Glenn Thrush

Glenn Thrush

Glenn Thrush covers the White House for POLITICO. Before that, he ran the site’s Hill blog and before that, spent five years with Newsday – the last three in Washington following Hillary Rodham Clinton’s highly entertaining presidential quest – with a little Rudy Giuliani, Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer thrown in.

For the preceding two years, he was ensconced in the basement of New York’s City Hall, where he annoyed Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He’s a veteran of Bloomberg News, former editor of City Limits, a monthly that covers low-income neighborhoods in New York, ex-editorial director of think tanks Child Welfare Watch and the Center for an Urban Future and one-time statehouse and education reporter for the late, lamented Birmingham (Ala.) Post-Herald.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, he long stories for places like the New York Times Magazine, New York, the New York Observer, Spin, the Village Voice, Metropolis and Guitar World, where his work appeared under the byline “Glenn Thrash.”

He’s a native of Brooklyn, a graduate Sheepshead Bay High School (Larry David’s alma mater) and a former adjunct professor at the Columbia Journalism School and NYU’s Science and Environmental Reporting Program.

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Recent Stories by Glenn Thrush

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    Joe Biden in winter

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    The robots that saved Pittsburgh

    2/4/14 1:13 AM EST

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    Why they mattered: Ed Koch

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    W.H. gets new legislative affairs head

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    John Boehner's pet alligator problem

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    'Paper tiger' at the Pentagon

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    Locked in the Cabinet

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  10. 10
    NSC aide admits Twitter attack on White House

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