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‘Wake-up call’: Gates warns White House on Iran -- DNC buys Google AdWords for ‘Goldman Sachs SEC’ -- Clinton regrets taking Greenspan advice --Geithner: 'very close' on bipartisan reform deal
By: on April 18, 2010 @ 11:50 AM

BULLETIN -- From a White House official, moments ago: "President Obama is expected to discuss the need for Wall Street reform outside of Washington in the coming weeks."

ROBERT GIBBS (@presssec), to Howie Kurtz on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” re Twitter: “It's my job to know what is important to reporters. And this is, to me, a great medium to do that. I also think it's a fabulous medium in which to communicate with not just the White House press corps, but tens of thousands of people that want to know what the president is doing, or a picture of who he met with. … [I]t takes an amazing amount of discipline to write out all of what you want to say in 140 characters or less. If you ever watch me do it, it takes me a few minutes to sort of edit even myself down. I just think it's a fascinating, fast moving medium."

VIDEO -- "Saturday Night Live" open has Larry King reporting on his divorce and the volcano  ... A New Yorker cartoon has a "NOW HIRING" sign on the steps of the Supreme Court.

Good Sunday morning. The President (followed quickly by Sarkozy and Merkel) canceled his trip to the Polish state funeral because of the volcanic dust that continues to play havoc with global air travel. Britain extended its flight ban to Monday morning, but airports reopened in Spain (all), Germany (six) and southern France, per AFP.

SCOOP – N.Y. Times 1-col. lead story, “Gates Says U.S. Lacks a Policy to Thwart Iran,” by David E. Sanger and Thom Shanker: “Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has warned in a secret three-page memorandum to top White House officials that the United States does not have an effective long-range policy for dealing with Iran’s steady progress toward nuclear capability, according to government officials familiar with the document. Several officials said the highly classified analysis, written in January to President Obama’s national security adviser, Gen. James L. Jones, came in the midst of an intensifying effort inside the Pentagon, the White House and the intelligence agencies to develop new options for Mr. Obama. They include a set of military alternatives, still under development, to be considered should diplomacy and sanctions fail to force Iran to change course. … One senior official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the memo, described the document as ‘a wake-up call.’ But White House officials dispute that view, insisting that for 15 months they had been conducting detailed planning for many possible outcomes regarding Iran’s nuclear program.”

--WHITE HOUSE REACTION – Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes: “It is absolutely false that any memo touched off a reassessment of our options. This administration has been planning for all contingencies regarding Iran for many months."

--PENTAGON REACTION – Press Secretary Geoff Morrell, to AP: “The secretary believes the president and his national security team have spent an extraordinary amount of time and effort considering and preparing for the full range of contingencies with respect to Iran.”

--PLAYBOOK FACTS OF LIFE: The administration says President Obama has earnestly and courageously tried to engage with Iran, giving the U.S. the moral high ground with the world. This memo appears to be designed to light a fire internally about preparations (including military, since Gates is the author) in case the current “dual track” (diplomacy and sanctions) fails and Iran is found to have nuclear weaponization capability.

--LOOK FOR: Senator McCain, and others on the right who have been concerned about administration planning on Iran, to point to the article as evidence that not enough is being done. Israel may see the article as bolstering their point that we haven’t been taking the threat as seriously as we should.

--KREMLINOLOGY: This shows the willingness of Gates, who has been a seamless team player despite being a holdover from President Bush, to offer an independent voice when he believes the stakes are high enough. Although he apparently didn’t intend this to leak, since it’s a “Top Secret” memo, and the Pentagon refuses to confirm its existence.


PROFILES IN PANDERING: Mitt Romney, finally endorsing Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio after it looks like Gov. Crist will bolt the party and has no chance of winning the primary if he stays in. Bold!
--BREAKING – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had endorsed Crist, cashiered him on CNN’s “State of the Union”: “We’ve been looking at the surveys … and it looks like Marco Rubio is running a very effective campaign and seems to have the lead. I’m going to be there behind the Republican nominee, whoever that is.” McConnell, who has supported Crist, said the governor would “lose all Republican support if he were to run as an independent.” –Jake Sherman

WHAT THE WEST WING IS READING – N.Y. Times editorial, “Whose Side Are They On?”: “Last month Democrats on the Senate banking committee passed a reasonably tough financial regulatory reform bill. Now Republican leaders have suddenly begun lashing out against it. Did they belatedly discover some problem? No. They suddenly realized that their bet that reform would be watered down as it moved along might not pan out. Their battle cry of ‘no more bailouts’ is disingenuous. They are not worried that reform will make bankers’ lives too easy, they are worried that it will make them too hard. … Of all the regulatory changes under consideration, the outcome of derivatives reform is arguably the single most important issue for the banks. Why? Because derivatives are where the money is. … The White House and Democratic leaders need to push back hard against Republican posturing, making it clear to Americans that robust reform is the only way to protect the system — and taxpayers — from a repeat catastrophe. When Republicans try to block reform, they are doing nothing more than shilling for the banks.” 

