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Surat Ash-Shu`arā' (The Poets) - سورة الشعراء

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Sahih International
Ta, Seen, Meem.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Tā sīn mīm: God knows best what He means by these [letters].
Sahih International
These are the verses of the clear Book.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Those, namely, these signs, are the signs of the Manifest Book, the Qur’ān (the genitive annexation [āyātu’l-kitābi] conveys the [partitive] meaning of min), [the Manifest meaning] the one that manifests what is truth from what is falsehood.
Sahih International
Perhaps, [O Muhammad], you would kill yourself with grief that they will not be believers.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Perhaps, O Muhammad (s), you might kill yourself, out of distress for the reason, that they, namely, the people of Mecca, will not become believers (la‘alla here expresses sympathy, in other words [what is meant is] ‘have pity on it [your self] by alleviating [the burden of] this distress’).
Sahih International
If We willed, We could send down to them from the sky a sign for which their necks would remain humbled.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
If We will We will send down to them a sign from the heaven before which their necks will remain (fa-zallat, [although grammatically in the past tense] is being used in the sense of the imperfect tense) bowed in humility, and they will believe (since ‘necks’ are described as ‘bowed in humility’, [a status] which in fact refers to those who possess them, the adjectival form [khādi‘ūn, ‘bowed in humility’] used therein is the one [normally] used for rational beings).
Sahih International
And no revelation comes to them anew from the Most Merciful except that they turn away from it.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
And there would never come to them from the Compassionate One any remembrance, any [revelation from the] Qur’ān, that is new (muhdathin, is an explicative adjective) but that they used to disregard it.
Sahih International
For they have already denied, but there will come to them the news of that which they used to ridicule.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Verily then they have denied, it; but soon there will come to them the news, the consequences, of that which they used to deride.
Sahih International
Did they not look at the earth - how much We have produced therein from every noble kind?
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Have they not contemplated, observed, the earth, how many We have caused to grow therein, in other words, [We have caused to grow therein] many, of every splendid kind [of vegetation], [of every] fair species.
Sahih International
Indeed in that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Surely in that there is a sign, an indication of the perfection of His power, exalted be He; but most of them, in God’s knowledge, are not believers (kāna here according to Sībawayhi is extra).
Sahih International
And indeed, your Lord - He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
And surely your Lord, He is the Mighty One, Who will exact vengeance from the disbelievers, the Merciful, Who shows mercy to believers.
Sahih International
And [mention] when your Lord called Moses, [saying], "Go to the wrongdoing people -
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
And, mention, O Muhammad (s), to your people, when your Lord called to Moses, on the night he saw the fire and the bush, [saying]: ‘Go to the wrongdoing folk, as a messenger,