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PipeLineNews.org Headline Crawler...1970 Cold Case To Be Explored At April 23 San Francisco News Conference...Size Of San Francisco Tea Party Protest Shows Obama's In Hot Water...Breaking - Obama Administration Declares War On The Right...Terror Trial Of Oussama Abdullah Kassir Set To Begin In New York...UK Visa Loophole Providing Free Potential Access To Pakistani Terrorists...Philly Court Crushes Shari'a In Philly Cop Case, Council on American Islamic Relations And Islamic Society Of North America Take Big Hit...Obama Appoints Anti-Catholic Bigot - Harry Knox - To "Faith Based" Board...Obama Guts Military, Kills Key Weapons Programs - Opposition In Congress Tepid But Mounting...Just Say No To EU Membership For Turkey...Somali Islamists Score Big In Court, Pocket Cash And Force Shari'a Compliance On Gold'n Plump Meat Packing House...Farooq Kathwari Speaking At Muslim Brotherhood Affiliated Event...Obama "Plan" Abandons Victory In Afghanistan...Dhimmi Senator Feingold Carries Jihadist's Dirty Water, Deservedly Gets Kicked In The Teeth By FBI Director Mueller...University of Pennsylvania Hillel Continues To Work With Hamas Supporting Muslim Student Association...U.S. - Israeli Relations Grow More Strained, IDF Official Shunned By Obama Administration...Dozens Of Al-Qaeda Trained Brits Allowed To Enter Country From Pakistan...Danish Liberal Party Attempts To Ban Geert Wilders From "Free Speech" Conference...American Wing Of Muslim Brotherhood Meets With Obama's FBI...Muslim Rent-A-Mob Intimidates Virginia Planning Commission Over Saudi-Funded Islamic School...Clueless Obama Homeland Security Chief Napolitano - Islamic Terrorism Now "Man Caused Disasters"...Palestinian - Tareq Mousa Al Ghazi - Faces Long Sentence In NY Terror Conviction...American Muslim Groups And U.S. Law Enforcement...Iranian Charged With Illegally Exporting Military Equipment To Iran...Judicial Tyranny Has Usurped Executive's War Fighting Power...National Press Event Set To Probe Weather Underground...Chas Freeman Withdraws From NIC Nomination...Brit Think Tank Plans To Arrest Hezbollah Member Ibrahim Moussaoui If He Is Allowed To Enter UK...Obama/Hillary Visibly Tilting Towards Terrorist Fatah Over Israel...Julius Genachowski Nominated To Chair FCC - Will He Be Obama's Communications Thug?...Islam On Trial - Why Resistance To Mosque Surveillance Demonstrates The Tenuous Loyalty Of Many Muslims...NC Senator Larry Shaw Joins Hamas Linked CAIR As Board Chair...Hamas Linked Group, CAIR, Decries FBI Mosque Surveillance Program...Threat By Islamist MP Gets Geert Wilders Banned From The UK...Conservative Students Triumph - Ayers Speech At Georgia Southern University Cancelled...Former Partner Of Eric Holder's Law Firm Represents Cole Bomber And 14 Other GITMO Detainees..."Muslim Leaders Of Tomorrow" Feign Moderation, Prepare For The Caliphate ...The Depravity Of Iraq's Islamists...Fed Control Is The Key To Understanding The "Stimulus Bill"...House Of Reps Queries FBI Over Details Of Its Overdue Rejection Of CAIR...Ken Blackwell's Magnanimity Put RNC Chair Winner Michael Steele Over The Top - Bravo!...Obama's Clearest Signal Yet On Surrender In War On Terror...FBI Rejects CAIR - Will No Longer Meet With Hamas Mouthpiece...U.S. House of Representatives Cautioned To Stay Away From CAIR...Hitler Predicted Holocaust As Early As January 30, 1939...St. Mary's College - First Amendment Under Assault...Large Crowd Protests Ayers' Appearance At St. Mary's College Campus...Saudi Prince Turki Al-Faisal Shakes Empty Gauntlet At U.S. Over Gaza...Michael Steele Will Chair RNC Chair Says California GOP Insider Shawn Steel...Dr. Treating Wounded In Gaza Says Death Toll Vastly And Intentionally Inflated...Dutch MP Wilders Prosecuted For Criticizing Radical Muslims Under "Hate Crime" Statutes...Austrian Politician Suzanne Winter Convicted Of "Hate Speech"...Former FBI Informant Reveals Truth About Bill Ayers & Weather Underground's Campaign Of Political Murder...Islamists At UK's Quilliam Foundation Receive Major Funding From UK Government...Protest Forming Around Ayers' Speech At St. Mary's College, California...Law Enforcement Continues Sorry Record In Partnering With Islamists...Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers To Speak At St. Mary's College Campus In California - Characterizing Him As Advocate Of "Social Justice"...Obama's Preferred Future Spy Chief Leon Panetta Supported Communist-Linked Anti-CIA Think Tank...Gretta Duisenberg and Harry van Bommel - Two Dutch Hamas Apologists ...Arab European League Behind Anti-Jewish Riots in Belgium...Support For Hamas' Use Of Child Hostages Indicative Of Islam's Moral Bankruptcy?...Much Ado About Something - Muslims "Booted" Off Airline Flight...The Dream Of The Terrorism Deniers Dies Hard...

1970 Cold Case To Be Explored At April 23 San Francisco News Conference

The Campaign for Justice for Victims of Weather Underground Terrorism Urges Probe of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn

Contact: William Mayer
Land line: 925-689-9492

April 16, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Pressure is mounting for an expanded probe of Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn , and their alleged roles in the 1970 bombing murder of a San Francisco policeman. Larry Grathwohl, former FBI informant in the Weather Underground and author of Bringing Down America: An FBI Informer with the Weathermen, will repeat his sworn testimony that points to the involvement of the Weather Underground in the bombing murder of Sgt. Brian V. McDonnell at a 12:30 p.m. News Conference on Thursday, April 23, 2009, at the Marriott Courtyard San Francisco Downtown, 299 Second Street, in the Rincon Hill room. Grathwohl says that he was at a meeting where Ayers said that his wife Dohrn had planted the bomb.

The San Francisco Police Officers Association has publicly supported the call for a renewed investigation, saying the evidence points to Ayers and Dohrn as the perpetrators.

The News Conference is being sponsored by the Campaign for Justice for Victims of Weather Underground Terrorism, a project of investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid's America's Survival, Inc.

Weather Underground Backgrounder - The San Francisco Park Police Station Bombing

April 16, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Many media organization have uncritically repeated the claims of Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn that their bombs and "armed actions" never hurt or killed anyone, except when a bomb accidentally went off, killing three of their own members. But the February 16, 1970, murder of Sergeant Brian V. McDonnell has been attributed to the Weather Underground by the FBI, former FBI informant Larry Grathwohl, the Society of former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Inc., and the San Francisco Police Officers Association... [please take the following link to download the complete 24 page report in .pdf format Special Report - Weather Underground]

The Cuban Role In Weather Underground Terrorism

April 16, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Herbert Romerstein, former investigator for House Committee on Un-American Activities:

"What is significant today are the neo-communists, many of them are what we call red diaper babies and they came out of communist families. But they were disappointed in the Soviet Union back in the 1960s and 1970s and they were disappointed that the American Communist Party was so weak. So, they said they were communists, and they were better communists than the American Communist Party. I think a better term for Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn is neo-communists. They were not party members, but they were fighting on behalf of the countries that the Soviet Union controlled or created..." [please take the following link to dowload this report in .pdf format The Cuban Role In Weather Underground Terrorism]

Mark Rudd: Anti-American, Anti-Semitic Terrorist

April 16, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - On March 4, 2009, Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO of News Corporation, received a human relations award from the American Jewish Committee [AJC] and gave a speech denouncing growing anti-Semitism. On March 24, however, a division of Murdoch's company published a book by a Weather Underground terrorist who believes that Israel is an imperialist lackey of the United States that must be destroyed.

Ironically, the book, Underground, My Life with SDS and the Weathermen, is by Mark Rudd who is himself Jewish. But as former Congressional investigator Herbert Romerstein points out in his report, What was the Weather Underground?, the American Jewish community was a particular target of the Weather Underground when Rudd was a top official with the terrorist organization and its predecessor, the SDS... [please take the following link to download the complete 16 page report in .pdf format Mark Rudd: Anti-American, Anti-Semitic Terrorist]

Size Of San Francisco Tea Party Protest Shows Obama's In Hot Water

April 15, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Despite a concerted effort by the MSM to ignore and or belittle the burgeoning conservative Tea Party movement, on this bright April tax day at least 1,200 citizens showed up in the belly of the beast, San Francisco, to protest the Obama administration.

Led by a citizen coalition including KSFO firebrand talker Melanie Morgan, the group assembled in front of Civic Center and then marched on Speaker Pelosi's office at 450 Golden Gate Avenue.

In dramatic contrast to this city's normal lefty rent-a-mob protests which are usually mass produced events and underwritten by union thugs or the international Marxist movement, this one was a truly organic do-it-yourselfer, featuring colorful hand-lettered signs. Of particular note, the protesters conducted themselves with good cheer and demonstrated a level of civility not often seen on San Francisco's anarchic political landscape.

For the complete San Francisco Tea Party photo-essay, please take the headline link.

Breaking - Obama Administration Declares War On The Right

April 14, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Barack Hussein Obama, whose political candidacy was launched in the living room of murderous Weather Underground domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, has declared war on conservatism, conflating the movement with the likes of Timothy McVeigh.

Proof of this "declaration" lies strewn across the pages of a leaked Dept of Homeland Security document titled Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment which conjures up an Obamaworld viewpoint in which political dissent on the right is raised as a spectre, a bogeyman in much the way that Hitler employed his rabid hatred of the Jews to launch post Weimar Germany down a path that immediately precipitated Krystallnacht, leading then in short order to Dachau, Buchenwald and Treblinka and world conflagration.

Analysis to follow...visit the above hyperlink for the complete DHS document in .pdf format.

UK Visa Loophole Providing Free Potential Access To Pakistani Terrorists

April 13, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The London Times is reporting [see, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/leading_article/article6087904.ece] that a gaping and currently still operative loophole in the UK's Visa system is allowing unfettered entre to thousands of Pakistanis.

The overwhelming majority of terrorist activity in the UK [including all of the significant bombing cases] is in one way or another connected to Pakistan.

The illegal immigration scheme involves setting up dummy "colleges" through which the necessary - but fraudulent in these cases - paperwork is prepared. The result is that untold numbers of radicals who might pose a significant terror risk have taken advantage of the process, coming to Britain posing as students. The ease of abuse has been hastened by the degree to which the process can be managed anonymously via the Internet.

Terror Trial Of Oussama Abdullah Kassir Set To Begin In New York

April 13, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The terror trial of a Swedish citizen, born in Lebanon has reached the jury selection phase in New York.

Oussama Abdullah Kassir is charged with working to aid al-Qaeda having attempted to establish secret training sites in Oregon and operating a number of websites which offered terrorist instruction manuals such as "The Mujahideen Explosives Handbook" and "The Mujahideen Poisons Handbook," court documents stated.

An apparent associate of Kassir's, James Ujaama, from Seattle, WA has already plead guilty to aiding al-Qaeda and is expected to testify for the prosecution.

Philly Court Crushes Shari'a In Philly Cop Case, Council on American Islamic Relations And Islamic Society Of North America Take Big Hit

April 10, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In a unanimous decision, Philadelphia's 3rd Circuit Court has ruled against the case of Kimberlie Webb who claimed that her civil rights were violated when she was not allowed to wear an Islamic head covering while on duty as a police officer in the city of Philadelphia.

In the opinion, Judge Anthony J. Scirica held that allowing Ms. Webb to wear religious garb would violate the "religious neutrality" under which the police department operates and impair its effectiveness.

"...the essential values of impartiality, religious neutrality, uniformity, and the subordination of personal preference would be severely damaged to the detriment of the proper functioning of the police department."

The push to force public and private institutions into conformity with Islamic law is the cutting edge of the stealth jihad against the West. Fortunately, Ms. Webb was a flawed vessel in which to vest this case.

Obama Appoints Anti-Catholic Bigot - Harry Knox - To "Faith Based" Board


April 8, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Indicative of President Obama's odd take on the place of faith in American life and consistent with the relativism displayed in his recent speech in Turkey where he claimed that the United States is not a Christian nation ["we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation?"] he yesterday rounded out his final appointments to the WH faith based advisory council, naming virulent anti-Catholic gay activist Harry Knox.

Knox is the director of the "religion and faith program" at the Human Rights Campaign which is a radical gay pressure group.

