Lefties Squeal Like Stuck Pigs Over Liz Cheney Ad

2010 March 11

The Left is in a swinish feeding frenzy over Liz Cheney’s ”Who are the Al-Qaeda Seven?” Internet ad. But far from discrediting Cheney and her ad, the Left instead has exposed itself.

When the Left start squealing like stuck pigs, then conservatives know they’ve hit the bull’s-eye. And so it is with Liz Cheney’s magnificent and laudable Internet ad, “Who are the Al-Qaeda Seven?”

Who, indeed? And why don’t the American people have a right to know their identities? These attorneys, after all, are on the federal dole. They now work for us. Is their work secret or covert?

Hardly. What’s at play here is politics. Obama’s administration, remember, is the most left-wing in American history.

Indeed, the Obami are intensely committed to pursuing a hard left ideological agenda, and to effecting a fundamental transformation of the American political, economic, and judicial orders.

This administration has done a masterful job of concealing its extremism under a cloak of moderate rhetoric and a seemingly judicious temperament. But as Abraham Lincoln famously explained:

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time. But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The reality is that the American people are fast catching onto Obama.

They’re are fast realizing that the nice and reasonable-sounding young man whom they elected president is captive to a bankrupt ideology that will jeopardize their safety and security, stymie and retard economic progress, and set back the American dream for a generation or more.

And so the American people are beginning to ask questions — inconvenient questions like the one asked, fairly enough, by Liz Cheney in her magnificent and laudable Internet ad.

Yet, from the squealing of the Left, you’d think Ms. Cheney had committed a hanging offense. The New York Times, for instance, calls Ms. Cheney a

demagogue on the right [who is] smearing loyal Americans as disloyal and charging that the government is being undermined from within.

Andrew Sullivan, of course, agrees and thus denounces “the gutter McCarthyism of Liz Cheney.”

The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart, likewise, rings his hands over this “reprehensible television ad from the fearmongers at Keep America Safe.” Not to be outdone is the Washington Monthly’s Steve Benen, who rails against

the attacks from lowlifes like Cheney and National Review’s Andrew McCarthy, [which] have been even more vile than their typical nonsense.

And of course, “respectable” and “mainstream” conservatives also have joined in the chorus of denunciation. Thus, a group of 19 prominent Bush administration officials and other lawyers have signed a statement in which they condemn Cheney’s ad as a

shameful series of attacks, [which are] unjust to the individuals in question and destructive of any attempt to build lasting mechanisms for counterterrorism adjudications.

Please. These officials and their Leftist brethren protesteth too much.

For starters, the ad raises a legitimate question, which the Obama administration stubbornly and unconscionably refuses to answer – even though Fox News has since uncovered the identities of the formerly unknown ‘Al-Qaeda Seven’ attorneys.

Moreover, as National Review’s Andrew McCarthy has observed:

There is no legal right to counsel in a habeas corpus case. The vast majority of American citizens and aliens who are incarcerated after being found guilty of crimes do not get lawyers to help them challenge the legal proceedings against them or the conditions of their confinement. They must represent themselves.

The United States has detained millions of war prisoners in our history, and those prisoners have never been entitled to counsel in order to challenge their detention — indeed, until 2004, they didn’t have a right to challenge their detention, period.

And even terrorist detainees who were charged with war crimes in military commissions had no right to representation by private counsel; instead, the rules provided for the assignment of military defense lawyers at the expense of the American taxpayer.

The legal profession’s depiction of these lawyers as heroic servants not of the enemy but of the Constitution is unmitigated nonsense:

You can’t be performing a vital constitutional function when the function is not required by the Constitution. They can repeat the lie a million times, but that won’t make it a fact.

These lawyers made a conscious decision to contribute their services, usually gratis, to enemy combatants with whom the American people are at war.

In that sense, these attorneys are not mainstream lawyers who are simply taking a case to ensure adequate legal representation.

No, sir, they are ideological warriors who seek to manipulate the rule of law to advance their agenda — a leftist agenda that is fundamentally at odds with the American constitutional order and political tradition. And for that they deserve to be called out and held to account in the court of public opinion.

Remember, these Al-Qaeda attorneys went out of their way to provide legal aid and sustenance to America’s sworn enemies.

They went out of their way to help Jihadists who have actively conspired to kill our Soldiers and Marines. They went out of their way to help assist a radical army of terrorist who conspire to kill innocent men, women and children.

And they did this not out of some enlightened view of liberty or the U.S. Constitution. They did this because they view America’s war against radical Islam as more of a threat to our liberty than the Jihadists.

That’s why their squealing is so unbecoming and so disingenuous.

As McCarthy explains, the Al-Qaeda attorneys and their legal and media apologists don’t so much believe in the rule of law as they do the rule of the lawyers. Consequently, they want to keep all of their legal proceedings hidden, cloistered within the courts, and out of the ultimate court of last appeal, which is the court of public opinion.

Liz Cheney, to her undying credit, has helped to expose this racket with her magnificent and laudable Internet ad; and for that she deserves our respect and our gratitude.

