Two Israeli soldiers, one Palestinian killed in Gaza

Two Israeli soldiers and a Palestinian civilian were killed on Friday in a gunbattle between troops and Palestinian armed fighters, news agencies reported. Hamas said its members opened fire after Israeli forces crossed the border, while the Israelis...

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Arab ministers to raise $500m fund for Palestinians in Jerusalem

Arab foreign ministers meeting in Libya ahead of an Arab League Summit agreed on Friday to raise a fund of $500m to support Palestinians living in Jerusalem, Aljazeera reported. "Yes, they have agreed," Amr Moussa, the Arab League's secretary...

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'Different yet similar': The Haniyeh and Fayyad governments

Friday March 19 the Palestine Center , the educational arm of the Jerusalem Fund based in Washington, DC, explored the similarities, differences, and implications of the Hamas government in Gaza and the Fatah government in the West bank in its latest...

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Abbas aides: No deal reached in Washington

A senior aide to PA President Mahmoud Abbas reports Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama failed to reach any agreement on a settlement freeze during their meetings in Washington, says Ma'an News Agency . Nabil Abu Rudaineh,...

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Bin Laden promises retaliation over 9/11 trial

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden released a message Thursday regarding the trials of suspects arrested for attacks on New York and the Pentagon in 2001, BBC News reports. The audio tape, originally broadcast by Al-Jazeera news, said Al-Qaeda would "execute"...

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Israeli media slams Netanyahu after trip to Washington

Netanyahu at cabinet meeting

Fox News reports on Israeli columnists reaction to Netanyahu-Obama meeting and call it a total failure. Watch the latest news video at

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Wedding bell blues: PA and Israel team up to tear inter-religious couple apart

Palestinian and Israeli authorities are coordinating to separate a Jewish-Muslim couple, Ma'an News Agency reports. Sadly, this is not the first incident, just the most recent. Sima got to know Muhammad for 4 years before marrying. Sima's Syrian...

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PA denies Abbas in failing health

Aides to PA president Mahmoud Abbas deny the premier is suffering form poor health, Ma'an News Agency reports. Their statement, which ran through government-run news agency WAFA , was in response to Israeli press reports that Abbas is ill. The report...

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'Record!/ I am an Arab': Palestine Note talks to Rasha Salti about the digital film revolution

Hollywood movies teach their audiences how to understand film through genres. For those of us outside the Middle East, it's from twenty-four hour news we learn what to expect: soldiers and screaming women, angry men and crying children, confusion...

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IDF fires upon unengaged Gazans

Israeli forces opened fire on men collecting rubble for construction materials in southern Gaza, Ma'an News Agency reports. A Palestinian worker was critically injured in the gun fire. The attack occurred near the closed Sufa crossing. Gazans have...

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'Full Signal' will make you rethink your cell phone

Like most people I know, my cell phone is with me more than anything else, and I feel naked without it. But after a sneak preview of Talal Jabaari's ' Full Signal ' at the Burke School last Friday, I was more than a little apprehensive to...

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'Children of Gaza' examines life after the war

UK Channel 4's weekly program "Dispatches" will cover the state of Gaza's youth tonight at 8pm GMT in " Children of Gaza ." "Dispatches" episodes can be viewed online following their television broadcast. After the...

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'The Land' looks at the conflict through the eyes of mothers

Dorit Rivlin Rak's three-part play ' The Land ' takes a look at the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through eyes of two mothers and their children, writes Rak on . Co-written by Rak in 2000, she set the project aside quickly after...

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Gaza comedy roasts Fatah and Hamas

"Umbilical Cord," a new play directed by Hazem Abu Hamid, has shocked and delighted audiences in the Gaza Strip, reports Middle East Online . In its three-night run this week, the biting comedy comments on the state of Gaza, taking shots at...

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'Infidel' finds the humor in religion

"The Infidel" follows Mahmud, a Muslim family man happily living in London's East End until he finds out he is actually Jewish. Mahmud's mother dies and finds out he was adopted. Things get more upside-down for Mahmud when he finds his...

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More Culture Items

26 Mar 2010 4:30 PM By Eileen White Read

What if I said Jerusalem belongs to Christians?

Right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stirred up a hornet's nest of interreligious conflict this week with comments about Jerusalem - the city of holy sites belonging to three religious groups who trace their common ancestry to Abraham...

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26 Mar 2010 11:26 AM By Ori Nir

If Ben-Gurion were alive today, He would vote likud

26 March, 2010 by Yuval Karni Gestures, statements, negotiations-nothing will come of it in the end. That is the bottom line as far as Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Strategic Affairs Moshe (Bogi) Yaalon is concerned. The former Mapainik, who has...