Noting Knox's history as a Catholic basher, Catholic League president Bill Donohue stated:

"On the home page of the Human Rights Campaign, it says that Knox was 'denied ordination because he is gay.' This is patently untrue. He was denied ordination in the United Methodist Church and the United Church of Christ because he is a sexually active homosexual. Regardless, it is his open disdain for Catholicism that makes him a bad choice to serve on the Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. When Pope Benedict XVI recently said that condoms are not the answer to HIV/AIDS, he was simply voicing common sense: the promiscuous distribution of condoms has coincided with a precipitous increase in HIV/AIDS. But to gay activists like Knox, the pope is a liar. Indeed, he instructed the pope to 'start telling the truth about condom use,' holding the Holy Father accountable for 'endangering people's lives.' He never explained how calls for abstinence could possibly jeopardize anyone's life. Knox even went so far as to say that because the Knights of Columbus - like most Americans - oppose gay marriage, they are 'foot soldiers of a discredited army of oppression.'" [source, http://www.earnedmedia.org/cathl0407.htm]

Knox will be joining two dedicated Islamists on the faith board, Eboo Patel and Dailia Mogahed.

Obama Guts Military, Kills Key Weapons Programs - Opposition In Congress Tepid But Mounting

April 7, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Hot on the heels of the announcement of team Obama's slashing of the Defense Dept. Budget, a bipartisan Senatorial working group signaled its displeasure, issuing a strongly worded communiqué, "These proposals would amount to almost a 15 percent cut in the [Missile Defense Agency] budget and a major reduction in our missile defense portfolio - actions that we fear could undermine our emerging missile defense capabilities to protect the United States against a growing threat..."

Signatories to the document included Joe Lieberman [D-Ct], chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, Jon Kyl [R-AZ], Mark Begich [D-AK], Lisa Murkowski [R- AK], Jeff Sessions [R-AL] and James M. Inhofe [R-OK].

The timing of the cuts could not have come at a more politically inopportune time, with North Korea having launched a intercontinental class missile on Sunday which had sufficient range to reach the United States.

Just Say No To EU Membership For Turkey

April 6, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - It seems somehow appropriate that as the Obama administration continues its headlong rush towards an official position of dhimmitude we find him in Turkey forcefully advocating membership of the Muslim country in the European Union.

This was always a bad idea, but one which never had to be seriously entertained because for many experienced foreign policy types it was a non-starter from its inception.

Not the least consideration in this unfolding equation is that despite the administration's lofty perception of itself as infallible in nearly every matter, this is a decision that is correctly and totally within the purview of the European community.

This sentiment was best expressed by the French with president Sarkozy in effect telling DC to butt out, and leave this matter to the Europeans.

Though Obama believes that much binds Europe To Turkey stating that "more than bridges over the Bosporus" link the two, the differences speak far louder than do the politicians who are largely motivated by touchy-feely political niceties.

Somali Islamists Score Big In Court, Pocket Cash And Force Shari'a Compliance On Gold'n Plump Meat Packing House


April 2, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Radical Muslim Somalis hit the jackpot last week when 128 of them were awarded a $215,000 settlement for alleged religious discrimination by St. Cloud, Minnesota meat packer Gold'n Plump.

The consent decree, issued by U.S. Magistrate Jeanne Graham also forced Gold'n Plump into Shari'a compliance, setting aside a paid portion of each work day for Islamic prayer.

In a related case, a local labor contractor, the Work Connection, will have to pay 28 of the Somalis $150,000 for actions taken as a result of the Muslims refusal to sign a form stating that if referred to Gold'n Plump they would not refuse to handle pork.

As these writers have noted in numerous pieces, since their arrival the Somali refugees have displayed a remarkable penchant for stirring up labor unrest amidst charges of religious discrimination:

Farooq Kathwari Speaking At Muslim Brotherhood Affiliated Event


March 31, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Farooq Kathwari the CEO of Ethan Allen furniture is sponsoring and slated to be the keynote speaker at the conference of the Kashmir Corps taking place at Columbia University on Saturday April 11th. The event is cosponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood linked Muslim Student Association [MSA].

According to the MSA announcement:

"Kashmir Corps will host a conference, co-sponsored by MSA, that brings together alumni of its Summer Public Service Program, other accomplished students, young professionals, and experts with substantial experience in the fields of economic development, education and healthcare in Kashmir. The purpose of this event is to facilitate networking among young leaders and to formulate projects within the development framework that can be implemented in Kashmir. Those committed to the advancement of Kashmiri society will therefore be able to leverage their knowledge, skills, and abilities in pursuit of this goal through a coordinated and sustained effort."

Kathwari's son Irfan, was killed in Afghanistan in 1992 while waging jihad against the Russians. Kathwari established a foundation in his name. Irfan is believed to have joined with jihadists [who were connected to either of two Islamic terror organizations, Jaish Mohammed or Lashkar e Taiba] and died while carrying out an attack.

Kathwari has a history of support for Islamist groups. In 2004 he was a speaker at the annual conference of the Islamic Society of North America, a group listed as an unindicted conspirator in the recently concluded successful prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation in the nation's largest terror funding trial.

Obama "Plan" Abandons Victory In Afghanistan

March 30, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Though greeted by the same reverential cheerleading by the talking heads which has accompanied every major proposal by this administration, the media, the newbie Obama team and the American public are in for a very rude awakening if they expect this plan to win the war against Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan.

Last Friday the WH released the long-awaited new battle plan. The day of release was appropriately chosen so that it might drop into that great black hole that engulfs news as the cycle eases into the weekend.

Probably of highest concern in the new WH plan is the shifting away from a goal of defeating the Taliban and al-Qaeda on the ground in Afghanistan. It's an abrupt and clean break with past policy to the extent that real victory, the military kind, is never even mentioned in the document. Instead, we learn that the new focus will be to somehow defeat these groups as they reside and operate within the tribal areas of an increasingly unstable and restive Pakistan.

Therefore, the core goal of the U.S. must be to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its safe havens in Pakistan, and to prevent their return to Pakistan or Afghanistan. The ability of extremists in Pakistan to undermine Afghanistan is proven, while insurgency in Afghanistan feeds instability in Pakistan. The threat that al Qaeda poses to the United States and our allies in Pakistan - including the possibility of extremists obtaining fissile material - is all too real. Without more effective action against these groups in Pakistan, Afghanistan will face continuing instability.[source, Administration White Paper, http://www.pipelinenews.org/images/Afghanistan-Pakistan_White_Paper.pdf]

One of the major difficulties of course with this plan is that while the United States and its NATO allies have essentially free reign [only limited by the will to act] to operate in Afghanistan, the ability to influence events in Pakistan, especially in Waziristan, are very limited. Given Pakistan's near full-scale surrender in its most problematic provinces, ceding local control to the Taliban and al-Qaeda, it strains credulity to believe that events in Afghanistan can effectively be managed by pressure applied to Pakistan, no matter how severe. Regardless of the demonstrable effectiveness of the Predator program, it remains a tactical weapon. As a result, the strategic defeat of al-Qaeda will never come as a result of limited unmanned, surgical air strikes on selected targets, something made painfully clear during the Clinton administration's wholly ineffective policy of surgical missile strikes against targets linked to bin-Laden.

Dhimmi Senator Feingold Carries Jihadist's Dirty Water, Deservedly Gets Kicked In The Teeth By FBI Director Mueller

March 30, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Still upset over the FBI's long overdue severing of ties with CAIR's Hamas support team, a coalition of similarly motivated radical Muslim groups are carrying on a PR campaign to "reinstate" CAIR threatening that the Muslim community will no longer "cooperate" with the FBI

Those involved in this campaign are the usual players from the Shari'a support network:

American Muslim Alliance (AMA), American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), Muslim American Society-Freedom Foundation (MAS-FF), Muslim Student Association-National (MSA-N), Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), and United Muslims of America (UMA). Its observer organizations include: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and Islamic Educational Center of Orange County (IEC). [source, CAIR 3/26/09b E newsletter]

In a recent Senate hearing Russ Feingold [D-WI] advancing the agenda of the Islamists impugned the FBI's domestic counter terrorism effort, alleging that the Justice Dept. was conducting a program of deliberate provocation, infiltrating U.S. mosques:

We've discussed before the need for the FBI to gain the trust of the American Muslim community to assist in the effort to stop terrorism. And I was disappointed to learn of a recent statement from the American Muslim Task Force on Civil Rights and Elections signed by 10 leading U.S. Muslim organizations indicating that they are considering suspending their work with the FBI. According to a news report, quote, 'The groups claim the FBI has sent undercover agents posing as worshippers into mosques, pressured Muslims to become informants, labeled civil rights advocates as criminals and spread misinformation,' unquote. Can you determine and report to this committee whether mosques have been entered by FBI agents or informants without disclosing their identities under the authority of the attorney general guidelines and, if so, how many?"

Feingold has a long history of acting as the agent for the Islamists. For example in 2006 he lectured then president Bush to strike the perfectly descritive term "Islamofascist" from the federal government's lexicon of terrorism, a demand which of course originated in the bowels of America's jihadist internal enemies, "We must avoid using misleading and offensive terms that link Islam with those who subvert this great religion or who distort its teachings to justify terrorist activities." [source, Gulf News, http://archive.gulfnews.com/articles/06/09/14/10067266.html]

University of Pennsylvania Hillel Continues To Work With Hamas Supporting Muslim Student Association


March 26, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - On April 1 the Hillel and Muslim Student Association of the University of Pennsylvania will be hosting an event titled "Shariah 101: It's contemporary applications and theological validity." The discussion will take place on the second floor of the Hillel building and in true dhimmi mode, the Hillel will be serving a Halal [Shari'a compliant] meal.

This is not the first time that the Hillel at UPenn has worked with the Muslim Student Association despite being alerted to their Islamist agenda.

As these writers have documented in U Penn's Hillel and MSA's Excellent Spring Break Interfaith Jihad Adventure the group has a long history of conducting harmful outreach with the MSA, damaging its own credibility in the process.

"What this trip proves, more than anything else is that the U Penn Hillel has proven itself intellectually lazy, subverting its own interests. It has allowed itself to be lured into this harmful multicultural exercise - a sham dialogue - with a group that is a total creation of the Muslim Brotherhood."

Contacted this afternoon by PipeLineNews and asked about why a Jewish organization would be working with the Hamas supporting, Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Muslim Student Association on a program recognizing Shari'a, UPenn Hillel Director, Jeremy Brochin, after a period of extreme obfuscation terminated the conversation by hanging up.

The inability and/or unwillingness of UPenn's Hillel to defend its actions in this continuing and shameful partnership with MSA is understandable, one only has to peruse the links on the UPenn MSA website [http://www.upennmsa.org/resources.html] to see the radical Islamism that imbues MSA's hateful ideology.

Below is a YouTube video available through the MSA website in which Bin Laden's spiritual mentor Abdullah Azzam defends the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna and its most important intellectual, Sayyid Qutb whose theories of violent jihad established the pathway to al-Qaeda. About these two these early jihadists, Azzam states that "their blood was the fuel for the generations which came after them." [source, http://forums.islamicawakening.com/showthread.php?t=22227]

Eureka CA Businesses Duped Into Donating To Anti-Military Groups


March 26, 2009 - Eureka, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Organizers of what is being touted as a fundraising benefit to offset costs of defending local military recruiting bans in the cities of Eureka and Arcata California, have apparently duped many local businesses into quasi-sponsorship of military recruiter bans.

The leftist Redwood Peace & Justice Center, located in Arcata, CA is sponsoring a "Beer and Bread" tasting event Friday, Mar 27th 2009 in Eureka Ca. Cost of admission $15.00.

From the Redwood Peace & Justice Center press release:

"Proceeds from this year's event on Friday March 27 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Vets Hall, at 1425 J Street will also go to the The HCCO/GI Rights Hotline volunteers advise and support young people with military issues."

Several local bakeries and micro-breweries were listed as sponsoring the event. When called, all of the businesses claimed no knowledge of the reason for the event.

Speaking for the Eel River Brewery, a company official stated, "we don't make political statements and were unaware of the anti-military message." A popular local bakery, Ramone's, echoed the remarks, relating that the people requesting the donations of their products for the beer and bread tasting did not mention the anti-military focus of the event.

None of the event sponsors which we contacted, were aware of the use to which the money raised would be put.

U.S. - Israeli Relations Grow More Strained, IDF Official Shunned By Obama Administration


March 25, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The already chilled relationship between Israel and the Obama administration turned even colder last week when Lt. General Gabi Ashkenazi, the Chief of the General Staff of the IDF was given the bum's rush in DC in a series of abruptly cancelled meetings, denying him access to senior administration officials at the cabinet level or above.

Ashkenazi came to Washington to counsel against the administration's new make-nice diplomatic campaign directed at Iran. He reportedly bore high level intelligence on Iran's rapidly progressing nuclear weapons program to bolster his argument.

Team Obama was having none of it though, as in quick succession administration decision makers made themselves scarce, parrying that they were only interested in discussing the - deservedly much maligned - "peace process," which is now in shambles as a result of the continuing Palestinian jihad.

Dozens Of Al-Qaeda Trained Brits Allowed To Enter Country From Pakistan

March 25, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - According to a report carried by Sky News [see, http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Pakistan-Britons-Who-Trained-With-Extremists-Linked-To-Al-Qaeda-And-The-Taliban-Dossier/Article/200903415247530?f=rss] over 20 British citizens of Pakistani descent have relocated back to the UK after having obtained training at al-Qaeda jihad camps.

