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For over 60 years, Meet the Press has featured headline-making interviews with world-leaders and newsmakers. Moderator David Gregory continues that tradition, and takes the conversation online as well in his blog, Twitter, video and more.

  Video: Democrats face pressure for reform
Blog: What I'm reading this St. Patrick's Day
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After the show, we offer Web viewers something extra. From a conversation with Sen. John McCain's mom on Mother's Day, to expanded roundtables on the top news of the day, to guests answers to viewer's questions — it's all fair game in "Take Two."

Web only video

Morial on challenges facing urban America

  Marc Morial, the president of the National Urban League, joins NBC’s David Gregory to discuss the organization’s goals as it marks its 100th anniversary.

March 14: Axelrod, Clyburn, Durbin, Rove, roundtable

  [Enhanced video] How will President Obama convince members of his own party to finally pass a bill? We ask the President's Senior Adviser, David Axelrod. Then, Democratic Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) and Senate Democratic Whip Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL). Plus, former senior adviser to Pres. Bush, Karl Rove recounts his role in the Bush presidency. Finally, a roundtable: David Brooks and Tom Friedman.

March 7: Kathleen Sebelius, roundtable

  [Enhanced Video] A final Presidential push for health care reform as the White House puts new pressure on Congress to vote on reform by March 18th. We get the latest from Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Plus, a roundtable: Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Fmr. Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (D-TN), The Washington Post's E.J. Dionne, and the National Review's Rich Lowry.

Feb. 28: John McCain, Nancy-Ann DeParle, roundtable

  [Enhanced Video] After sparring with his 2008 presidential opponent – President Barack Obama – at this week's health care summit, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., sits down for an exclusive interview. Then, we speak exclusively with the Director of the White House Office of Health Reform, Nancy-Ann DeParle. Plus, a roundtable: Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Marc Morial, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Katty Kay and Ron Brownstein.

Feb. 21: David Petraeus, Tim Pawlenty, roundtable

  [Video] Are we winning that war in Afghanistan? We ask General David Petraeus. Then, what does the GOP need to do to convince voters they are ready to take back Congress? A conversation with Minnesota Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Plus, a roundtable:  E.J. Dionne, Peggy Noonan, Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD).

Feb. 14: Vice President Joe Biden, roundtable

  [Enhanced video] A special interview with Vice President Joe Biden, from the site of the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. He takes on his predecessor, Dick Cheney, and his criticisms of the Obama Administration's handling of terror suspects.Plus, a roundtable: David Brooks, Rachel Maddow, Harold Ford Jr. and Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL).

Feb. 7: Brennan, Paulson, Greenspan, roundtable

  [Enhanced video] Why did the Obama administration reveal that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is cooperating with authorities? We get answers from deputy national security adviser John Brennan. Then, what will it take to get people back to work and spending under control? Fmr. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan discuss. Plus, a roundtable: Ed Gillespie and Dee Dee Myers.

Jan. 31: Axelrod, Boehner, roundtable

  [Enhanced video] President Obama re-focused his agenda, but will he be able to succeed on the economic front and still pass health care reform? We speak exclusively from the president's senior adviser, David Axelrod. Then, Republican Leader Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, on the president’s priorities. Plus, a roundtable: David Brooks, David Faber, Eugene Robinson, and Mort Zuckerman.

Jan. 24: Valerie Jarrett, Mitch McConnell, roundtable

  [Enhanced video] After the Democrats lose their 60th vote on the health care bill, what is the future for reform now? We speak exclusively with White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, then Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell. Plus, a roundtable: E.J. Dionne, Katty Kay, Peggy Noonan and Chuck Todd.

Jan. 17: Clinton, Bush, Shah, Keen, roundtable

  [Enhanced video] Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush discuss their plans for the massive humanitarian relief effort in Haiti. Also, USAID administrator Rajiv Shah and Lt. Gen. Ken Keen on the latest from on the ground. Plus, a roundtable: Karen Hughes, John Podesta, Mark Halperin and Bob Woodward.