« Today's top stories

America and Israel: a historic choice

The serious row between Washington and Tel Aviv is about far more than the construction of homes in east Jerusalem; it goes to the heart of the close military alliance between the two states.

People focus: on power, justice and capabilities

Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen spoke about power, justice, and ‘capabilities’ in the Demos Annual Lecture 2010. Watch the debate and revisit our archive

A media eclipse: Israel-Palestine and the world's forgotten conflicts

Global coverage of world conflicts pales into insignificance when compared with reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are causes and consequences to this imbalance

Are drone strikes illegal?

When and where does a drone strike contravene international law, and what are the implications for the hoped-for spread of the rule of law to the present battlegrounds of ‘the war on terror’?

The Battle for Khimki Forest

The plan to construct a section of the new Moscow-St.Petersburg motorway through the legally-protected Khimki Forest Park will destroy a rare eco-system. Dogged local resistance has turned this into an international issue, but not derailed the plan

Giving a damn for the media

Typically missing from most of the plans put forward in the UK media debate is any really innovative thought about how to raise new resources to support high-quality journalism in new times

How to tell your debt from your deficit

A quick clarification on debts, deficits and affordability
Thursday 18th March

America and Israel: a historic choice

The serious row between Washington and Tel Aviv is about far more than the construction of homes in east Jerusalem; it goes to the heart of the close military alliance between the two states.

Why I'm standing to be an e-democracy MP

My name is Denny de la Haye, and I'm running for Parliament in Hackney South and Shoreditch. My manifesto is a little unusual... I'm proposing that instead of having my own policies, I will hold online polls to determine how I should vote in Parliament.

A media eclipse: Israel-Palestine and the world's forgotten conflicts

Global coverage of world conflicts pales into insignificance when compared with reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Noah Bernstein explores the causes and consequences of such an imbalance, as part of our series forgotten conflicts.

How to tell your debt from your deficit

A quick clarification on debts, deficits and affordability

Giving a damn for the media

Typically missing from most of the plans put forward in the UK media debate is any really innovative thought about how to raise new resources to support high-quality journalism in new times

Doha, development and the agriculture issue: Let’s get real!

Roger assess the effects of agricultural subsidies and market barriers on the welfare of the world's poorest.
Wednesday 17th March

Introducing the Discourses series

openDemocracy is launching a new quarterly series of live art events featuring art exhibitions and discussions on a wide array of social, cultural and political issues.

The Battle for Khimki Forest

The plan to construct a section of the new Moscow-St.Petersburg motorway through the legally-protected Khimki Forest Park will destroy a rare eco-system. Dogged local resistance has turned this into a national, even international issue. But it has not derailed the plan

'Red Shirts' continue symbolic blood protest in Bangkok

‘Red Shirts’ continue symbolic blood protest in Bangkok. Israel lifts West Bank closure. North Korea has 1,000 missiles, says South Korea. Erdogan warns that Turkey might deport up to 100,000 Armenians. Yemen rebels free 178 soldiers and civilians. Fresh clashes erupt near the central Nigerian city of Jos. All this and more in today’s security briefing.

People focus: on power, justice and capabilities

Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen spoke about power, justice, and ‘capabilities’ in the Demos Annual Lecture 2010. Watch the debate and revisit our archive

Illegal and ineffective? Drone strikes and targetted killing in 'the war on terror'

The use of drone strikes in Pakistan and around the world has been attacked as counterproductive and ineffective but the question of whether such strikes are legal is less frequently raised. When and where does a drone strike contravene international law, and what are the implications of their illegal use for the hoped-for spread of the rule of law to the present battlegrounds of 'the war on terror'?

We are living it

From the English Secondary Students’ Association to social entrepreneurship ‘enternships’ young people can take the initiative and make the difference. Making Good Society throws down its third gauntlet – they want to see everyone plugged in

Can migration work for Britain? Not like this

Government policy of 'managed migration' has backfired and produced public mistrust related to a vicious circle, of the assurance of control and the reality of failure. With the major parties set to continue this system, Ruth Grove White argues that there is ample scope to challenge the principles behind managed migration. We just need to be brave enough to make the case.

Cry of a migrant

"I may able to give my children whatever they may need and ask for but the sacrifices in exchange of all these is far cruel, I was not there to take care of them when they were sick, I never see them grow.....migrant or second class citizen I may be, I am one of the migrants who cry for any injustices and abuse in job, labour law and fellow mankind."

Life on a knife edge: migrant domestic workers in the UK

At what point do the rights of migrant domestic workers as human beings and as workers start to take precedence over their status as migrants?

Labour determined to make DNA storage an "election issue"

The government is ditching a compromise arrangement on the controversial DNA database in order to make it one of their "dividing lines" with the Tories at the election.
Tuesday 16th March

Arthur Koestler: 20th century man

Arthur Koestler, whose turbulent life charts the intellectual history of the 20thc in the West, has finally found a worthy biographer in Michael Scammell. A youthful communist and survivor of Franco’s prisons, Koestler developed into one of the West’s most persuasive crusaders against communism.

The Lib Dems are talking the talk

The Lib Dem leaders are starting to make sense in the face of the coming UK election

Venezuela obtains Chinese warplanes for ‘anti-drugs fight’

Chinese J-8 attack jets delivered in Venezuela. Sri Lankan general goes on military trial while supporters protest. Nigerian militants attack city with car bombs. South African youth leader found guilty of hate speech. All this and much more, in today’s security briefing.

Sri Lanka's forgotten Tamils

Rejected by the rest of the Tamil population and ignored by the Sinhalese authorities, tea workers who migrated from Tamil Nadu centuries ago are exploited in the plantations of the Sri Lankan highlands
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