As ominous as that information seems to be, the problem is worse than it might appear.

Though it is claimed that the men were "tracked" by Pakistan's always suspect intelligence agency the ISI while they were in Kashmir, that information was never transmitted to British intelligence authorities because as an unidentified Pak official states, "we know the number of Britons engaged in what we would call suspicious activities is much higher - probably in the hundreds - but this isn't a Pakistani priority." [source, ibid]

One of the reasons why this matter "isn't a Pakistani priority," is because al-Qaeda activity in Pakistani controlled Kashmir is in large measure supported by the ISI and the governing apparatus.

Danish Liberal Party Attempts To Ban Geert Wilders From "Free Speech" Conference

March 25, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The Danish newspaper Politkien [see, http://politiken.dk/newsinenglish/article676728.ece] is reporting that the country's Liberal Alliance party is seeking to block an appearance by the controversial - in some circles - Dutch MP Geert Wilders at a conference supposedly devoted to freedom of speech.

Party chairman Anders Samuelsen, stated that, "We don't want to make this conference a freak show, to which we simply call in those who can create the most trouble on the streets."

Showing more deference to the conference's overall theme than the Liberal Alliance, both the Danish People's party and the Conservative party have voiced support for hosting the embattled Dutch legislator with Pia Kjærsgaard, Chairwoman of the Conservative party saying, "...we'll figure it out. After what happened in London it wouldn't be right not to invite Geert Wilders, and we are not alone."

Iranian President Ahmadinejad's Remarkable Admiration for "Aryans" and (Neo-)Nazis


March 24, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In an unprecedented videotape appeal to the people of Iran on March 20, 2009, President Barack Obama offered "a new beginning" of diplomatic engagement. "My administration is now committed to diplomacy that addresses the full range of issues before us, and to pursuing constructive ties between the United States, Iran and the international community," the American president said. 1 Will it work?

There is much more at stake than just the nuclear issue and Iran's support for terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. The current Iranian leadership has courted European and American neo-Nazis as well. That is why German Chancellor Angela Merkel does not want to talk to Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a notorious Holocaust denier who organized and addressed a highly controversial international conference for Holocaust deniers in Tehran in December 2006 ? "The International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust." (Officially this conference was sponsored by the Iranian Foreign Ministry.) Denying the Holocaust constitutes a crime under German law.

It was in May 2006 that Ahmadinejad sent a personal letter to Chancellor Merkel telling her that the "wicked victors of World War II had terrorized, degraded and humiliated Germany." These "wicked victors" had then invented the Holocaust to hold Germany ransom:

"I do not intend to argue about the Holocaust. But, does it not stand to reason that some of the victorious countries of Wold War II intended to create an excuse on the basis of which they could continue keeping the defeated nations of World War II indepted to them?" 2

Obviously, Ahmadinejad regrets the fact that Nazi Germany and its anti-Semitic "Führer" (leader) Adolf Hitler were defeated in World War II. Not Nazi Germany but its victors were "wicked". No wonder neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers from all over the world are welcome guests in Tehran. Some European neo-Nazis even fled to Iran after they had been indicted in their home countries; and a notorious French Holocaust denier named Roger Garaudy was interviewed on Iranian television, together with Iran's spiritual leader Ali Khamenei (1998). 3

American Wing Of Muslim Brotherhood Meets With Obama's FBI


March 23, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The Islamic Society of North America [ISNA] is widely understood to function as the American wing of the Muslim Brotherhood [see, A Rare Look at the Secretive Brotherhood in America] so it is particularly problematic that the group is actively meeting with FBI concerning the most recent radical Muslim canard that federal authorities are actively engaged - as agent provocateurs - in unwarranted surveillance of U.S. mosques.

Of note ISNA, along with other Islamic supremacy groups including CAIR, was recently named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the successful prosecution of the fraudulent Islamic charity the Holy Land Foundation, the nation's largest terror financing case.

In a March 20 press release authored by Louay Safi, the Executive Director, ISNA Leadership Development Center stated, "ISNA rejects the use of agent provocateurs, and will work diligently to ensure that such a practice is shunned by law enforcement agencies."

As these authors have opined, [see, Islam On Trial - Why Resistance To Mosque Surveillance Demonstrates The Tenuous Loyalty Of Many Muslims and Hamas Linked Group, CAIR, Decries FBI Mosque Surveillance Program] the controversy arose over the arrest of, "Ahmadullah Sais Niazi, 34, who was apprehended by the FBI at his Southern California home and charged with two counts of perjury and a single count each of naturalization fraud, misuse of a passport and making a false statement to a federal agency."

California Economic Report

By Tom Fredriksen, Old Glory Radio

Muslim Rent-A-Mob Intimidates Virginia Planning Commission Over Saudi-Funded Islamic School

By Jeffrey Imm

March 23, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Imagine facing the overwhelming odds of fighting for equality in Islamic supremacist Saudi Arabia or in the 1960s-era white supremacist Mississippi.

These were the same odds faced by a handful of activists in challenging the estimated 600 supporters of the Islamic Saudi Academy at Northern Virginia's Fairfax County Planning Commission on the night of March 18, 2009. Many hundreds of the Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) supporters wore printed name tag badges reading "I Support ISA," including ISA's logo containing the emblem of Saudi Arabian government with its two crossed swords.

This is the same Saudi government that a few weeks ago the U.S. State Department condemned for its "significant human rights problems" in denying basic freedoms and human rights to men, women, and non-Muslims, and the same Saudi government whose courts recently sentenced a 75 year old woman to 40 lashes for "mingling" with men, and whose courts recently sentenced a pregnant gang-rape victim to 100 lashes for "adultery."

Clueless Obama Homeland Security Chief Napolitano - Islamic Terrorism Now "Man Caused Disasters"


March 18, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Indicative of the Obama team's abandonment of the war on terror, in a March 16 interview with German magazine Der Spiegel, the incoming Homeland Security Secretary made the lunatic assertion that from now on, Islamic terrorism would be referred to as, "man caused disasters."

"SPIEGEL: Madame Secretary, in your first testimony to the US Congress as Homeland Security Secretary you never mentioned the word "terrorism." Does Islamist terrorism suddenly no longer pose a threat to your country?

Napolitano: Of course it does. I presume there is always a threat from terrorism. In my speech, although I did not use the word "terrorism," I referred to "man-caused" disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur."[source, http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,613330,00.html#ref=nlint]

As these writers stated in Terms "Jihadist" And "Islamo-Fascist" Booted By Feds For Fear Of Antagonizing Jihadists and Islamo-Fascists Ms. Napolitano's linguistic gyrations unfortunately had their origins in programs put together in the waning days of the GW Bush administration [Dept. of State, Homeland Security and the Nat'l Counterterrorism Center] seemingly designed to protect the tender sensibilities of the Islamists at the expense of censoring the language most useful in discussing the war on Islamic terrorism.

Palestinian - Tareq Mousa Al Ghazi - Faces Long Sentence In NY Terror Conviction

March 18, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Palestinian born Tareq Mousa Al Ghazi, 62, an associate of international arms dealer Monzer Al Kassar, was found guilty yesterday in a Mahattan federal courtroom of three counts of conspiracy to sell millions of dollars worth of weapons to the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia [FARC], a designated foreign terrorist organization.

The weapons were to be used to kill U.S. military officers and employees in Colombia.

According to the federal indictment, "Al Ghazi and Al Kassar agreed to sell millions of dollars worth of weapons to the FARC, including thousands of machine guns, millions of rounds of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenade launchers (RPGs), and surface-to-air missile systems (SAMs). During a series of recorded telephone calls, e-mails, and in-person meetings, Al Ghazi and Al Kassar agreed to sell the weapons to two individuals who were in fact confidential sources working with the DEA. The confidential sources represented that they were acquiring these weapons for the FARC to use in attacks directed at U.S. helicopters in Colombia."

American Muslim Groups And U.S. Law Enforcement


March 17, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In a statement issued on February 25, the Muslim Public Affairs Council [MPAC] an Islamist pressure group, charged that U.S. law enforcement has infiltrated American mosques with the intention of creating the impression that terror related activity is a routine and widespread occurrence in Muslim houses of worship.

"The revelation yesterday that the FBI used paid informants and agent provocateurs in U.S. mosques who have participated in law enforcement outreach efforts undermines the decade long relationship that American Muslims have been building with law enforcement." [source, http://www.mpac.org/article.php?id=793]

MPAC's statement follows an earlier action taken by the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, in which the group announced a suspension of cooperation with U.S. law enforcement.

"As concerned Americans, we ask you to revisit your agency's counter-productive decision which adversely impacts your community relations work in the greater Los Angeles area. As an umbrella organization, it is very difficult to continue and therefore, we suspend our participation in FBI's outreach work until FBI restores its ties with CAIR." [source, http://www.shuracouncil.org/images/special/onlineDocs/Shura-DOJ_Re_CAIR_Feb2009.pdf]

Similar actions are being considered by a host of fellow traveling Muslim organizations, supposedly outraged over the FBI's not-so-public rejection of any further ties with the notoriously pro-Hamas, Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR].

Iranian Charged With Illegally Exporting Military Equipment To Iran

March 16, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - An Iranian citizen and his Tehran business have been charged with purchasing helicopter engines and advanced aerial cameras for fighter bombers from U.S. firms and illegally exporting them to Iran using companies in Malaysia, Ireland and the Netherlands. Among the alleged recipients of these U.S. goods was an Iranian military firm that has since been designated by the United States for being owned or controlled by entities involved in Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile program.

The charges against Hossein Ali Khoshnevisrad, 55, and his Iranian company, Ariasa, AG (Ariasa), were announced today by Matthew G. Olsen, Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security; Jeffrey A Taylor, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia; Kevin A. Delli-Colli, Acting Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, U.S. Department of Commerce; Joseph Persichini, Jr., Assistant Director in Charge, FBI Washington Field Office; Mark X. McGraw, Special Agent in Charge, Washington Field Office, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security; and Special Agent in Charge Edward Bradley of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service Northeast Field Office.

Khoshnevisrad was arrested on Saturday, March 14, after he arrived at San Francisco International Airport on a flight from abroad. He made his initial appearance earlier today in federal court in San Francisco.

Judicial Tyranny Has Usurped Executive's War Fighting Power

March 11, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In an excellent piece published yesterday in National Review [see, http://article.nationalreview.com:80/?q=ZDQyYjEzMTg3ZDBjZTA4MzExNjU1MTE2MzkwYTRiMTc] former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy delivered a broadside against the corrupting influence that the courts have had in the war on terror, a process which has elevated them above the rest of the government and beyond the controlling checks and balances established in our founding documents.

The case McCarthy refers to is Odah v. United States which was decided by the DC Court of Appeals last Friday and which expands beyond all reason, the degree of access that non-citizen terrorist plaintiffs have to sensitive national security documents in the discovery phase of their legal proceedings.

"Tellingly, the panel repeatedly observes that both sides agree these detention hearings are "analogous" to criminal proceedings...They treat wartime detention as if it were no different from criminal detention...as if the commander-in-chief were owed no special deference, as if the standards for holding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed shouldn't be materially different from those determining whether the garden-variety drug dealer gets bail. Except that here, KSM is actually treated better. In sum, this court has given alien enemy combatants - who have no constitutional entitlement to the due-process protections accorded to American citizens at trial - discovery rights superior to those the Supreme Court requires in the domestic criminal context..."

Though the effect of the Odah decision will be an unwarranted elevation of terror suspects rights over those of American citizens, which is indeed troubling, this case never would have come about had not the U.S. Supreme Court in a twisted 2004 decision, Rasul vs. Bush, already established that American courts have jurisdiction over the enemy combatants held at GITMO.

With that in mind we thought that revisiting Justice Scalia's dissent in Rasul might be of interest [see, http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/03-334.ZD.html]

"...The Court today holds that the habeas statute, 28 U.S.C. § 2241 extends to aliens detained by the United States military overseas, outside the sovereign borders of the United States and beyond the territorial jurisdictions of all its courts. This is not only a novel holding; it contradicts a half-century-old precedent on which the military undoubtedly relied, Johnson v. Eisentrager, 339 U.S. 763 (1950)...This is an irresponsible overturning of settled law in a matter of extreme importance to our forces currently in the field..."

National Press Event Set To Probe Weather Underground

By Cliff Kincaid

March 10, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - A live version of "Forensic Files" hits Washington, D.C. on March 12, as pressure mounts for an expanded probe of Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, and their alleged roles in the 1970 bombing murder of a San Francisco policeman. Ayers and Dohrn, now university professors, were members of a communist terrorist gang called the Weather Underground during the 1960s and 1970s whose aim was to support communist regimes and anti-American movements around the world and destroy the United States. The group received terrorist training in Communist Cuba and was advised by Soviet and Cuban intelligence agents.

NOTE: Attendance is limited and reservations are requested for the March 12 National Press Club event. It will start at 12:30 p.m. and last until 2:30 p.m. Please call 443-964-8208 or email Kincaid@comcast.net to reserve a space. Leave your name, affiliation and contact information. The National Press Club is located at 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20045. The location is the First Amendment Lounge.

