APN Policies and Positions: Believe in Israel. Believe in Peace.


Settlements – including settlement expansion and the proliferation of proto-settlements known as “illegal outposts” – are a political, security, and economic liability for Israel, and an existential threat to Israel as a Jewish, democratic state. Read More...

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APN supports a negotiated solution to competing claims in Jerusalem. We believe that whatever the arrangements, the emergence of a Palestinian capital in Arab areas of Jerusalem would not undermine Israel's claim to Jerusalem as its capital. Rather, it could clear the way – at long last – for international recognition of Jewish Jerusalem as Israel's capital. It would make Israel's capital a more Jewish city, solidify Israel’s sovereignty over it, and allow Israel to shed the burden of ruling over hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who are not and do not desire to be Israeli. Read More...

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APN believes that the longstanding past U.S. approach to Iran, consisting almost exclusively of sanctions and saber-rattling, has failed. APN strongly supports the Obama Administration’s efforts to replace this approach with a serious, results-oriented Iran policy, comprising sanctions and meaningful incentives and founded on direct, determined US and multilateral diplomacy, without preconditions. Read More...

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A New Chapter In The Middle East

Americans for Peace Now supports President Obama in carrying out his mandate in the Middle East, and will do everything possible to work with him to realize the long-cherished and long-denied goal of peace, security, and stability for Israel and all inhabitants of the region. Read More...

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Top Stories story archive

AIPAC doesn't speak for me

For months APN has been working to get President Barack Obama to step up his efforts in support of peace for Israel. We've called on him to be prepared to confront Israel, the Palestinians, or the Arab states when they fail to play ball.

Last week the Obama administration did just that.


Arabs and Jews refuse to be enemies

I'm proud to be one of the thousands of Israelis and Palestinians who joined the demonstration on Saturday night in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. The crowd, mobilized by a broad range of groups (including the Israeli Peace Now movement), is united in our opposition to settler groups who are evicting Palestinian families and moving into their homes there.


Stop the Violence - Stop the Hate

Israel is going through a dark time, marked by increased settler violence, intensified incitement against pro-peace leaders and causes in Israel, and vicious demonization of pro-peace, pro-democracy forces. Enough is enough. Stand for peace. Condemn the use of violence by settlers.


Needed: A Rational Approach to Iran
APN today released new policy language to address the changing political situation in Iran.

March 2010

An Iran armed with nuclear weapons represents an alarming scenario that neither the U.S. nor Israel, nor for that matter, the world, can afford to ignore, and one that the U.S. and the international community should be exerting all efforts to avoid.  More...

Articles on Violations of Settlement Freeze

settlement freeze,

According to Defense Ministry figures, construction continues in dozens of settlements in violation of building moratorium. Peace Now: 'Begin was right - freeze means nothing'

Jerusalem Post: "29 settlements defy freeze order"

Ynet: "Defense Ministry: Building in 29 settlements despite freeze"

BBC News: "Israeli settlers 'still building'"

JTA: "Many settlements violating building freeze, Israel says"

Ha'aretz: "Defense Ministry reveals West Bank settlement freeze abuses"

Forward: "Congressional Letter To End Gaza Blockade Splits Activists"

gaza, government relations

By Nathan Guttman

Published February 03, 2010, issue of February 12, 2010.

Washington -- A congressional letter calling on the United States to press for the lifting of the blockades imposed by Israel and Egypt on Gaza has sparked controversy within the Jewish community.

Picture: Reps. Jim McDermott (left) and Keith Ellison sponsored effort to ease blockade on movement of civilian goods.

IPS: "U.S.: Obama Losing Control of Iran Policy"


In a statement Friday, Debra DeLee, president of Americans for Peace Now, urged that the bill be modified when members of the House and Senate meet to reconcile their respective versions of the legislation.

by Ali Gharib

WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (IPS) - In a surprisingly swift move on Thursday night that could have wide-ranging implications, the U.S. Senate passed a bill containing broad unilateral sanctions to punish foreign companies that export gasoline to Iran or help expand its domestic refinery capabilities.

APN Denounces New Israeli Settlement Plans in East Jerusalem

March 9, 2010

APN denounces in the sharpest terms Israel's announcement today of plans for new settlement construction in East Jerusalem.  Speaking from Jerusalem, where he is part of an APN leadership delegation to Israel, APN spokesman Ori Nir commented:

APN Welcomes Indirect Israeli-Palestinian Talks

March 8, 2010

Washington, DC -- APN welcomes today's announcement that Special Envoy George Mitchell will be brokering indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. APN welcomes the involvement of Arab governments in the process that lead to today's announcement.

New Campaign Against Violence and Intolerance in Israel

February 26, 2010

Washington, DC - Americans for Peace Now today launched a new campaign, urging Americans who care about Israel's future to raise their voice against political violence and intolerance in Israel.

The campaign, Stop the Violence, Stop the Hate, features a new interactive web page that combines education with activism.

Buildings for Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem: More to Come

March 11, 2010

By Jo-Ann Mort, March 11, 2010

The announcement by Israeli Interior Minister that Israel is building 1600 more housing units in East Jerusalem made during VP Biden's visit was probably not an accident--hard to imagine otherwise. But, not simply because Eli Yishai, the Minister, wanted to embarrass the VP; also because he honestly has little interest in listening to any elected official--from his own Prime Minister to our nation's VP.

Behind the Settlements by Daniel Kurtzer

February 26, 2010

Ariel Sharon was considered the godfather of the Israeli settlements movement. His ardent support of settlements construction and the legitimacy he lent to the strategic argument for settlements as a means of enhancing Israeli security were vital to the success of the enterprise, particularly in the years after he left the Israeli military for politics. Sharon's basic argument revolved around security. During my time as U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Sharon would often hold forth on the rationale for and his own role in the planning of new settlements.

Haaretz editorial: Badge of Terror

January 29, 2010

There is no way to describe the West Bank settlers' attack on the Palestinian village of Bitilu but as a well-planned terror attack. The settlers' "military" organization and violent resistance to the cabinet decision to destroy the illegal outpost of Givat Menachem, as described by Chaim Levinson in Haaretz yesterday, are no different from the activities of other terrorist organizations. This includes the incitement, ranting and raving preceding the act of vengeance on Bitilu, the attempt to set a house on fire, the injuring of villagers with stones, and the threat to continue these violent tactics. 

People for Peace

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Shalom Achshav

APN's direct connection to Israel