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Watch FRONTLINE/World on the Web

All FRONTLINE/World television stories are available on this Web site in streaming video a few days after each broadcast. You can watch all of the stories we've aired so far by exploring the Web site. Pass the Web site URL on to others who may have missed a broadcast.



December 2009

Trading Trees
Boon or boondoggle for climate change

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November 2009

Brazil: The Money Tree
The human cost of carbon credits

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October 2009

Peru: Kiva's Web-based Microfinance Growing Up

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October 2009

Jamaica: Girls on Track
Olympic dreams against the odds

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September 2009

Honduras: Standoff at the Embassy

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September 2009


Brazil: Hired Guns
FIghting for a share of the land

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September 2009


California: The Immigration Dilemma
Hard times stir up the issue in Central Valley

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July 2009


Guatemala: A Tale of Two Villages
U.S. immigration raid leaves lasting mark

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February 2009


Jamaica: The Alpha Boys
A legendary music school lives on

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January 2009

Virtual Gitmo: Human Rights in Second Life

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January 2009

Brazil: The Obama Samba

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May 2008

Mexico: Crimes at the Border
The business of human smuggling

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May 2008

Guatemala: The Secret Files
How Silicon Valley helps uncover a dirty war

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April 2008

Tortillanomics: Food or Fuel?
The competition for Mexico's corn

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March 2008


Mexico: The Business of Saving Trees
How one woman has created a biosphere

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March 2008

Chile: The New Nazis
Hitler's unlikely followers

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February 2008

Cuba: The Art Revolution
The new freedom of expression

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February 2008


Ecuador: Flower Power
Fair trade roses for Valentine's Day

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December 2007


Haiti: Belo's Song of Peace
Troubled island sells music and hope

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June 2007


Ecuador: Country Doctors
On rough roads and remote rivers

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April 2007

Paraguay: Sounds of Hope
How music is transforming society

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March 2007


Panama: The Last Medicine Woman
The secret life of plants

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January 2007

Canada: The Cell Next Door
The hidden face of suburban jihad

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October 2006


Chicago: Little Mexico
Legal son of an illegal mother

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September 2006


Cuba: The Art Revolution
Challenging Fidel's socialist system

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June 2006


Chile: Karina's Story
Buidling a life as a transgender woman

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May 2006


Bolivia: On the Road With Evo
The making of an unlikely president

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February 2006

Colombia: The Coca-Cola Controversy
Soft drink company accused of complicity in murder of union leaders

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January 2006

Brazil: Jewel of the Amazon
The conflict over Brazil's Diamonds

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January 2006


Colombia: This Little Old Town
War or no war, refugees return home

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December 2005


Brazil: Cutting the Wire
Witnessing a land occupation

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October 2005

The Curse of Inca Gold
The story behind the world's richest gold mine

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August 2005


Samurai Surfers
Eco-warriors in Puerto Rico

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May 2005

Mexico: The Ballad of Juan Quezada
A potter brings a village back to life

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June 2004

Mexico: A Death in the Desert
The fatal journey of a migrant worker


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January 2004

Belize: The Exile's Song
Reclaiming African roots


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June 2003

Venezuela: A Nation on Edge
A polarizing president stirs political passions


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May 2003

Guatemala/Mexico: Coffee Country
Can fair trade save the farm?


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November 2002

Colombia: The Pipeline War
U.S. oil fuels a bloody conflict


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June 2002

Bolivia: Leasing the Rain
An American company sparks a war over water


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November 2009

Uganda: Out of the Wild

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August 2009

Swaziland: The King and the Web

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July 2009


Cote d'Ivoire: Up in Smoke
Meet Africa's first green cops

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June 2009


Sierra Leone: Yeabu's Homecoming
Overcoming the stigma of a childbirth injury

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June 2009

Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground

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June 2009

Guinea Bissau: A Narco State in Africa

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January 2009

Zimbabwe: A Harsh Reality

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October 2008


Rwanda: Millennium Village
After 1994 genocide, a country journeys back

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June 2008

Zimbabwe: On the Brink
Trying to escape Mugabe's wrath

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June 2008

South Africa: Go Away and Fight Mugabe!

