech. Moonbatty, indeed.

Posted by: Judith M.. at March 18, 2010 9:02 AM

Dick needs to be retired.

Posted by: Mr Evilwrench at March 18, 2010 9:22 AM

Now that can't be. Zipster or Lao or both lectured us on another thread about how hard it would be for the government to find the illegals.

I agree with you. They are very easy to find because they largely don't even hide anymore.

Posted by: TrickleUpPolitics at March 18, 2010 11:01 AM

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