A former FBI informant, a retired San Francisco policeman, a veteran congressional investigator, and an internationally-renown researcher into extremist movements will be appearing at the National Press Club to urge federal authorities to get to the bottom of what really happened on February 16, 1970, when a bomb filled with heavy metal staples exploded and ripped through the body of San Francisco Police Sergeant Brian V. McDonnell at the Park Station police headquarters. McDonnell was in the hospital for two days, bleeding from his wounds, before he finally died.

Chas Freeman Withdraws From NIC Nomination

March 10, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Chas Freeman, the Obama team's choice to head the National Intelligence Council, has just withdrawn his name from consideration. As noted on these pages [in a Feb 23 piece Muslim Apologist/Saudi Lobbyist Set To Chair Obama's National Intelligence Council] Mr. Freeman was from the outset a wholly inappropriate choice for this critical position given his pro-Palestinian mindset and close financial ties to the Saudi Wahhabists.

As we made clear at the time of the above referenced writing, the nomination of Freeman had to be taken in the context of Obama's already apparent anti-Israel tilt. As a result, Freeman's injection into the intelligence apparatus could only be seen as hastening the process whereby Israel would once again be pressured into making unwise concessions to the Palestinian radicals as they were during the Clinton years, a time when the WH was fitted with a revolving door to accommodate the frequent visits by PLO/Fatah terrorist Yasser Arafat..

Though the pro-Israel "lobby" will be blamed/applauded [depending upon your perspective] for the defeat of Freeman we feel that it was in greater part due to the efforts of activists within a wider constituency, the counter-terrorism community, who successfully made the case that Freeman would not be a fair broker in matters pertaining to the central foreign policy question facing us today, Islamic jihad.

Brit Think Tank Plans To Arrest Hezbollah Member Ibrahim Moussaoui If He Is Allowed To Enter UK


March 9, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Led by Douglas Murray, the UK's Centre for Social Cohesion [CFSC] is seeking to block a planned speaking engagement by Ibrahim Moussaoui a member of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah.

Moussaoui's address is scheduled to take place on March 25 at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies, where he will discuss "political Islam."

Murray's action comes in the wake of the UK having taken the unprecedented step in February of banning Dutch politician Geert Wilders because of threats by British Muslims dismayed at Wilders' blistering attacks on radical Islam.

The prospect of a terrorist being granted a visa to speak after Wilders had been blocked has drawn sharp criticism from CFSC's Murray who stated, "If Dr. el Moussaoui arrives in the UK we will instruct counsel to seek a warrant for his arrest."

Murray, a brash neoconservative who came to prominence while pairing up with Middle East historian Dr. Daniel Pipes two years ago in a now-classic debate with former London Mayor "Red" Ken Livingstone and an Islamist partner, laid out the Centre's case against Moussaoui in an open letter to UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.

"Dr. el Moussaoui is a member of the terrorist organisation 'Hezbollah' and is one of the former heads of al-Manar Television, the official media wing of Hezbollah. During Dr. el Moussaoui's time at al-Manar Television the station was banned in France and Germany because of its promotion of violence and racism. For the same reason it has been banned by the leading European satellite providers. Also during Dr. el Moussaoui's tenure the US Treasury Department designated al-Manar Television as a 'Global Terrorist entity' because of its support for Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and others. In a 2002 interview an official for al-Manar Television stated that the channel 'helps people on the way to committing, what you call in the West, a suicide mission.'" [source, http://www.socialcohesion.co.uk/files/1236603006_1.pdf]

Obama/Hillary Visibly Tilting Towards Terrorist Fatah Over Israel


March 5, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - While Iran convened a conference declaring its support of Hamas, the Obama foreign policy amateur hour descended on Israel.

At a joint press conference held in Ramallah with Mahmoud Abbas leader of Arafat's Fatah Party, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly criticized the Israeli decision to go forward with an archeological project which will require the demolition of a number of homes in East Jerusalem.

Clinton's criticism was pointed, "Clearly this kind of activity is unhelpful and not in keeping with the obligations entered into under the road map."

In the run up to Clinton's visit John Kerry, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee met with Iranian backed Syrian dictator Assad who - surprise - now claims to be interested in direct talks with the Jewish state.

The controversy that the Obama administration inserted itself into is central to the question of whether Muslim radicals will be allowed to determine the ultimate fate of Jerusalem, something so-far resisted by Israeli politicians.

Kerry's leaden diplomacy, Clinton's unhelpful public meddling in the Jerusalem question combined with this administration's decision on Monday to kick in nearly $1 billion in aid to Hamas controlled Gaza should give great pause for concern among American Jews who voted in such large numbers for an administration which has now by every conceivable measure tilted towards the Palestinian radicals.

Julius Genachowski Nominated To Chair FCC - Will He Be Obama's Communications Thug?

March 4, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Ending months of speculation, yesterday Obama nominated the very Internet savvy Julius Genachowski, a key campaign strategist, to head the FCC.

If confirmed Genachowski will take over the reins of the Commission at precisely the time when team Obama has mounted a multi-faceted effort to destroy right-wing talk radio, the only area of the media in which conservative ideas predominate.

The choice of Genachowski must be viewed as confirmation of concerns, voiced on these pages in early November, regarding the then incoming administration's intended use of the Internet and of course its plans to muzzle prominent conservative critics. [see, Obama Moves Towards Total Control Via Internet Leviathan]

"Filtering into that creep factor, a more pressing concern. This one regarding the news of His Celestialness' strategy on media legislation and technology initiatives, specifically his intention to create a Federal Office Of Technology, an idea which gained much more traction when IAC executive Julius Genachowski was named to the transition team.

Lest one get the impression that this is merely a case of adding 1 + 1 and getting 3, Genachowski headed the study group which originally advanced the idea of a cabinet level technology czar. [see, Barack Obama: Connecting and Empowering all Americans Through Technology and Innovation]

Let's place Mr. G politically, is he an activist or something else? According to FEC filings he has traditionally been a big Dem funder, giving nearly 35k to various Dem candidates over the last 4 years. [see, Genachowski FEC].

By trade, Genachowski is a communication's attorney, most notably having served as chief counsel to Barry Diller's InteraActiveCorp [IAC] which has spawned a host of 'Net based companys including but not limited to: Ticketmaster, Expedia, Hotels.com and LendingTree.

Philosophically, judging from his associations he appears to be a very bright leftist with an already established power base throughout DC, see below:

"Before joining IAC, Mr. Genachowski was Chief Counsel to Chairman Reed Hundt of the Federal Communications Commission. He has served as a law clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter and, before that, to retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. Mr. Genachowski worked in Congress on the staff of the Select Committee investigating the Iran-Contra Affair and also for then-U.S. Representative, now Senator, Charles E. Schumer. " [source, http://www.netcaucus.org/biography/julius-genachowski.shtml]

We had speculated at the time that instead of Genachowski, Obama would choose Henry Rivera to head FCC, with this caveat, "Though he could easily serve as Obama's Fairness Doctrine Grim Reaper, sharpening his scythe in preparation for the anticipated harvesting of Rush - given his first-hand familiarity with the FCC - that position seems to have already have been promised to Democrat Henry Rivera, whose departure from Reagan's FCC made clear the way to abolish the doctrine in the first place, during the mid 1980s."

Determining where Genachowski comes down on "local content" a different route to establishing the "fairness doctrine," which has become pejorative, is pointless, as Mr. G seems to have fastidiously avoided any public discussion of the term or any associated phrases.

Islam On Trial - Why Resistance To Mosque Surveillance Demonstrates The Tenuous Loyalty Of Many Muslims


March 3, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Falling into an all too familiar pattern, the Islamist lobby in league with elements of the MSM [see LA Times, OC Muslims say FBI surveillance has a chilling effect, http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/california/la-me-muslim1-2009mar01,0,1456958.story] is loudly protesting law enforcement surveillance programs designed to keep track of questionable activities at potentially problematic mosques.

That such programs exist is hardly shocking, given the historical pattern linking mosques with jihad in foreign countries as well as the United States.

Item: Despite the influence of a home schooling program steeped in Christianity, in November of 1995 a Southern California 17 year old by the name of Adam Gadahn appeared on the steps of the Islamic Center of Garden Grove. In short order Gadahn made the declaration of Shahada, becoming a Muslim.

At the mosque Gadahn became radicalized, associating with a group of Pakistani fundamentalists. After a dispute at the mosque Gadahn abruptly left and then moved to Pakistan.

Ten years later [September 11, 2005] Gadahn resurfaced as "Azzam the American," a member of al-Qaeda in a jihadist video.

Item: In May of 2007 the Islamic Center of South Jersey [ICSJ] in Palmyra was identified as the spiritual home of Dritan, Shain and Eljvir Duka. The Duka brothers had just been arrested for plotting a terrorist attack against the military installation at Ft. Dix New Jersey.

On December 22, 2008, Dritan Duka, Shain Duka and Eljvir Duka along with Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer and Serdar Tatar were convicted on Count One of the seven-count Superseding Indictment that charged them with conspiracy to murder members of the U.S. military. Because of the severity of the charges the defendants face up to life in prison.

What do these two incidents have in common?

Though both of these mosques had established a reputation for "moderation," due to a media savvy program of skillfully executed political and "interfaith" outreach, they still served as incubators for terrorism.

NC Senator Larry Shaw Joins Hamas Linked CAIR As Board Chair

March 3, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - At a time when organizations such as the FBI are running away from the Hamas mouthpiece Council on American Islamic Relations, North Carolina State Senator Larry Shaw has joined the wounded stealth jihad team, chairing the group's board.

In a press release issued by Shaw's office he states, "CAIR exists to uphold the right to liberty that Americans are guaranteed under the Constitution...CAIR embraces the cultural and religious pluralism that is a hallmark of America and repudiates any misuse of Islam to falsely justify violence or intolerance..."

This ridiculously self-serving statement indicates either sheer ignorance on the part of the Senator or a level of stupidity which is hard to imagine even in a state legislator. In hindsight, perhaps he should have acquainted himself with a few facts before aligning himself with an organization which is clearly an enemy of Western civilization.

  • CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the nation's largest successful terror funding prosecution, U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation.
  • One of those convicted in this prosecution was Ghassan Elashi, the founder of the Texas chapter of CAIR.
  • Numerous CAIR officials have been convicted on terror related charges.
  • CAIR does not believe that Hamas is a terrorist entity, though it has been so designated by the Dept. of State for 14 years.
  • The DC office of CAIR was originally funded by a $5,000 wire transfer from the Hamas funder Holy Land Foundation.

  • The Dept. of Justice is refusing to have any further dealing with the organization, knowing its terror friendliness.
  • Though Mr. Shaw must believe that this new relationship will benefit him politically, in the long run as the evidence of CAIR's MO mounts his reputation will suffer greatly as will assessments of his judgment.


    Mohamed was captured in Pakistan in April, 2002, and has admitted to training at various al-Qaeda training camps, where he specialized in firearms and explosives. He is accused of plotting a series of attacks on the United States with Jose Padilla and Khalid Sheik Mohammed. He was released by the Obama Justice Dept. on February 24.

    The Obama Economy:

    Hamas Linked Group, CAIR, Decries FBI Mosque Surveillance Program


    March 1, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - On February 20, Ahmadullah Sais Niazi, 34, was apprehended by the FBI at his Southern California home, charged with with two counts of perjury and a single count each of naturalization fraud, misuse of a passport and making a false statement to a federal agency.

    The FBI became aware of Niazi due to a probe of Southern California mosques which recently came to light.

    That program is being assailed now by none other than the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR], the Hamas linked unindicted co-conspirator in U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation, the nation's largest successful terror funding prosecution. Of note, the founder of the Texas chapter of CAIR, Ghassan Elashi was convicted as part of that prosecution.

    In its 2/23 newsletter the Saudi funded Hamas mouthpiece stated, "CAIR-LA to Seek Probe Into FBI's Arrest of Ahmad Niazi Afghan native claims retaliation for refusal to become informant."

    Niazi's background is troubling. An Afghani native, he is believed to have met with Amin al-Haq a close aid of bin-Laden's on numerous occasions while visiting the country. This is a thoroughly plausible scenario in that al-Haq is married Niazi's sister, Hafiza, making him Niazi's brother-in-law. Al-Haq is believed to serve as al-Qaeda's security chief in Afghanistan.

    Muslim Apologist/Saudi Lobbyist Set To Chair Obama's National Intelligence Council

    February 23, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Since it was revealed over the last few days that Chas Freeman is apparently slated to head the Obama administration's National Intelligence Council, much evidence has been presented linking him to pro-Islamist, anti-Israel sentiments.

