North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO's counter-piracy mission shows results after first year

NATO's counter-piracy mission shows results after first year
24 Mar. 2010

24 March marks the first anniversary of NATO's counter-piracy mission off the Horn of Africa. Five NATO ships arrived in the Gulf of Aden on 24 March 2009 as part of Operation Allied Protector. Their aim was to disrupt and deter the piracy that was rife in the Gulf of Aden at that time. A year later the NATO ships are still there, but with an enhanced operational aim and with notable successes achieved.

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North Atlantic Council visits Bosnia and Herzegovina

North Atlantic Council visits Bosnia and Herzegovina
24 Mar. 2010

On 23 March, the North Atlantic Council, led by Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen visited Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Council met with the country's Presidency, the Chairman and members of the Council of Ministers, and with political leaders of the governing coalition.

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NATO and partners exchange best practices against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats

NATO and partners exchange best practices against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats
22 Mar. 2010

On 23 and 24 March 2010, NATO will host a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Defence workshop and exhibition at its headquarters in Brussels. This is part of NATO’s commitment to bolster efforts against the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

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The coming role of Asia

It could be argued that the continent that has changed most in the 21st century is Asia. With rising growth, populations and burgeoning economies, it was never going to be long before these rose up the security agenda. Here we look at just a sample of what these could be - from China's role in tackling climate change to Central Asia's importance to regional stability. More...

Clearing cold war remnants in Azerbaijan

Grazing sheep near Saloglu, in the north-eastern corner of Azerbaijan, used to be a dangerous task. In an area of more than five square kilometres, hundreds of thousands of pieces of explosive material lay hidden from view at various depths below the rolling, shrub-covered land. Now thanks to a NATO Trust Fund project, a large part of the area has been cleared, and one day soon, the entire former military base will be safe for the local population. More...

Last updated: 24-Mar-2010 18:14

NATO in Afghanistan

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NATO in Kosovo

  • KFOR "placemat" (Contributing nations and troop numbers) - 26 Feb. 2010 (PDF/390Kb)
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NATO Key Activities