Public Diplomacy 2.0

Public Diplomacy 2.0, as conceived by Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy James Glassman, is not a technology, but an approach. The idea is to use social networking tools such as Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter to persuade individuals throughout the globe to find peaceful outlets for their political grievances.

Public Diplomacy 2.0 is predicated on the assumption that the State Department’s role is to facilitate a conversation, rather than to conduct public relations for the United States government.

12/01/2008 - 10:00am
12/01/2008 - 11:30am
New America Foundation
1630 Connecticut Ave, NW 7th Floor
Washington, DC, 20009
United States
See map: Google Maps


Featured Speaker
The Hon. James K. Glassman
Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs


Steve Clemons
Director, American Strategy Program New America Foundation
MP3 Audio Recording of this Event10.41 MB