    Now the Middle East Forum is reporting that Freeman received $1 million from the Saudis for public relations services, "Chas Freeman, reportedly nominated to head the National Intelligence Council preparing finished National Intelligence Estimates for President Obama, acknowledged in 2006 that the $1 million donation to his Middle East Policy Council that he received from "the generosity of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia" was for public relations in the United States." [source, http://www.meforum.org/blog/obama-mideast-monitor/2009/02/freeman-says-he-took-1-million-for-saudi-public-relations.html]

    Going back to Obama's "community" work in Chicago it has been long apparent that he is no supporter of Israel, his close friendship with former PLO official Rashid Khalidi being symptomatic.

    Given the already alarming information surfacing on Freeman, the prospect of him being associated with U.S. intelligence at any level should give pause for great concern among those in the West who are still intent upon meeting the challenge of the Islamic jihad in both its violent as well as stealth modes.

    PipeLineNews.org - Terrorism Briefs


    Dateline: 2.23.09

    Mumbai Attackers Had 320 Potential Targets

    Abstract: With two of the attack's operatives in custody it is being reported that a list of 320 locations worldwide was put together by the al-Qaeda affiliate, with 20 located in India. [also see, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/feb/19/mumbai-attacks-list-targets]

    Radical Cleric Wins Award Fights Deportation

    Abstract: In the UK radical cleric Abu Qatada often referred to as "Bin Laden's right hand man in Europe" was awarded $3,500 dollars by the European Court of Human Rights for "unlawful detention" in Britain. The UK's highest court has ruled that Qatada could be deported to Jordan. Qatada's lawyer is lodging an appeal with the human rights court in Strasbourg. [also see, http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/world/5332681/radical-cleric-qatada-wins-payout-for-uk-detention/]

    Buffalo Woman's Beheading Viewed As Honor Killing

    Abstract: The decapitation murder of Aasiya Zubair Hassan by her husband Muzzamil Hassan the founder of Bridges TV is being considered as an honor killing. Hassan had filed for divorce and obtained an order of protection against her husband. According to Marcia Pappas, New York State president of the National Organization for Women, "This was apparently a terroristic version of honor killing, a murder rooted in cultural notions about women's subordination to men." [also see, http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/northernsuburbs/story/581540.html ]

    Cop Killings in Philadelphia Due to Jailhouse Islam?

    Abstract: Philadelphia police are investigating the possibility that the recent cold blooded murder of Officer John Pawlowski by Rasheed Scrugs may be due to "jailhouse Islam," said Police Commissioner Charles Ramse, suggesting that conversion to radical Islami while in jail is a noteworthy phenomenon. [also see, http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/news/021609_Paw ]

    Evidence from Operation Cast Lead Shows Hamas Uses Mosques to Store Weapons and as Sites to Launch Rockets and Mortar Shells

    February 18, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The following evidence was recently presented by the IDF. It conclusively shows that mosques were used to store weapons and as staging areas for Hamas and other terrorist entities during the Israeli action in Gaza.

    Mosque pulpit where a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a bullet-proof vest and binoculars were hidden. (Photographs taken during Operation Cast Lead, IDF Spokesman, January 15, 2009)


    1. The many mosques in the Gaza Strip serve not only religious functions, but are also put to military use by Hamas and the other terrorist organizations. They are used to hide terrorist operatives, store weapons, as sites from which rockets and mortar shells are launched, sites for launching terrorist attacks and for training terrorist operatives. All of those military uses are grave violations of the international laws governing armed combat and an exploitation of the special protection international law gives houses of worship. Large amounts of evidence pointing to forbidden uses of mosques were found during Operation Cast Lead.

    2. The bulletin presents the following:

    i) Photographs showing mosques are used to store weapons.

    ii) Film clips of Israeli Air Force attacks showing mosques used to store weapons.

    iii) Israeli Air Force aerial photographs and a film clip showing rockets and mortar shells launched near mosques.

    iv) Statements made by Hamas operatives detained by IDF forces regarding the use made of mosques to store weapons and as sites for military training.

    Photographs Showing Mosques Are Used to Store Weapons

    On The Edge Of Oblivion


    February 16, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Last Thursday Dutch MP Geert Wilders was arrested at Heathrow Airport, guilty in the eyes of Downing Street of saying uncomplimentary things about Islam, an act which has been largely criminalized throughout Europe, though selectively in the sense that similar actions would be unthinkable if applied to critics of Christianity and/or Judaism.

    Perpwalked off the plane, then held in confinement for hours, Wilders was eventually freed and then unceremoniously deported back to Holland.

    Many in the West, especially those not on the Continent were rightly horrified at the gleefulness with which government officials [with full approval of Justice Minister Shahid Malik, a Muslim] were willing to throw Britain's once hallowed right of political freedom of expression under the bus.

    In order to justify the Brown government's unprecedented action, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith stood the culture on its head, morally equating Wilders' criticism of Islam with terrorism. A less obvious but possibly farther reaching aspect of this action was its effect in bringing British society into full compliance with the Shari'a concept of sacrilege - "insulting Islam" - enforcement of which is a high ranking priority of the Islamists.

    "The Secretary of State is of the view that your presence in the UK would pose a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat to one of the fundamental interests of society. The Secretary of State is satisfied that your statements about Muslims and their beliefs, as expressed in your film Fitna and elsewhere would threaten community harmony and therefore public security in the UK."

    Though it appears that this matter materialized nearly overnight, that is not the case. These Euro-government types, appeasers all, have been gaining ground for twenty years, at least since they demonstrated a need to understand the "cause of the rage" leading to the Ayatollah Khomeini's infamous fatwa against iconoclast writer Salmon Rushdie, calling for his murder.

    This crowd had friends in high places even in America where at the height of the controversy, former President Carter penned a painfully nuanced op-ed piece which only served to countenance the very point that the Islamists were making regarding "insulting" their religion. It's hard to read Carter's words and not get the impression that in his opinion Rushdie was guilty of committing a serious offense and that addressing that harm was of elemental importance.

    "While Rushdie's First Amendment freedoms are important, we have tended to promote him and his book with little acknowledgment that it is a direct insult to those millions of Moslems whose sacred beliefs have been violated and are suffering in restrained silence the added embarrassment of the Ayatollah's irresponsibility." [source, Jimmy Carter, "Rushdie's Book Is An Insult ," March 5, 1989, http://www.cartercenter.org/news/documents/doc1381.html]

    Carter's weasel-words, aside from equating solicitation for murder by the Ayatollah with "an embarrassment," grants to those whom he deemed in this piece rightly offended, the power to apply their exogenous theological positions - a constitutionally troubling religious test - as a standard upon which domestic issues should be adjudicated.

    Not A Single Member Of Congress Has Read Porkulus Bill The Dems Just Passed

    Keep GITMO Open, Sign The Move America Forward Petition!

    Dutch MP Arrested Upon Entering UK, Guilty Of Hurting The Feelings Of Britain's Jihadists

    UK's Muslim Justice Minister Malik Flexes Muscles


    February 12, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As we noted on these pages just a few days ago [Threat By Islamist MP Gets Geert Wilders Banned From The UK] Britain's Islamic radicals [including the Muslim Council of Britain and the British Muslim Forum] have applied significant political pressure over the last week or so on the Gordon Brown government in a now successful effort to muzzle Dutch MP Geert Wilders who was invited to discuss the Muslim jihad in Europe and to screen his short film Fitna which is critical of radical Islam.

    Conspicuously driving that effort was Lord Nazir Ahmed, a Muslim member of the British House of Lords who threatened to mobilize "10,000 Muslims" if Dutch MP Geert Wilders was even allowed to enter the country.

    This morning the controversy reached the point of boiling over with Mr. Wilders being taken into custody at Heathrow Airport where he was held in detention for hours before being expelled from the country.

    Knowing what most likely awaited him, "on his flight to London, he told The Times that the British Government was 'the biggest bunch of cowards in Europe.' Wilders then added after his arrest, "I am in a detention centre at Heathrow. I am detained. They took my passport. I will not be allowed to enter the country. They will send me back within a few hours." [source, http://www.timesonline.co.uk:80/tol/news/politics/article5718039.ece]

    The action taken against Wilders by the UK's neutered ruling class stands in stark contrast to the way in which a Shari'a friendly Downing street has apparently surrendered to the active jihad being mounted in dozens of London mosques where the overthrow of civil government is routinely plotted.

    Conservative Students Triumph - Ayers Speech At Georgia Southern University Cancelled

    February 10, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - A coalition of Georgia Southern students, outraged that their university intended to host a speech by unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers [scheduled for March 2], was notified in a Monday email that the event had been cancelled.


    The Multicultural Student Advisory Council, a student organization at Georgia Southern University, had requested to host Bill Ayers as part of its Spring Semester Diversity Program schedule. However, because of the increased amount of security and costs required, including securing a major facility and the closing of several major parking lots that would disrupt University operations, the event has been canceled.

    Georgia Southern University does not endorse the thoughts or ideals of visiting speakers or performers that may be invited to campus. However, freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas are both a part of the fundamental mission of a University. The University has and will continue to support the right of its students and faculty to host a diverse range of programs on campus under the First Amendment.

    Georj L. Lewis, Ed.D.
    Dean of Students

    Led by Tyler Jacobs, a 23 year old political science major, the conservative push back quickly demonstrated to university officials that Ayers' presence would result in a large protest and dislocations in daily school operations on the busy 18,000 student campus. The prospect of negative publicity also loomed.

    Interviewed by this publication today, Mr. Jacobs told us that when he first became aware of the planned appearance he reached out to groups who had been engaged in confronting Ayers on other college campuses, including our organization PipeLineNews.org, which along with Move America Forward, the nation's largest grassroots pro troop organization and local conservative groups, helped coordinate a January protest of an Ayers' speech at St. Mary's College in Moraga California. [see Large Crowd Protests Ayers' Appearance At St. Mary's College Campus, Former FBI Informant Reveals Truth About Bill Ayers & Weather Underground's Campaign Of Political Murder and Protest Forming Around Ayers' Speech At St. Mary's College, California]

    Islamist Eboo Patel To Serve On Obama's Faith Advisory Council


    February 10, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - President Barack Obama has launched the White House Office for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships which includes an advisory council. According to a White House press release:

    "The White House Office for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships will be a resource for nonprofits and community organizations, both secular and faith based, looking for ways to make a bigger impact in their communities, learn their obligations under the law, cut through red tape, and make the most of what the federal government has to offer...The Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships will include a new President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, composed of religious and secular leaders and scholars from different backgrounds. There will be 25 members of the Council, appointed to 1-year terms." [source, http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/ObamaAnnouncesWhiteHouseOfficeofFaith-basedandNeighborhoodPartnerships/]

    In reality this program is a redesign of President Bush's innovative, but controversial idea which was the subject of repeated attacks last fall by then candidate Obama who opposed the idea that faith based groups which received federal funding should actually be allowed to put their faith into practice in the organization and staffing of these programs, which Obama equated to "discrimination."

    Given the leftist/secular tilt of Obama's board such concerns seem no longer to be motive. We must assume then that the advice from this group will most likely be far more palatable to the new president's rarefied secular sensibilities.

    Threat By Islamist MP Gets Geert Wilders Banned From The UK


    February 10, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Lord Nazir Ahmed, a Muslim member of the British House of Lords threatened to mobilize "10,000 Muslims" if Dutch MP Geert Wilders - a vocal critic of radical Islam - was allowed to enter the country and show his short film Fitna to members of Parliament.

    Though Wilders had been invited to make the trip and the presentation, today he received a letter from the British ambassador to the Netherlands - cowed by Ahmed's threat - which gave notice that he had been "disinvited" and banned from entering the UK on the grounds that he poses, "a threat to the public order." [see, http://www.radionetherlands.nl/currentaffairs/region/netherlands/090210-wilders-britain-banned]

    Though Ahmed is unfortunately seen by many in Britain as a moderate Muslim, his at least temporarily successful campaign to deny Wilder's the opportunity to address Parliament proves that he does not support one of the West's most central concepts, that of freedom of political expression. Previous to his recent actions, Ahmed opposed the knighthood of Salmon Rushdie [author of the Satanic Verses] claiming he head, "blood on his hands," as well as helping to launch a book by noted anti-Semitic Swede, Joeran Jermas. [see, http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID=7CF8B7FB-1739-4F09-848B-7B8E25846C13]

    Former Partner Of Eric Holder's Law Firm Represents Cole Bomber And 14 Other GITMO Detainees

    February 9, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - On Thursday Army Col. James L. Pohl the military judge presiding over the trial of Abd al Rahim al Nashiri [suspected of masterminding the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in the port city of Aden, Yemen as well as being heavily implicated in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya - Mohammad Ali al-Makki a cousin of al Nashiri's was a suicide bomber in that attack] refused to go along with the Obama administration's request to postpone the prosecution for 120 days, saying that such a move would not serve justice and was as a result, "not reasonable."

    On January 22, the administration issued an executive order to close GITMO.

    "By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, in order to effect the appropriate disposition of individuals currently detained by the Department of Defense at the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base (Guantánamo) and promptly to close detention facilities at Guantánamo..."

    As part of that order, Obama halted all military tribunals, so the status of Al Nashiri, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and other terrorists remains unclear.