--McConnell, to Candy: “There is a bailout fund in the bill that was reported out of the [Senate] Banking Committee -- the partisan bill that came out of committee on a party line vote. I don’t think that’s in dispute. ... Regardless of where the – how the money is produced, it is a bailout fund that sort of guarantees in perpetuity that we’ll be intervening once again to bail out these big firms.”


--PRESIDENT CLINTON, to ABC’s JAKE TAPPER, on passage of health reform: “We were the first administration that ever got a bill out of committee. We got two or three bills out of committee. … I felt like Teddy Roosevelt would have felt if he'd still been alive in the 1930s seeing his cousin Franklin being able to sign legislation in areas that he had advocated. And you know that took two decades. And this took less time. So I actually -- I was thrilled by it. And worked hard. Hillary and I lobbied people all over the weekend before the vote. And she and I were ecstatic. [It] sometimes takes a long time to change a country. And I think frankly now they will keep changing this bill. They'll have to keep working on it and putting more cost drivers in it to take the cost down. But it's a big, big step. And it's a wonderful thing for the country.”

--On appointing a Clinton to the Supreme Court: “I think I would enjoy it, but I don't think it would be a good idea. … I'm already 63 years old, I hope I live to be 90. I hope I'm just as healthy as Justice Stevens is. But it's not predictable. I'd like to see him put someone in there, late 40s, early 50s, on the court and someone with a lot of energy for the job. And I don't think that'd be a good choice. … [Secretary Clinton] would be great at it, … and I think at one point in her life she have might been interested in it. But she’s like me: You know, we’re kind of doers. We like being out there and doing things, rowing our own boat and making changes we could see happen. … I think if she were asked, she would advise the president to appoint some 10, 15 years younger.”

--NBC’s DAVID GREGORY, to TREASURY SECRETARY GEITHNER: Senate “minority leader McConnell says in fact these reforms amount to -- his words -- an endless taxpayer bailout of banks.”

GEITHNER: “[I]t's absolutely not true. And some of his members say it was a bit over the top. I spent a lot of time with Republicans over the last several months and the last few weeks, [and] end of last week. And I believe that we are very close on this. That we agree on the vast bulk of the things necessary to end too-big-to-fail -- protect taxpayers in the future. And that's one reason why I'm so confident. Now we're not together on everything. I think on derivatives and on consumer protection, we're still some ways apart. And we may not get there. … I'm very confident you'll see Republicans vote for this. … I spend a lot of time with them. And that's … why I'm so confident. I mean, how could anyone look at this crisis, look at the damage caused, and say that we're gonna leave this system in place -- not support a strong set of reforms?”

--SEN. MCCONNELL, on CNN’s “State of the Union,” said there is "broad bipartisan support for changing the current ways derivatives are regulated … Experts on the banking committee can hopefully work that out on a bipartisan basis.” --Bloomberg


KURTZ: President Obama regularly takes jabs at the news business. He seems to enjoy tweaking especially those of us in cable. Comparing us with...

GIBBS: I haven't noticed that at all. …

KURTZ: Now this amuses me, because you guys play the game. You put people out on the shows. You talk to bloggers. You have anchors and correspondents in for off-the- record lunches. So you're a willing participant in that news cycle.

GIBBS: Well, you either have to participate in it, or you're at the mercy of it. I will say I'm always amused when I turn on the television, and two people are at the same location but in boxes that make it appear as if somehow they don't just not subscribe to what the other one believes. But they're physically separated from any common viewpoint.

** A message from University of Phoenix: University of Phoenix is committed to providing an accredited, accountable and accessible higher education to more Americans. Because An Educated World is a Better World. Learn more here. http://bit.ly/bjByHU  *

‘Wake-up call’: Gates warns White House on Iran -- DNC buys Google AdWords for ‘Goldman Sachs SEC’ -- Clinton regrets taking Greenspan advice --Geithner: 'very close' on bipartisan reform deal

BIRTHDAYS – MONDAY: Caitlin Hayden, of the U.S. embassy in Kabul (hat tip: Hammer). BIRTHWEEK: Nina Rees (hat tip: Matt)

POPPING ONLINE – HuffPost and The Daily Caller both have the same lead – President Bill Clinton’s admission to ABC’s Jake Tapper, in an interview taped for “This Week,” that he was “wrong” to take advisers’ advice against regulating derivatives. Tapper added this “UPDATE”: “Clinton's office called to say the former president sees former Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan as the one who mainly led the charge against regulating derivatives.” The exchange:

TAPPER: “One of the things that President Obama is pushing for is regulation of derivatives, and also with a thing called the Volcker rule, he's trying to separate commercial banking interests from investment banking interests. These were things that were the opposite policies of Treasury Secretary Rubin and Summers at that time, do you think in retrospect they gave you bad advice on these issues?” 