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May 2008

Mozambique: Guitar Hero
Singing about toilets to save lives

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January 2008


South Africa: An Everyday Crime
A day in the life of a rape crisis center

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August 2007


Congo: On the Trail of an AK-47
China's calling card in Africa

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July 2007


Ghana: Baseball Dreams
Africans embrace America's game

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July 2007


Uganda: The Condom Controversy
AIDS and the abstinence debate

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June 2007

Tanzania: Hero Rats
Sniffing landmines, saving lives

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May 2007


Liberia: Give Peace a Chance
A journey home

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May 2007


Uganda: The Return
Asians back in Africa

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May 2007

POSITHIV: AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
No longer the ultimate death sentence

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February 2007


Somalia: A Reporter's Search for Al Qaeda

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November 2006


Congo: Hope on the Ballot
Can historic elections bring peace?

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October 2006

Uganda: A Little Goes a Long Way
Pioneering microloans online

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August 2006


Libya: Out of the Shadow
A solar eclipse in a country seeking acceptance

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June 2006

Zimbabwe: Shadows and Lies
Inside a state of fear

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October 2005


South Africa: The Play Pump
Turning water into child's play

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August 2005


This Land is Ours
Who should own Namibia's farms?

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May 2005

Liberia: No More War
General Opande's last mission

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April 2005

South Africa: Nuclear Underground -- Video Web Exclusive: Part 2
The Secret Life of Asher Karni

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March 2005

South Africa: Nuclear Underground -- Special Report: Part 1
The Middleman

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January 2005

Sudan: The Quick and the Terrible
Investigating charges of genocide


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March 2004

Kenya: Run Lornah Run
Women racing for their lives


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January 2003

Nigeria: The Road North
What the Miss World riots reveal about a divided country


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May 2002

Sierra Leone: Gunrunners
Tracking the secret operations of international gun smugglers


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December 2009


France: Outlawing Ana
French lawmakers battle eating disorders

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December 2009

Copenhagen: Coverage from the Climate Summit

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January 2009

Italy: Taking on the Mafia

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November 2008


Turkey: A Family Erased
Revisiting a bitter history

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July 2008

Closing in on the War Criminals
Is Mladic next?

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July 2008

The Arrest of Radovan Karadzic
A view from Bosnia

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February 2008

Russia: Putin's Plan
Giving up the presidency but not the power

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June 2007

Faroe Islands: A Message from the Sea
Whale hunters and mercury

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May 2007


Russia: Putin vs. NGOs
Russia's attack on independent voices

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May 2007


Russia: Island on the Edge
A rough, new energy frontier

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April 2007


France: The Precarious Generation
Au revoir job security

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January 2007

Moldova: The Price of Sex
Women caught in the sex trade

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January 2007

Russia: Moscow's Sex and the City
The new reality for Russian Women

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September 2006


Bosnia: Divided We Stand
Can we agree on a hero?

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July 2006


Italy: One-Way Ticket to Europe
African migrants search for a better life

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June 2006


Germany: Heart of Berlin
The struggle to save an East German landmark

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May 2006

Poland: Chopin's Heart
A nation's musical gift to the world

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March 2006

Bosnia: The Men Who Got Away
Who is hunting for Mladic and Karadzic?

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March 2006


France: Soundtrack to a Riot
A rap of protest from the ghetto

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March 2006


Northern Ireland: Uneasy Peace
A community learns to forgive

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December 2005


Norway: Reindeer Men
Mythic nomads in a modern world

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October 2005

Ukraine: A Murder in Kyiv
An assassination haunts the country

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August 2005


Murder in St. Petersburg
Russian hate crimes on the rise

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July 2005


Dark Shadows
The legacy of war in Serbia and Bosnia

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January 2004

Spain: The Lawless Sea
Investigating a notorious shipwreck


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October 2003

Moscow: Rich In Russia
The brave new world of young capitalists and tycoons


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May 2003

France: Play it Again Maurice
From North Africa with love Jewish-Arabic soul music


