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andrea peyser

Andrea Peyser

A born and raised New Yorker, award-winning columnist Andrea Peyser started her career at the Albany Associated Press bureau, did one lost year in Charleston, W.Va., before working for CNN and the Tampa Tribune. She landed at the Post in 1989 and was named columnist in 1993. Her columns have won awards from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, Newswomen's Club of New York and the New York Associated Press, which named her columnist of the year for 2005. A graduate of the State University of New York, she lives in Brooklyn with her husband and daughter.

  • entertainment image

    Tax revolt fits NYers to a 'Tea'

    They're not your father's rednecks. Take heart, New Yorkers. As you stand on line today mailing your tax returns to Uncle Sam, you might run into a crowd of fellow citizens at the post office -- folks as angry and...  

    April 15, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Molest 'trial' is diocese's shot at redemption

    The skinny boy with the shock of black hair thought he'd met the dad he'd craved his entire young life. The caring man bought the boy posters from his favorite movie, "Rocky." He lavished him with attention and...  

    April 12, 2010 12:00 AM
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    Wilding wake-up call for 'soft' Cy

    His sister wept. His lawyer yelled, "Innocent!" But all Leroy-jama Wig fall, 19, could do was to flash a goofy grin as wide as his face as he was formally charged with being part of a posse that terrorized Times...  

    April 08, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Slumdog millionaires

    Boo freakin' hoo. Some parents send Mommy's Little Juvenile Delinquent to military school. Others cut off her platinum card, cellphone and access to Internet shopping and porn sites. "Confessions of a...  

    April 05, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    'Mark' of B'klyn's Big, Bad Brother

    How many bureaucrats does it take to change a light bulb? In this city, an entire agency full. This is a story about landmarking. It's about Grammy-winning singer Norah Jones (pictured), and her months-long battle...  

    April 01, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Those city fatheads

    There's something perverse about a city that deems it wise to distribute instructional pamphlets in health centers aimed at teaching young people to shoot heroin properly into their veins -- then bans homemade cupcakes...  

    March 22, 2010 12:00 AM
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    Everyday terror at 'Intifada' HS

    The Muslim principal who cried "bomb!" in a crowded school has left chaos and violence in the classrooms she created. And now, she's moved a step closer to returning. It is against this tumultuous backdrop that we...  

    March 18, 2010 12:00 AM
  • 'Nice Guy' Cy needs to take the gloves off

    This city needs a fighter. Not a lover. Cyrus Vance Jr. plopped, seemingly from nowhere, into one of the country's premier crime-fighting jobs -- one that's lauded on TV's "Law & Order," canonized on stage and...  

    March 15, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    Intolerant lacto-nuts

    This has gone too far. A Manhattan restaura teur's giddy use of his wife's breast milk in the creation of gourmet cheese intended for consumption by rational adults -- an exhibitionistic and un-hygienic exercise in...  

    March 11, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    Lonesome Gov's sad solo act

    This is how an administration dies. A slow, painful and agonizing demise. Gov. Lame Duck waddled into the ornate Downtown Brooklyn ceremonial courtroom without a single close aide, confidant, minister or lifeboat...  

    March 09, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Judge's ruling is insanity

    The army of the damned is about to grow stronger. On stoops in places like Washington Heights, they sit and smoke for days on end, talking to themselves or begging for change. One day in 2005, one of these faceless...  

    March 08, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    The city is losing some of its soul

    For sale: Pristine, 224-room historic hotel with fabulous river views. Home to spec tacularly clean, nonsmok ing Christians with no dis cernable vices, facial hair, kids or pets. Priced to sell. They came in peace....  

    March 04, 2010 12:00 AM
  • ESPN reveals the ugly truth

    Let's have a moment of si lence for those who can not speak for themselves. Starting today, ESPN, TV's ancestral home of un wholesome jerks, sex addicts, the racially insensitive and politically putrid, imposes a...  

    March 01, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    Sorry, ladies, but I want a fireman

    The first shot was fired on Feb. 16, ushering in a war of the sexes in city firehouses. The assault was launched not with a weapon, but with a letter by Regina Wilson, president of United Women Firefighters. "Dear...  