Keep it up, Ms. Cheney; and hit them again, only harder. Let the Left squeal.

John R. Guardiano is a writer and analyst in Arlington, Virginia. Follow him on Twitter.

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23 Responses leave one →
  1. March 11, 2010

    If there is a more despicable creature in American politics today than Liz Cheney, I'd sure like to know about it. Her ad depicting Progressives as a herd of pigs reminds me of the Nazi newsreels so long ago which portrayed Jews as a swarm of rats. Isn't it quaint? They're taking their que from Josef Goebbels!

    And to think that there are a whole lot of Americans who are so uninformed (perhaps "propagandized" would be the operative word) that they are ready willing and able – and happy – to return that party to power in November. If you are one of the misguided masses, I am referring to the GOP.

    The Republicans have one objective: the complete and utter failure of the Obama administration. The fact that more and more people will suffer if they do fai is irrelevant to these birds. To hell with the people.

    They have no vision. They have no program. The only thing they have to offer is fear itself.

    By the way, this is off topic but it must be said. The other day I typed out a list of all the forty-three men in our history who served as president of the United States. According to the good people at Spell Check, only the name of one president (first name and last) was not even a word. Take a wild guess which president that was.

    The guy has been president of the United States for over a year now. That "correction" on the part of Spell Check can only be intentional.


    Tom Degan
    Goshen, NY

    • Grayzell permalink
      March 11, 2010

      Unfortunately, Mr. Degan, I think you protest to much. "The Republicans have one objective: the complete and utter failure of the Obama administration." Degan Yes, you are correct with this sentence and unfortunately for you and your progressive kind, most of the American people now also want his policies to fail. If you don't understand this it is your error not theirs. Here is where you go off track, swilling the progressive propaganda to its fullest. "The Republicans have one objective: the complete and utter failure of the Obama administration." Degan Most conservative people I know have a very strong goals, to move the country back to the Constitution and eliminate most of this bloated, 2million strong National government and stop the suicidal spending.

      • USMCSniper permalink
        March 12, 2010

        Most of the American people have a very strong goals, th have the country follow the Constitution and eliminate most of this bloated, 2 million strong National government and stop the suicidal spending.

        That is an absolute fact

      • eyes wide open permalink
        March 13, 2010

        The only thing Degan got wrong was , that it is NOT a Republican conspiracy , it is a REPUBLICAN STATED AGENDA .. Move the country back to the Constitution ??? This country OPERATES BY THE CONSTITUTION , when did that cease ?
        Who are you guys trying to kid , you call yourselves "conservatives " but in reality you're simply disaffected Republicans , who tuirned your stripes due to the embarrassing MESS the last 8 years of a repoublican administration have left everyone to clean up .

        Last time I looked , by OUR CONSTIUTUTION , the President is elected by trhe people , and a peacefull transition of government occurs .

        You dont like it ? Too Bad . suck it up till 2012 , you'll get your chance . But I guess you'll all be wind-up Rush Limbaugh sycophants till then huh ?

        For the most part , many of you present yourself as brainwashed automotons .

        Conservatives ? Gimme a break !

        Degan called it right , and people like you would see the whole country fail , so long as the one you hate fails . Adolecents as it were .

        • March 14, 2010

          Ah the race obsessed one who adores The Man-Child solely because of his color!

        • March 14, 2010

          Your eyes are wide open to skin color you hypocrite.

      • SCUMBUCKET permalink
        March 14, 2010

        Talk about bloated, look at the freakin' military. Come back and talk with your Tea Party dialect when you're fully prepared to deal with the military industrial complex. Until then, give us a break with your phony '2million strong National government'.

        • March 15, 2010

          Oh yea, 4% of GDP is a real bloated military. I'm game, lets bump it back up to 6% Cold War levels, after all we are at war, and offset it with cuts to the other 80% of the federal budget. Your "military industrial complex" reference gives you away. National defense is a primary function of the federal government, specifically authorized by the US Constitution, and a modern military requires such a "complex" to develop and field advanced logistics, weapons, and communications systems.

    • Ross Anderson permalink
      March 11, 2010

      No wonder New York is in deep shit

    • Ross Anderson permalink
      March 11, 2010

      Degan's comments remind us of the wonderful work that left has done in running (down) Kalifornia, and New York!!! How wise these folks are.

    • David permalink
      March 12, 2010

      Oh this is too rich.

      It's the Republican's fault that our guy stinks!

      Bro… Right click and select "add to Dictionary" from the context menu. Right-wing conspiracy derailed!

    • peachey permalink
      March 13, 2010

      Tom, I am surprised that you did not conclude that it was a conspiracy conducted by the tea party activists in their attempt to overthrow the Obama administration by stealth and infiltrating Spell Check.When you acquire a cogent thought come back and speak up. Progressivism is the cancer that has spread it's tentacles throughout this country strangling the very life out of the American public. When rule by fiat, executive order or bribery is required to control and deceive, it's time for a change.No one outside of a favored union that voted for Obama for one second believed that they were voting for a mobster that viewed the citizens as children in need of rule by an iron fist.Open your eyes and see the corruption and deceit.