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January 2003

Iceland: The Future of Sound
Innovative pop music from the land of ice and fire


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October 2002

Romania: My Old Haunts
A native son returns to the land of Dracula


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Middle East

July 2009

Jailed In Iran
A reporter's story

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June 2009

Egypt: Middle East, Inc
The next generation of entrepreneurs

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June 2009


Iran: The Stem Cell Fatwa
Science and religion's unlikely union

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May 2009

Iraq: Living in Hiding
Inside a secret women's shelter in Baghdad

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November 2007

Egypt: Extraordinary Rendition
Investigating the CIA's secret detentions

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September 2007


Dubai: Night Secrets
The oldest profession in the newest playground

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August 2007


Iraq: The Alcohol Smugglers
Kurds deliver contraband liquor to Iran

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June 2007

Kuwait: The 99
Superheroes of the Muslim world

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March 2007

News War: Requiem

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March 2007

News War: War of Ideas

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December 2006


Iraq: Law and Disorder
On patrol with Kirkuk's police chief

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September 2006


Vacation From War
Life on base in the Persian Gulf

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August 2006


Iraq: The Fight Over Kirkuk's Oil
Who will control the region's most valuable asset?

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May 2006

Palestinian Territories: Inside Hamas
After winning the vote, can they govern?

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March 2006

Israel: The Unexpected Candidate
The political conversion of Ehud Olmert

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January 2006

Iraq: Saddam's Road to Hell
A journey into the killing fields

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September 2005


Weight of the World
Rebuilding Afghanistan in the gym

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August 2005


Occupied Minds
A Palestinian and Israeli on the road

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June 2005


Return to Kirkuk
A Kurdish exile's journey home

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May 2005

Iran: Going Nuclear
Legal power or illegal weapons?

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May 2005

Lebanon: The Earthquake
An assassination sparks a revolution

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April 2005

Punk Rock in the Holy Land
Israelis find freedom in a thriving punk scene

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January 2005

Iraq: Reporting the War
Trying to cover the world's most dangerous place


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January 2004

Iran: Forbidden Iran
A reporter's undercover journey


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May 2003

Lebanon: Party of God
A reporter's search for the real Hezbollah


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May 2003

Iraq: The Road to Kirkuk
After Saddam's terror can Kurds and Arabs live together?


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March 2003

Israel/Palestinian territories: In the Line of Fire
When journalists become targets


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September 2002

Iraq: Truth and Lies in Baghdad
A reporter's journey inside Saddam's regime


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South Asia

February 2010

Pakistan: The Lost Generation
The crisis in Pakistan's schools

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November 2009

Afghanistan: Fight for the Korengal Valley

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October 2009

Covering Conflict Zones: A Media Symposium
How to protect yourself, your fixer, and your sources.

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September 2009

Afghanistan: A Stolen Election?

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August 2009

Bangladesh: The Blowback of Corruption
Canadian company leaves environmental scar

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August 2009

Bangladesh: Where Corruption Flows

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August 2009


West Papua: The Clever One
A peculiar bird's particular talent

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July 2009


Pakistan: Karachi's Invisible Enemy
City potent refuge for Taliban fighters

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June 2009

Vietnam: Wheels of Change
A rugged wheelchair for the developing world

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May 2009

Afghanistan: After an Airstrike

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May 2009

Pakistan: A Death in Swat
A journalist's life and mysterious assassination

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May 2009

Pakistan: Letter from Karachi
A war comes close to home

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April 2009

Interview With Sharmeen Obaid-Chinnoy

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April 2009

Afghanistan: Law & Order

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April 2009

Pakistan: Children of the Taliban
Recruiting and intimidating the next generation

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March 2009

Bangladesh: The Mystery of a Mutiny

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March 2009

Bangladesh: The Mystery of a Mutiny

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February 2009

Afghanistan: A Hard Fight

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October 2008


Sri Lanka: A Terrorist in the Family
inside the life of a female suicide bomber

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September 2008


Burma: Inside the Saffron Revolution
After the uprising, what comes next?

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July 2008

Burma: After the Storm
A reporter's video diary

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June 2008

India: Design Like You Give a Damn
Building sustainable communities, not trophy homes.