    "The Secretary of Defense shall immediately take steps sufficient to ensure that during the pendency of the Review described in section 4 of this order, no charges are sworn, or referred to a military commission under the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and the Rules for Military Commissions, and that all proceedings of such military commissions to which charges have been referred but in which no judgment has been rendered, and all proceedings pending in the United States Court of Military Commission Review, are halted." [source, http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Closure_Of_Guantanamo_Detention_Facilities/]

    Al Nashiri [born in Saudi Arabia] is part of a group of 15 Yemeni GITMO detainees who are represented by David Remes a member until he was either booted or saw the handwriting on the wall and "resigned" on July 18, 2008, of Attorney General Eric Holder's law firm, Covington & Burling.

    "Remes, who represents 15 Yemeni detainees, announced his resignation on July 18, saying that he plans to devote himself exclusively to human rights litigation. "My departure is the inevitable outcome of my human rights work at the firm in the past four years, which became a consuming passion," Remes said in a statement." [source, http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2008/07/16/to-protest-gitmo-punishment-covington-parnter-drops-trou-in-yemen/]

    Mr. Remes is seen below at one of his many Yemeni press conferences demonstrating the "indignity" of the treatment meted out to his terrorist clients.

    "Muslim Leaders Of Tomorrow" Feign Moderation, Prepare For The Caliphate


    February 6, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow [MLT] held a recent conference in Doha, Qatar in keeping with their charter which is to cultivate the next generation of "Muslim leaders" and to promote them in civic and public life.

    That charter stresses that leadership means to embrace an Islam that is all encompassing and seeks to "create a platform...true to the diversity of the Ummah...guided by the teaching of the Qur'an and the Prophet." [source, http://www.muslimleadersoftomorrow.org/about/charter]

    Though this group represents itself as being moderate in nature, in reality its members are stealth jihadists who literally are engaged in training the upcoming generation to assist in that goal.

    As an example, their radicalism is demonstrated by MLT choosing Arsalan Iftekhar to lead a panel discussion at this conference, entitled, "Tackling Violent Extremism: Our Responsibility?" Iftekhar is a classic example of an Islamist, the former national legal director of the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR], a pro-Hamas mouthpiece and an unindicted co-conspirator in the [successfully prosecuted] Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial.

    A press report from an Arab news source reveals the extremist Muslim worldview of the participants in these panels and their easily tossed off religious justification for violent jihad, in the below case, Palestinian/Hamas terrorism against Israelis.

    The Depravity Of Iraq's Islamists

    Woman Confesses In Widespread Rape/Suicide Bombing Scheme


    February 5, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Samira Ahmed Jassim, a 51 year old Iraqi woman has been arrested, a suspect in a complex al-Qaeda plot in which young Iraqi women often were raped and then shamed into the supposedly redemptive act of suicide bombing.

    Jassim's confession has already been broadcast widely on Iraqi television.

    Female suicide bombers have been a mainstay of al-Qaeda tactics recently due to the perception that women are less likely to be involved in terrorist activities as well, their manner of dress with heavy robes lends itself to concealing weapons. Islamic taboos also prevent even cursory searches of women by what are almost exclusively male security personnel.

    In all, Jassim is believed to have been involved in the recruitment and brainwashing of over 80 victims, playing off strict Islamic codes of chastity which apply unequally between the genders and which serve as a major force in the degradation of women throughout the Muslim world.

    Fed Control Is The Key To Understanding The "Stimulus Bill"

    February 5, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - What follows will be a diary-like series of installments, drawing attention to particular aspects of the "Stimulus Bill."

    Much has been made of this terribly damaging piece of legislation among conservatives who have understandably pointed out some of its least justifiable funding projects, "golden toiletseat" moments.

    While this is all well and good we prefer to draw attention to what is in our opinion the most important reason to oppose this plan. The issue here is one of further extending Federal control into nearly every last bastion of capitalistic enterprise and in cases of already existing government programs such as education, further tightening the Fed screws which function to push the leftist Soros/MoveOn.org/Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda within these programs.

    This bill [HR1] can't really be discussed intelligently without at least having skimmed it. Towards that end you can access the legislation itself, by clicking here.

    Some Major Concerns About HR1 And Its Senate Twin:

    1. Widespread impact over every sector of the economy, below from the 20 separate titles addressed in this legislation:


    House Of Reps Queries FBI Over Details Of Its Overdue Rejection Of CAIR

    February 4, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Virginia GOP Representative Frank Wolf is demanding answers from the FBI, asking them to provide information pertaining to the law enforcement organization's near clandestine rejection of any further ties with the Hamas friendly Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR], an unindicted co-conspirator in the recently and successfully concluded prosecution of Hamas terror funder, the Holy Land Foundation.

    The FBI's long-term relationship with the terror friendly CAIR has been a point of constant concern among counter-terrorism researchers, mindful of the groups Islamist ideology, its support of Hamas and its key role in the Muslim Brotherhood's domestic stealth jihad.

    Mr. Wolf voiced similar concerns to FOX News, "I've talked to CAIR people in the past. It was on a very casual basis - that's what caught my eye when I saw the FOX News report, because I think they're very active up here on Capitol Hill. I think it's something that we really have to look into." [source, http://www.foxnews.com:80/politics/2009/02/03/house-leaders-wary-cair-fbi-shuns-group/]

    Click here to view Mr. Wolf's letter to the FBI

    Ken Blackwell's Magnanimity Put RNC Chair Winner Michael Steele Over The Top - Bravo!

    By SHAWN STEEL, CA Committeeman, To RNC

    February 4, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Much is discussed about Michael Steele's remarkable election as chair to the RNC. Already Republicans note his unswerving conservative views on the Chris Wallace FOX show last Sunday night. His election has electrified a rather lethargic and angst ridden political party.

    Last evening I accepted Steele's invitation to join his 10 person Transition Team. We are meeting this week in DC.

    The opportunities for conservatives are promising. Steele is garnering huge amounts of favorable media. He is booked solid each day. And the message is a positive conservative message for individual freedom, decentralized power from Washington and a message for hope against a crushing tidal wave of socialist fads.

    It's important to understand how Steele got elected after five hours of voting with six ballots.

    Obama's Clearest Signal Yet On Surrender In War On Terror

    February 3, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - At a time when nearly every harebrained Rube Goldberg scheme devised by a Democrat is literally being choked with funding under Obama's iteration of the New Deal, defense appropriations are not only under scrutiny but are apparently facing a 10% cut.

    Currently, the defense budget hovers at 4.3% of GDP. At the height of the Vietnam war [1968] it was 9.8%. Both of these figures however are dwarfed by the expenditures incurred during World War II, when over 1/3 of GDP went to defense.

    The 2008 Bush budget request was for $481.4 billion in "discretionary authority" along with $141.7 to be allocated specifically for the war on terror, so the Obama cuts would amount to chopping approximately $70 billion from the budget, an insignificant amount in terms of the new administration's proposed near $1 trillion in pork barrel expenditures, but a huge amount relative to current defense spending levels.

    As in most other areas of this administration Mr. Obama's words of moderation in some quarters are belied by his policies which are tilting rapidly towards "collectivism lite." Obama's ideological based move to strangle defense appropriations compounds that trend and amounts to a disastrous unilateral surrender in the face of the continued threat posed by Islamic radicalism and other more conventional foes such as Russia and China.

    FBI Rejects CAIR - Will No Longer Meet With Hamas Mouthpiece

    February 1, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - According to sources familiar with the matter, the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] has been dealt what could prove to be a mortal blow by the FBI [see, Mary Jacoby, "FBI Cuts Off CAIR Over Hamas Question," the Investigative Project, http://www.investigativeproject.org/article/985] forced it seems in the wake of the successful prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation [HLF], to re-evaluate its relationship with the terror friendly Hamas mouthpiece.

    Last autumn, FBI field offices began notifying state CAIR chapters that bureau officials could no longer meet with them until CAIR's national leadership in Washington had addressed issues raised by the HLF trial, according to people with knowledge of the notifications.

    Among the key elements in this decision were apparently the naming of CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF case and CAIR's prominence in organizing demonstrations in support of Hamas during the recent Israeli actions against the terrorist group in Gaza. During these demonstrations, anti-Semitism was a prominent fixture.

    U.S. House of Representatives Cautioned To Stay Away From CAIR

    February 1, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In a story closely related to the FBI's decision to sever its relationships with CAIR [see, "FBI Rejects CAIR - Will No Longer Meet With Hamas Mouthpiece," http://www.pipelinenews.org/index.cfm?page=cairid=2.1.09%2Ehtm] a letter has been sent to every member of the U.S. House of Representatives, making them aware of the FBI's decision and warning them that CAIR is linked to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas and contact with it is therefore exceedingly unwise.

    The letter was sent by the House Anti-Terrorism/Jihad Caucus and was signed by 5 of its GOP members.

    Open Letter - Cardinal Newman Society Calls Bill Ayers' Lecture at St. Mary's Catholic College "Affront to Human Dignity"

    February 1, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers will lecture on morality and ethics tonight at Saint Mary's College of California as part of a series intended to advance the college's Lasallian Catholic values.

    Saint Mary's College is located near San Francisco and is affiliated with the Brothers of the Christian Schools, a Catholic order of brothers founded by St. John Baptist de la Salle. The college claims to embrace core Lasallian values including "faith in the presence of God" and "respect for all persons."

    "Bill Ayers' honored presence at a Catholic college should offend not only Catholics, but all men and women of good will," said Patrick J. Reilly, President of The Cardinal Newman Society. "It is an affront to basic human dignity and a scandal that a Catholic college should provide a platform for a man who reportedly takes pride in terrorist acts against the United States."

    St. Mary's College - First Amendment Under Assault

    January 29, 2009 - Moraga, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The fallout from the Bill Ayers' appearance as a proponent of "social justice" at St. Mary's College continues to pile up, below our latest video.


    Hitler Predicted Holocaust As Early As January 30, 1939


    "Today, I will once more be a prophet. If the international finance-Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations of the world into a world war yet again, then the result will not be the bolzhevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe."1

    This gloomy prediction was made by Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) in a spectacular speech to the German parliament, the so-called "Reichstag", on January 30, 1939. A hysterical applause followed the delivery these menacing remarks. Among those who applauded was Reichstag President Hermann Göring ? situated in the President's chair just above Hitler.

    It is now precisely seventy years ago that this event occurred, and it was the first time that the so-called "Führer and Reich Chancellor" announced that the "Jewish race" would be annihilated. Hitler's Reichstag speech of January 30, 1939, has often been quoted in history books on the Third Reich and the Holocaust. Less well known, however, is the fact that Hitler publicly repeated his doomsday prophecy six times: on January 30, 1941, January 30, 1942, February 15, 1942, September 30, 1942, November 8, 1942 and February 24, 1943. (He also publicly said his warnings on the destiny of the Jews were "prophetic" - obviously, he regarded himself as a kind Messiah or prophet.)

    Why did Hitler choose that cold winter day of January 30, 1939, as the first occasion to announce "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe"? It was because this very day marked the sixth anniversary of the Nazi takeover in Germany. It was on January 30, 1933, that Hitler became Germany's Federal ("Reich") Chancellor.

    Large Crowd Protests Ayers' Appearance At St. Mary's College Campus

    January 28, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - St. Mary's College in Moraga CA received a black eye this evening as a large and angry crowd of protesters turned out to provide counterpoint to the Ayers' presence.

    The event was organized by the Simple Justice not Social Justice Coalition an ad hoc organization comprised of many partners, that came together in response to Ayers.

    Since the public became aware of the controversial founder of the Weather Underground's scheduled speech, college officials have stubbornly maintained that he was nothing more than a respected professor of education and a proponent of "social justice."

    Others, more familiar with Ayers' violent history disagree.

    According to Larry Grathwohl, who was at the event tonight [flown in by Move America Forward] the only FBI informant to crack the Weather Underground, "Bill Ayers is a domestic terrorist who is not repentant for what he did in the sixties and seventies...I know that his wife Bernardine Dohrn [Ayers' current wife] was responsible for placing a bomb at the Park Police station [San Francisco] that resulted in the death of officer McDonnell."

    Parents of former students were also in attendance, one of which drove over 50 miles just to say, "I'm disappointed that this school has deteriorated to the point where you would invite someone like this so from this day forward, we will withdraw our support of this school both financially and in the times that we used to say that St. Mary's was a great school."

    Former San Francisco Police Sgt. James Bera was also at the protest. He was stationed at the Park Police station when it was attacked by the Weather Underground and produced a large fence staple, many of which were glued to the Weather Underground bomb, used for maximum anti-personnel effect, that killed officer McDonnell and seriously injured five of his fellow policemen.

    More Images - St. Mary's Push Back

    Saudi Prince Turki Al-Faisal Shakes Empty Gauntlet At U.S. Over Gaza


    January 27, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In the aftermath of Hamas' defeat in Gaza by Israel, the Middle East is atwitter with threats, recriminations and hot-air venting in an attempt to cast the organization's ignominious drubbing in a less harsh light.