    • March 14, 2010

      So then you're against opening up the appointed lawyers and their political beliefs to public scrutiny?
      How dare those Republican Fascists demand openness!
      And that Liz Cheney is evil even for questioning The Man-Child and his minions.
      Why It's, It's, UNPATRIOTIC!

  2. Dan Roman permalink
    March 11, 2010

    It only took Tom Degan two sentences to drag out the "Republicans conservatives are nazis" slur. Please Tom, get an original thought.

  3. Ron Bryan permalink
    March 11, 2010

    So, Mr Degan seems to have uncovered a conspiracy at spell check, no doubt there are republican operatives standing by the clerks dictating what is a word, what is not a word, because we all know that such subleties effect the human mind. typing the name Obama and getting that red line underneath, could actually effect voting patterns. A close state, say Iowa or Colorado, could be lost to the progressive cause, because of "spell check" Hey….who controls spell check…controls the World!

  4. grackle permalink
    March 11, 2010

    If there is a more despicable creature in American politics today than Liz Cheney, I'd sure like to know about it. Her ad depicting Progressives as a herd of pigs reminds me of the Nazi newsreels so long ago which portrayed Jews as a swarm of rats. Isn't it quaint? They're taking their que from Josef Goebbels!

    The commentor, like so many who cling to his viewpoint, doesn’t give even a passing nod to fact. There are no “herd of pigs” in the Cheney video. And of course the obligatory Nazi comparison is shoehorned into his error-filled squealing.

    And to think that there are a whole lot of Americans who are so uninformed (perhaps "propagandized" would be the operative word) that they are ready willing and able – and happy – to return that party to power in November. If you are one of the misguided masses, I am referring to the GOP.

    Yep, it sure looks like the voters have had their consciousness raised. Even with the MSM being totally in the tank for Obama and his Leftist goals people all over America are catching on. This groundswell of sanity is frightening to folks like the commentor.

    The Republicans have one objective: the complete and utter failure of the Obama administration. The fact that more and more people will suffer if they do fai is irrelevant to these birds. To hell with the people.

    Ah, yes. Now we see the well-known and much practiced Lefty tactic of the taking of the moral high ground. It’s all about their desire to uplift the masses – even if the masses don’t particularly desire to be the subject of their pathological intentions. The Left knows what is good for the people and will ram it down the peoples’ throats no matter what.

    They have no vision. They have no program. The only thing they have to offer is fear itself.

    The GOP has a program which was put forth among other places in the recent televised debate with Obama. Even though Obama and the Democrats got to speak about twice as long as the GOP the GOP still managed to at last put a rest to this continuing Lefty falsehood about the GOP having no plan. It must have been galling indeed to Obama when he realized he had inadvertently provided a nationally televised forum for the GOP plan.

    By the way, this is off topic but it must be said. The other day I typed out a list of all the forty-three men in our history who served as president of the United States. According to the good people at Spell Check, only the name of one president (first name and last) was not even a word. Take a wild guess which president that was. The guy has been president of the United States for over a year now. That "correction" on the part of Spell Check can only be intentional.

    God knows what paranoid point the commentor is trying to make here. That Spell Check is controlled by the GOP, I suppose.

    • courtnye permalink
      March 12, 2010

      Thank you,,,,,I love smart, long, greyheaded men!!! Do you wear oxfords??lol

  5. March 11, 2010

    Are we to be so shocked that a bunch of ambulance chasing, bottom feeding, mob lawyers will take Saudi money to defend any political cause? That's what these people are, deep down, the American avarice class. They are just another Meyer Lansky, but this time they have a little red book from which they play.

    Mr. Degan, I am going to try to win you over to the GOP side. These people, like Lynn Stewart, are neo-mobsters. I'm sure your intentions are noble, but use your brain, my friend! We are not going up against united workers here. It is more like we are going up against the United Arab Explosive Coalition.

  6. Teq permalink
    March 12, 2010

    I hear Liz Cheney might be running for a congressional spot in 2012. I hope so, and only wish she would be selected for the VP spot. I'm in awe of this woman. Nothing breaks her stride, not even the screaming hysteria of a thousand liberals.

  7. Amen permalink
    March 12, 2010

    Hurrah, Liz Cheney!! Wish we had more like her!! Sorry Degan, you're really not in the majority.

  8. SCUMBUCKET permalink
    March 14, 2010

    Actually I believe it was the Republicans who rightly criticized her for her attack on the American system

  9. Berl Goetz permalink
    March 15, 2010

    Why do the Al Qaeda Seven volunteer so tirelessly for such an evil cause? How could there ever be enough partisan brownie-points to make it worth their while? The answer may be in the money.

    It's probably too late for Dick Cheney to run for president, but if his daughter were to ever run for office I would gladly support her in every way possible.

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