CLINTON: “…I think what happened was the SEC and the whole regulatory apparatus after I left office was just let go. I think if Arthur Levitt had been on the job at the SEC, my last SEC commissioner, an enormous percentage of what we've been through in the last eight or nine years would not have happened. I feel very strongly about it. I think it's important to have vigorous oversight. Now, on derivatives, yeah I think they were wrong and I think I was wrong to take it, because the argument on derivatives was that these things are expensive and sophisticated and only a handful of investors will buy them.”

GOLDMAN FALLOUT – EXCLUSIVE: When you typed “Goldman Sachs SEC” into Google beginning around 4 p.m. Friday, the results included an ad for Wall Street reform, paid for by the Democratic National Committee. With the White House amping up its push for tighter regulations of banks, a financial-services industry lobbyist called the ad buy “the Chicagoland equivalent of a horse head in your bed.” With Google AdWords, advertisers can bid to have a message displayed next to the search results for specific queries, then pay based on the number of times the ad is clicked. “Fight Wall Street Greed: Help Pres. Obama Reform Wall Street and Create Jobs. Families First!” says the DNC ad. That’s followed by a link to www.BarackObama.com, now run by Organizing for America. The DNC’s Brad Woodhouse says the ad is part of an online campaign that began about two weeks ago , and has included such Google search terms as “AIG,” “Lehman Brothers,” “Goldman” and “Bank of America.” More Woodhouse: “We have all kinds of online advertising up to allow folks who are searching and reading online to get involved with Organizing for American and the president and make a difference on his agenda. We've been running online ads since early last year. We watch closely what terms folks are searching and set up our ads accordingly.” Screengrab

--Questions about timing continued to bubble in the financial-services community yesterday. The SEC filing came during trading hours and before the close, Goldman shares had lost some $12.4 billion in market value.

--Barclays Capital analysts wrote in a research report Friday: “Today's SEC announcement and conference call (which did not allow analysts or investors to ask questions) was a well-timed, and perhaps not coincidental, effort to sway some on-the-fence Republicans to support a tougher financials bill that the White House has been lobbying for. Targeting GS, given the flurry of anti-Wall Street press hat has centered around that firm offers the publicity that the administration needs at this critical juncture.” The full report

--Paul S. Atkins, a former SEC commissioner who was appointed by President George W. Bush, said these sorts of cases are usually settled in advance rather than being announced. “It’s unusual, with a large broker-deal, to have a case like this go to litigation,” said Atkins, a visiting scholar at American Enterprise Institute and partner in a consulting firm. “It’s so dangerous: This could shut a firm down.”

--Conspiracy or coincidence? The industry notes that the DNC sent a blast e-mail about “Wall Street Reform” from “Barack Obama” shortly after the Goldman news broke on Friday. The DNC says the e-mail was long in the works: “It takes several days and sometimes more than a week to write, design and get signoff on such e-mails.” The industry’s creative young minds came up with this flier


--THE BIG IDEA – “War of words over Obama's soft tone,” by Josh Gerstein: “‘Rogue states’ is being pushed aside in favor of the less confrontational ‘outliers.’ ‘Islamic radicalism’ is being converted to the less religiously freighted ‘violent extremism.’ And in one of the most important speeches of his presidency, Barack Obama omitted a term that was the Bush administration’s obsession: terrorism – part of a larger effort to de-emphasize the problem in Obama's relations with Muslim states. Diplomats, academics and foreign leaders are hotly debating whether Obama, who won the White House promising dramatic change in U.S. foreign policy, has actually changed much substantively. But there’s little question that he's made a pronounced shift in how the U.S. talks about the rest of the world – and in a way that has opened him up to charges of being soft in the face of America’s enemies. … The administration defends the moves, saying that by needlessly antagonizing or alienating nations and groups, it can make it harder for the U.S. to build alliances against them. … White House aides said the de-emphasis of ‘rogue states’ was deliberate. They were less clear about whether the replacement term [‘outliers’] was set in stone.”  

--INTERVIEW -- “Iraq's Maliki makes case for holding on to post,” by L.A. Times’ Ned Parker in Baghdad: “Prime Minister Nouri Maliki, in his first interview with a Western media outlet since last month's bitterly fought elections, vowed Saturday that Iraq's Sunni Arabs would be major players in the next government, as he cast himself both as peacemaker and front-runner to lead the country. The Shiite prime minister, who appeared confident and jovial during an hourlong interview at his palace office, also invited a secular bloc led by rival Iyad Allawi to join him in governing, despite an acrimonious postelection period that saw Maliki's supporters label the Iraqiya slate a front for the late Saddam Hussein's Baath Party. … ‘We rejected the concept of sectarianism and built the state based on nationalism,’ Maliki said. ‘For this reason, I make the invitation for the Iraqiya bloc to participate in the government.’ … His confidence Saturday may have sprung from his belief that he is close to sealing a deal with the other main Shiite bloc to form a new government. … Maliki emphasized that he wanted to reconcile Iraq's religious and ethnic communities, scarred by decades of war. … The prime minister portrayed himself as a referee among the different sects and ethnicities, still traumatized by Hussein's rule.” Alas, the word “Obama” doesn’t appear in the story.