    The degree to which this is happening is apparent in comments made by former Saudi ambassador Prince Turki al-Faisal to the London Financial Times just a few days ago [see, http://www.ft.com/cms/s/a11a77b0-e8ef-11dd-a4d0-0000779fd2ac,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2Fa11a77b0-e8ef-11dd-a4d0-0000779fd2ac.html&_i_referer=]

    In his op-ed, the former Saudi ambassador to the United States threatens a disruption of the U.S./Saudi relationship unless the "slaughter of Palestinians," is addressed.

    But after Israel launched its bloody attack on Gaza, these pleas for optimism and co-operation now seem a distant memory. Unless the new US administration takes forceful steps to prevent any further suffering and slaughter of Palestinians, the peace process, the US-Saudi relationship and the stability of the region are at risk."

    Actually, the threat goes a good deal farther, stating that other countries are pressuring, "Saudi Arabia to lead a jihad against Israel [that] would, if pursued, create unprecedented chaos and bloodshed."

    Building on that assertion, the Prince warns that unless the situation is addressed, "the kingdom will not be able to prevent its citizens from joining the worldwide revolt against Israel."

    BREAKING - Michael Steele Will Chair RNC Chair Says California GOP Insider Shawn Steel

    By SHAWN STEEL, CA Committeeman, To RNC

    January 27, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Michael Steele, former Benedictine Monk, county Republican chair, state chair, elected Lt Governor of very blue Maryland has won the overwhelming support of members of the California Republican Party.

    The RNC chair's race takes place this Friday. Only 168 people get to vote. After months of campaigning, with some rough campaigning RNC delegates are beginning to make public their choices. It is expected that to get a majority of votes several ballots will be necessary. A delegate pledged to a candidate, can change their minds in the next ballot.

    Current chairman Mike Duncan of Kentucky, enjoys the support of Sen. Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove. Rove arranged for Duncan's position two years ago. After the stunning electoral rejection last November many RNC members are ready for a complete break with the establishment.

    Protest Bill Ayers' Speech January 28 St. Mary's College Campus, Moraga, CA

    Dr. Treating Wounded In Gaza Says Death Toll Vastly And Intentionally Inflated


    January 22, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNnews.org - The Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera [see, http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3660423,00.html] is reporting that a Gazan doctor is claiming that at most 5-600 people have died as a result of the recent war in Gaza, a figure in stark contrast to counts as high as 1,300 which are being reported by media sources such as AP as well as the usual suspects at the UN and Red Cross.

    The doctor, who is refusing to disclose his identity due to death threats made by Hamas, has alleged that the terrorist group has inflated the number in two manners, one passive the other active.

    On the active side, he says that young men between 17 and 24 were sought out and then intentionally lightly armed. They were then sent out [possibly impressed] on what Hamas' leaders knew were essentially suicide missions against the Israeli army, given the far superior armament and professionalism of the IDF.

    Dutch MP Wilders Prosecuted For Criticizing Radical Muslims Under "Hate Crime" Statutes

    Similar Legislation In The U.S. On Near Horizon


    January 22, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - A Dutch court has ordered the prosecution of Dutch MP Geert Wilders [Party for Freedom] for making "anti Islamic" statements. [view decision, http://rechtspraak.nl/Actualiteiten/Amsterdam+Court+of+Appeal+orders+the+criminal+prosecution+of+the+Member+of+Parliament+of+the+Dutch+S.htm]

    Wilders, a long-time critic of the radical Muslim jihad taking place in the Netherlands, last year produced a short film, Fitna, which seems to have been the main motivator behind the court's action, which is being advanced despite a contrary decision issued only last summer.

    Wilders stated that we was "shaken" by the ruling.

    Wilders is being prosecuted under Dutch "hate speech" laws and could face a very long sentence if he is found guilty.

    Holland's regulations mimic similar legislation throughout Europe which have served to give governments the supreme prosecutorial tool; the ability to criminalize thought.

    Though these strictures ostensibly grew out of the Nazi experience and the desire to prevent its recurrence, the blindness of dealing with such a complex phenomenon with reflexive legislation can't be underestimated. The supreme irony here is that the Islamists - many of whom are in large part in league ideologically with the Nazi fascists who preceded them - have now successfully used these laws to muzzle their critics such as Mr. Wilders.

    The prospect of being jailed simply for speaking out about Europe's increasingly radical Muslim minority presents a daunting challenge in the struggle between civilization and barbarism.

    Austrian Politician Suzanne Winter Convicted Of "Hate Speech"


    January 22, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As reported by these writers last year [see, Austrian Politician Faces Jail For Remarks About Islam and Austrian Politician Suzanne Winter Hires Bodyguards After Threatening Video Aired] Suzanne Winter, a member of the city council in Graz, Austria has been under legal assault since making remarks deemed "defamatory" to the Islamic religion last year.

    Winter was today convicted of "humiliating a religion" in an Austrian court and fined 24,000 euros [over 30,000 U.S. dollars] as well as being sentenced to an unspecified prison term which was then suspended.

    Winter's son Michael was convicted last fall of the same crime after he made comments about the sexual habits of Turkish Muslims.

    Former FBI Informant Reveals Truth About Bill Ayers & Weather Underground's Campaign Of Political Murder

    Claims Ayers' Wife Bernardine Dohrn Instrumental In S.F. Bombing That Killed Officer


    January 21, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Almost from its inception, the Weather Underground [WU] was viewed with great concern by the FBI. As a result, the decision was made to place a high level informant within the group to help keeps tabs on its members' activities.

    That person was Larry Grathwohl, a Vietnam veteran and the only publicly identified FBI informant who succeeded in penetrating the Weather Underground, serving in that capacity from August 1969 until April 1970.

    PipeLineNews.org contacted Mr. Grathwohl yesterday so that he might be able to provide further insight into Ayers' real history, devoid of revisionism.

    Though Ayers is currently touring the country pushing a newly authored manual on "social justice" and speaking at American colleges [including the Moraga, California campus of St. Mary's] his past suggests a far more sinister devotion.

    For example, during an interview late last year and broadcast on Fox, Mr. Grathwohl made the following statement:

    "I was in meetings with him when we were planning to put bombs at the Detroit Police Association building and the 13th precinct and he specified that the bomb should contain fence [heavy] staples in order to have an anti personnel effect."

    When asked to provide additional detail about the Detroit bombings, Grathwold said:

    "Bill likes to present himself as an anti war protestor and justify his participation in so called "property" bombings as a reaction to the violence of the Vietnam War. He states that he never participated in a bombing that resulted in an injury or death. Absolutely untrue! The instructions he gave to me regarding the bombings in Detroit were specific; the bombs should contain anti personal materials and should be placed when the greatest number of people were present for the maximum affect. When I pointed out the Red Barn restaurant next to the DPOA building would most likely sustain the greatest damage resulting in people being killed Bill responded, 'innocent people have to die in a revolution.'"

    Islamists At UK's Quilliam Foundation Receive Major Funding From UK Government


    January 20, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The Quilliam Foundation, a UK organization purported to be a think tank which combats "extremism" and is made up of self-proclaimed "ex" terrorists has just gotten a $1 million pound grant from the British government. As the TimesOnline notes, "Almost £1 million of public money is being given to a think-tank run by two former Islamic extremists, despite reservations being expressed by members of the Government and the Opposition..." [source, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article5549138.ece ]

    Counter-terror researchers question the relationship, wondering if those whose ultimate goals are inimical to Western ideals and values are being funded by a government blinded by its adherence to a perverse sense of multiculturalism.

    Quilliam's motives and associations are troubling, for example its website links [source, http://www.quilliamfoundation.org/links.html] to such Islamist groups as the Radical Middle Way [see, http://www.radicalmiddleway.co.uk/], City Circle [see, http://www.thecitycircle.com/] as well that of leftist financier George Soros' Open Society Institute along with the socialist Fabian Society [see, http://fabians.org.uk/].

    The Mistaken Revolution - Vatican II


    [Editor's note: Given the controversy within which we find ourselves enmeshed - the upcoming January 28th speech by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers at St. Mary's College in Moraga, California - we thought that a reprint of the following piece published almost exactly four years ago today on the subject of Catholic social teaching and traditionalism, might be of interest to our readers who may be hitting this site for the first time]

    January 18, 2005 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In 1958 the Roman Catholic Church initiated a process of liberalization so widespread and fundamental that today, its repercussions are rocking the aged institution to its very foundation.

    The unprecedented changes made in the wake of Pope John XXIII's historic Vatican Council have produced the unintended consequences whose effects we now see splattered across the windshield of American culture, in the form of a torrent of accusations of priestly sexual abuse.

    Catholicism is the oldest of the Christian sects and, until relatively recently, its most conservative voice.

    Even the spirit of the Reformation was not able to affect the bedrock issues of Catholic orthodoxy - yet in one bloodless coup, manifest changes were promulgated which had the effect of subjecting Catholicism to a toxic dose of Protestantism - not that there is anything wrong with Protestantism, as long as you are Protestant.

    While much of the non-Catholic Christian world had spun off into a secular and bizarre experiment with new ageism, the moral compass - the center - of the Catholic Church had, until the 1960s, held firm.

    The core of these changes dealt with the perceived relationship between God and man, something which deeply touched every aspect of belief.

    Since at least the Twentieth Ecumenical Council in 1869, the Church has been mightily aware of changes in the secular world, which tended to threaten and undermine faith and faith communities.

    The new political philosophies celebrated the dual pronged Germanic imperatives; Hegelianism and Marxism. In addition the advent of modern scientific methods and theories pushed the limits of human understanding rapidly forward. All had the effect of establishing rationalism as the dominant mode of interpreting the physical world.

    Rationalism seeks to order the world in a scientific manner, to make life understandable through human scrutiny. In such a setting belief and faith are often denigrated as lacking empirical vigor and being merely reliant on myth and legend.

    Protest Forming Around Ayers' Speech At St. Mary's College, California


    January 16, 2009 - Moraga, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Calling the event Simple Justice...Not Social Justice, local conservative and traditionalist groups will be joining together in what is looming as a sizable protest against the presence of Weather Underground founder Bill Ayers on the St. Mary's Moraga, California college campus.

    Ayers is scheduled to speak at 7:30pm on January 28 at the Soda Center but will be present on the campus throughout the day where he will be given an opportunity to spread his radical message.

    We were told by leaders of the Simple Justice...Not Social Justice Coalition that it will, "engage in a day-long educative action/protest on January 28, speaking out against the presence of Bill Ayers on the St. Mary's College campus. We will counter Ayers' hateful ideology. The event will culminate in a march to the Soda Center, where Ayers is scheduled to speak at 7:30pm. At that location we will conduct a vigil with additional speakers."

    Ayers' activity as a founder of the Weather Underground included bombing the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and a New York City police station.

    Of particular note, on March 6, 1970 Ayers' then girlfriend Diana Oughton along with two accomplices were killed when the bomb which they were building prematurely detonated. That bomb was designed as an anti-personnel weapon, dynamite covered with pieces of metal and nails and was intended to be used to kill American soldiers at Ft. Dix, New Jersey in an attack against the officers' club.

    Law Enforcement Continues Sorry Record In Partnering With Islamists


    January 14, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In August of 2008 the FBI and New York State Police presented special awards to the Muslim Scouts of America troop from the Hancock, New York village of "Holy Islamberg." [http://islamicpost.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/muslim-scouts-of-america-receive-awards-for-911-relief-work]

    The medals did not originate with the police units but were provided by El Sheikh Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, who resides in Lahore, Pakistan.

    The scouts were trained by an organization which calls itself Muslims of the Americas [MOA].

    MOA is widely believed to be part of Jamaat Al Fuqra [JAF] one of the most radical Islamist groups operating in the United States today and which has founded numerous radical Muslim enclaves across the United States.

    JAF is led by the aforementioned Sheikh Gilani who is thought to be intimately connected with the kidnapping and subsequent beheading of Wall Street Journal writer Daniel Pearl [it is believed that Pearl was on his way to visit Gilani when he was accosted].

    Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers To Speak At St. Mary's College Campus In California

    College Characterizes Him As Advocate Of "Social Justice"


    January 12, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - On Jan 28th at 7:30PM Bill Ayers, an unapologetic domestic terrorist and founder of the Marxist revolutionary terrorist group, the Weather Underground, will be speaking at St. Mary's College located in Moraga, California. St. Mary's is a Catholic college and located approximately 30 miles east of San Francisco, in Contra Costa County.

    The college website contains the following information regarding the event.

    "Bill Ayers is a Professor of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago and has just released the Handbook of Social Justice in Education. He is noted for his work in education reform and also for his controversial history as a founder of the Weather Underground. He will discuss his life and work and their inevitable intersection in the pursuit of social justice.