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26 Mar 2010 11:20 AM By Hussein Ibbish

Israel as a Jewish State

WASHINGTON, DC - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is insisting the Palestinians recognise Israel as, in his words, "the nation-state of the Jewish people," a new and problematic demand that raises serious questions about Israel's...

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26 Mar 2010 11:10 AM By Martin Indyk

Solving the Jerusalem problem

WASHINGTON, DC - Long after the humiliation of our vice president is forgotten, if not forgiven, and the president and secretary of State recommit themselves to the "rock solid" relationship with Israel, and the Israeli ambassador in Washington...

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26 Mar 2010 10:39 AM By Karin Kloosterman

A most charming recipe for peace and a feast

JAFFA - News accounts on CNN make it look like every Jew and Arab in Israel are mortal enemies. But in truth, tens of dozens of intentional coexistence projects are ongoing, started by Arab and Jewish friends as a means to break through the barriers of...

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26 Mar 2010 10:23 AM By Sarah Ozacky-Lazar

Collective rights for the Arab citizens of Israel

JERUSALEM - According to a poll published at the beginning of the month, fifty-six percent of Jewish high school students in Israel believe Arabs cannot be elected to the Knesset (Israeli parliament) and forty six percent do not support civil equality...

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26 Mar 2010 10:00 AM By Rabia Terry Harris

The tragedy of monotheism

PHILADELPHIA - Everybody needs a tribe. One person alone faces a frighteningly big, sometimes brutal world. Even a family can be too small to deal with some challenges that come down the pike - while if family relationships are the only ones around, obsessive...

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26 Mar 2010 9:47 AM By MJ Rosenberg

Heckuva job, AIPAC

I know what former President Bush would say if he had to comment on the results of AIPAC's conference this week. He would turn to Howard Kohr, its long time director, and say "heckuva job, Howie." AIPAC supposedly exists to promote US-Israel...

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25 Mar 2010 4:53 PM By Gregg Carlstrom

No crisis in Netanyahu's coalition

Netanyahu at cabinet meeting

Yedioth Ahronoth quotes a bunch of unnamed "commentators" -- every journalist's best friend! -- who think Netanyahu's coalition government is about to collapse . So does an unnamed minister from the Labor party, who thinks Bibi will...

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25 Mar 2010 3:51 PM By Noam Sheizaf

Arrested for post Zionism

Pay close attention to this item. It doesn't seem like much, but it's an important one: Two international activists, Ariadna Jove Marti (Spain) and Bridgette Chappell (Australia), who are living in Bir Zeit in the West Bank (it's near Ramallah...

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25 Mar 2010 3:46 PM By Neal Ungerleider

Fox News’s suicide bomb breast implant hysteria

The Fox News Channel puts its political biases front-and-center. At the same time, it is generally considered a credible news source. So what happens when FNC promotes a dubious story that terrorists with exploding breast implants will take down airplanes...

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25 Mar 2010 3:36 PM By Bernard Avishai

AIPAC Agonistes

I confess feeling a twinge of pathos when I heard on radio this morning how Benjamin Netanyahu told his AIPAC audience in Washington that the Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3000 years ago, would continue doing so today, and then hearing the crowd...

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25 Mar 2010 2:30 PM By Didi Remez

Searching for scapegoats, Netanyahu now tries to label Kadima a fifth-column

In May 2007, the current head of Israel's internal security agency, the General Security Service (GSS aka Shabak and Shin Bet), Yuval Diskin, unilaterally revolutionized his agency's mandate. Disken was responding to a request by Adalah to clarify...

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25 Mar 2010 2:25 PM By Daoud Kuttab

Netanyahu to endanger US soldiers for another year

During discussions in Washington between U.S. officials and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, an important revelation surfaced. Under U.S. and international pressure to stop Jewish settlement activities in Arab East Jerusalem, Netanyahu...

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25 Mar 2010 7:28 PM By Osama Alsharif

Beyond the Arab league

Few in the Arab world are pinning great hopes on the outcome of the Arab summit, which will be held next week in the Libyan city of Sirt. To say that the annual assembly of Arab leaders will convene amid grave regional challenges would be an understatement...

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Israel's grip on occupied Jerusalem

The Palestine Center , educational arm of the Jerusalem Fund , in Washington, DC explores the map of increasing occupation in the Palestinian territories...

Will Israeli settlement push spur US to tackle the issue?

Israel looks set to carry out plans to build 20 new apartments in East Jerusalem despite reported strong objections from the US. While there is nothing...

Riz Khan - US and Israel: scarred relations?

Beyond the issue of settlements in Jerusalem, there has been no progress on resuming the Middle East peace talks, and Palestinians fear that there will...

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