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The National NAGPRA Program is now accepting applications for FY2018 Repatriation Grants

FY2018 NAGPRA Grants Calendar Announced

The National Park Service announces 2017 NAGPRA Grant Recipients

Minutes and Transcripts for the 62nd Review Committee Meeting

Report to Congress 2016

FY2016 National NAGPRA Program Report

Unclaimed Cultural Items from Federal Lands Sample List and List Templates

Final Rule on NAGPRA Regulations - Definition of ``Indian Tribe", 43 CFR 10 (Federal Register, June 11, 2014, Vol. 79, No. 112, 33482) 

Review Committee Meeting Minutes and Transcripts (1992-current)

Final Rule on NAGPRA Regulations (Federal Register, May 9, 2013, Vol. 78, No. 90, 27078-27084)

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The Department of the Interior is currently conducting a review of the charters and charges of Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Advisory Commissions in an effort to maximize feedback from these boards and to ensure their compliance with both FACA and the President’s recent executive orders. The review process is meant to identify committees that merit improvement in order to fully support their mission, serve the local communities, and ensure the Department was getting local feedback to the maximum extent possible. This is a standard review process which previous administrations have also conducted during the transition process. The goal is to institutionalize state and local input and ongoing collaboration, particularly in communities surrounding public lands. This review process necessitates the temporary postponement of advisory committee meetings. Therefore, meetings by these groups are postponed for the present time.



The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) was enacted on November 16, 1990, to address the rights of lineal descendants, Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations to Native American cultural items, including human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. The Act assigned implementation responsibilities to the Secretary of the Interior. Staff support is provided by the National NAGPRA Program, including:

  • Publishing notices for museums and Federal agencies in the Federal Register,
  • Creating and maintaining databases, including the Culturally Unidentifiable Human Remains Inventories (CUI) Database,
  • Making grants to assist museums, Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations in fulfilling NAGPRA,
  • Assessing civil penalties on museums that fail to comply with provisions of the Act,
  • Providing staff support to the NAGPRA Review Committee and for the Annual Report to Congress,
  • Providing technical assistance to Federal agencies where there are excavations and discoveries of cultural items on Federal and Indian lands,
  • Promulgating implementing regulations, and
  • Providing technical assistance through training, website information, reports prepared for the Review Committee, supporting law enforcement investigations and direct personal service.

The National Park Service has compliance obligations for parks, separate from the National NAGPRA Program. National NAGPRA is the omnibus program, the constituent groups of which are all Federal agencies, museums that receive Federal funds, tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations and the public.


Other News...

Interior Board of Indian Appeals In Re Federal Recognition of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe

Final Determination for Federal Acknowledgement of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe

Dissolution of Hui Malama I Na Kupuna O Hawai'i Nei

Bureau of Indian Affairs Federally-recognized Indian entities

Department of Interior Response to the GAO Report

Department of Interior Response to the GAO Report 2011

GAO Report, July 28, 2010

DOI Policy on Consultation with Indian Tribes

Solicitor's Memorandum regarding ANSCA, March 18, 2011

List of --
(a) Indian tribes for purposes of carrying out NAGPRA, and
(b) Native Hawaiian organizations that have appeared in notices

For matters related to the Native Hawaiian community, visit The Office of Hawaiian Relations

Culturally Unidentifiable Native American Inventories and Culturally Affiliated Native American Inventories Databases

Journeys to Repatriation: 15 Years of NAGPRA Grants (1994-2008)

Culturally Affiliated Native American Human Remains Not Published In Notices Report

State Burial Laws Project

Notices of Inventory Completion Templates

Request for CUI Disposition Forms

Request for Findings of Fact

Templates and Sample Documents

Guidance on alleging that a museum has failed to comply with NAGPRA

to Potentially Aggrieved Parties Alleging a Museum has failed to comply with the requirements of NAGPRA

Frequently Asked Questions
Law and Regulations
Online Databases
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Review Committee
Special Topics
Civil Penalties
Contact National NAGPRA


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