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May 2008

India: The Cost of Yellowcake
Mining uranium on tribal lands

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February 2008

Pakistan: State of Emergency
Battling a new generation of Taliban

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December 2007

On the Edge of the Crescent
Muslim minorities in Southeast Asia

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November 2007


Cambodia: Care and Comfort
Cambodia: Care and Comfort

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November 2007

India: A Second Opinion
Does Ayurvedic medicine work?

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September 2007


Pakistan: Disappeared
One woman's search arouses a nation

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August 2007

North Korea: In Black and White

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August 2007


Thailand: Women for Peace
Offering solace to victims of conflict

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June 2007


Cambodia: The Silk Grandmothers
Weaving a new life from a lost art

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June 2007

Indonesia: After the Wave
A search for justice

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June 2007


India: A New Life
Getting children off the streets

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June 2007


Nepal: A Girl's Life
Making room to read

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May 2007


China: The New Wave
Filmmakers reveal society's dark side

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April 2007


India: The Missing Girls
A society out of balance

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April 2007


Mongolia: Land Without Fences
A nomad's hard choice

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April 2007

Afghanistan: The Other War
Is NATO winning the battle?

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December 2006


Pakistan: This Is Your Wife
Invitation to an arranged marriage

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December 2006


Nepal: Caught in the People's War
A journey into an uncertain future

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October 2006

Burma: State of Fear
A regime at war with its own people

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July 2006


India: A Pound of Flesh
Selling kidneys to survive

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February 2006


Pakistan: Cold Comfort
A battle for hearts and minds in the quake zone

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January 2006


India: Calcutta Calling
American girls explore their roots

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July 2005


Seeds of Suicide
India's desperate farmers

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July 2005


Cursed by the Gods
Rebuilding lives after the tsunami

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June 2004

India: The Sex Workers
A tale of two cities


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March 2004

Pakistan: On a Razor's Edge
A journey home at a time of hope and crisis


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June 2003

India: Starring Osama Bin Laden
A folk opera with a disturbing twist


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May 2003

Nepal: Dreams of Chomolongma
Sherpa women scale Mount Everest


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October 2002

India: Hole in the Wall
Opening the door to cyberspace


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May 2002

Bhutan: The Last Place
Television arrives in a Buddhist kingdom


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May 2002

Sri Lanka: Living in Terror
A journey to a tropical island besieged by suicide bombers


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September 2009

China: Wall Scholar

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April 2009

South Korea: The Most Wired Place on Earth
There is one downside, internet addiction.

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August 2008


China: Kung Fu English
A bootcamp in the provinces

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June 2008

Asia and Africa: Living on the Edge
The human consequences of a warming planet

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June 2008

Jesus in China
Is Christianity transforming China?

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June 2008

China: Out of the Rubble

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January 2008

China: Green Dreams
A not so model village

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January 2008


Indonesia: Wham! Bam! Islam!
Muslim super heroes come to Jakarta

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December 2007


Philippines: Have Degree Will Travel
Where have all the nurses gone?

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October 2007


China: Undermined
Coal mines threaten villages

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September 2007


Tibet: Eye Camp
Restoring vision at the top of the world

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August 2007


Philippines: The Black Stain of Oil
Who's cleaning up?

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March 2007


South Korea: Everyone's a Journalist
The story of OhMynews

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April 2006


Japan and China: The Unforgotten War
Views from both sides of East Asia's historical conflict

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December 2005


Tuvalu: That Sinking Feeling
Global warming, rising seas

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November 2005


Japan: The Slow Life
Tune in, drop out, grow rice

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July 2005


The Women's Kingdom
In China, how free can a woman be?

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January 2005

China: Silenced
A reporter's nightmare


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June 2004

China: Shanghai Nights
A new generation's cultural revolution


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March 2004

Kyrgyzstan: The Kidnapped Bride
The resurgence of a banned custom


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October 2003

Afghanistan: A House For Haji Baba
Life after war in a former Taliban stronghold


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June 2003

Hong Kong: Chasing the Virus
Trying to stop the deadly SARS epidemic


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June 2003

Philippines: Islands Under Siege
A reporter's journey to meet Muslim rebels


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May 2003

Vietnam: Looking for Home
An expatriate rediscovers his country


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October 2002

Cambodia: Pol Pot's Shadow
Searching for a mysterious executioner


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