    Background: Presented over the college's January Term, the speaker series reflects the "Against the Grain" theme of the school's innovative four-week session where students are challenged to think in new ways and explore social justice issues as part of the College's Lasallian heritage. During the day the speakers will meet with several classes and participate in a lunch time roundtable discussion with students and a free public lecture follows in the evening." [source, St. Mary's Press Release, December 18, 2008, http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/news-and-events/item-press-release.html?ID=2889]

    After spending several years living underground as the U.S. government pursued charges against him that it later dropped, Ayers went on to become one of the nation's leading voices on education reform. He will speak to Saint Mary's students about his new book, Teaching toward Freedom: Moral Commitment and Ethical Action in the Classroom. Sponsored by Jan Term, the Social Justice Speaker Series and the Disney Forum." [source, http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/news-and-events/item.html?ID=2886]

    Dade And Broward Counties Supporting Muslim Hate Speech, Group Demands Change

    January 9, 2009 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL - PipeLineNews.org - On Friday, January 16th, at 12:00 Noon, Americans Against Hate [AAH, an anti-terror watchdog group] will be holding a demonstration against CAIR [an Islamist, terror linked organization] and Hamas, in front of the Broward County Commission building, to demand that Broward and Dade Counties remove hate messages placed on 120 county public buses.

    The messages were purchased by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group that AAH states, "was founded by operatives from Hamas and which, according to the United States Justice Department, has continued to be associated with Hamas."

    One of the statements on the buses reads, "ISLAM: The Way of Life of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad." AAH has called the messages offensive to both Jews and Christians, as they imply that Abraham, Moses and Jesus - revered figures in Judaism and Christianity - were practicing Muslims and are solely part of Islam.

    Obama's Preferred Future Spy Chief Leon Panetta Supported Communist-Linked Anti-CIA Think Tank


    January 8, 2009 - San Francicsco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Leon Panetta, president-elect Barack Obama's choice for future chief of the CIA, previously strongly sympathized with the "Institute for Policy Studies" (IPS), a Washington based leftist think tank known for its bitter opposition to the intelligence community, notably the CIA. As a member of Congress Panetta supported the IPS's "Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy Line" in 1983. He was also one of the congressmen who bienially commissioned IPS to produce an "alternative" budget that dramatically cut defense spending. He did so together with, among others, fellow democrat John Conyers, known for his close links to the World Peace Council (WPC), an organization financed and led by the former International Department of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (ID-CPSU). And there is even more shocking information: the Soviet Russian secret service KGB appeared to be highly interested in the activities of IPS. This controversial think tank was targeted by a number of KGB agents who will be mentioned below.

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has a huge file on the Institute for Policy Studies and its founders. Some of the FBI documents are quite revealing. The IPS was founded in 1963 by Markus Raskin and Richard Jackson Barnet.

    An FBI "Memorandum" dated May 4, 1970, classifies Richard Barnet as a "communist." The FBI Memo says that the IPS "think factory helped train extremists who incite violence in U.S. cities, and whose educational research serves as a cover for intrigue, an political agitation." "Barnet is a close associate of Markus G. Raskin and Arthur I. Waskow. Barnet's public speeches are anti-U.S. in content." 1

    During the Vietnam War Barnet openly sided with the North Vietnamese communists. The FBI Memo says:

    "Barnet appears to be the Institute for Policy Studies foreign policy representative and expert. He has traveled to Europe, the Soviet Union and North Vietnam on several occasions and participated in conferences with top level officials of the North Vietnamese government. On his last visit to Hanoi in November 1969, he was quoted in the Washington Post newspaper as saying in a public speech to the North Vietnamese people, that the Vietnamese are fighting 'against the same aggressors that we will continue to fight in our country."

    During the February 1969 trip to meet with the North Vietnamese in Paris, Barnet was identified as traveling with Cora Weiss, a national leader of the Women's Strike for Peace, and Rennard Davis and Dave Dellinger, both leaders of national prominence in the New Left Movement and convicted defendants in the Chicago 'Conspiracy 7' trial." 2

    "Known contacts with intelligence agents from Soviet and Soviet bloc countries" (FBI)

    The most interesting part of the document is the assumption by the FBI that Barnet was not just a communist fellow-traveler or sympathizer. There are, the FBI 1970 Memo says, "known contacts with intelligence agents from Soviet and Soviet bloc countries":

    Gretta Duisenberg and Harry van Bommel - Two Dutch Hamas Apologists


    January 8, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - It was a rather cold Saturday afternoon in Amsterdam. On January 3, 2009, some 1500 anti-Israel demonstrators assembled at the famous Museum Square near the equally famous Van Gogh museum. Not so many people this time ? compared to previous anti-Israel and anti-American demonstrations in Amsterdam, that is. What was interesting now was that those who assembled at Museum Square shouted pro-Hamas slogans like "Intifadah! Intifadah! Free Palestine!" and: "Hamas! Jihad! Hezbollah!" Intifadah, an Arab word, means "revolt" or "uprising."

    Positioned right in front of these angry demonstrators were two prominent Dutch citizens: Gretta Duisenberg, widow of former European Banker Willem Duisenberg, and Dutch MP Harry van Bommel, foreign affairs specialist of the leftist "Socialist Party" (SP). They, too, shouted: "Intifadah! Intifadah! Free Palestine!" It happened to be right behind Gretta Duisenberg and Harry van Bommel that a couple of demonstrators began to shout the following notorious anti-Semitic slogan: "Hamas! Hamas! Gas all the Jews!" ("Hamas, Hamas! Alle joden aan het gas!") I saw this footage on "You Tube" myself ? several times, that is. It was as if the anti-Semitic Nazis had occupied the Netherlands once again.

    California Insider Report - What's The Real Story With The RNC Race?


    January 8, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As the elected Republican National Committeeman from California, I plan on sharing information over the next few weeks on the race for the Chairmanship of the Republican National Committee. Who wins the RNC chairmanship will either help propel Republicans, or get us sidetracked into a ditch.

    The RNC Chair is only the official face and public opposition to the Democrat Hegemony.

    When Obama, Reid and Pelosi speak, only the RNC chair can serve as an effective Republican voice, not our guys in the House or Senate. The January 28 election for the new RNC chair is the most important vote for all 168 (3 per state plus 6 territories) RNC members. That vote will take place one week after the Obama Inaugural in Washington DC... and it's getting mighty hot for all 168 members.

    There are six candidates. The guy who was in charge of the last thrashing is running for re-election. He is the Bush holdover, having been hand-selected for the job by the President. Chances are you cannot name him. Neither can most Republican leaders or activists.

    He is the "invisible" chair. In a recent commentary for Politico I wrote:

    "Duncan has been the Invisible Chairman, installed in January 2007 by Karl Rove to be unobtrusive - a mission he has carried out brilliantly. Many, if not most, Republican leaders and activists don't know who he is. For example, when Duncan was a guest recently on the "Hugh Hewitt Show," the radio host asked Duncan why this was the first time this RNC chairman had ever asked to come on the show and address millions of his fellow Republicans.

    Duncan couldn't give an answer other than he'd been busy for the past year. I suppose that's one way to look at it. Another way is he hasn't provided the kind of leadership the Republican National Committee needs in this day and age." [see, Mike Who?, http://www.politico.com:80/news/stories/1208/16760.html]

    Arab European League Behind Anti-Jewish Riots in Belgium


    January 6, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - The Arab European League's anti-Israel protests in Antwerp, Belgium held on Sunday descended into rioting and attacks throughout the Jewish quarter of the city. As a result, Antwerp Jews are living in fear and many are afraid to venture out on the streets.

    The Dutch based Telegraaf reported, "After the demonstration organised by the Arab European League a number of demonstrators went to the Jewish quarter of Antwerp where disturbances took place." [source, http://www.telegraaf.nl/buitenland/2902076/__Rellen_na_AEL-manifestatie__.html?p=15,2]

    By mid-afternoon approximately 200 rioters headed for the Jewish district while conducting a campaign of wanton destruction, smashing car windows and damaging trams and buses. Efforts by the police to close the district off were met by violence by the largely Muslim crowd.

    According to Michael Frielich, editor in chief of the Jewish magazine Joodse Aktueel, "The Jewish community is extremely upset about the presence of Hamas-flags at the demonstration for the stopping of the bombardment of the Gaza Strip in Brussels?According to Freilach the green flag with the white text from Hamas is a symbol of a terrorist organisation and is forbidden in Belgium..." http://www.standaard.be/Artikel/Detail.aspx?artikelId=DMF31122008_060#

    Support For Hamas' Use Of Child Hostages Indicative Of Islam's Moral Bankruptcy?

    Coverage Implicates Western Media


    January 5, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - As seems to be increasingly the case, journalism's most important statements are made by the issues it avoids.

    Thus we are confronted by a near blackout of news relating to Hamas' use of children as human shields and the concurrent employment of their battered little bodies as props in its war of words against the "Zionists."

    Under almost any other set of circumstances, even a single instance of such reprehensible behavior would predictably bring about the collapse of the offending regime.

    Not so here, because it bears upon that most sacred of protected classes - Muslims.

    Call it what you will, this is a selective failure to report driven by self-censorship, and while the press beats its breast, towing the Hamas line of "disproportionate" response by Israel, the perpetrator is given shelter within a kind of politically correct, forced myopia.

    It's not that there is any dearth of information on Hamas' policy of placing children in situations which guarantee their death and dismemberment; it's just that the truth is "unpleasant," raising grave issues not only about the Palestinians but in a more universal sense, with the Muslim Ummah, whose silence is beyond deafening.

    In what passed for more peaceful times, virtually any of the self-designated "mainstream" Muslim organizations [i.e., those leading the stealth jihad against the West] could be counted on serving up media-friendly sounding, but ultimately hollow rejections of terrorism. Some even went to the extreme length a few years ago of issuing a bizarre fatwa against a definition of terrorism, politically jury-rigged so as to serve as an indictment of Israel.

    When brought into the real world, as in the case of Israel's incursion into Gaza, there is no longer any place to hide and things turn ugly, with the media going silent on Hamas.

    It's as if the organization never existed. But unfortunately it does, and the degree to which Hamas is supported by rank and file Muslims should be troubling to a wide range of observers including those whose belief in moral relativism is unshakeable.

    At this point there can be absolutely no doubt that Hamas is deliberately using the most defenseless Palestinians, their children as human shields and if the MSM was not so obstinate, it could easily find suitable evidence to prove its existence on the website of Israel's Ministry of Defense.

    Much Ado About Something - Muslims "Booted" Off Airline Flight


    January 2, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - On January 1 a Muslim family led by Atif Irfan, on its way to a Muslim conference in Orlando, Florida, had their trip interrupted when they along with the rest of the passengers on an AirTran flight were forced to deplane and undergo rescreening. They were not permitted to rejoin the flight and booked flights on US Air to complete their journey.

    The cause of the incident has been variously explained, with the airline saying that passengers overheard members of the family talking about airline security issues, and the family claiming that they were only guilty of what is now colloquially referred to, mainly in Islamist circles, as "flying while Muslim."

    According to the NY Times' account of the matter, "Irfan said that at no time did he or his wife utter the word "bomb." [see, http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/02/muslim-family-excluded-from-airtran-flight/?hp]

    Asking why utterance of such a word needed to be categorically denied - barring it actually having been mentioned - was apparently not considered by the Times reporter as a reasonable follow-up question.

    Leave it to Fox News to probe that aspect of the matter, "An unnamed source told MyFOXDC.com that they overheard one member of the family talking about the safest place to sit on a plane if a bomb was on board, though the family denied the word "bomb" was ever used." [source, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,475126,00.html]

    The Dream Of The Terrorism Deniers Dies Hard

    January 1, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - Cynthia McKinney the ex-Congresswoman from Atlanta's 4th District, has just been paid a fleeting visit by reality and it doesn't seem like it was all that pleasant an experience.

    Working with the pro-Hamas "Free Gaza Movement," [see, Free Gaza Protesters Given Medals By Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh ]McKinney was a passenger on the group's ship, the "Dignity," which was attempting to provocatively run the naval blockade of Gaza a few days ago when the vessel was rammed repeatedly by an Israeli warship, which sent it packing and damaged back to a port in Lebanon, where it was met by cheering throngs.

    About the incident Ms. McKinney said, "Israeli patrol boats...tracked us for about 30 minutes...and then all of a sudden they rammed us approximately three times, twice in the front and once in the side...the Israelis indicated that [they felt] we were involved in terrorist activities." http://www.freegaza.org/index.php?module=latest_news&id=06ec9655d88714c7ffaf8b1534783da3

    Being that a shooting war is going on, that the IDF might have an interest in stopping the Free Gaza vessel from delivering material aid to the terrorist Hamas would constitute a surprise for Ms. McKinney bears a bit of examination.

    First, in McKinney's defense her shaky grasp on reality has been on display since her first run for office. Since that time she has taken positions extreme even by leftist Democrat standards, including her belief in Bush derangement syndrome evidenced, 9/11 conspiracy theories, to which few in her party will publicly admit.

    That said Ms. McKinney is part of a not inconsequential group of people whom might be termed terrorism deniers. These folks can be likened to those who are color-blind; when confronted by violent acts being perpetrated by organizations and individuals which share certain telltale characteristics, one of which happens to be their religion, those afflicted will see only individual acts of mayhem, stripped of all identifiers or anything that might provide meaning.

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