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Surah / Chapter



Lots of new updates! (to top)

Posted on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 at 10:19 AM

As salamu `alaykum wa rahmatulLahi wa barakatuHu,

Below is a list of new features that have just been added to Quran.com!


The following languages have been added:

  • Albanian (H. Sherif Ahmeti)
  • Chinese (HKIYA)
  • Czech (Preklad I. Hrbek)
  • Farsi (Naser Makarem Shirazi [مکارم شیرازی])
  • Finnish (Z.I. Ahsan Boere)
  • Hausa (Saudi Qur'an Institute)
  • Korean (Saudi Qur'an Institute)
  • Malay (Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih)
  • Maranao (Abdul Aziz Guroalim Saromantang)
  • Norwegian (Einar Berg)
  • Swedish (Mohammed Knut Johan Richard Bernström)
  • Thai (Arab University Alumni Association)
  • Uzbek (Мухаммад Содик)

The following languages have been modified and/or updated to fix errors that were discovered:

  • German (Al-Azhar Islamic University)
  • Japanese (Saudi Qur'an Institute)
  • Polish (Józef Bielawski)
  • Somali (Mahmud Muhammad Abduh)


Tafsir al-Jalalayn (تفسير الجلالين) has been added, and can be viewed under the Arabic language box on any Surah (chapter) page.

NEW Search Engine!

Al-hamdu lilLah, we now have a brand new search engine! Features include much better performance, and the launch of the NEW Phonetic Search feature! Just click "search tips" at the top for more information!

About Page

A new About page has been added, that describes more details about this project, and about the Holy Qur'an, along with external resource links and credit links to a few of the data sources used. This page can be visited by clicking the "About" link at the bottom of the site, or by clicking here.

Printer Friendly

This website is now printer-friendly! Now, if you want to print a specific surah (chapter) or range of ayat (verses), you're printer will deliver exactly what you want, without printing the extra controls or menus from the site. Try a print preview on a Surah page today!

Network of Websites

Quran.com is now part of a network of online Islamic resources, with the aim at delivering many of the resrouces you may find useful. And as such, you will find a new toolbar at the top of this website, with links to other network sites. The other sites include QuranicAudio.com, a source for high quality recitations of the Qur'an, and Waqt.org, a source for prayer times of cities worldwide.

We hope you find benefit in these updates, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Jazakum Allahu khayr was salamu `alaykum wa rahmatulLahi wa barakatuHu

9 more languages have been added (to top)

Posted on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008 at 5:18 PM

Al-hamdu lilLah, in addition to yesterday's 10 new language sets, 9 more language sets of the holy Qur'an have been launched today!

You will notice these new language sets in the "Language" box on the left hand side, whenever visiting a surah page.

The languages that have been added are:

  • Azerbaijani (Məmmədəliyev & Bünyadov)
  • Bosnian (Besim Korkut)
  • Malayalam (Cheriyamundam & Parappur)
  • Polish (Józefa Bielawskiego)
  • Romanian (George Grigore)
  • Somali (Ali Muhsin Al-Barwani)
  • Tatar (Yakub b. Nugman)
  • Turkish (Elmalili Mohammad Hamdí Yazir)
  • Urdu (Fateh Muhammad Jalandhry)

Jazakum Allahu khayr was salamu `alaykum wa rahmatulLahi wa barakatuHu

10 new languages have been added (to top)

Posted on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008 at 10:32 AM

Al-hamdu lilLah, 10 new language sets of the holy Qur'an have been launched!

Now, whenever you visit a surah page, you will notice a new box on the left hand side, under "Languages":

Language Box

The languages that have been added are:

  • Dutch (Dr. Salomo Keyzer)
  • French (Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah)
  • German (Shaykh A. S. F. Bubenheim and Dr. N. Elyas)
  • Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
  • Italian (Hamza Roberto Piccardo)
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese (Professor Samir El-Hayek)
  • Russian (Kuliev E. [Эльмир Кулиев])
  • Spanish (Julio Cortes)
  • Swahili

...and more languages are to come in sha' Allah. If you would like to see a specific language set added, please feel free to contact us.

Jazakum Allahu khayr was salamu `alaykum wa rahmatulLahi wa barakatuHu

Qur'an search engine goes live (to top)

Posted on Wednesday, March 5th, 2008 at 6:33 AM

Al-hamdu lilLah, the Qur'an search has finally been launched!

Now you may search the Qur'an in every language!

Simply enter a word or phrase to search, and explore the results in the Holy Qur'an. Clicking on the "Search Tips" link below the search bar returns some example queries:

While Phonetic search has not been launched yet, there are plans for that in the near future in sha' Allah.

If you have any requests or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

Jazakum Allahu khayran was salamu `alaykum

Audio recitations are added (to top)

Posted on Monday, February 11th, 2008 at 11:41 PM

Al-hamdu lilLah, audio recitation of the holy Qur'an has now been added!

Now, on any surah page, there is a media player on the top of the page that will play the current surah selected:

Clicking on the play button will expand the player to give you more options:

The qari who recites in the current recitation set is Tawfeeq as-Sayegh. More quraa' will be added and there are also plans to launch an ayah-by-ayah recitation system in sha' Allah.

If you have any requests or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

News box is added (to top)

Posted on Thursday, December 6th, 2007 at 5:37 PM

This is a small update, but to bring more attention to the news portion of this site, a news box has been added to the left column. The news updates will be an important way of staying up to date with all of this site's new additions.

Please stay tuned for more updates in sha' Allah.

Qur'an site launched (to top)

Posted on Friday, November 23rd, 2007 at 6:27 PM

Today marks the first official release of this Qur'an site. Al-hamdu wa shukru lilLah!

While there is still plenty of development underway, we decided to launch this site in its early stages to allow for the most important part of the project: browsing the Qur'an. There are still several other features we are planning on implementing in sha' Allah. These are just a few:

  • Powerful search engine to search the entire Qur'an in all languages.
  • Phonetic search function to also search by transliteration.
  • Offering the Qur'an in several other languages.
  • Verse-by-verse recitation of the Qur'an.

If you have any ideas, would like to help out, or have any questions, please visit our contacts page.

Please keep this project in your du`a'.
Jazakum Allahu khayran was salamu `alaykum.
