Evening Fix

March 23, 2010
Elbert Ventura

Elbert Ventura is the managing editor of the Progressive Policy Institute.

by Elbert Ventura

Some of the day’s best reads:

  • Mark Schmitt on health care reform and public anxiety: “Health reform will succeed politically not by being popular but by working. That is, by giving Americans a much greater sense that they are not on the brink of losing everything, that they can change jobs or start their own business or admit to a medical condition without risking disaster.”
  • Chad Alderman on high schools that leave students unprepared for college: “The community and regional colleges that enroll the vast majority of students needing remediation are blamed for the poor persistence and graduation rates. Most importantly, the student is implicitly lied to, pushed out the door of one school unprepared for the next. It’s the old college lie.”
  • NRDC’s Noah Long on ENERGY STAR: “The good news is that last week, DOE and EPA announced that they will be increasing the level of attention they pay to testing and enforcement.”
  • Bradford Plumer on the Clean Air Act: “So the bleak predictions of 1970s-era environmentalists never panned out, but largely because they helped enact rules that prevented those outcomes.”
  • Stanley Greenberg on what winning does for Democrats: “I believe that the Democrats’ winning on health care reform will affect voters’ perceptions on a wide range of issues. Competence and progress count. And all the comparisons to the 1994 midterms, indeed a disaster for Democrats, may need revision.”
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