    February 25, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Folly and the Ivy for city's prep parents

    It's stupid season in the city's toniest schools. At this time of year, a crush of reasonably intelligent parents goes posi tively postal in pursuit of their goal to get little Bain or Brittney into that Holy Grail of...  

    February 22, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Tiger as cagey as ever in 'act' of contrition

    It was Reckoning Day for Tiger Woods. And the world's greatest golfer and husband-from- hell was painfully bloated. He looked glum, sour and fiercely defensive. He seemed angry just to be alive. It was the 13½...  

    February 20, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    City not sitting pretty

    Hold your breath, New Yorkers. Imagine a city choc kablock with pedestrian plazas fit for smokers and tourists. A place where driving is a memory, shopping is agony, and fresh air nonexistent. That's what the...  

    February 18, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Fashion is dead in New York - here's the proof!

    Somewhere, Coco Chanel is fist-bumping Liberace. It's Fashion Week. And the enormous tent at Bry ant Park is crammed, elbow to navel to kneecap, with oppressively tall girls feeling fat in size zero, visually...  

    February 15, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    Valentine's gives me a heart attack

    The day I dread more than flying coach is almost here. No, it's not Christ mas, Super Bowl Sunday or Ramadan, but every festival you've ever celebrated, rolled into one explosive package. Sunday is Valentine's Day....  

    February 11, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Bounce rubber flubbers

    It sure beats working. The scene is out of Franz Kafka. Or a mental ward. Each day, nearly 100 ten- ured teachers and adminis- trators, among the brightest and most expensive minds the city can muster, sit in a...  

    February 08, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    Where Israel did get wiped off map

    It looks as if Iran has found allies in its quest to wipe Israel off the map -- the dopes at your friendly neighborhood Target store. On sale exclusively at Target is this innocent-looking toy globe. Thousands of...  

    February 04, 2010 12:00 AM
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    Welcome to the Blunderdome

    The future is here. Come see for yourself. In this reality, bomb- sniffing dogs patrol city streets, sticking no-non sense noses into the backs of delivery trucks, forming a brave, canine front line between you and...  

    February 01, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    Robs from not-so-rich and gives to not-so-poor

    Paying New York's extortionate rent -- a preoccupation bordering on obsession for millions of city dwellers -- just got crazier. And for that, you can thank a loony lefty activist in a black robe. Let's give a big...  

    January 28, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Why we oughta ax these DC Stooges

    Wer're in trouble. The Three Stooges of the Apocalypse were sum moned to Washington to explain how a known al Qaeda-trained savage with murder on his mind and explosives in his underpants came a whisker's breadth from...  

    January 25, 2010 12:00 AM
  • entertainment image

    ArrOgance is exposed!

    The people have more than spoken. From the heart and soul of dependably Demo cratic Massachusetts, a state long saddled with the unfortunate nickname "Taxachusetts," voters have issued a primal scream: Enough! But...  

    January 21, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Another Memphis guy with rock-star appeal!

    HAROLD FORD JR. tiptoed into the House of Sharpton, unnoticed and unknown. In less than an hour, the Memphis transplant who wants to be senator performed shtick that made him sound like a cross between a Baptist...  

    January 19, 2010 12:00 AM
  • Political cockroaches

    WHY do these men keep smiling? Simple. They are untouchable. Unstoppable. Unkillable. Call them the political undead. These are the fellows who run the great state of New York, home to Rockefellers and Kennedys,...  

    January 18, 2010 12:00 AM
  • The riddle of Chuck puppet Gillibrand

    What to do about Kirsten Gillibrand? The in-over-her-head upstate legislator (read: hot hick), whom Gov. Paterson foolishly catapulted into the Senate, cannot be kicked. She might cry. And she can't be reasoned with....  

    January 14, 2010 12:00 AM
  • No glamour in this tragedy

    Don't cry for Casey Johnson. The woman who will be forever known as the "baby- oil heiress" and "poor little rich girl" is now most famous for dying, tragically, at the tender age of 30. Alone. Her death is a...  

    January 11, 2010 12:00 AM
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    Fear for this state's sanity

    In this state, the in mates control the asylum. Be afraid. Here's a tough one: Your son/brother/ sig nificant other hears voices and wanders off, hurting himself and others, when he's off his meds. You can tell him...  

    January 07, 2010 12:00 AM