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Politech is the oldest Internet resource devoted to politics and technology. Launched in 1994, the Politech mailing list has chronicled the growing intersection of law, culture, technology, and politics.

New: Politech posts are now sorted into categories for your archival pleasure.

Politicians push for mandatory data retention laws, bipartisanly

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2008-04-23 15:21:16 by Declan McCullagh
in category "privacy" (Permalink)

Who'd make the most technology-friendly president? Discuss.

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2008-01-31 10:46:51 by Declan McCullagh
in category "economics" (Permalink)

Judge rules defendant can't be forced to divulge PGP passphrase

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-12-14 18:42:41 by Declan McCullagh
in category "privacy" (Permalink)

ITU botnet paper published in draft form, comments requested

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-11-26 02:17:51 by Declan McCullagh
in category "privacy" (Permalink)

David Burt and his Filtering Facts Web site are back

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-11-26 02:15:03 by Declan McCullagh
in category "free-speech" (Permalink)

FTC Internet advertising summit in Washington this week

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-11-02 07:39:14 by Declan McCullagh
in category "privacy" (Permalink)

Hamline University student suspended after pro-gun rights email

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-10-11 02:40:58 by Declan McCullagh
in category "free-speech" (Permalink)

MIT student picking up friend at airport nearly shot, charged with "infernal machine" crime

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-09-21 16:33:42 by Declan McCullagh
in category "free-speech" (Permalink)

Paul Levy: Politicians, infomercial kings try to stifle anonymous Internet speech

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-09-21 15:16:30 by Declan McCullagh
in category "free-speech" (Permalink)

Colorado sheriff creates roadblock so private firm can demand DNA blood samples

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-09-21 15:10:09 by Declan McCullagh
in category "privacy" (Permalink)

Federal police will gain access to military spy satellites

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-08-17 01:42:00 by Declan McCullagh
in category "privacy" (Permalink)

Sen. John Kerry wants to outlaw "transmitting" dog fighting images

Read the full Politech article here:

Posted at 2007-07-25 11:54:09 by Declan McCullagh
in category "free-speech" (Permalink)

Older Politech articles

Congress at its finest: P2P networks as "national security threat"
posted at 2007-07-25 11:50:07 (in category free-speech)

Whoops! Nevada governor accidentally posts Outlook password
posted at 2007-07-20 12:25:41 (in category privacy)

FBI remotely installs spyware to trace bomb threat
posted at 2007-07-18 12:14:33 (in category privacy)

Correction on security firms and detecting spyware
posted at 2007-07-17 13:17:07 (in category privacy)

Will security firms detect police spyware? A survey of 13 of them
posted at 2007-07-17 11:03:12 (in category privacy)

Democrats criticize AT&T's exclusive iPhone deal, just because they can
posted at 2007-07-13 02:15:31 (in category economics)

DEA key logger docs in Ecstasy drug case posted online
posted at 2007-07-12 01:36:27 (in category privacy)

DEA key logger used to eavesdrop in real time on alleged drug manufacturers
posted at 2007-07-11 00:27:00 (in category privacy)

Ethan Ackerman on politics behind Real ID and the immigration bill
posted at 2007-06-28 18:50:09 (in category privacy)

John Gilmore on Real ID and why the immigration bill died
posted at 2007-06-28 18:48:16 (in category privacy)

Senate backs away from Real ID Act
posted at 2007-06-28 01:41:16 (in category privacy)

W3C's openness hypocrisy: Public barred from "public" conference
posted at 2007-06-18 18:46:36 (in category free-speech)