--WASHINGTON, INC. – WP lead story, “W.Va. mine disaster calls attention to revolving door between industry, government,” by Kimberly Kindy and Dan Eggen: “More than 200 former congressional staff members, federal regulators and lawmakers are employed by the mining industry as lobbyists, consultants or senior executives, including dozens who work for coal companies with the worst safety records in the nation, a Washington Post analysis shows. The revolving door has also brought industry officials into government as policy aides in Congress or officials of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), which enforces safety standards. The movement between industry and government allows both to benefit from crucial expertise, but mining safety experts say it often has led to a regulatory system tilted toward coal company interests. That, they say, has put miners at risk and left behind a flawed enforcement system that probably contributed to this month's Massey Energy mine explosion in West Virginia. … The Post's examination identified nearly a dozen former MSHA district directors who recently took jobs as executives and consultants with Massey or Murray Energy, the two U.S. mining companies with the worst safety records. … The incentives for such job moves are significant, with industry typically paying double or triple the salary of district directors, who average about $85,000 a year.”

--WEEK IN REVIEW – Kate Zernike on the Tea Party supporters: “In the results of the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, they are better educated and wealthier than the general public. They are just as likely to be employed, and more likely to describe their economic situation as very or fairly good. Yet they are disproportionately pessimistic about the economy and the nation. A breathtaking 92 percent said the country is on the wrong track. … ‘The story they’re telling is that somehow the authentic, real America is being polluted,’ said Rick Perlstein, the author of books about the Goldwater and Nixon years. Liberal regimes tend to bring out these resentments, Mr. Perlstein said, because conservatives have equated liberalism in the popular mind with the expansion of government power, something that has always stirred distrust among Americans. The Tea Party supporters recycle their language from the conservative movements of the early 1960s in response to the Kennedy presidency, the resistance to busing, gay rights and the Carter administration in the mid 1970s, and the opposition to the Clinton health care plan in the early 1990s.”

MEDIAWATCH – N.Y. Times Public Editor, “Squandered Trust,” by Clark Hoyt: “THE Times continues to hurt itself with readers by misusing anonymous sources. … Despite written ground rules to the contrary and promises by top editors to do better, The Times continues to use anonymous sources for information available elsewhere on the record. It allows unnamed people to provide quotes of marginal news value and to remain hidden with little real explanation of their motives, their reliability, or the reasons why they must be anonymous…. Anonymous sources can be invaluable. Notably, they recently helped The Times break a scandal involving Gov. David Paterson of New York. But used casually or routinely, they stir readers’ skepticism. … Now, here is why all of this matters: … Joe Sexton, the metro editor, said anonymous sources were the only way The Times could get the vital story of [the N.Y. Gov. Paterson] scandal. The paper’s reporting has proved true at every turn — prompting high-level resignations, the end of Paterson’s election campaign and a criminal investigation. Sexton said he realized it ‘can take something of a leap of faith for some readers to be comfortable’ with anonymous sources in such articles. That leap would be easier if The Times did not squander readers’ trust by using unnamed sources so often and so casually in far less compelling cases.”

** A message from University of Phoenix: University of Phoenix, Because An Educated World is a Better World. There’s no doubt that better educated Americans create a stronger American workforce. It’s University of Phoenix’s mission to provide an accredited, accountable, accessible education to more people, nationwide, including the 38 million Americans who have started, but never completed, their college degrees. We are currently piloting a 3 week orientation at no charge that allows prospective students to see if they’re ready for the rigors of college, before they make a financial commitment. It’s just one of the ways we’re working to educate more Americans more effectively, and striving to make the American economy more competitive. Learn more about what we’re doing. http://bit.ly/bjByHU **

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Date: Apr. 18, 2010 - 9:31 PM EST

Mike,,,,C'mon.....I'm not sure if Bobby Gibbs is just stupid, or thinks we are. I don't even watch the P's speeches and I know he runs down Fox and a few others on a regular basis. How can his press secretary not know that? I mean.....he should at least say, "Well...sure...The President calls them out when he thinks they're wrong." ....but Nooooooo.....Bobby says, "Whadda Ya talkin' about?" It's a symptom of holding too many specious points, and carrying water for a guy that can't do it for himself. Of course, that's just an opinion. ....and you know I value mine more than most others:).

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